8 research outputs found

    The Development of E-governance-based Quality in the Universities

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    Universities hold a strategic role in society as the teaching university, the research university, and the bastion of civilization. In this decade, the challenges of the universities become more complex where a paradigm shift in the universities occur such as: (1) the shifting of the role of the universities due to the influence of the globalization; (2) the scarcity of resources in response to changes with the proper way; (3) the development of the science and technology which accelerates rapidly; and (4) the development of the rapid entrepreneurial culture. Some important and fundamental issues facing the universities college in Indonesia today is that the existence of the universities college in Indonesia still faces a number of obstacles in the policy, the implementation, the monitoring, and the evaluation. Moreover, the issue of quality and the relevance of outputs of the universities have not contributed optimally in the world of industry and society. The universities have not optimally been able to become the important sectorwhich can produce a significant number of entrepreneurs with the orientation of job creation and self-reliance. Based on the background of this grant research above, it can be concluded that the strategy of private universities towards the world class or high quality is studied. The method used was a qualitative research consisting of studying literature, conducting interviews, and distributing questionnaires to the informants in the universities in four provinces or cities in the area of The coordinator of The Private UniversitiesII of the southern sumatra and the analysis models. The following method used a quantitative method to measure the parameters of the performance of the universities and entrepreneurial growths of the universities. According to the results of the research in the first, second, and third year, a model to improve the e-governance-based quality to the universities through the research focus, the entrepreneurship, and the development of the resources was developed in the area of The coordinator of The Private Universities II of the southern sumatra. The final result of the improvement of e-governance-based quality in the universities in southern sumatra was the manifestation of the policy of the ministry of the higher education and research in implementing the management of the world-class universities, the scientific publications, and the reference textbooks


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    Program ini menghasilkan sistem informasigeografis pariwisata berbasis android sehingga menjadi sebuah interface yang membantu Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Lampung untuk menginformasikan objek wisata dan jarak terdekat dengan fasilitas – fasilitasnya. System informasi geografis ini mampu menjadi salah satu media pengenalan objek wisata dan berdampak terhadap peningkatan animo dan jumlah wisatawan yang akan berkunjung ke Provinsi Lampung. Pada proses penghitungan rute terpendek terdapat dua macam proses yaitu proses pemberian label dan proses pemberian node sehingga memberikan informasi jarak terdekat dari titik pencari informasi. Aplikasi ini disebut dengan E-tourism mobile berbasiskan system operasi android dapat dijalankan melalui smartphone oleh para wisatawan, E-Tourisme ini difasilitasi dengan fungsi pemilihan tempat wisata, penjadwalan kegiatan wisata, memberikan pengguna untuk memberikan rating dan komentar bagus untuk suatu tempat wisata dan estimasi waktu serta rute yang akan ditempuh untuk menuju ke tempat wisat

    Enterprises supply chain management for development of business

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    Abstract-Institutional and social capital theories can help to understand how social enterprises can contribute and transform sustainable supply chains. This article introduces a framework that seeks to understand social enterprise and entrepreneurship capabilities in transforming institutions to strengthen supply chain sustainability and briefly gives some preliminary findings related to social capital and supply chains. Presently the social entrepreneurship has many areas to explore and having exceptionally golden opportunities to reform the business research. With this article an analytical model and business model is proposed for commercial entrepreneurship. It also works as a bridge between many communities and the industries. Here it is also presented a roadmap for the future scope of industrial development. In this study it is try to explain that how a social entrepreneurship can work by providing high end services and user demands and also refer to establish many new industries. The new findings and the upcoming possible demands of a user are focused by this article


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    Provinsi Lampung memiliki potensi kepariwisataan yang besar dan mampu untuk dikembangkan menjadi tujuan wisata yang berskala nasional dan internasional. Dengan ragam destinasi wisata yang variatif mulai dari wisata alam, bahari, agrowisata dan  budayanya menjadikan Provinsi Lampung alternatif wisata yang menarik bagi para wisatawan baik domestik ataupun mancanegara. Salah satu destinasi wisata di Provinsi Lampung yang menjadi perhatian wisatawan saat ini adalah Pantai Sari Ringgung di kabupaten Pesawaran Lampung, dimana merupakan destinasi wisata pantai dengan keunikan masjid terapung dan pasir timbulnya. Akan tetapi  seiring dengan munculnya berbagai macam destinasi wisata baru, menyebabkan Pantai Sari Ringgung mengalami penurunan jumlah pengunjung dan memerlukan kajian strategis untuk dapat bertahan di sektor bisnis kepariwisataan Lampung. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melakukan kajian strategis terhadap Pantai Sari Ringgung, Pesawaran Lampung dengan menggunakan Analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknessess, Opportunitites, Threats)  untuk menemukan faktor-faktor yang menjadi kekuatan dan kelemahan di destinasi wisata dan membahas strategi yang diperlukan untuk memanfaatkan peluang dan mengatasi ancaman yang berkembang di dunia pariwisata Lampung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pantai Sari Ringgung berada pada kuadran Pertumbuhan berdasarkan matriks SWOT-4K, yang cocok menerapkan Rapid Growth Strategy.Lampung Province has large tourism potential and can be developed into national or moreover international scale. With a varied tourism destinations ranging from natural, nautical, agrotourism and culture, making Lampung Province as an attractive tourism alternative for domestics and foreign tourists. One of tourism destinations on Lampung Province that become favorite for tourist nowdays is Sari Ringgung Beach at Pesawaran District Lampung, a beach tourism destination with the uniqueness came from its floating mosque and sea sand embosed. However, along with the emergence of a variety of new tourism destinations, causing Sari Ringgung Beach has experience decreased number of visitors and need to review its strategy to survive in the tourism business sector of Lampung. This research objective was strategic study to Sari Ringgung Beach, Pesawaran Lampung by using SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknessess, Opportunitites, Threats) to find the factors that become strength and weakness in tourist destination and discuss strategy needed to exploit opportunity and to overcome the growing threats in Lampung tourism world. Research shown that Sari Ringgung beach positioned on Growth Quadran based on SWOT-4K Matrix, suitable to implement rapid growth strateg


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    Entrepreneurship programs at the high school level encourage students to become entrepreneurs. However, based on data on students' interest in entrepreneurship, after graduating students prefer to continue their studies or work. In addition, in the era of increasingly growing digitalization and the rise of social media as a platform for entrepreneurship, some students are not used for entrepreneurial activities, but rather for socializing, watching, etc. The school is trying to realize the young entrepreneurs starting from high school graduation through various variables. Therefore, this research aims to examine the influence of entrepreneurial literacy, digital literacy, and media use social impact on high school students' entrepreneurial interest. This research used quantitative research with a causality and associative approach used SEM-PLS. Result showed that entrepreneurial literacy, digital literacy, and media use of social media have an effect on interest in entrepreneurship. Through students' entrepreneurial literacy are expected to be able to identify problems and find creative and innovative business ideas. Digital literacy knowledge directs students to be able to identify real data and access the resources needed to support the business. Social media can be a very effective tool for networking with professionals, promoting products or services, and reaching more markets wide