168 research outputs found


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    Herba sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang banyak digunakan secara tradisional untuk mengobati malaria. Dari beberapa penelitian pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan, diketahui bahwa ekstrak tanaman ini mempunyai daya hambat Plasmodium falciparu


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    Malaria merupakan salah satu penyakit tropis utama di seluruh dunia. Penanggulangan penyakit malaria telah banyak dilakukan baik terhadap vektor nyamuk maupun penggunaan kemoterapi . Problem utama yang dihadapi adalah munculnya resistensi parasit terhadap kemoterapi maupun resitensi vektor terhadap insektisida. Oleh karena itu perlu dicari altematif lain dalam penanggulangan penyakit ini. Disamping penemuan kemoterapi bam dan pengembangan vaksin, cara lain yang dapat dilakukan dalam penanggulangan malaria yaitu dengan mengembangkan konsep pengobatan imunoterapi baik senyawa sintesis maupun bahaa alam (dan tanaman) yang dapat meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh terhadap infeksi malari

    Anti-Breast Cancer Potency of Multistage Extraction from Jamur Dewa (Agaricus blazei Murill) Solvents on MCF-7 Cells

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    ABM (Agaricus blazei Murill) is a basidiomycetes fungus. ABM is used by people for the treatment of diabetes, antihypertention, anticholesterol, anticancer, and immunostimulant. ABM contains terpene, steroids, agaritine, vitamin C, vitamin E, and betaglucane. In this research, ABM extract was tested as an anti-breast cancer in vitro using MCF-7 breast cancer cells. The extract was obtained from the multistage extraction process of several solvents in turn, the solvent used, among others, n-hexane, dichloromethane (DCM), chloroform, ethyl acetate, butanol, and water. The results of the research were the obtained IC50 value from n-hexane extract 247,17 μg /ml; extract DCM 227μg/ml ; chloroform extract 215,64 μg /ml ; extract of ethyl acetate 234,9 μg/ml ; butanol extract 500,78 μg/ml; while the water extract was inactive. Based on these results can be considered for further research to fractionate in order to know which class compounds have the potency as anticancer within the extracts.Key words : Agaricus blazei, multistage extraction, MCF-7 cells


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    Di Indonesia penyakit malaria masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Plasmodium falciparum merupakan penyebab malaria yang terbanyak. Dengan ditemukannya Plasmodium faloiparum yang resisten terhadap klorokuin, maka perlu adanya usaha pencarian obat baru yang lebih tangguh, baik yang berasal dari tanaman ruaupun sintesis. Herba sambi lata banyak digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional di Indonesia, diantaranya untuk mengobati penyakit malaria. Untuk melengkapi data mengenai khasiat tanaman ini maka dilakukan penelitian uji antimalaria dari ekstrak non polar dan semi polar herba sambi lata terhadap Plasmodium faloiparum secara in vitro. Untuk melakukan pengujian efek antimalaria secara in vitro ini diperlukan biakan Plasmodium falciparLllt1. Biakan yang dipakai adalah 1-2300, dibiakkan dengan metode Trager dan Jensen dengan cara candle jar dengan media biak RPMI 1640, HEPES buffer, Gentaruisin Sulfat. NaHC03. serum dan sel darah merah manusia. Pembiakan dil~kukan dalam eksikator kaca yang diberi nyala lilin dan inkubasi dalam inkubator pada suhu 37° C. Medium biak diganti secara berkala tiap 24 jam. Stadium Plasmodium falciparum yang diperlukan untuk pengujian ini adalah trophozoit muda yang berbentuk cincin yang diperoleh dengan cara sinkronisasi dalam larutan sorbitol 5% b/v. Uji efek antimalaria kedua fraksi herba sambilata dilakukan dalam lempeng sumur mikro. Ke dalaru lempeng sumur mikro yang telah diberi ekstrak dengan berbagai konsentrasi, diberi 50 ul suspensi Plasmodium fa.lciparum. Inkubasi dalam inkubator pada suhu 37°C selama 24 jam. Hasil UJ1 dievaluasi dengan cara membuat preparat tetes darah tebal, dengan pewarna Giemsa. Jumlah skizon yang hidup dihitung terhadap 200 aseksual parasit dipakai sebagai kriteria efek antimalaria. Dari hasil pengamatan diperoleh bahwa fraksi petroleum eter dan fraksi kloroform herba sambi lata mempunyai aktivitas menghambat pertumbuhan Plasmodium fa.loiparum secara in vitro. Dari hasil analisis data dengan metode anava, dapat disimpulkan bahwa : Ekstrak non polar dan semi polar dari h~rba sambilat~ vitro. -Ada perbedaan pengaruh dari masing-masing fraksi terhadap % penghambatan pertumbuhan Plasmodium f8.loip8.rum secara in vitro. -Ada perbedaan pengaruh dari roasing-masing konsentrasi terhadap % penghambatan pertumbuhan Plasmodium f8.lcip8.rl.1D1 seoara in vitro. -Fraksi petroleum eter pada konsentrasi 10.000 ug/ml dan 1000 ug/ml mempunyai efektivitas yang sama dengan klorokuin difosfat, sedang fraksi kloroform pada konsentrasi 10.000 ug/ml

