289 research outputs found

    Calculating NMR parameters in aluminophosphates : evaluation of dispersion correction schemes

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    Periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations have recently emerged as a popular tool for assigning solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra. However, in order for the calculations to yield accurate results, accurate structural models are also required. In many cases the structural model (often derived from crystallographic diffraction) must be optimised (i.e., to an energy minimum) using DFT prior to the calculation of NMR parameters. However, DFT does not reproduce weak long-range "dispersion'' interactions well, and optimisation using some functionals can expand the crystallographic unit cell, particularly when dispersion interactions are important in defining the structure. Recently, dispersion-corrected DFT (DFT-D) has been extended to periodic calculations, to compensate for these missing interactions. Here, we investigate whether dispersion corrections are important for aluminophosphate zeolites (AlPOs) by comparing the structures optimised by DFT and DFT-D (using the PBE functional). For as-made AlPOs (containing cationic structure-directing agents (SDAs) and framework-bound anions) dispersion interactions appear to be important, with significant changes between the DFT and DFT-D unit cells. However, for calcined AlPOs, where the SDA-anion pairs are removed, dispersion interactions appear much less important, and the DFT and DFT-D unit cells are similar. We show that, while the different optimisation strategies yield similar calculated NMR parameters (providing that the atomic positions are optimised), the DFT-D optimisations provide structures in better agreement with the experimental diffraction measurements. Therefore, it appears that DFT-D calculations can, and should, be used for the optimisation of calcined and as-made AlPOs, in order to provide the closest agreement with all experimental measurements.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Investigating FAM-N pulses for signal enhancement in MQMAS NMR of quadrupolar nuclei

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    The authors would like to thank EPSRC (EP/K503162/1) for the award of a studentship to HFC and the ERC (EU FP7 Consolidator Grant 614290 “EXONMR”) for support. SEA would also like to thank the Royal Society and Wolfson Foundation for a merit award. The UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR Facility used in this research was funded by EPSRC and BBSRC (contract reference PR140003), as well as the University of Warwick including via part funding through Birmingham Science City Advanced Materials Projects 1 and 2 supported by Advantage West Midlands (AWM) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Financial support from the TGIR-RMN-THC Fr3050 CNRS to access the 800 MHz spectrometer (Lille) is gratefully acknowledged.Although a popular choice for obtaining high-resolution solid-state NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei, the inherently low sensitivity of the multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning (MQMAS) experiment has limited its application for nuclei with low receptivity or when the available sample volume is limited. A number of methods have been introduced in the literature to attempt to address this problem. Recently, we have introduced an alternative, automated approach, based on numerical simulations, for generating amplitude-modulated pulses (termed FAM-N pulses) to enhance the efficiency of the triple- to single-quantum conversion step within MQMAS. This results in efficient pulses that can be used without experimental reoptimisation, ensuring that this method is particularly suitable for challenging nuclei and systems. In this work, we investigate the applicability of FAM-N pulses to a wider variety of systems, and their robustness under more challenging experimental conditions. These include experiments performed under fast MAS, nuclei with higher spin quantum numbers, samples with multiple distinct sites, low-γ nuclei and nuclei subject to large quadrupolar interactions.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Understanding the synthesis and reactivity of ADORable zeolites using NMR spectroscopy

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    The authors would like to thank the ERC (EU FP7 Consolidator Grant 614290 EXONMR and Advanced Grant 787073 ADOR) and EPSRC (EP/N509759/1) for a studentship for CMR. The research data (and/or materials) supporting this publication can be accessed at https://doi.org/10.17630/d82e58e4-b4a0-40b3-8156-5cbf80eeea72Zeolites remain one of the most important class of industrial catalyst used today, and with the urgent drive for transition from petrochemical to renewable feedstocks there is a renewed interest in developing new types of zeolite. Recent synthetic advances in the field have included the development of the Assembly-Disassembly-Organisation-Reassembly (ADOR) method. In this short review we will discuss how solid-state NMR experiments can be used to probe the mechanism of the process by characterising the structure of the intermediates and products, show how 17O NMR spectroscopy can be used to probe the reactivity of ADORable zeolites and explain how this in turn can lead to fundamental questions of how zeolites behave in the presence of liquid water.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Exploring cation distribution in ion-exchanged Al,Ga-containing metal-organic frameworks using 17O NMR spectroscopy

