970 research outputs found

    A perspective on critical security concept and international migration nexus through Copenhagen School: The quest for societal security

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    This study dwells on the quest for a critical security perspective on international migration. Therefore, how international migration could be perceived through critical security studies is the main research question of this study. Critical Security Studies (CSS) or Welsh School of security studies emerged after Robert Cox’s debate between problem-solving and critical theories, especially after the 1990s. In this respect, CSS focus on questioning the mainstream theories and their interpretation of security. Instead of accepting the state as the referent object, critical security studies provide other elements that may be threatened, so that related to the security. On the one hand, CSS is, therefore, critical against the traditional approaches to security as realism and liberalism. Securitization, on the other hand, as Copenhagen School provided a speech act to put an issue into the field of security. International migration is one of the accurate examples of securitization. In this study, we employed CSS and securitization perspectives to international migration to understand how international migration could be assessed through critical theories

    Amerikan stratejik kültürü ve dış politikasını Robert Kagan üzerinden anlamak: Bir inceleme

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    This study is an outcome of the IR663 Ph.D. level course at METU Department of International Relations. Hence, the author wants to thank Prof.Dr. Huseyin Bagci, the instructor of the course, for his guidance and support.This paper aims to understand how the American strategic culture and perception of security have been shaped over time and what its main features are. American strategic culture has been nourished from the historical, geographical, and political realities of the country. Being a country founded by immigrants, making a great America was also part of the nation-building process. Moreover, the continent's geographical conditions have led the United States of America to be a more powerful state to intervene in political and military issues worldwide. According to Robert Kagan, the interventionist character, the role of security provider, and disfavoring the international law and organizations are the American foreign policy's main features. In this respect, this paper focuses on these three aspects and evaluate them in its limitation. Although there are many studies upon American foreign policy, this study diverges itself from the existing literature by putting Robert Kagan’s interpretations to its center.Bu çalışma, Amerikan stratejik kültürü ve güvenlik algısının zamanla nasıl şekillendiğini ve temel özelliklerinin neler olduğunu anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Amerikan stratejik kültürü, ülkenin tarihsel, coğrafi ve siyasal gerçekliklerinden beslenmektedir. Göçmenler tarafından kurulmuş bir ülke olarak Amerika’nın güçlü bir ülke yapılması aynı zamanda ulus inşası sürecinin de bir parçasıydı. Dahası, kıtanın coğrafi koşulları Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ni dünya çapında siyasal ve askeri olaylara müdahale etmek için daha da güçlü bir devlet yapmaya itmiştir. Robert Kagan’a göre, müdahalecilik, güvenlik sağlayıcılık ve uluslararası hukuku ve organizasyonları ikinci plana atmak Amerikan dış politikasının temel özellikleridir. Bu bağlamda çalışma, bu üç boyuta odaklanmakta ve bunları değerlendirerek kısıtlanmıştır. Amerikan dış politikası üzerine yazılmış birçok çalışma olsa da bu çalışma Robert Kagan’ın yaklaşımlarını merkeze alarak kendini mevcut literatürden farklılaştırmaktadır

    Why is there no Third World War yet?

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    This study questions why World War III (WWIII) has not happened in more than 75 years since World War II (WWII). World War I (WWI) and WWII were among the most significant events of the 20th century in political and military terms. However, the process that ended with WWI and WWII had started at least in the 19th century. The imbalance in the international area, uneven armament, lack of the global economic market, and non-existence of international organizations triggered WWI and WWII. In this regard, this study analyzes the lack of WWIII through two main theories of International Relations (IR). The economic interdependence and the emergence of the global market from the liberal perspective as well as the international law and organizations and increasing armament and balance of terror through realism have been used to understand why there is no WWIII yet.Táto štúdia kladie otázku, prečo sa tretia svetová vojna neodohrala viac ako 75 rokov od druhej svetovej vojny. Prvá svetová vojna a druhá svetová vojna patrili medzi najvýznamnejšie udalosti 20. storočia z politického a vojenského hľadiska. Proces, ktorý sa skončil prvou a druhou svetovou vojnou, sa však začal minimálne v 19. storočí. Nerovnováha v medzinárodnom priestore, nerovnomerné vyzbrojovanie, neexistencia globálneho ekonomického trhu a neexistencia medzinárodných organizácií spustili prvú a druhú svetovú vojnu. V tejto súvislosti táto štúdia analyzuje nedostatok tretej svetovej vojny prostredníctvom dvoch hlavných teórií medzinárodných vzťahov. Na pochopenie absencie tretej svetovej vojny sa použivaju vzájomná ekonomická závislosť a vznik globálneho trhu z pohľadu liberálizmu a medzinárodné právo, organizácie, zvyšujúce sa vyzbrojovanie, a vyváženie teroru z pohľadu realizmu. Vzájomná ekonomická závislosť a vznik globálneho trhu z perspektívy liberalizmu, ako aj medzinárodného práva a organizácií a zvyšujúce sa vyzbrojovanie a vyváženie teroru prostredníctvom realizmu boli použité na pochopenie, prečo ešte nie je 3. svetová vojna