    In vitro antimalarial activity of dichloromethane subfraction of Eucalyptus globulus L stem against Plasmodium falciparum

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    Malarra rs a triou: iniectiour disease cdujcd by proto:oan parasrtcs in tropiraland tubtrop 'C8l re6ion!. ln 1010. olalatia wds clxlcllrr itr aboul I0{ (ountrie' worldwide and approxinrately 219 million care{ of maleria <aus€d 660.000 dcaths. Approximately 90 t6 ot malar' ia d€athr occur in Alrica {WHO, 2C12l. Globrl spread ot muttlOle drug-resinant malara has b€come a maior health probl€m and efforts to gearch tor n€w antimalarral are needed. Iu(aryptus globulur rs;l plont of the i^/nace ae fam'ly that in lndones|a commonly tnorvn Bs k3yu gubh and empi(ically uted ir! an anfipyrenc (Ba(1e., 1968)- ln Brarrl. t gtobulu: :s uged ar.)n antimalarial plants lNa8p3l et al.,2010) ln Camc/@n, E. globulus. Gr,ca papa'ya and ptrdrum P.unrwa leaves are mixed ind borled as a decoaion thdt is d.unk for the treatrlrnt of malaria lfiranl et Jl, 2008). ln veneruela, E. globulus leayes is borlod a9 de. cocdon for thc treatment of malar€ (C"]rbJllo er al., 2004) Our prel'm,nary rtudy showed that rhf 8036 ethtsnol erl.ict "rnd dichlo.omathJne f.a(tlon werc very aci\,p a, dr' .rntimala.iai Nith lC50 of O.O9O Fg/r.1L and 0.O22 trg/lrlt. respechvely. Ihrs stuill .iim! to qeparale lhc drchloro.x"thane lrJ(tion and lo tes! a.rt'rnal.rr|al d(!iyity ol i:! tubfrJLlion

    The Marker Active Compound Identification of Calotropis gigantea Roots Extract as an Anticancer

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    Calotropis gigantiea (L.) R. Br (Apocynaceae) commonly called as “Biduri” or “giant milk weed” is a well-known weed to many cultures for treating various disorders. Several studies reported that C.gigantea roots has anticancer activity. The main aim of this research was to isolate and identify an active marker compound of C.gigantea roots for quality control purpose of its extract in the development as anticancer natural product. The isolation methods was bioactivity guided column chromatography, TLC and HPLC. Evaluated anticancer activity of there substances using MTT assay methods. Identification structure active compound by UV, 1HNMR, 13CNMR, HMBC, HMQC spectral and other references. The result showed that the marker active compound was identical as Calotropin

    Cytotoxic effect of crude extract and fraction from Calotropis Gigantea leaves on human colon cancer widr cell lines

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    Objectives: This paper sought to understand and determine the cytotoxic’s effects of crude extract and its fraction from Calotropis gigantea leaves on human colon cancer WiDr cell lines. Methods: The ethanolic extract was fractionated gradually with certain substances to yield four fractions. The substances were dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and butanol. The four fractions resulted in dichloromethane fraction, ethyl acetate fraction, butanol fraction, and a water fraction. These fractions were then investigated for their cytotoxic effects on WiDr cells. The cell viability was assessed using MTT colorimetric assay. Results: The result indicated that the cytotoxic effects of the ethanolic extract (IC5048.5 μg/ml), ethyl acetate fraction (IC5041.79 μg/ml), and dichloromethane fraction (IC5040.57μg/ml) produced a much more potent effect than the butanol fraction (IC50 737.74 μg/ml) and water fraction (IC508493 μg/ml). Conclusion: The ethanolic extract, ethyl acetate fraction and dichloromethane fraction exhibited a potent cytotoxic effect on human colon cancer WiDr cell line. The crude extract and fractions are potential to be developed as an anticancer agent in colon cancer therapy