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    The authors would like to thank the ERC (Advanced Grant 787073 ADOR) for support. The UK High-Field Solid-State NMR Facility used in this research was funded by EPSRC and BBSRC (EP/T015063/1), in addition to (for results at 850 MHz) he University of Warwick including via part funding through Birmingham Science City Advanced Materials Projects 1 and 2 supported by Advantage West Midlands (AWM) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and for the 1 GHz instrument, (EP/R029946/1). Collaborative assistance from the Facility Manager Team (Dr Trent Franks, University of Warwick) is acknowledged. The Jeol JSM-IT200 SEM used in this research was supported by the EPSRC Light Element Analysis Facility Grant (EP/T019298/1) and the EPSRC Strategic Equipment Resource Grant (EP/R023751/1). Collaborative assistance from Dr David Miller (University of St Andrews) is acknowledged.A mixed-metal metal–organic framework, (Al,Ga)-MIL-53, synthesised by post-synthetic ion exchange has been investigated using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. 17O enrichment during the ion-exchange process enables site specific information on the metal distribution to be obtained. Within this work two ion-exchange processes have been explored. In the first approach (exchange of metals in the framework with dissolved metal salts), 17O NMR spectroscopy reveals the formation of crystallites with a core–shell structure, where the cation exchange takes place on the surface of these materials forming a shell with a roughly equal ratio of Al3+ and Ga3+. For the second approach (exchange of metals between two frameworks), no core–shell structure is observed, and instead crystallites containing a majority of Al3+ are obtained with lower levels of Ga3+. Noticeably, these particles show little variation in the metal cation distribution between crystallites, a result not previously observed for bulk (Al,Ga)-MIL-53 materials. In all cases where ion exchange has taken place NMR spectroscopy reveals a slight preference for clustering of like cations.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Solid-state NMR spectroscopy

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    M.H. acknowledges support by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant GM066976.Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an atomic-level method used to determine the chemical structure, three-dimensional structure, and dynamics of solids and semi-solids. This Primer summarizes the basic principles of NMR as applied to the wide range of solid systems. The fundamental nuclear spin interactions and the effects of magnetic fields and radiofrequency pulses on nuclear spins are the same as in liquid-state NMR. However, because of the anisotropy of the interactions in the solid state, the majority of high-resolution solid-state NMR spectra is measured under magic-angle spinning (MAS), which has profound effects on the types of radiofrequency pulse sequences required to extract structural and dynamical information. We describe the most common MAS NMR experiments and data analysis approaches for investigating biological macromolecules, organic materials, and inorganic solids. Continuing development of sensitivity-enhancement approaches, including 1H-detected fast MAS experiments, dynamic nuclear polarization, and experiments tailored to ultrahigh magnetic fields, is described. We highlight recent applications of solid-state NMR to biological and materials chemistry. The Primer ends with a discussion of current limitations of NMR to study solids, and points to future avenues of development to further enhance the capabilities of this sophisticated spectroscopy for new applications.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Ionothermal synthesis and characterization of CoAPO-34 molecular sieve

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    The cobalt-doped aluminophosphate molecular sieve, CoAPO-34 (with the chabazite-type topology) was prepared under ionothermal conditions using 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide (EMIMBr) ionic liquid in presence of 1,6-hexanediamine (HDA). The HDA is not incorporated in CoAPO-34, but is required to mediate the availability of Co2+ during the synthesis. The material was characterized using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Wideline 31P NMR spectroscopy showed broad signals (∼5000–10000 ppm wide), confirming that paramagnetic cobalt ions are successfully incorporated within the framework of the materials.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The ambient hydration of the aluminophosphate JDF-2 to AlPO-53(A):insights from NMR crystallography

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    The aluminophosphate (AlPO) JDF-2 is prepared hydro­thermally with methyl­ammonium hydroxide (MAH+·HO-, MAH+ = CH3NH3+), giving rise to a microporous AEN-type framework with occluded MAH+ cations and extra-framework (Al-bound) HO- anions. Despite the presence of these species within its pores, JDF-2 can hydrate upon exposure to atmospheric moisture to give AlPO-53(A), an isostructural material whose crystal structure contains one mol­ecule of H2O per formula unit. This hydration can be reversed by mild heating (such as the frictional heating from magic angle spinning). Previous work has shown good agreement between the NMR parameters obtained experimentally and those calculated from the (optimized) crystal structure of JDF-2. However, several discrepancies are apparent between the experimental NMR parameters for AlPO-53(A) and those calculated from the (optimized) crystal structure (e.g. four 13C resonances are observed, rather than the expected two). The unexpected resonances appear and disappear reversibly with the respective addition and removal of H2O, so clearly arise from AlPO-53(A). We investigate the ambient hydration of JDF-2 using qu­anti­tative 31P MAS NMR to follow the transformation over the course of 3 months. The structures of JDF-2 and AlPO-53(A) are also investigated using a combination of multinuclear solid-state NMR spectroscopy to characterize the samples, and first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations to evaluate a range of possible structural models in terms of calculated NMR parameters and energetics. The published structure of JDF-2 is shown to be a good representation of the dehydrated material, but modification of the published structure of AlPO-53(A) is required to provide calculated NMR parameters that are in better agreement with experiment. This modification includes reorientation of all the MAH+ cations and partial occupancy of the H2O sites

