242 research outputs found

    Lack of Academic-Industrial Liaison in Pakistan – A Quantitative Study

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    The primary focus of this work is to explore the causes and key limitations in Pakistan's current academic-industrial liaison. This work is aimed at highlighting the different forms and benefits and the conditions for the university-business partnership. The study has a quantitative structure and a chosen philosophy of positivism and deductive methodology, and the novel knowledge is obtained through a 5-point Likert Scale questionnaire. Pakistani organizations should help universities to use the views on education programs, learning achievements, practical training, internships and vocational training for businesses contributing to schools. The scientists at the school should also address other issues of the economy and business sector and provide the answers as a guide in the cycle for companies.Keywords: Pakistan; Academic-industry liaison; university-business; Positivism philosophyDOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-2-09Publication date: January 31st 202


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    This purpose of this study is to improve media of Socratic dialogue that has been developed by the previous researcher and to determine the effect of the Socratic dialogue in enhance understanding of heat concept. As a result of prior research, showed students still have a misconception. Data collected from one institution of high school in Malang City using pre and posttest. Student’s conceptual changes that occur previous, during, after will be analyzed based on pretest and posttest scores and rethinking sequence of used record Socratic dialogue media. To explore more in-depth, the researcher conducted interviews with students on this concept. This result showed Socratic dialogue media could help students be aware mistakes or students become convinced if their opinion is correct. This study is important because it uses to improve student’s comprehension to move from the false toward the right concept. In some cases, the result of this study used for recovery and prevent to misconception. It can solve with appear cognitive conflict in the minds of students through Socratic dialogue


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    ABSTRAK MTs Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung adalah madrasah yang telah banyak menorehkan prestasi baik dibidang akademik maupun non akademik baik oleh siswa maupun guru. Namun adanya penurunan nilai hasil uji kompetensi terhadap empat mata pelajaran yang diunggulkan dalam 2 tahun terakhir dan adanya sebagian kalangan yang menilai program kelas unggul hanya memperlebar jurang kesenjangan antar siswa, hal ini menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil pelaksanaan program kelas unggul di MTsN 2 Bandar Lampung dengan menggunakan model CIPP yakni Context, Input, Process, dan Product. Penelitian evaluatif ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan sumber data subyek dari penelitian adalah guru, siswa, ketua Program Kelas Unggul, dan sebagai informan adalah kepala madrasah, wakamad kesiswaan, wakamad kurikulum, dewan guru, ketua komite dan orangtua siswa dengan menggunakan instrumen wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi dan di analisis menggunakan tehnik analisis data kualitatif. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah : 1) Hasil evaluasi konteks pelaksanaan program kelas unggul berupa landasan hukum yang kuat, latar belakang pelaksanaan program yang cukup jelas, tujuan pelaksanaan program sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa dan sekolah 2) Hasil evaluasi input pelaksanaan program kelas unggul berupa tahap penyusunan program, jadwal kegiatan, penyusunan laporan program, kompetensi guru selaku penggerak program, kualifikasi Tim Kelas Unggul, ketersediaan dan kemanfaatan sarana prasarana, biaya pengembangan program dan biaya pengembangan diri sudah berjalan dan terlaksana dengan baik meskipun harus terus ditingkatkan dalam sarana prasarana pendukung dan sumber daya manusia yaitu kompetensi guru pendamping. 3) Hasil evaluasi proses pelaksanaan program kelas unggul berupa waktu, tempat dan ruang lingkup program mengalami perubahan dari panduan program dan adanya penurunan hasil nilai uji kompetensi dalam 2 tahun terakhir, peran mitra kerja program sudah sangat baik meskipun belum menyentuh pendanaan pengembangan program, kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dapat dilihat dari jurnal siswa dan jurnal pengamatan guru pendamping dengan pengawasan dan monitoring dari kepala madrasah dan mitra kerja. 4) Hasil evalusi produk pelaksanaan program kelas unggul yang dilaksanakan menunjukan keberhasilan program yaitu adanya kesesuaian target dan hasil, adanya perubahan dan peningkatan minat siswa, peningkatan hasil belajar dan prestasi siswa, manfaat program bagi madrasah dan pelaporan program. Sehingga program ini harus dilanjutkan dan bisa diterapkan ditempat lain. Kata kunci : Evaluasi, Program Kelas Unggul dan CIPP iii ABSTRACT MTs Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung is a madrasah that has made many achievements in both the academic and non-academic fields by both students and teachers. However, there has been a decrease in the score of the competency test results for the four superior subjects in the last 2 years and there are some people who think that the exelent class program only widens the gap between students, this is interesting to study. This study aims to describe the results of implementing the exelent class program at MTsN 2 Bandar Lampung using the CIPP model, namely Context, Input, Process, and Product. This evaluative research uses a qualitative descriptive method with the subject data sources of the research being teachers, students, head of the Excellent Class Program, and as informants are the head of the madrasah, deputy head of student affairs, deputy head of curriculum, council of teachers, head of committee and parents of students using interview instruments, documentation and observation and analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques. The results of this study are: 1) The results of the evaluation of the implementation context of the exelent class program are in the form of a strong legal basis, the background of the program implementation is quite clear, the objectives of the program implementation are in accordance with the needs of students and schools 2) The results of the input evaluation of the implementation of the exelent class program are in the form of the preparation stage programs, schedule of activities, preparation of program reports, competency of teachers as program drivers, qualifications of Excellent Class Teams, availability and utilization of infrastructure, program development costs and self-development costs have been running and implemented well although it must continue to be improved in supporting infrastructure and resources human being, namely the competence of the accompanying teacher. 3) The results of the evaluation of the process of implementing the exelent class program in the form of time, place and scope of the program have changed from the program guidelines and there has been a decrease in the results of the competency test in the last 2 years, the role of program partners has been very good even though they have not touched program development funding, activities that implemented can be seen from the student journals and observation journals of accompanying teachers with supervision and monitoring from the head of the madrasa and work partners. 4) The results of the product evaluation of the implementation of the exelent class program that was carried out showed the success of the program, namely the conformity of targets and results, changes and increased student interest, increased learning outcomes and student achievement, program benefits for madrasas and program reporting. So this program must be continued and can be applied elsewhere. Keywords: Evaluation, Excellent Class Program and CIP

