2,509 research outputs found

    The Components of Abstracts in the Areas of Indonesian International Journals

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    The readers prefer to read the abstract in order to find out the contents. It has to be short, easily read, and understandable. It consists of complete elements or components. The aimed of this study were to reveal the components of abstract and to find out what were patterns of moves. The researchers used descriptive qualitative approach because this study focused on the analysis or interpretation of the written material in context. Quirkos Application was used to sort, manage, analyzed and understand the data. From the results that already exist, there are thirteen procedures of writing abstracts used by writers in Indonesian International Journals Indexed Scopus. Those were I, IP, IR, IPR, IRD, IMR, PMR, PMD, IMRD, PMRD, IPMR, PIRM, and IPMRD. There are limitations in this research that have to be considered. First, this corpus consists of abstracts in only areas of Indonesia. Second, further research is necessary to determine the variables that affect the writers’ model in writing an appropriate abstract. Thirdly, the researchers only analyzed 47 abstracts.


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    Canonical correlation analysis is a useful technique to identify and quantify the linier relationships, involving multiple independent and multiple dependent variable. It focuses on the correlation between a linier combination of the variables in one set independent and a linier combination of the variables in another set dependent. The pairs of linier combinations are called canonical function, and their correlation are called canonical correlation coefficient. The statistical assumptions should be fulfilled are: linearity, multivariate normality, homoscedasticity, and nonmulticollinearity. The use of variable consists of three dependent variable y1 = Maximum daily relative humidity, y2 = Minimum daily relative humidity, and y3 = Integrated area under daily humidity curve and three independent variable x1 = Maximum daily air temperature, x2 = Minimum daily air temperature, and x3 = Integrated area under daily air temperature curve. For The result of canonical correlation analysis indicate that there are two significant canonical correlation between the daily air temperature level with the daily humidity level. The reduncancy index showed that the daily humidity level can explained a total of 69 % of the variance in the daily air temperature level, otherwise the daily air temperature level can explained a total 60 % of the variance in the daily humidity level. Interpretations involves examining the canonical function to determine the relative contibution of each of the original variables in the canonical relationships: canonical weights, canonical loadings, and canonical cross loadings showed that the sequence variables which contribute on the independent variate are x1, x3, and x2 .Then, the sequence variables which contribute on the dependent variate are y1, y2, and y3. Keywords: Canonical Correlation Coefficient, Canonical Function, Redundancy Index, Canonical weights, Canonical Loadings, and Canonical Cross Loadings

    Issues and challenges of drug addiction among students in Malaysia

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    The drug addiction problem is a global problem faced by all nations, and Malaysia was not exempted from this phenomenon. According to the United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP), Malaysia, among Southeast Asian nations, ranks fifth in the number of drug addicts. Almost 1.2 million Malaysians are drug addicts, a considerable number considering Malaysia’s population of 28.3 million. This paper discusses issues and challenges of drug addiction among students in Malaysia. In this context, there are many factors contributing to drug abuse among students, such as individual inclination to partake in drugs, family situation and their surroundings. The role of parents, teachers, schools, and law enforcement authorities in ensuring the reduction of drug addiction is important, as drug addicts needed support from their surroundings. In fact, the success or failure of a student to quit drug use is dependent on the strong support of his environment. Previous studies and theories discusses in this paper shows that all parties play an important role in resolving this problem


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    This study was aimed at finding out “ Word Formation In Facebook Conversation; A Study At A Group Prodi English Department FKIP University Muhammadiyah of Mataram In Academic Year 2015-2016 ”. The method of this research is qualitative research was using case study, the participant of this research is a Group Prodi English Department FKIP University Muhammadiyah of Mataram, for five months from January to May the total was followed in Facebook conversation was three persons (teachers), and the whole of students were 20 persons. The instruments for collecting the data by using note taking. To analyze the data, the researcher classified word formation produced, and then the researcher analyzing the data. Based on this research it showed that there was 7words formation on facebook conversation in a Group Prodi English Department FKIP University Muhammadiyah of Mataram, consist of 1 Coinage, 5 of Blending, 5 of Clipping, 1 of Back- Formation, 7 of Reduplication, 1 of Compounding, 15 of Acronym. So the total word formation for all of the data was 35 data, which was used on a Facebook conversation in a Group Prodi English Department FKIP University Muhammadiyah of Mataram. The dominant type of word formation process that occurs on facebook conversation, in a Group Prodi English Department FKIP University Muhammadiyah of Mataram was Acronym, which is 15 data


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    This study was to find out classroom interaction types and how those types emerge in the language teaching process. The research design was a qualitative descriptive. Participants of the research were an English teacher and 25 eight grade students of MTs-Al Raisiyah Sekarbela. The results of the study showed that there were seven types of classroom interactions which were teacher-whole class, teacher- an individual student, teacher-groups of students, student- teacher, student-student, student-whole class, and student-groups of students. The interaction occurred through teacher talk, questioning, giving feedback and discussion


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pelaksanaan upacara Ua Pua dijadikan media dakwah oleh masyarakat bima Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melipu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian menjukkan bahwa pada hakikatnya upacara Ua Pua merupakan media dakwah guna meningkatkan keimanan dan ketakwaan ummat serta menjadikan al-qur’an dan sunnah rasul sebagai pedoman hidup Masyarakat bima denga cara diawali dengan dzikir maulid yang berlangsung pada malam hari yang diikuti oleh majelis adat dana mbojo kemudian beberapa hari kemudian barulah upacara ua pua digelar di istana bima, dengan tujuan untuk mengormati para ulama dari makassar yang telah mengajarkan islam kepada masyarakat bima. Abstract: This study aims to determine the process of implementation of Ua Pua ceremony made daakwah media by the community bima The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, documentation. The results showed that in essence Ua Pua ceremony is a medium of propaganda in order to increase the faith and piety of the ummah and make al-qur'an and sunnah rasul as the life guidance of the community of premises premises begins with the dhikr maulid which takes place at night followed by the customary council funds mbojo then a few days later then ua pua ceremony held at the palace bima, with the aim to honor the scholars of Makassar who have taught Islam to the community of bima

