2,144 research outputs found

    Dynamic Pattern Formation in a Vesicle-Generating Microfluidic Device

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    Spatiotemporal pattern formation occurs in a variety of nonequilibrium physical and chemical systems. Here we show that a microfluidic device designed to produce reverse micelles can generate complex, ordered patterns as it is continuously operated far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Flow in a microfluidic system is usually simple—viscous effects dominate and the low Reynolds number leads to laminar flow. Self-assembly of the vesicles into patterns depends on channel geometry and relative fluid pressures, enabling the production of motifs ranging from monodisperse droplets to helices and ribbons

    Is the angular momentum of an electron conserved in a uniform magnetic field?

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    We show that an electron moving in a uniform magnetic field possesses a time-varying ``diamagnetic'' angular momentum. Surprisingly this means that the kinetic angular momentum of the electron may vary with time, despite the rotational symmetry of the system. This apparent violation of angular momentum conservation is resolved by including the angular momentum of the surrounding fields

    Radial glia in the proliferative ventricular zone of the embryonic and adult turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans.

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    To better understand the role of radial glial (RG) cells in the evolution of the mammalian cerebral cortex, we investigated the role of RG cells in the dorsal cortex and dorsal ventricular ridge of the turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans. Unlike mammals, the glial architecture of adult reptile consists mainly of ependymoradial glia, which share features with mammalian RG cells, and which may contribute to neurogenesis that continues throughout the lifespan of the turtle. To evaluate the morphology and proliferative capacity of ependymoradial glia (here referred to as RG cells) in the dorsal cortex of embryonic and adult turtle, we adapted the cortical electroporation technique, commonly used in rodents, to the turtle telencephalon. Here, we demonstrate the morphological and functional characteristics of RG cells in the developing turtle dorsal cortex. We show that cell division occurs both at the ventricle and away from the ventricle, that RG cells undergo division at the ventricle during neurogenic stages of development, and that mitotic Tbr2+ precursor cells, a hallmark of the mammalian SVZ, are present in the turtle cortex. In the adult turtle, we show that RG cells encompass a morphologically heterogeneous population, particularly in the subpallium where proliferation is most prevalent. One RG subtype is similar to RG cells in the developing mammalian cortex, while 2 other RG subtypes appear to be distinct from those seen in mammal. We propose that the different subtypes of RG cells in the adult turtle perform distinct functions

    Metal-only Lewis pairs between group 10 metals and Tl(I) or Ag(I): insights into the electronic consequences of Z-type ligand binding†

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    Complexes bearing electron rich transition metal centers, especially those displaying coordinative unsaturation, are well-suited to form reverse-dative σ-interactions with Lewis acids. Herein we demonstrate the generality of zerovalent, group 10 m-terphenyl isocyanide complexes to form reverse-dative σ-interactions to Tl(I) and Ag(I) centers. Structural and spectroscopic investigations of these metal-only Lewis pairs (MOLPs) has allowed insight into the electronic consequences of Lewis-acid ligation within the primary coordination sphere of a transition metal center. Treatment of the bis-isocyanide complex, Pt(CNArDipp2)2 (ArDipp2 = 2,6-(2,6-(i-Pr)2C6H3)2C6H3) with TlOTf (OTf = [O3SCF3]−) yields the Pt/Tl MOLP [TlPt(CNArDipp2)2]OTf (1). 1H NMR and IR spectroscopic studies on 1, and its Pd congener [TlPd(CNArDipp2)2]OTf (2), demonstrate that the M → Tl interaction is labile in solution. However, treatment of complexes 1 and 2 with Na[BArF4] (ArF = 3,5-(CF3)2C6H3) produces [TlPt(CNArDipp2)2]BArF4 (3) and [TlPd(CNArDipp2)2]BArF4 (4), in which Tl(I) binding is shown to be static by IR spectroscopy and, in the case of 3, 195Pt NMR spectroscopy as well. This result provides strong evidence that the M → Tl linkages can be attributed primarily to σ-donation from the group 10 metal to Tl, as loss of ionic stabilization of Tl by the triflate anion is compensated for by increasing the degree of M → Tl σ-donation. In addition, X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) on the Pd/Tl and Ni/Tl MOLPs, [TlPd(CNArDipp2)2]OTf (2) and [TlNi(CNArMes2)3]OTf, respectively, is used to illustrate that the formation of a reverse-dative σ-interaction with Tl(I) does not alter the spectroscopic oxidation state of the group 10 metal. Also reported is the ability of M(CNArDipp2)2 (M = Pt, Pd) to form MOLPs with Ag(I), yielding the complexes [AgM(CNArDipp2)2]OTf (5, M = Pt; 6, M = Pd). As was determined for the Tl-containing MOLPs 1–4, it is shown that the spectroscopic oxidation states of the group 10 metal in 5 and 6 are essentially unchanged compared to the zerovalent precursors M(CNArDipp2)2. However, in the case of 5 and 6, the formation of a dative M → Ag σ-bonding interaction facilitates the binding of Lewis bases to the group 10 metal trans to Ag, illustrating the potential of acceptor fragments to open up new coordination sites on transition metal complexes without formal, two-electron oxidation