    Measuring the BDARX architecture by agent oriented system a case study

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    Distributed systems are progressively designed as multi-agent systems that are helpful in designing high strength complex industrial software. Recently, distributed systems cooperative applications are openly access, dynamic and large scales. Nowadays, it hardly seems necessary to emphasis on the potential of decentralized software solutions. This is because the main benefit lies in the distributed nature of information, resources and action. On the other hand, the progression in multi agent systems creates new challenges to the traditional methodologies of fault-tolerance that typically relies on centralized and offline solution. Research on multi-agent systems had gained attention for designing software that operates in distributed and open environments, such as the Internet. DARX (Dynamic Agent Replication eXtension) is one of the architecture which aimed at building reliable software that would prove to be both flexible and scalable and also aimed to provide adaptive fault tolerance by using dynamic replication methodologies. Therefore, the enhancement of DARX known as BDARX can provide dynamic solution of byzantine faults for the agent based systems that embedded DARX. The BDARX architecture improves the fault tolerance ability of multi-agent systems in long run and strengthens the software to be more robust against such arbitrary faults. The BDARX provide the solution for the Byzantine fault tolerance in DARX by making replicas on the both sides of communication agents by using BFT protocol for agent systems instead of making replicas only on server end and assuming client as failure free. This paper shows that the dynamic behaviour of agents avoid us from making discrimination between server and client replicas


