103 research outputs found

    Increasing the Energy Performance of Existing Buildings in Cold Climate Regions: A Social Housing Case in Erzurum

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    High energy consumption in regions with harsh climatic conditions makes it difficult to reach energy consumption targets. This study considers design decisions affecting energy consumption for cold climate regions; the position of the building, its orientation, building envelope elements and building materials were examined. In line with these decisions, a field study was conducted by researching the energy-efficient renovation of existing social housing structures in cold climate regions. For the field study, social housing in Erzurum was selected, and the current heating energy consumption of the building was simulated using the Design Builder program. By creating energy-efficient renewal scenarios that can be economically and physically enacted, the U-values and thicknesses of the building envelope elements were changed, and 14 renewal simulations were carried out for five scenarios. The effects of each renovation scenario on the current heating energy consumption were examined, and the results were compared. With the most efficient replacement scenario, it was observed that the heating energy consumption decreased by an average of 31%. The data obtained informed decisions for building envelope element selection within the scope of energy-efficient renewal studies in cold climate regions and their impact on energy consumption

    Vibrio vulnificus infection in horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) and its characteristic symptoms: An experimental study

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    In the present study, the mortality and characteristic symptoms (bilateral exophthalmia and skin lesions) associated with Vibrio vulnificus infection in horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) are presented from an experimental infection trial

    0–12 aylık bebeği olan annelerin çocuk bakımında başvurdukları geleneksel uygulamalar

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    This descriptive study was conducted to determine the traditional practices about child care of mothers who have child 0-12 month. The study included 203 mothers who participated as volunteers. The sample consisted of 203 women who attended the Birth and Infant Hospital between   March 1, 2007 and April 15, 2007 and accepted to take port in this study. The data has been gathered in forms which were prepared by the researchers. Permission was obtained from the subjects verbally before the study started and the form was filled, with face to face interview technique.It was  result of the research, it was determined that 34.5% of the mothers feed their children after half on hour from the birth, 27.1% of them after two hours from the birth. It was found out that 1.0% of the mothers gave their children sugary water and 88.7% breast milk as first food; that 66.0% made to do the their first bath after  novels cord of infant fall down, that 53.2% of the mother wrapped the children swaddling clothes. That 88.2% of the mothers cut the children's nails three months after the birth who expected of complete forty after birth. The mother statement 33.0% breast milk face baby who beautiful. The mother determination 32.5% baby's mount thrush was gone doctor and 25.1% clear carbonate water. The mother was found 58.6% after navels cord of infant fall down and 42.4% to pray keeping evil eye of infantAraştırma 0-12 aylık bebeği olan annelerin çocuk bakımına ilişkin başvurdukları geleneksel uygulamaları saptamak amacıyla tanımlayıcı olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılmayı kabul eden 203 anne alınmıştır. Anket formu 1 Mart 2007-15 Nisan 2007 tarihleri arasında Ordu Doğum ve Çocuk Hastanesine başvuran annelerle yüz yüze görüşülerek doldurulmuştur Araştırma sonucunda; annelerin %34,5'inin doğumdan yarım saat sonra, %27,1'inin 2 saat sonra çocuklarını besledikleri saptanmıştır. Annelerin %88,7'si bebeklerine ilk gıda olarak anne sütü, %1,0'ı şekerli su vermişlerdir. Annelerin %66,0'ı bebeklerine ilk banyoyu göbek düşmesinden sonra yaptırmışlar, %53.27'si bebeği kundaklamışlardır. Annelerin %88,2'si doğumdan üç ay sonra bebeğin tırnaklarını kesmiş, neden olarak da kırkının çıkmasını beklemişlerdir (%32,5). Annelerin %33,0'ı güzel olması amacıyla anne sütünü bebeğin yüzüne sürdüğünü ifade etmiştir. Annelerin %32,5'inin bebeğinin ağzında pamukçuk olduğunda doktora götürdüğü, %25,1'inin karbonatlı su ile sildiği belirlenmiştir. Annelerin %58,6'sının bebeğin düşen göbeğini sakladığı; bebeği nazardan korumak için annelerin %42,4'ünün dua okuduğu bulunmuştur

    A Bimodal Extension of the Generalized Gamma Distribution

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    A bimodal extension of the generalized gamma distribution is proposed by using a mixing approach. Some distributional properties of the new distribution are investigated. The maximum likelihood (ML) estimators for the parameters of the new distribution are obtained. Real data examples are given to show the strength of the new distribution for modeling data.Una extensión bimodal de la distribución gamma generalizada es propuesta a través de un enfoque de mixturas. Algunas propiedades de la nueva distribución son investigadas. Los estimadores máximo verosímiles (ML por sus siglas en inglés) de los parámetros de la nueva distribución son obtenidos. Algunos ejemplos con datos reales son utilizados con el fin de mostrar las fortalezas de la nueva distribución en la modelación de datos

    Usporedba kemijskih i bioloških značajki propolisa pčelinje pasmine Apis mellifera caucasica iz turskih provincija Ardahana i Erzuruma