    Investigating the Effect of Blended Learning Activity in Teaching Reading at Second Grade Senior High School

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    Blended learning has been growing in popularity as it has proved to be an effective approach for accommodating an increasingly diverse student population while adding value to the learning environment through the incorporation of online teaching resources. This study aims to investigate the effects of The use of blended learning techniques in teaching reading at the second-grade students of Man 2 Model Mataram In Academic Year 2017/2018. The purpose of the study is to know the effect of using Blended Learning technique in teaching reading at the second-grade student of Man 2 Model Mataram. The research method was quasi-experimental research with nonequivalent control group design. The population of the research was of the conducted of two classes as the sample; Experimental group (XI IS 2) and control group ( XI IS 1 ). XI IS 2 was taught by using Blended learning technique of reading while XI IS 1 was taught without Blended learning technique of reading. The researcher gave reading the test to gather the data. The formula that used to analyze the data was t-test. It is supposed to know the significant difference between students’ score in the experimental group and control group. Based on the computation of the t-test formula, it was found that the mean score of the experimental group was 14,21 and the mean score of the control group was 8,42 after analyzing the data

    The Speaking Difficulties Encountered by Non-English Students in Language Classroom

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    This research, entitled “The Difficulties Encountered by Non-English Department Students in Speaking English,” was a study at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. It was conducted to investigate difficulties encountered by Non-English Department students in speaking. The participants were 15 students from the second semester of Indonesian Department Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. It also aims to investigate the factors which are face by Non-English department students in Speaking English. This research used descriptive quantitative approach. Based on the data from test the difficulties encountered by a second-year student of Indonesian department are first was from the grammar aspect, there were 80% of students almost entirely inaccurate expect in stock phrases. Second, fluency aspect, there were 73% speech is very slow and uneven except, for short or routine sentences. Third, it is the pronunciation aspect; there were 73% of students gross error, and very heavy accent makes understanding difficult require frequent repetition. Fourth is from the vocabulary aspect there were 60% of students their vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas. The last it is from comprehension aspect there 55% of students understand only slow, very simple speech on common social and touristic topics; requires constant repetition and rephrasing. Factors were faced by Non-English department student in speaking English there are two factors, from internal factors and external factors. Internal factors such as they are a quiet person; they are hard to learn, difficult to remember vocabulary, difficult to pronounce the word, lack of grammatical mastery, they are lazy to memorize vocabulary, they are lack of confidence and fear of making a mistake. From external factors, they are seldom speaking English in the class, and their environment is not used English, and they prefer to use their mother tongue


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    Abstract: Pop Up Book is the role of media is very important in the learning process. The presence of the Pop Up book media can support the learning process, facilitate students in understanding the learning material. This research was aimed to improve reading through Pop Up Book media the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Alas Barat. The research belongs to collaborative action research which created a collaboration between the teacher of the seventh grade. The subject of this research was the seventh grade student of SMP N 3 Alas Barat which consists of 14 male students and 10 female students. The technique of collecting data was test, observation, and documentation. The technique of data analysis was descriptive, both quantitative and qualitative. The result of this research shows that there is an improvement of reading of the students of seventh grade in SMP N 3Alas Barat after using Pop Up Book as the media i.e. the average score from the average score at 65 before treatment (Pre-Action), it became 72 after the first cycle and reached 83 at the second cycle. The number of percentage was also increased from 36% before treatment (Pre-Action) became 64% at the first cycle and 96% at the second cycle. Besides, based on the observation, the students and their teacher also had an improvement in each cycle. The students are more active in learning process for each cycle


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    This research entitiled is ”The Semantics Study of English Slang used in the Column Cosmo Magazine” is intended to find out the forms and meaning of slangand also the relative frequency of the use of slang that is used related to their forms and meaning. This research is descriptive qualitative research. To analyze thedata, first of all, the writer describes the data into their forms and meaning by qualitatively. After that, to achieve the objective of research, the researcher is done by quantitatively. The object ofthis research is slang words, phrases, and phrasalverb. The writer analyzes the population of the magazine which are published in 2012, it consists of 6 editions. In collecting the data, the researcher just presents what is found without adding any other information and classifies data based  on the research questions. This study is done by translating based on the dictionary meaning and interpretation of theslang expressions that are found. The result is shown from the total  of the 100 (100%) data observed are the forms of  slang words (51%) can be noun (33,33%), verb (25%), adjective (29,17%), and adverb (12,5%) and also the slang words can be words formation in the form of derivation (7,40%),  compounding (11,11%), Clipping (37,03%), acronym (11,11%), blending (11,11%), proper name (11,11%) and imitation (11,11%),  Phrases(9%) are noun phrase (33,33%), verb phrase (33,33%), and prepositional phrase (33,33%)  and phrasal verb (7%) are in inseparable(0%) and separable (100%). The meaning of slang can be denotative (48,48%), connotative (30,30%), and both of denotative  and connotative meaning (21,21%). In short, it can be said that the most dominant of the meaning of slang in column Cosmo magazine is denotative meaning. Eventhough, the connotative meaning is used to give the deepest meaning and the highest impression of sense of the words and phrase