45 research outputs found
Daging olahan yang ada dipasaran sering terkontaminasi oleh mikroba sehingga mengalami pembusukan atau masa simpannya sangat rendah. Sehingga, untuk menghindari kerugian biasanya ditambahkan pengawet sintetik, sedangkan pengawet sintetik berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan pengawet alami nabati yang aman bagi manusia. Salah satunya adalah pemanfaatan ekstrak kayu sepang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) sebab memiliki kandungan antioksidan serta antimikroba. Akan tetapi, perlu dilakukan analisa mengenai ekstrak kayu sepang dengan pH air yang berbeda (pH 6, pH 7 dan pH 8) agar aktivitas antioksidan dapat efektif. Penentuan uji aktivitas antioksidan didasarkan pada perubahan warna ekstrak selama perendaman daging olahan (bakso). Perubahan yang tidak signifikan pada pH tertentu akan dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk melakukan uji aktivitas antioksidan (IC50). Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu perubahan warna pada larutan ekstrak stagnan pada pH 5-6 untuk setiap variasi waktu perendaman (5, 10, dan 15 jam). Perubahan pH yang dijadikan sebagai uji lanjut untuk menentukan aktivitas antioksidan adalah pada pH 6. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa aktivitas antioksidan (IC50) pada pH 6 yaitu 1,16 ppm yang mengindikasikan bahwa sifat antioksidan sangat kuat. Kata kunci: Antioksidan, Caesalpinia sappan L, Kayu Sepan
Efektifitas Penurunan Kadar Kafein pada Teh Hitam dengan Metode Ekstraksi
Black tea is a tea that is currently the most widely consumed by the people of Indonesia. Consumption of black tea more than two cups per day can affect in human healthy because tea contains 20-90 mg of caffeine per cup, while the maximum consumption of caffeine is 150 mg per day and the maximum limit of caffeine is 0.02% in food and beverages. The method used in this study is the method of soxhlet extraction by varying the ethyl alcohol as solvent are 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% with 2.5 hours extraction time. The initial caffeine content in black tea samples was 3.97%, after extraction decreased significantly levels of caffeine on 50% ethyl alcohol concentration is 0,0199%. The extraction method using Soxhlet technique is very effective to reduce caffeine in black tea
Pembelajaran matematika perlu melibatkan budaya dan kehidupan yang ada di sekitar siswa agar bermakna dan siswa lebih mudah memahami konsep matematika yang akan dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi pembelajaran online berbasis local wisdom terhadap kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Metode eksperimen kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini, desain penelitian yang dipakai yaitu quasi experiemnt dalam bentuk nnonequivalent control group design. Sedangkan populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu semua kelas XI MIPA SMAN 11 Bone dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pembelajaran online berbasis local wisdom a’bulo sibatang, assamaturu, mappesabbi, sipakatau diterapkan pada kelas eksperimen. Peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa dengan pembelajaran online berbasis local wisdom diketahui dari hasil indikator kemampuan koneksi matematis, dimana persentase kemampuan koneksi matematis pada indikator mengaitkan antar ide matematika pada pre test sebesar 55,35% dan post-test sebesar 88,52%. Indikator mengaitkan ide matematika dengan disiplin ilmu lain pada pre-test sebesar 47,21%, dan post-test sebesar 85,35%. Sedangkan mengaitkan ide matematika dengan kehidupan sehari-hari pada pre-test sebesar 40,56% dan post-test sebesar 83,87%.. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa pembelajaran online berbasis local wisdom a’bulo sibatang, assamaturu, mappesabbi, sipakatau dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa
Bedda Lotong is a powder made from roasted rice with spices that has been used for generations in the Bugis-Makassarese culture. Bedda Lotong used to be only used by the daughters of nobles, especially the descendants of Arung Paria and Bugis brides who were about to get married. However, the production of Bedda Lotong has begun to disappear and is only produced on a family scale which is carried out in a subsystem during spare time and is managed traditionally. The partnership program for the community focuses on promoting Bedda Lotong as a Bugis-Makassar ethno-spa. The activities carried out were in the form of counseling in the form of awareness of the benefits of Bedda Lotong, training and demonstrations on the processing of Bedda Lotong for partner groups, and mentoring. The results obtained from this partnership program are that the community is able to process rice groats and other ingredients into Bedda Lotong scrubs and a differentiation product, namely Bedda Lotong powder. The impact of this activity is the preservation of Tellu Sulapa Eppa culture through the manufacture of Bedda Lotong
Analysis of Students' Mathematical Connection Ability Through Learning Strategies Based on Local Wisdom