    Traditional economists or third worldists? the effect of intellectual property rights on economic growth in developing countries

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    This study investigates the effect of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) on economic growth in 76 developing countries using panel data analysis over the period of 2008-2019. IPRs and the economic growth relationship have been discussed in the empirical literature. On the other hand, Third World Approach to International Law (TWAIL) scholars promote the idea that international law is a hegemonic tool of developed countries, and IPRs may be subjected to their arguments due to the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Agreements (TRIPs). Results provide that IPRs positively and significantly affect economic growth in developing countries, whereas there is no U-Shaped relationship between them. The study suggests that IPRs protection should be highlighted in developing countries to achieve greater economic growth, and approves the perspective of traditional economists’ approach over TWAILers

    Hedonic and Utilitarian Aspect of Traditional Retail Shopping

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    Consumption consists of quite different concepts compared to the recent past consumption patterns. Traditional retailing has been evolving into online shopping which is getting out of timing/placing limits in this process. This transformation force traditional retailers to present something more than a mere shopping. This research aims to investigate face-to-face shopping from traditional retailers in contexts of hedonism and utilitarianism. A total of 263 respondents participated in the survey. As a result, there were no significant difference between male and female consumers in traditional retail shopping on the utilitarian aspect, but the difference for hedonism were significant. Female customers tend to shop more hedonic. Marital status does not affect the hedonic or utilitarian aspect; but there was significant difference found between employed and unemployed consumers. Unemployed consumers were found to be more hedonic in traditional retail shopping behavior

    Hedonic and Utilitarian Aspect of Traditional Retail Shopping

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    Consumption consists of quite different concepts compared to the recent past consumption patterns. Traditional retailing has been evolving into online shopping which is getting out of timing/placing limits in this process. This transformation force traditional retailers to present something more than a mere shopping. This research aims to investigate face-to-face shopping from traditional retailers in contexts of hedonism and utilitarianism. A total of 263 respondents participated in the survey. As a result, there were no significant difference between male and female consumers in traditional retail shopping on the utilitarian aspect, but the difference for hedonism were significant. Female customers tend to shop more hedonic. Marital status does not affect the hedonic or utilitarian aspect; but there was significant difference found between employed and unemployed consumers. Unemployed consumers were found to be more hedonic in traditional retail shopping behavior

    Effects of Business Education on Consumer Awareness and Conscious Consumption

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    Consumer awareness and conscious consumption are well known concepts that gained higher value in time. Increased communication networks and tools let people to reach information sources about products and companies easier and faster. Consumer mind is affected by many other factors indeed. Education itself has pretty much effect on these concepts since it begins at very young ages and continues for many years. Most of the students have standard classes until the end of high school but when it comes to the college all of them have different professions according to their departments. While some of the departments are significantly related to the consumption and consumers, some of them are not even close to these topics. Business education is one of the departments in college which focus on consumer in all ways. These students gain different perspective and knowledge, become more informed consumers at the end of business education. This study aims to reveal effects of business education that comprises many consumption and consumer related classes as marketing, brand management, production management etc. on consumer awareness and conscious consumption. Two different student groups will be surveyed for this study. One of the groups consists of first grade students who are brand-new to business education and mostly have general classes. The other group consists of students who are last grade and succeed many consumption and consumer related classes. The data will be analyzed statistically and two groups of students will be compared. This study is important for revealing effects of business education knowledge on consumer awareness and consciousness

    An Analysis Of Smoking Policy Attitudes Of Low- Income Group And Cigarette Consumption Patterns Upon Increased Wage

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    As one of the most threatening issues in human life, smoking has been faced with many public policies in developed and developing countries. Even health issues which are caused by smoking are overwhelmingly known by the communities, smoking keeps its significance by damaging the health and budget which are directly connected with the life quality. Low-income groups who usually work for the minimum wage are one of the most affected parts of the population. Minimum wage has been increased about 30% in Turkey in the last quarter of 2015. This study generally aims to reveal cigarette purchase behaviour of low-income groups in Turkey after the salary increase which is highly critical in the context of purchasing power. Moreover in this paper, the perception of low-income groups to public education and restrictions on smoking public policies will be scrutinized

    Strategic Learning In Recommendation Systems

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    Effective personalization can help firms reduce their customers’ search costs and enhance customer loyalty. The personalization process consists of two important activities: learning and matching. Learning involves collecting data from a customer’s interactions with the firm and then making inferences from the data about the customer’s profile. Matching requires identifying which products to recommend or links to provide for making a sale. Prior research has typically looked at each activity in isolation. For instance, recent research has studied how a user’s profile can be inferred quickly by offering items (links) that help discriminate user classes. Research on matching has typically assumed that all the recommendations in an interaction are made to generate immediate sales. We examine the problem of identifying items to offer such that both learning and matching are taken into consideration, thereby enabling the firm to achieve higher payoffs in the long run