34 research outputs found

    Biomarker responses in fish from Frierfjorden and Eidanger

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    Ã…rsliste 2004There have been high inputs of dioxins and dibenzofurans into the Frierfjord. The aim of the project reported here was to clarify whether there were observable responses in fish collected from Frierfjord and the adjacent Eidangerfjord that could be associated with exposure to dioxins and dibenzofurans. Three species of fish, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), trout (Salmo trutta) and flounder (Platichthys flesus) were sampled during three field campaigns. Other results have shown that the two areas did not differ by more than a factor 2 to 3 in dioxin exposure. In both cod and trout, individuals from Frierfjord generally had higher activity and level of cytochrome P4501A than fish from Eidangerfjord, indicating that the 2-3 times higher dioxin exposure causes increased phase-I enzyme activity. Cod and flounder from both areas had much higher hepatic cytochrome P4501A activity than that seen in reference areas. Differences between the three species were apparent for both phase-II and antioxidant enzyme responses. It can be concluded that dioxin inputs in to the fjord does affect fish in the area and that the effects decreased with decreasing exposure.Norwegian Research Council Norsk Hydr

    Resipientundersøkelser i Ballangsfjorden 2000. Kildesporing, metallinnhold i fisk og blåskjell samt mulige effekter på fisk

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    Årsliste 2001Torsk, rødspette, sandflyndre og blåskjell fra Ballangsfjorden kunne i hovedsak karakteriseres som ubetydelig til lite forurenset. Konsentrasjoner av metaller (Pb, Hg, Cd, Ni, Cu) og arsen (As) klart over bakgrunnsnivåer, ble kun observert i ytre del av Ballangsfjorden og da for Hg i sandflyndre (ca 2.5 x antatt bakgrunn) og muligens As i rødspette (meget usikker bakgrunn). Det noe forhøyede Hg-innholdet i sandflyndre kan trolig ikke knyttes til utslipp av avgang til Ballangsfjorden. I torskelever er blyisotopsammensetningen (206Pb/207Pb forhold) mer lik avgang fra Bjørkåsen gruver enn fra Nikkel og Olivin A/S. Isotopforholdet i skjell fra den indre stasjonen (BI) er mer likt forholdet i avgang (begge typer) enn skjell fra den ytre stasjonen. Isotopanalysene kan tyde på at kilden til den diffuse belastningen på skjell i ytre område er forskjellig fra den noe tydeligere påvirkning observert i torskelever. I begge tilfeller synes imidlertid andre blykilder enn de to avgangstyper (muligens markavrenning og atmosfæretransportert bly) å være fremtredende. Totalt sett tyder blyisotopsammensettningen på at avgang fra Nikkel og Olivin A/S ikke er en betydelig kilde for bly i organismer i Ballangsfjorden. Biomarkøranalyser viser at metaller i avgangen fra gruvedriften ikke gir noen tydelige effekter på fisk. Beregninger antyder at man kan spise 150 kg pr. uke med fiskefilet før FNs anbefalinger for maksimalt inntak av Pb og Cd nås. Tilsvarende verdier for torskelever og blåskjell ligger på mer enn 2.3 kg pr. uke. Beregninger for Hg og As gir et trygt konsum av fiskefilet i området 1.2-25 og 0.7-12.2 kg pr uke. Hg innholdet i sandflyndre og As innholdet i filet av rødspette (begge fra ytre område) er de forbindelser/vev som tillater lavest konsum. Med utgangspunkt i FNs (JECFA) anbefalinger (PTWI/PMTDI) synes det lite trolig at de observerte metallkonsentrasjoner har betydning for bruken av fjorden. Det er imidlertid SNT som er den rette instans for å avgjøre den endelige betydningen for spiselighet av de konsentrasjoner av metaller og arsen som er funnet i fisk og blåskjell fra Ballangsfjorden.Nikkel og Olivin A/

    Differential Carbohydrate Recognition by Campylobacter jejuni Strain 11168: Influences of Temperature and Growth Conditions