Students' mathematical abilities are still considered low due to the lack of students' mathematical connection abilities. One effort that can be done in overcoming the low ability of students' mathematical connections is to involve the culture around students in the learning process. This study aims to analyze students' mathematical connection ability through the application of learning strategies based on local wisdom a'bulo sibatang, assamaturu, mappesabbi and sipakatau. The research method used is a quantitative quasi-experimental type of nonequivalent control group design. Through purposive sampling technique, it was obtained class XI MIPA 3 (experimental class) and XI MIPA 1 (control class). The instrument used is a test to indicators of mathematical connection ability. The results showed an increase in indicator of mathematical connection ability in the experimental class, namely 88.52% indicator I, 85.35% indicator II and 83.87% indicator III. Meanwhile, in the control class applied problem-based learning strategies only got a score of 65%. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that local wisdom-based learning in the experimental class is able to improve students' mathematical connection ability better than the control class that applies problem-based learning
Learning Design Based on Local Wisdom Maddawa-dawa, Mammanu-manu and Mappettuada
Local traditions of Maddawa-dawa, Mammanu-manu, Mapppettuada as a form of local wisdom that elaborated entry into learning, especially mathematics. In its application the local traditions of Maddawa-dawa, Mammanu-manu, Mapppettuada integrated with an android application, namely the application of group maker is used on the phase Maddawa-dawa, application lucky wheel and mind mapping is used on the phase Mammanu-manu and application pro & cons used on the phase Mappettuada. This research emphasizes the design process with a focus on the literature review in finding the proper integration between local traditions of Maddawa-dawa, Mammanu-manu, Mapppettuada with android apps that are focused student-centered in learning. The results of this design are expected to provide an alternative solution in improving the ability of extrapolation of the students especially in the learning of mathematics through the approach of local traditions in the learning process
Sappan wood is a source of natural antioxidants. Efficacy of Sappan plants as antioxidants also as antimicrobialsand natural coloring agents. The ability of treatment with the use of Sappan plants is caused by the abundance ofchemical compounds in plants such as the presence of flavonoids. Various methods of preparative analysis have beenfound and developed to isolate flavonoid compounds, one of which is done by extracting using Ultrasonic AssistedSolvent Extraction using variations of ethanol solvent concentration of 85%, 90%, 95%, and 99%. The highestpercentage of yield obtained at 90% ethanol concentration with a time of 15 minutes is 0.42% and pH is 5. The results ofGCMS analysis identified components of phenol compounds which are flavonoid compounds with 2-Methyl-5- (1,2,2-Trimethylcyclopentyl) Phenol with% Area is 44.56% at 90% ethanol concentration with 15 minutes extraction time,where the longer extraction time of flavonoid components will decrease due to degradation into other compounds
Pelatihan Diversifikasi Olahan Beras Ketan Hitam menjadi Produk Teh Ase Pulu Lotong Praktis
Abstract: Black glutinous rice is one type of rice that is distinctive with a purple-black color. The processing of black glutinous rice for the people in Latellang Village is still very minimal, so it is not explored as a processed product characterized by black sticky rice. This Community Partnership Program (PKM) is carried out by fully involving partners (society participatory) in all stages of implementation which include counseling, training, and mentoring. The program implementing partner is the Maddaung Farmers Group in Latellang Village with a focus on diversifying processed black glutinous rice into practical ase pulu lotong tea products. The results of the program carried out showed an increase in the knowledge and skills of partners in processing black glutinous rice into practical ase pulu lotong tea products that had high economic value. The improvement can be seen from the results of the partner's response questionnaire to the implemented program, related to the knowledge and skills of partners before and after the implementation of the training.Abstrak: Beras ketan hitam merupakan salah satu jenis beras yang khas dengan warna ungu kehitaman. Pengolahan beras ketan hitam bagi masyarakat di Desa Latellang masih sangat minim pengetahuan, sehingga kurang dieksplorasi sebagai produk olahan berciri khas ketan hitam. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini dilakukan dengan melibatkan mitra secara penuh (society parcipatory) dalam semua tahapan pelaksanaan yang meliputi penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Adapun mitra pelaksana program yaitu Kelompok Tani Maddaung Desa Latellang dengan fokus kegiatan diversifikasi olahan beras ketan hitam menjadi produk teh ase pulu lotong praktis. Hasil program yang dilaksanakan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam mengolah beras ketan hitam menjadi produk teh ase pulu lotong praktis yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Peningkatan yang terjadi dapat dilihat dari hasil angket respons mitra terhadap program yang dilasanakan, terkait dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan pelatihan