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    Managing working capital efficiently and effectively is critical for modern organizations as it directly affects firm’s profitability, liquidity and riskiness. A vast majority of empirical studies have focused on developed countries whereas in case of developing countries like Pakistan it is somewhat under researched. The economy of Pakistan is passing through challenging times with rising inflation, energy crisis, poor law and order etc. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to investigate whether working capital policies adopted by listed organizations within the sugar industry of Pakistan (PSX) are efficient or not in these challenging conditions and what kind of effect (positive or negative) they have on the profitability of the firm. Data from 2006 to 2015 was collected for this study and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) technique was used to analyse the effect of working capital management on firm profitability. Empirical results of the study show that all four components of working capital used in this study have statistically significant and negative relationship with firm’s profitability.Â

    Response of Bacillus cereus on Zea mays under different doses of zinc sulphate

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    Anthropogenic activities have added a large amount of heavy metals to the environment. Heavy metal contaminants affect the physiological and biological properties of soil and plant health. Zinc (Zn) is an essential micronutrient and it promotes plant growth and development but a higher concentration of the metal causes reduction in plant growth. The present study was aimed to evaluate the response of Bacillus cereus on maize plants at different concentrations of ZnSO4 (20, 40 and 60 mg kg-1) amended in the soil under pot experiment conditions. The experiment was conducted by using complete randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Higher doses of ZnSO4 inhibited maize growth and nutrient uptake. However, inoculation of maize seeds with Bacillus cereus at 20 mg kg-1 concentration of ZnSO4 increased seed germination about 39% and plant height by 15%. Moreover, 17% increase in leaf length and a 7% increase in leaf number were observed as compared to control at 20 mg kg-1 concentrations of ZnSO4. Reductions in all growth parameters were observed with 60 mg kg-1 concentration of ZnSO4. The Zn uptake was 75% higher in treatment T8 (uninoculated seeds with 60 mg kg-1 concentration of ZnSO4) as compared to treatments which were inoculated and grown under different zinc concentrations. The results suggest that Bacillus cereus has good potential to remediate Zn from soil as well as to reduce the phyto-availibility and phytotoxicity of zinc

    Internal mammary artery flow in different racial groups of Pakistan

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    Objective: To find out any differences in free flow of internal mammary artery among different ethnic groups.Methods: This observational, cross-sectional study was conducted at the Civil Hospital, Karachi, from January 2013 to December 2015, and comprised patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting. The participants were divided into 5 groups, i.e. Sindhi, Muslim migrants from India, Punjabi, Pathan and Balochi patients. Free flow of internal mammary artery was measured immediately after harvesting within a syringe, and its flow was measured in 30 seconds. SPSS 18 was used for data analysis.Results: Of the 158 patients, 44(27.8%) were Sindhi, 33(20.9%) Punjabi, 8(5%) Baloch, 21(13.3%) Pathan and 52(32.9%) were migrants. The overall mean age was 52±8 years and the mean flow was 11.6±9.6ml per 30 seconds. The flow was 9.3±6 ml, 10±8ml, 13±11ml, 17±14ml and 15±13 ml in 30 seconds among migrants, Sindhi, Punjabi, Pathan and Baloch patients, respectively, with significant higher flow in Pathan patients compared to Sindhi and migrant patients (pConclusions: Internal mammary artery flow was higher in Pathan and Baloch patients and low in migrants and Sindhis

    Determination of complication rate of PICC lines in oncological patients

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the complication rate of (PICCs) peripherally inserted central catheters in cancer patients with a 1 year prospective cohort study. METHODS: All PICCs inserted in adult cancer patients in Radiology Department of The Aga Khan University Hospital were followed prospectively till removed or patient expired and pattern of complications noted. RESULTS: One hundred and fourty six PICCs were inserted over a period of 1 year and followed for a total of 3329 catheter-days; median placement, 14 days: range 3-218 days. Of these 67 (32.8%) PICCs were complicated and removed earlier, for a rate of 14.4/1000 PICC-days. Patients with haematologic malignancies were more likely to have complications as compared to those with solid tissue malignancies. CONCLUSIONS: Despite a significant complication rate, PICCs are a relatively safe and cost effective method of establishing central venous access