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    The pathogenic clinical strain NCTC11168 was the first Campylobacter jejuni strain to be sequenced and has been a widely used laboratory model for studying C. jejuni pathogenesis. However, continuous passaging of C. jejuni NCTC11168 has been shown to dramatically affect its colonisation potential. Glycan array analysis was performed on C. jejuni NCTC11168 using the frequently passaged, non-colonising, genome sequenced (11168-GS) and the infrequently passaged, original, virulent (11168-O) isolates grown or maintained under various conditions. Glycan structures recognised and bound by C. jejuni included terminal mannose, N-acetylneuraminic acid, galactose and fucose. Significantly, it was found that only when challenged with normal oxygen at room temperature did 11168-O consistently bind to sialic acid or terminal mannose structures, while 11168-GS bound these structures regardless of growth/maintenance conditions. Further, binding of un-capped galactose and fucosylated structures was significantly reduced when C. jejuni was maintained at 25°C under atmospheric oxygen conditions. These binding differences identified through glycan array analysis were confirmed by the ability of specific lectins to competitively inhibit the adherence of C. jejuni to a Caco-2 intestinal cell line. Our data suggests that the binding of mannose and/or N-acetylneuraminic acid may provide the initial interactions important for colonisation following environmental exposure

    Utslipp til Holandsfjorden fra Nordland Betong A/S. Befaring 1. september 1999

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    Nordland Betong A/S driver sanduttak til betongproduksjon i Fonndalen ved Holandsfjord i Nordland. De siste tre år har driften medført utslipp av 25.000 tonn masse til fjorden per år, hvorav ca. 95% er så kalt finsand (Ø=0,075-2mm). NIVA gjennomførte en befaring i området september 1999. Målet var å få et bilde av partiklenes spredning og avdekke eventuelle negative effekter av utslippet. Dykkeundersøkelsene viste en sterk og klar påvirkning på det marine miljø. Denne ble mindre, og potensielt vanskeligere å skille fra andre påvirkningskilder, når en beveget seg bort fra utslippet. Ca. 200m øst for utslippet var nedslammingen mindre, men fortsatt betydelig. Ca. 200m vest for utslippet kunne påvirkningen anses som liten. Antall og forekomst av alger og dyr økte med avstanden fra utslippet. Påvirkningen på dyp større enn 30m er ukjent, men antas å være betydelig i området rundt utslippet

    Biomarker responses in fish from Frierfjorden and Eidanger

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    There have been high inputs of dioxins and dibenzofurans into the Frierfjord. The aim of the project reported here was to clarify whether there were observable responses in fish collected from Frierfjord and the adjacent Eidangerfjord that could be associated with exposure to dioxins and dibenzofurans. Three species of fish, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), trout (Salmo trutta) and flounder (Platichthys flesus) were sampled during three field campaigns. Other results have shown that the two areas did not differ by more than a factor 2 to 3 in dioxin exposure. In both cod and trout, individuals from Frierfjord generally had higher activity and level of cytochrome P4501A than fish from Eidangerfjord, indicating that the 2-3 times higher dioxin exposure causes increased phase-I enzyme activity. Cod and flounder from both areas had much higher hepatic cytochrome P4501A activity than that seen in reference areas. Differences between the three species were apparent for both phase-II and antioxidant enzyme responses. It can be concluded that dioxin inputs in to the fjord does affect fish in the area and that the effects decreased with decreasing exposure

    Overview of test-systems and other information relevant for evaluating harmful effects in the marine environment from the use of anti-fouling paints on ships

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    The International maritime Organization (IMO) has agreed to a plan to implement a ban on the use of organotin for antifouling on large ships. One element in this plan was to establish a mechanism for addressing and evaluating antifouling systems other than those based on organotin. It was agreed that the mechanism for addressing antifouling systems should include a list of restricted antifouling systems. An expert group established by IMO will review proposals aiming at an inclusion of an antifouling agent/system on this list. The environmental data available to the experts will be of a composite nature covering physical/chemical properties, toxicity tests and community related observations in experimental ecosystems (mesocosms) and in the field. Understanding the full environmental relevance of different types of test results is difficult, even for experts. This report is meant to be a guide to how different types of test results and observations can be evaluated but is not intended as a ready to use manual on how to perform stringent evaluations It is anticipated that the report will be a contribution from Norwegian Maritime Directorate (NMD) to the efforts in IMO to establish methods for addressing and evaluating antifouling systems proposed to be included in the list of restricted substances

    Fisk og byttedyr fra Grenlandsfjordene - Datarapport for analyser av fett, PCDF/D, n.o. PCB, PCN og stabile isotoper av nitrogen og karbon (&13C, &15N)

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    Dette er en datarapport for delprosjekt 3. Biologiske prosesser (opptak, flyt og effekter) i programpakken "Dioksiner i Grenlandsfjordene og presenterer data for analyse av polyklorerte dibenzofuraner/dibenzo-p-dioksiner (PCDF/D), fettinnhold samt bestemmelse av 13C, 15N i villfisk og byttedyr fra Frierfjorden og Breviksfjorden. Feltarbeidet for innsamling av materialet ble gjennomført med utgangspunkt i tokt med F/F G.M. Dannevig [samarbeidstokt med Havforskningsinstituttet (HI)]. Fire tokt for innsamling av organismer til miljøgiftanalyser ble gjennomført. Det ble observert en tendens til noe høyere fettinnhold i fisk fra Frierfjorden enn i Eidangerfjorden. Ingen systematiske forskjeller i fettinnhold i samme art/gruppe av byttedyr ble observert mellom de to fjordene. Alle fiskearter unntak sild hadde høyere 13C, 15N verdier i Eidangerfjorden enn i Frierfjorden. Dette kan tyde på kun en begrenset utveksling av torsk, skrubbe og sjøørret mellom de to fjordområdene. Hovedtrenden i dataene for 15N i sediment, detritus, alger og byttedyr ga økende verdier i følgende rekkefølge:sediment/detritus, alger, små evertebrater, småfisk. For evertebrater var det noe høyere verdier av både 15N og 13C i Eidangerfjorden enn i Frierfjorden. I all fisk og i poensielle byttedyr for fisk dominerte furaner fremfor dioksiner. Det var gjennomgående noe høyere konsentrasjoner i fisk og byttedyr fra Frierfjorden enn fra Eidangerfjorden. For enkelte organismegrupper var imidlertid forskjellen minimal. Heksafuraner synes i hovedsak å være den dominerende gruppe forbindelser i fisk fra begge fjordområdene. I lever skrubbe fra Eidangerfjorden var det imidlertid også et sterkt innslag av pentafuraner og heksafuraner. Oppmalt hel skrubbe inneholdt også en betydelig andel tetrafuraner. I filet av brisling dominerte pentafuranene sammen med heksafuranene. I lever av sild fra Eidangerfjorden dominerte den fullklorerte furanforbindelsen. I strandkrabbe og hestereke dominerte pentafuranene. I børstemark (Nereis) dominerte derimot den fullklorerte furanforbindelsen, muligens som en konsekvens av nær kontakt med sedimentene

    Early glucose metabolism in children at risk for type 1 diabetes based on islet autoantibodies compared to low-risk control groups

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    Abstract Background: Anatomic variation or early differences in glucose metabolism have been linked to the development of type 1 diabetes. We aimed to describe early glucose metabolism based on HbA1c, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and random plasma glucose years before the presentation of type 1 diabetes in five risk groups based on autoantibody combinations. For the first time, we were able to include for comparison children with very low risk of progression to type 1 diabetes. Methods: The Finnish Diabetes Prediction and Prevention birth cohort study screened newborn infants for HLA susceptibility to type 1 diabetes since 1994. Those carrying a risk genotype were prospectively followed up with islet autoantibody testing. Glucose parameters were obtained starting from the time of seroconversion. By 31 August 2014, 1162 children had developed at least one islet autoantibody and were included in the current study. Type 1 diabetes was diagnosed in 335 children (progressors). In the non-progressor groups, 207 developed multiple (≥2) biochemical islet autoantibodies, 229 a single biochemical autoantibody, 370 ICA only, and 64 transient autoantibodies. Children were divided into five risk groups. Glucose metabolism was evaluated. Results: We observed lower HbA1c values in early follow-up 4.5 to 6.0 years before diagnosis in the progressors when compared to the same time in children with a single biochemical autoantibody or low-risk (ICA only and transient) participants, who did not progress to clinical type 1 diabetes. However, no such differences were observed in OGTTs or random plasma glucose. The variation was minimal in glucose values in the low-risk groups. Conclusion: We report the possibility of early alteration in glucose metabolism in future progressors. This could suggest early defects in multiple glucose-regulating hormones

