2,028 research outputs found

    On the oil sardine landings along the Tuticorin coast during 1996

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    The fishery for the Indian oil sardine Sardinella longiceps is important along the west coast of India. Its occurrence along the east coast is only sporadic and infrequent. Every year a few tonnes of oil sardines used to be landed at Tuticorin. But there was no landing of oil sardines during 1992 - 1994

    On a giant devil ray Manta birostris (Walbaum) landed at Tuticorin fishing harbour

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    On 24.03.2001 a giant male devil ray Manta btrostris (Walbaum) was caught at 50 metre depth off Tuticorin in a trawlnet (Fig.). This ray locally called, 'Kombu thirukkai' measured 331 cm in total length and 576 cm breadth, weighed approximately 1850 kgs. The specimen was sold for Rs. 875/- at the landing centre

    The Life Beliefs of Palandamizhar Expressed by Nadukal (A Sepulchral Stone or Monument)

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    The various kinds of art, literature, politics, culture, faith, civilization, etc., of the ancient Tamil people, have been known from the manuscripts, inscriptions, coins, copper plates, etc., found in different parts of the country. The various fields of work have a permanent origin in the literary world, giving shape to the known sources. It is the immortal literature created by the ancient Tamil people who have established that image and is so popular. This study is intended to examine the ancient middle stones that can be discovered through these inscriptions and the various soil-based beliefs that are intertwined with the lives of the ancient Tamil people associated with them

    An Analysis of Text-Based Authentication using Images in Banking System

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    The stipulation of electronic services, such as Transactional, Non-transactional, Financial institution administration, Management of multiple users having varying levels of authority and Transaction approval process, by banking organizations evolves and spreads with the introduction of enhanced communication technologies.┬а Though, this novel business occasion for the provision of banking products and services increases the need for security, especially due to the sensitive nature of the information exchanged.┬а The specific nature of Internet banking systems creates the necessity for focused facts on security issues to be able to successfully demeanor an assessment or security evaluation process.┬а More specifically, the information systems (IS) auditor should have the necessary technical and operational skills and knowledge to carry out the review of the technology employed and risks associated with Internet banking.┬а Following this requirement, this paper presents a novel authentication approach to provide security to the end users.┬а This proposed system, Analysis of Text-Based Authentication using Images in Banking System (ATBAIBS) provides great value in terms of convenience, customer intimacy, time saving, inexpensiveness and coherence in banking sectors

    Heavy landing of brown pomfret at Tuticorin

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    From December 1992 to February 1993 bumper catch of brown pomfret Stromateus niger was recorded at Harbour Point landing centre which is a traditional site for shore seine operations at Tuticorin. Some enterprising shore seine fishermen after seeing schools of brown pomfret moving near the Tuticorin harbour anchorage used their encircling net to catch the

    Manta birostris landed at Tuticorin

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    On 31.03.2006 one female Manta birostris measuring 370 cm in total length 620 cm in breadth and weighing 1550 kg was caught by "singi valai" (a type of bottom set gill net) from a depth of 40 m off Tuticorin and brought to Tuticorin north landing centre

    Whale shark, Rhinocodon typus (Smith) landed at Tuticorin, Gulf of Mannar

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    Paper is reporting the morphometric measurements of a male whale shark Rhinocodon typus measuring 4.45 m and weighing approximately 1.5 t got entangled in a nylon net at a depth of 90-100 m,operated for tuna and allied species

    Impact of motorization on the traditional fishery at Tuticorin

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    Analysis on the impact of motorization on traditional fishermen and deals with the total fish catch of various gears using motorized crafts as compared with total catch by non-motorized crafts using similar gears and covers the period from 1986 to 1992. One reason for decrease in fish catch after motorization of traditional crafts is the intensive fishing carried out by motorized units in the inshore areas traditionally fished by non-motorized fishing units. It is also possible that rsufficient recruitment is not taking place in the fishing grounds to give an encouraging trend in the motorized fishery

    The present status of small scale traditional fishery at Tuticorin

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    Tuticorin enjoys an imique position along the Gulf of Mannar in the east coast of India in view of the facilities available for the development and exploitation of the marine fisheries of the region. A good flashing harbour affords facilities for smaller trawlers in the mechanised fishing sector. Large industrial fishery trawlers get facilities in the major harbour. There is a well established traditional system of craft and gears suited for the local conditions. This account is a positive attempt to highlight the changing pattern of the traditional fishery over the last few years and gives a comprehensive coverage of the gear-wise, specieswise and season-wise fish landings by the small scale traditional sector from 1979 to 1985 based on regular sampling of the commercial catch at Tuticorin fish landing centres
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