    Algebraic and geometric aspects of generalized quantum dynamics

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    \noindent We briefly discuss some algebraic and geometric aspects of the generalized Poisson bracket and non--commutative phase space for generalized quantum dynamics, which are analogous to properties of the classical Poisson bracket and ordinary symplectic structure.Comment: 10pages,revtex, IASSNSHEP-93/5

    A synthetic Escherichia coli predator–prey ecosystem

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    We have constructed a synthetic ecosystem consisting of two Escherichia coli populations, which communicate bi-directionally through quorum sensing and regulate each other's gene expression and survival via engineered gene circuits. Our synthetic ecosystem resembles canonical predator–prey systems in terms of logic and dynamics. The predator cells kill the prey by inducing expression of a killer protein in the prey, while the prey rescue the predators by eliciting expression of an antidote protein in the predator. Extinction, coexistence and oscillatory dynamics of the predator and prey populations are possible depending on the operating conditions as experimentally validated by long-term culturing of the system in microchemostats. A simple mathematical model is developed to capture these system dynamics. Coherent interplay between experiments and mathematical analysis enables exploration of the dynamics of interacting populations in a predictable manner

    Mapping the Galactic Halo. V. Sgr dSph Tidal Debris 60 degrees from the Main Body

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    As part of the Spaghetti Project Survey (SPS) we have detected a concentration of giant stars well above expectations for a smooth halo model. The position (l~350, b~50) and distance (~50 kpc) of this concentration match those of the Northern over-density detected by SDSS (Yanny et al. 2000, Ivezic et al. 2000). We find additional evidence for structure at ~80 kpc in the same direction. We present radial velocities for many of these stars, including the first published results from the 6.5m Magellan telescope. The radial velocities for stars in these structures are in excellent agreement with models of the dynamical evolution of the Sgr dwarf tidal debris, whose center is 60 degrees away. The metallicity of stars in these streams is lower than that of the main body of the Sgr dwarf, which may indicate a radial metallicity gradient prior to disruption.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures accepted in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Performance of chaos diagnostics based on Lagrangian descriptors. Application to the 4D standard map

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    We investigate the ability of simple diagnostics based on Lagrangian descriptor (LD) computations of initially nearby orbits to detect chaos in conservative dynamical systems with phase space dimensionality higher than two. In particular, we consider the recently introduced methods of the difference (DLnD_L^n) and the ratio (RLnR_L^n) of the LDs of neighboring orbits, as well as a quantity (SLnS_L^n) related to the finite-difference second spatial derivative of the LDs, and use them to determine the chaotic or regular nature of ensembles of orbits of a prototypical area-preserving map model, the 4-dimensional (4D) symplectic standard map. Using the distributions of the indices' values we determine appropriate thresholds to discriminate between regular and chaotic orbits, and compare the obtained characterization against that achieved by the Smaller Alignment Index (SALI) method of chaos detection, by recording the percentage agreement PAP_A between the two classifications. We study the influence of various factors on the performance of these indices, and show that the increase of the final number of orbit iterations T and the order n of the indices (i.e. the dimensionality of the space where the considered nearby orbits lie), as well as the decrease of the distance σ\sigma of neighboring orbits, increase the PAP_A values along with the required computational effort. Balancing between these two factors we find appropriate T, n and σ\sigma values, which allow the efficient use of the DLnD_L^n, RLnR_L^n and SLnS_L^n indices as short time and computationally cheap chaos diagnostics achieving PA≳90%P_A \gtrsim 90 \%, with DLnD_L^n and SLnS_L^n having larger PAP_A values than RLnR_L^n. Our results show that the three LDs-based indices perform better for systems with large percentages of chaotic orbits
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