    First-emerging islet autoantibody and glucose metabolism:search for type 1 diabetes subtypes

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    Abstract Objectives: Subtypes in type 1 diabetes pathogenesis have been implicated based on the first-appearing autoantibody (primary autoantibody). We set out to describe the glucose metabolism in preclinical diabetes in relation to the primary autoantibody in children with HLA-conferred disease susceptibility. Design and methods: Dysglycemic markers are defined as a 10% increase in HbA1c in a 3–12 months interval or HbA1c ≥5.9% (41 mmol/mol) in two consecutive samples, impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance, or a random plasma glucose value ≥7.8 mmol/L. A primary autoantibody could be detected in 295 children who later developed at least 1 additional biochemical autoantibody. These children were divided into three groups: insulin autoantibody (IAA) multiple (n  = 143), GAD antibody (GADA) multiple (n  = 126) and islet antigen 2 antibody (IA-2A) multiple (n  = 26). Another 229 children seroconverted to positivity only for a single biochemical autoantibody and were grouped as IAA only (n  = 87), GADA only (n   = 114) and IA-2A only (n  = 28). Results: No consistent differences were observed in selected autoantibody groups during the preclinical period. At diagnosis, children with IAA only showed the highest HbA1c (P < 0.001 between groups) and the highest random plasma glucose (P = 0.005 between groups). Children with IA-2A only progressed to type 1 diabetes as frequently as those with IA-2A multiple (46% vs 54%, P = 0.297) whereas those with IAA only or GADA only progressed less often than children with IAA multiple or GADA multiple (22% vs 62% (P < 0.001) and 7% vs 43% (P < 0.001)), respectively. Conclusions: The phenotype of preclinical diabetes defined by the primary autoantibody is not associated with any discernible differences in glucose metabolism before the clinical disease manifestation

    Structural alterations in a component of cytochrome c oxidase and molecular evolution of pathogenic Neisseria in humans.

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    Three closely related bacterial species within the genus Neisseria are of importance to human disease and health. Neisseria meningitidis is a major cause of meningitis, while Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the agent of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea and Neisseria lactamica is a common, harmless commensal of children. Comparative genomics have yet to yield clear insights into which factors dictate the unique host-parasite relationships exhibited by each since, as a group, they display remarkable conservation at the levels of nucleotide sequence, gene content and synteny. Here, we discovered two rare alterations in the gene encoding the CcoP protein component of cytochrome cbb(3) oxidase that are phylogenetically informative. One is a single nucleotide polymorphism resulting in CcoP truncation that acts as a molecular signature for the species N. meningitidis. We go on to show that the ancestral ccoP gene arose by a unique gene duplication and fusion event and is specifically and completely distributed within species of the genus Neisseria. Surprisingly, we found that strains engineered to express either of the two CcoP forms conditionally differed in their capacity to support nitrite-dependent, microaerobic growth mediated by NirK, a nitrite reductase. Thus, we propose that changes in CcoP domain architecture and ensuing alterations in function are key traits in successive, adaptive radiations within these metapopulations. These findings provide a dramatic example of how rare changes in core metabolic proteins can be connected to significant macroevolutionary shifts. They also show how evolutionary change at the molecular level can be linked to metabolic innovation and its reversal as well as demonstrating how genotype can be used to infer alterations of the fitness landscape within a single host