171 research outputs found

    Neural Networks for Handwritten English Alphabet Recognition

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    This paper demonstrates the use of neural networks for developing a system that can recognize hand-written English alphabets. In this system, each English alphabet is represented by binary values that are used as input to a simple feature extraction system, whose output is fed to our neural network system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Figure, ISSN:0975 - 888

    Competitive Proposals to Special Interests

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    We consider electoral competition between two political candidates. Each can target private benefits to some groups. A candidate has an incentive to offer high benefits in the initial period, to deter the other candidate from offering yet higher benefits to the same group in a later period. We describe the equilibrium strategies of the candidates, showing that candidates will intend to target different groups, that groups targeted in the initial period gain larger benefits than groups targeted later, and that the benefits to special interests vary with their number and size.Special interests; Elections

    Competitive Proposals of Policies by Lobbies

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    We consider a policymaker who must choose between the status quo and proposals made by lobbyists. Each lobbyist aims to maximize the tariff accorded his industry, but realizes that if he proposes too high a tariff, the policymaker may choose the proposal offered by another lobbyist which incorporates a lower tariff. The equilibrium has a positive probability that the policymaker who aims to maximize social welfare adopts a tariff higher than the one he prefers.

    Amlodepine induced gingival enlargement - presentation of a clinical case series

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    Objectives: Gingival enlargement as an adverse effects of drugs has been found to be long associated with the use of anticonvulsants; phenytoin, anti-hypertensives; calcium channel blockers and immunosuppressants; cyclosporine. Nifedepine was found to cause gingival overgrowth with an incidence ranging from 15-85%. However, Amlodepine a relatively newer agent of the same group which is being routinely and vastly prescribed either alone or as part of combination therapy to middle to older aged adults has also been found to exhibit this adverse effect with very few cases reported till date. The effect of the dose of amlodepine on the severity of gingival enlargement needs to be assessed. Study design: A clinical presentation of a series of five cases in the age range of 45-65 yrs with gingival over-growth as a side effect of therapy with amlodepine is presented with prescription of variable doses of 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg per day. A brief review on the pathogenesis of this condition, commonly associated etiological mechanisms and sequence of periodontal therapy rendered have also been included. Conclusion: Irrespective of the dose of amlodepine administered, gingival enlargement continues to be a predominant side effect in all of the five cases presented. The accentuated gingival contours accumulate plaque leading further to the destruction of the underlying periodontium. Dental professionals need to identify and then guide the patient to seek necessary medical interventio

    Managing Waste in India with Foresight

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    With rising prosperity and urbanisation in emerging anddeveloping economies there has been a rapid expansion of wastegeneration. India, with an urban population of 377 million that is expectedto reach 590 million by 2030, is also facing an unprecedented challenge ofwaste management. Significant uncertainties about the future trajectoriesof waste management exist, including the concept of waste as a resource and the role of the informal sector. This article describes an analytical framework that combines foresight and political economy methods used in a multi-stakeholder workshop setting to develop future scenarios for the sector. The process provides insights to increase participation in waste management policymaking in India by opening up the process beyond expert committees. The use of foresight tools with political economy analysis has the potential to democratise the policymaking process of waste management in India for the inclusion of all stakeholders and particularly the informal sector

    The story of a dying car in India: understanding the economic and materials flow of end-of-life vehicles

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    "This report summarises the results of two surveys and a number of field- based research missions carried out in the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) industry in Northern India. The research aims to present a clear picture of what happens to a vehicle in India at the end of its life-cycle. As a first step, a schematic materials flow has been developed through a participatory process with users, dismantlers, and recyclers. The study shows that the ELV industry consists of many different participants, who constantly interact with each other in a complex, interdependent process. The study provides a better understanding of the economics of the recycling of ELVs in India, as well as an insight into the attitudes, knowledge, and practices of the ELV handlers. The major focus of the study is the economic, environmental, and social challenges that emanate from a change in status quo. For the environmental issues, the report identifies a number of different individual vehicle parts as either waste (i.e., cannot be reused or recycled) or posing environmental danger (i.e., toxic to either humans or wildlife), according to the way they are currently treated by the informal sector. The report ends by presenting a series of recommendations on how to improve the resource efficiency of the ELV industry in India. It proposes a system to recognise and formalise the work of a currently largely informal sector, and ways for vehicle manufacturers to take responsibility for the products they release in the market.

    Comparative Analysis of Medium Term Load Forecasting using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization

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    The forecasting of electrical energy provides the required information about future conditions of the network to the system engineers and helps to predict essential improving actions such as putting power plants at their maximum production, electricity purchasing, switching etc. It is essential for the booking of fuel supply and maintenance activities and making arrangements for utility power exchange. With the ongoing advancement of new numerical, mining and man-made reasoning devices, it is potentially feasible to enhance the result