    Computational NMR investigation of mixed-metal (Al,Sc)-MIL-53 and its phase transitions

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    Funding: The authors would like to thank the ERC (Advanced Grant 787073 ADOR) and the Allan Handsel Postgraduate Research Scholarship for Chemistry for studentship funding for ZHD and EALB, respectively. We also acknowledge support from the Collaborative Computational Project on NMR Crystallography (CCP-NC) funded by EPSRC (EP/T026642/1) and from the UK Materials and Molecular Modelling Hub (Young), which is partially funded by EPSRC (EP/T022213/1, EP/W032260/1 and EP/P020194/1) for which access was obtained via the UKCP consortium and funded by EPSRC (EP/P022561/1).Compositionally complex metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have properties that depend on local structure that is often difficult to characterise. In this paper a density functional theory (DFT) computational study of mixed-metal (Al,Sc)-MIL-53, a flexible MOF with several different forms, was used to calculate the relative energetics of these forms and to predict NMR parameters that can be used to evaluate whether solid-state NMR spectroscopy can be used to differentiate, identify and characterise the forms adopted by mixed-metal MOFs of different composition. The NMR parameters can also be correlated with structural features in the different forms, giving fundamental insight into the nature and origin of the interactions that affect nuclear spins. Given the complexity of advanced NMR experiments required, and the potential need for expensive and difficult isotopic enrichment, the computational work is invaluable in predicting which experiments and approaches are likely to give the most information on the disorder, local structure and pore forms of these mixed-metal MOFs.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Water in the Earth's mantle: A solid-state NMR study of hydrous wadsleyite

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    Wadsleyite, β-(Mg,Fe)2SiO4, is the main component of the transition zone in the Earth's mantle, at depths of 410-530 km below the surface. This mineral has received considerable interest as a potential reservoir for the vast amount of hydrogen, as hydro

    Thermal dehydrofluorination of GaPO-34 revealed by NMR crystallography

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    SEA thanks the Royal Society and the Wolfson Foundation for a merit award. The UK 850 MHz solid-state NMR Facility used in this research was funded by EPSRC and BBSRC (contract reference PR140003), as well as the University of Warwick including via part funding through Birmingham Science City Advanced Materials Projects 1 and 2 supported by Advantage West Midlands (AWM) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). We acknowledge support from the Collaborative Computational Project on NMR Crystallography CCP-NC funded by EPSRC (EP/M022501/1).Using a combination of solid-state NMR spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction (pXRD), thermogravimetry, and periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we investigate the calcination of the chabazite-type gallophosphate, GaPO-34, prepared with either 1-methylimidazole (mim) or pyridine (py) as the structure-directing agent (SDA) and fluoride as the charge-balancing anion. We demonstrate that, prior to SDA combustion, there is an unusual low-temperature dehydrofluorination step at ∼330 °C for the mim material, but not for the py form. The DFT-derived structure for the dehydrofluorinated intermediate contains pentacoordinate Ga species with Ga–N bonds of 2.04 Å to the mim nitrogen atom, in addition to four Ga–O bonds to neighboring PO4 tetrahedra. This observation is consistent with 71Ga NMR spectroscopy, which shows that one-third of the Ga is pentacoordinate with a large quadrupolar coupling constant of ∼11 MHz. Powder X-ray diffraction measured in situ on heating shows the transient appearance of a distinct crystalline phase between 325 and 425 °C before the characteristic chabazite structure is seen, which is consistent with dehydrofluorination prior to loss of the organic SDA. No such dehydrofluorinated intermediate structure is observed for the py form of GaPO-34, which is ascribed to the lower pKa of pyridinium relative to 1-methylimidazolium.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe