232 research outputs found

    Kesinambungan Dan Perubahan dalam Pemikiran Tentang Asbb Al-Nuzl Kontemporer

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    Al-Zarkasyi and al-Suyuthi have formulated branches of Alquran discourses and among them is asbab al-nuzul. They were aware that ulum al-Quran covered a wide range of discussion, could not be limited, and thus opened the paradigm inside. Likewise, when al-Wahidi explained that asbab al nuzul was purely the case of history, it did not prevent the development of a new paradigm. From the perspective of continuity, change, and development, this study is significant to measure the extent of originality of new ideas offered in reform context in al-Quran discourses, specifically on asbab an-nuzul. The paradigms of Syahrur and Abu Zayd which are the focus of discussion in this study give a fresher and a more critical perspective in response to the existence of asbab an-nuzul. If Syahrur paradigm is stronger on the changing aspects, which is sometimes very radical in viewing asbab an-nuzul, then despite the criticism, Abu Zayd paradigm still embodies the spirit of continuity with the previous study and the changing of a new method of reading which he has proposed.Key words: asbab al-nuzul, continuity, change, contemporer Islamic paradigmAl-Zarkasy dan al-Suyth telah merumuskan cabang-cabang bahasan dan di antaranya bahasan asbb al-nuzl, mereka tetap menyadari bahwa ulm al-Qur`n memiliki cakupan sangat luas, tidak bisa dibatasi, dan karenanya membuka pemikiran di dalamnya. Begitu juga, ketika al-Whid menegaskan bahwa asbb al-nuzl adalah murni persoalan riwayat, hal itu tidak menghalangi perkembangan pemikiran baru. Dengan perspektif kesinambungan, perubahan, dan perkembangan, kajian ini signifikan untuk mengukur sejauh mana orisinalitas ide-ide baru yang ditawarkan dalam konteks pembaruan dalam ilmu-ilmu al-Qur`an, khususnya tentang Asbb Al-Nuzl. Pemikiran Syahrr dan Abu Zayd yang menjadi fokus pembahasan dalam kajian ini memberikan perspektif yang lebih segar dan kritis dalam menyikapi keberadaan ilmu asbb an-nuzul. Apabila Syahr lebih kuat pada aspek perubahan yang terkadang sangat radikal dalam melihat Asbab Al-Nuzul, maka Abu Zayd meski dengan kritisme yang juga kental, ada tetap semangat kesinambungan dengan kajian terdahulu dan perubahan cara baca baru yang dia kemukakan.Kata kunci: asbn alnuzl, kesinambungan, perubahan, pemikiran Islam kontemporer

    The Role 18F-FDG and 18F-NaF PET/CT in Assessment of Temporomandibular Joint Metabolic Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and 18F-sodium fluoride (NaF)PET/CT for assessing the status of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients compared with healthy (non-RA) individuals. Method: Eighteen patients diagnosed with RA (mean age 55±12.1years: 4 females and 14 males) were included in the test group. Eighteen age-, sex- and race-matched healthy control subjects were selected from the CAMONA clinical trial. PET/CT images were acquired 180-minute post-intravenous administration of FDG and NaF (2.2 MBq/kg). For FDG analysis, regions of interest (ROIs) were manually assigned per anatomical boundaries using a closed polygon tool. The first ROI of the mask was assigned on the trans-axial CT slice with the first evidence of the glenoid fossa down to two to three slices inferiorly. The ROI followed the anatomy of the TMJ. For NaF, a three-dimensional ball tool of 1.5 cm was used to assign ROIs with the head of the mandibular condyle located at the center including the osseous compartment of the joint extending inferiorly to the neck of the condyle. Averaged SUVmean was used to semi-quantify FDG and NaF uptake in each joint. Then average SUVmean of the right and the left TMJ was determined. For normalization, a Target to Background Ratio (TBR) was used. For statistical analysis, the student’s t-test and regression analysis were used. The severity of RA was assessed by determining the Disease Activity Score of serum C reactive protein (DAS-28 CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS-28 ESR) for each subject. Results: FDG TBRmean for the test group was 1.21±0.33 compared to 0.91±0.2 in controls, (p=0.003.) No correlation was found between FDG uptake and DAS28-CRP or DAS28-ESR. The NaF average SUVmean was significantly higher in RA patients than healthy control subjects (2.4±0.8 versus 1.9±0.4, p=0.02). Similarly, the TMJ TBRmean was also higher in RA patients relative to healthy controls (4.2±2.1 versus 2.7±0.9, p=0.01) A significant positive correlation was found between TBRmean and DAS28-CRP (r=0.49, p=0.03), while there was positive trend in the correlation between TBRmean with DAS28-ESR that was not statistically significance (r=0.37, p=0.12). Conclusion: RA patients appear to have significantly higher metabolic activity in the TMJ than age-, sex- and race-matched healthy control subjects. Our results illustrate the potential value of using FDG and NaF-PET/CT for evaluation of TMJ disorders and suggest that this modality may useful for monitoring the effects of treatment regimens


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    This study aims to analyze the role of family and social environment in preventing early marriage in South Banjarmasin District. A qualitative approach was used with data collection techniques in the form of in-depth interviews with three informants, namely teenagers who have experienced early marriage, parents or guardians of teenagers who have married at an early age, and the Head of South Banjarmasin Sub-district. The interview data was analyzed using the data reduction method to identify the main themes related to the role of family and social environment in the phenomenon of early marriage. The results showed that family pressure and social norms in the neighborhood influence teenagers' decision to marry at an early age. Parents or guardians think that marriage will provide protection and stability for their children in difficult economic situations. The local government has initiated sexual education programs in schools and provided counseling services for adolescents, as well as collaborating with non-governmental organizations in socialization campaigns on the dangers of early marriage


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib bagi mahasiswa prodi pendidikan untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar bagi mahasiswa, terutama dalam hal pengalaman mengajar, memperluas wawasan, pelatihan dan pengembangan kompetensi yang diperlukan dalam bidangnya, peningkatan keterampilan, kemandirian, tanggung jawab, dan kemampuan dalam memecahkan masalah. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta yang berlokasi di Jalan Nyi Pembayun No. 39 Kotagede Yogyakarta. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL dimulai tanggal 2 Juli sampai dengan 17 September 2014. Persiapan, pelaksanaan dan analisis hasil menjadi pokok utama untuk melaksanakan PPL. Persiapan yang dilakukan adalah observasi sekolah dan observasi kelas termasuk peserta didik saat pembelajaran berlangsung yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 Februari 2014. Di bawah bimbingan Bu Dra. C. Tri Wedaringsih selama pelaksanaan PPL Pendidikan Kimia, program-program PPL dapat berjalan dengan baik. Hal-hal yang dilakukan adalah mempersiapkan pembelajaran (seperti membuat RPP, media pembelajaran, metode, dan soal-soal evaluasi), praktik mengajar dengan Kurikulum 2013 untuk materi Kimia Teori Atom Bohr dan Mekanika Kuantum, Bilangan Kuantum, Konfigurasi Elektron, dan Hubungan Konfigurasi Elektron dengan Sistem Periodik Unsur. Kelas yang diajari adalah kelas XI MIA 1, XI MIA 2, XI MIA 3, XI MIA 4, XI MIA 5, dan XI MIA 6 dengan rata-rata jumlah peserta didik sebanyak 30 orang. Program yang diselenggarakan pada kegiatan PPL disusun dan dilaksanakan denga baik. Program ini memberikan pengalaman yang sangat membantu mahasiswa dalam mematangkan ilmu yang didapat di bangku kuliah dan mengetahui karakter peserta didik SMA yang sangat ingin tahu. Meskipun selama kegiatan PPL terdapat hambatan dan kendala, namun semua dapat dihadapi dengan kerjasama dari semua pihak. Akhir kata dengan adanya kegiatan PPL ini mahasiswa diharapkan banyak mendapatkan pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan dari berbagai pihak serta dapat mengamalkan ilmu yang telah diperoleh dan menjadikan mahasiswa berfikir lebih kreatif

    Risk management and funds distribution in mosque institution at Puncak Alam / Muhammad Asyran Mohd Aseri.

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    Mosque is one of important institution in Islam which not only a place to perform salah (prayer) but it is the centre of the Islamic community that can have a huge impact on the Muslim or non-Muslim community in the area. In achieving the objective that impacts the community, the management of the mosque institution should be effective which include issues in risk management and fund collection and distribution are effectively addressed. This study is conducted to examine the management of fund collection and distribution with the main objective to analyse the risk management practices of mosque institution in Puncak Alam. The design of this study was restricted to the use of the qualitative experimentation methods, which focuses on the members and mosque management committee. I hope this research will give a very good impact to the society and mosque institute in Puncak Alam to improve their management and finally give more good impact to community in Puncak Alam area

    Knowledge, attitude, and practices about contraceptive in Western Rajasthan, India

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    Background: This study was carried out to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of contraceptive methods among women attending a tertiary care hospital in Western Rajasthan.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, PBM and the associated group of hospitals, attached to Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India. Total 500 married women between age group 15-49 yrs were included. These all women interviewed using a structured questionnaire after approval of the hospital’s ethical committee.Results: Total 500 women interviewed for their knowledge, attitude, and practices about contraception. Out of which, 402 (80.4%) women had some knowledge of at least one contraception method at the time of the study.  The most common sources of information about contraception were husband and family member. Amongst the various contraceptives most commonly known was condom (78.4%). Only 265 (53%) women were practicing contraception at present. Most commonly used contraceptive was condom (40.8%). The most common reason for the non-practice of contraception was need of more child or male child in 34.8% families followed by opposition from in-laws (12.4%).Conclusions: Literacy was positively associated with family planning related knowledge and practices. Preconception knowledge and practices about contraception are poor in our study population. Many of the women were getting MTP pills over the counter without consulting to health care persons and then later presents with complications

    An Analysis of Product Life Cycle Orientation in PLM Software Tool Vendors

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    A challenge in implementation of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) tools is the selection of the right vendor and the solution. Implementing PLM entails huge financial investment on the part of the user and hence precise knowledge as to where each tool can be applied is a must. In this paper, seven PLM tool vendors are compared on their definitions of PLM and also their product offerings in different Product Life Cycle (PLC) phases, including the extreme ends of PLC viz. R&D and end-of-life phase, which are usually ignored. An integrated PLC model is developed and the tools are then mapped onto different phases of PLC. Vendors are compared based on number of tools offered in different PLC phases. The results reveal an uneven distribution in the applicability of various tools, with majority of them focusing on the product development phase and an astonishingly low number on the R&D and end-of-life phases

    The Feasibility of Implementing Islamic Law in Distribution System of Civil Servants’ Inheritance

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    Muslim in Indonesia faces dualism of law derived historically from the advent of Islam and national law as a form of combination during the age of colonialism. The legal law of inheritance does not represent Islamic law hitherto. Therefore, this research aims at analyzing the clash of laws and its’ distribution specifically on Muslim civil servant inheritance in Indonesia. Identifying principles and legal norms approach to inheritance, this research covers philosophical, statue, and conceptual. Legal material sources which are based on normative-prescriptive are this research’s primary, secondary and tertiary materials. Thus, it employs juridical qualitative analysis based on legal interpretation, reasoning, and argumentation. Finally, the wealth sourced from savings/stoppage of civil servants is inheritance that should be divided in accordance to the law of community property and Islamic inheritance law or Faraidh. Keywords: Islamic Law, Distribution of inheritance, Muslim civil servant, Indonesi
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