    Ekstrak etanol akar dan daun dari tanaman Calotropis gigantea aktif menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker kolon WiDr secara in vitro

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan aktivitas antikanker ekstrak etanol bagian akar, daun dan bunga dari tanaman Calotropis gigantea terhadap sel kanker kolon WiDr. Pengujian efek penghambatan pertumbuhan antikanker dilakukan dengan metode MTT. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol bagian akar dan daun Calotropis gigantea mempunyai aktivitas antikanker terhadap sel kanker kolon WiDr yang lebih tinggi berturut turut dengan IC50 44.20 μg/ml; 48.50 μg/ml dibanding bagian bunga (IC50 3576 μg/ml) sehingga bagian akar dan daun dapat direkomendasikan untuk uji lebih lanjut dalam pengembangan fitofarmaka

    New compounds of pregnanone from Calotropis gigantea roots actively against colon cancer cell WiDr through cell cycle inhibition

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    Calotropis gigantea (L.) W. Aiton (C. gigantea) is a medicinal plant that has been empirically proven to have anticancer activity. In a previous study, it showed that the fraction of ethyl acetate from the root part of C. gigantea had higher anticancer activity than the other fractions. It suspected that the ethyl acetate fraction of C. gigantea root contained active compounds that has anticancer properties. This study aimed to determine the anticancer activity of active compounds from the ethyl acetate fraction of C. gigantea root regarding induction of apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, and expression of caspase-8 colon cancer cell WiDr. Isolation of the active compounds from the ethyl acetate fraction of C. gigantea root was carried out using Bioassay-guided Isolation method. Identification of active compounds was using NMR-1H, NMR-13C, HMBC, HMQC and UPLCMS/MS methods. The anticancer activity test of the identified compounds performed by using MTT method. The induction of apoptotic and cell cycle arrest evaluated by a flow cytometry method. The result of this study showed two active compounds were identified namely (1) (Pregnanon-5-en, 3,14,17 trihydroxy-12- (4'-cyclohexyl benzoate) -, (3β, 12β, 14β) - (9CI), (2) Pregn-5-en-20-one, 3,8,14 trihydroxy-12 - [(4'-hydroxy benzoyl) oxy] -, (3β, 12β, 14β, 17α) - (9CI). Both compounds inhibited the growth of colon cancer cell WiDr with IC50 values respectively were 15.89 μg/mL and 0.77 μg/mL. Both compounds increased the induction of apoptotic by increasing sub-G1, S, and G2-M following depletion of G0-G1 phase accumulation

    Comparison the anticancer effect of extract and fraction calotropis gigantea radix on human colon cancer WiDr and breast cancer t47d cell lines

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    The anticancer effect of extract And fraction Calotropis gigantea radix on human colon cancer WiDr And Breast Cancer T47D Cell Lines have been evaluated. The ethanolic extract was fractionated gradually with dicloromethane (DCM), ethyl acetate (EA) and butanol (BuOH) to yield four fractions including DCM fraction, EA fraction, BuOH fraction and water fraction. The anticancer effect was performed using MTT method. The IC50 was used to express the anticancer potency. The result showed that extract and fraction of Calotropis gigantea radix have much more potent to colon cancer WiDr than breast cancer T47D cell lines. IC50 on WiDr cell lines were etanol extract (44,2 µg/ml), DCM fraction (14,92 µg/ml), EA fraction (1,25 µg/ml), BuOH fraction (1,12 µg/ml) dan water fraction (>1000 µg/ml). IC50 on T47D cell lines were etanol extract (89,75 µg/ml), DCM fraction (131,29 µg/ml), EA fraction (55,89 µg/ml), BuOH fraction (96,72 µg/ml), water fraction (>1000 µg/ml). DCM, EA and BuOH fractions are potential to be developed as an anticancer agent in colon cancer therapy