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    The aim of this study was to compare the biological activities of ethanolic propolis extracts of Apis mellifera caucasica obtained from Ardahan and Erzurum provinces of Turkey. Samples were tested for antioxidant, anticytotoxic, anticarcinogenic, antibacterial, and antifungal potentials using different techniques. Propolis samples from the two provinces had different mineral and organic compositions related to their geographical origin. The ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) test showed superiority of Ardahan propolis over the Erzurum. Regardless of origin and the presence of mitomycin C in the culture medium, propolis enhanced human peripheral lymphocyte viability, which depended on the duration and propolis concentration. Antiperoxidative activity on MCF-7 breast cancer cells was concentrationdependent. Erzurum propolis showed the highest anticarcinogenic activity at the concentrations of 62.5 μg/mL and 125 μg/ mL, which dropped at higher concentrations. All propolis samples also showed antibacterial activity against the tested human pathogens similar to ampicillin and penicillin controls, except for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, they did not exert any antifungal activity against Candida albicans and Yarrowia lipolytica. In conclusion, propolis samples from both provinces showed promising biological activities, but further research should focus on finding the right concentrations for optimal effect and include the cell necrosis pathway to get a better idea of the anticarcinogenic effects.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio usporediti biološku aktivnost etanolnih ekstrakata propolisa pčelinje pasmine Apis mellifera caucasica iz dviju turskih provincija: Ardahana i Erzuruma. Testirana su njihova antioksidacijska, anticitotoksična, antikancerogena, antibakterijska i antifungalna svojstva. Uzorci iz tih dviju provincija razlikovali su se u mineralnom i organskom sastavu koji je odražavao njihovo zemljopisno podrijetlo. Test redukcije željeza/antioksidacijske snage (engl. ferric reducing antioxidant power, krat. FRAP) otkrio je superiornost ardahanskoga propolisa nad erzurumskim, no bez obzira na podrijetlo i prisutnost mitomicina C u mediju, oba su propolisa povećala vijabilnost ljudskih perifernih limfocita, a učinak je ovisio o koncentraciji i trajanju. Propolis iz Erzuruma iskazao je najveću antikancerogenu aktivnost u koncentracijama od 62,5 i 125 μg/mL, no ona se smanjila s višim koncentracijama. Oba su propolisa također iskazala antibakterijsku aktivnost sličnu ampicilinskoj i penicilinskoj kontroli, osim kad se radilo o bakteriji Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Međutim, oba su zakazala protiv plijesni Candida albicans i Yarrowia lipolytica. Može se zaključiti da uzorci propolisa iz obiju provincija pružaju obećavajuće biološke aktivnosti, no u daljnja istraživanja, koja se trebaju usmjeriti na traženje optimalnih koncentracija za postizanje željenog učinka, treba uključiti i nekrotični put u mehanizmu djelovanja kako bi se stekao bolji uvid u njihovo antikancerogeno djelovanje

    The process leading to 27 May coup within the frame of politician statements (27 October 1957 - 27 May 1960)

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    1957 seçimlerinden sonra iktidar-muhalefet gerginliği, Türkiye’yi siyasî bir çıkmaza sürüklemiştir. Özellikle Vatan Cephesi, Tahkikat Encümeni gibi oluşumlarla Demokrat Parti, CHP başta olmak üzere muhalefetin sertleşen politikalarına karşı tavizsiz bir tavır izlemiştir. Böylece Demokrat Parti yöneticileri, bir taraftan muhalefeti iktidarın gücünü gösteren yasalar çıkartarak, yaptırımlar uygulayarak susturmaya diğer taraftan da verdikleri beyanatlar ile halkın desteğini sağlamaya çalışmışlardır. 27 Ekim 1957 ve 27 Mayıs 1960 tarihleri arasındaki siyasî süreç özellikle CHP ve DP yöneticileri arasında sataşmalar, tehdit ve uyarılarla geçmiştir. Bu makalede 1957 seçimlerinden sonra Türkiye’de yaşanan siyasi gelişmeler ve 27 Mayıs Darbesi’ne gidiş süreci, olayların etkisi göz önünde bulundurularak üç döneme ayrılmış ve ağırlıklı olarak siyasilerin beyanatları ve demeçleri çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır.The tension between government and oppositional party after the elections held in 1957 carried Turkey to a political dead end. Democratic Party took an uncompromising stand against hardening policies of the opposition, being Republican People’s Party in the first place, with constitutions such as Native Front (Vatan Cephesi) and Investigation Committe

    Batum immigrants (1914-1930)

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    WOS: 000348196800003After the acquisition of Batum by Russia through the Berlin Congress, mass migration movements were observed from this region to Anatolia. Migrations from Batum to Anatolia continued over the course of World War I, the Turkish War of Independence and the early years of the Republic. the settlement demands of immigrants coming from Batum and its surroundings were generally received positively both by the Ottoman government and the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Housing and land were provided to immigrants who came to Turkey and these immigrants were settled in various provinces and districts of Anatolia. Those who fulfilled the conditions were also given the right for citizenship. This study deals with the situation of immigrants who came to Turkey from Batum during World War I, the Turkish War of Independence and the early years of the Republic in the light of various archival documents