231 research outputs found

    Determinan Pembangunan Kawasan Kota Baru Moncongloe-pattallassang Metropolitan Mamminasata

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis determinan pembangunan kawasan kota baru Moncongloe - Pattallassang Metropolitan Mamminasata. Penelitian ini menggunakan gabungan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif (mixed method). Data diperoleh melalui observasi, survei, dan dokumentasi. Konsep pembangunan kawasan kota baru Moncongloe - Pattallassang dilaksanakan berdasarkan arahan pola ruang kawasan terkait fungsi-fungsi perkotaan yang dikembangkan, hal ini merekondisi pembangunan aktivitas-aktivitas perkotaan (permukiman skala besar, perdagangan, jasa, dan pendidikan), secara tidak langsung menyebabkan terjadinya proses alih fungsi guna lahan dari lahan produktif (pertanian) menjadi lahan industrial perkotaan. Selain pola ruang, struktur ruang juga akan terbentuk seiring pembangunan kota baru Moncongloe - Pattallassang yang dihubungkan dengan sistem sirkulasi transportasi yang terindikasi membentuk simpul-simpul pergerakan yang menghubungkan tiga kota (Makassar-Maros-Sungguminasa) menyebabkan berkembangnya aktivitas-aktivitas perkotaan baru yang kompak dalam skala kecil dan cenderung membentuk “exclaves” pada daerah pertanian disekitarnya, lama kelamaan daerah-daerah kekotaan yang terpisah-pisah tersebut menyatu dan membentuk kota lebih besar dan kompak yang dihubungkan oleh sistem sirkulasi transportasi. Perubahan struktur dan pola ruang kawasan dalam dinamika pembangunan kawasan kota baru Moncongloe - Pattallassang mengondisikan Perubahan interaksi, relasi ekonomi, adaptasi sosial, pola pendidikan, dan reorientasi mata pencaharian, sehingga proses tersebut mengondisikan terjadinya Perubahan sistem sosial komunitas lokal perkotaan dari sepenuhnya agraris perdesaan kearah sistem sosial masyarakat industrial perkotaan, berdampak pada Perubahan struktur sosial masyarakat

    Penentuan Harga Jual Barang Dagangan pada Toko Wahyu di Sangatta

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah Toko WAHYU telah menetapkan harga jual barangnya sesuai dengan metode gross margin pricing dan mengetahui besarnya harga jual barang dagangan. Alat analisis yang digunakan dengan metode Gross Margin Pricing. .Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan perbandingan tingkat harga jual yang ditetapkan oleh toko berkisar antara Rp 65.000 s/d Rp 260.000, sedangkan berdasarkan gross margin pricing berkisar antara Rp 68.970 s/d Rp 292.820. Hasil perbandingan laba tiap unit barang yang ditetapkan toko berkisar antara Rp 8.000 s/d Rp 20.000, sedangkan berdasarkan gross margin pricing berkisar antara Rp 11.970 s/d Rp 50.820. Dari hasil perhitungan menunjukkan harga jual barang elektronik Miyako yang ditetapkan manajemen Toko WAHYU lebih rendah dibandingkan harga jual berdasarkan metode gross margin pricing, sehingga hipotesis yang diajukan diterima. Perbedaan tersebut disebabkan karena penentuan harga jual yang ditetapkan Toko WAHYU berdasarkan taksiran laba sedangkan penentuan harga jual menurut metode Gross Margin Pricing ditentukan berdasarkan persentase mark up pada landasan teori

    Pengukuran Kesilindrisan Hasil Proses Pemotongan Mesin Bubut untuk Mengetahui Kemampuan Mesin Menghasilkan suatu Produk

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    The ability of machine tools to produce a product of good quality is needed by the industrial industry that exists today. Industrial industries that use machine tools are not only industries that produce products in the form of a tool or machine, machine tools are also widely used by industries or institutions that serve machine repair and providers of skills training. The quality of the machine measured using the geometry of the workpiece resulting from the machining process can be in the form of roundness, cylindrecity, tapers and other geometric shapes. The use of machine tools that continue for several years can result in a decrease in the ability of the machine to produce a product. The use of a long horizontal doall lt13 lathe will produce a form of workpiece cylindricity that is not the same as the condition of the the new machine tools, therefore testing activities are carried out by cutting the machine and seeing what the cylindrical value of the specimen is capable of achieving . From the results of the testing that has been carried out on a horizontal lathe as many as eight units, the values of cylindrical difference are different for each machine. The highest value of cylindricity is produced by lathes with machine number 8 and the smallest cylindrical value produced by lathes with machine number 3. The greatest tolerance is achieved in the quality of IT (International tolerance) 11 tolerance and the lowest is achieved in IT tolerance quality 10

    Gender Construction of Women as Maung Geulis in Indonesian Football

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    Talking about football, we could not separate it from the supremacy of masculinity that was created and rooted powerfully by men. It seemed that football was a sport that could be done merely by men and for men. That perspective became one of the most fundamental reasons why football was destined for men. However, there were a lot of women interested in football and becoming the supporter of the football team. Practically, these women supporters had their own labeling as supporters. It indicated that there was a role of women in football, either as a player or supporter. This study discussed the gender construction as a woman by means of the labeling itself. The qualitative-descriptive method was employed to investigate the women gender construction as ‘Maung Geulis' in Indonesian football teams' territory. The result shows how the manifestation of the women supporters in football can gain the motivation of morality to the football players in the field. Moreover, there is a desire of the women to show the gender equality through the labeling of ‘Maung Geulis' as the women supporters. Either ‘Maung Geulis' or other women supporters are attempted to locate the role of women in men's domain. The potential of women as ‘Maung Geulis' to be equal with men supporters is buried by the different labeling. The issue gives a distance of equality by using the political labeling becomes contra productive in the effort to construct the gender equality

    Perancangan Logo Dan Media Promosi Alaska Mobil Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Brand Awareness

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    CV.ALASKA JAYA known as Car Alaska, is a company engaged in trading second car in the city of Surabaya. Not all companies second car providers with innovative and creative concepts, especially in the promotion to the wider community. So, not many people recognize excellence services Car Alaska. The purpose of this design is to know how to design a logo and media campaign as an effort to increase brand awareness. The design uses qualitative methods with the method, observation, in-depth interviews, and existing studies to find a formulation of the concept design. From the analysis of the data found superiority and uniqueness of Alaska Cars that are not conveyed to the public. Promotional activities that have not been done and corporate identity is not known to be a reason why excellence Car Alaska unknown audience. After processing the data analysis found the design concept key words "Smart Choice", which means someone who has the decision, intelligence, selective, and easy to adjust. Which "Smart Choice" explains what to expect and it takes a smart and selective customers, paced lifestyle effective, efficient, and reliable. Audiences are given a fantastic visual display, imaginative thinking, and wonderful things using active and aggressive communication. So the result is expected to increase customer awareness of the brand and company Car Alaska

    Tinjauan Performansi Bubut Doll LT13 terhadap Penyimpangan Kebulatan Benda Kerja

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    The industry manufacture with high quality and able to pruduce the workpicece with high quality In industry manufacture are very necessary. The use of high quality machines should be supported by the ability to operate and the ability to perform maintenance, this ability is useful to maintain the condition of the machine in order to produce good quality workpieces. Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung has several high quality machine tools, one type of machine tools usually use is lathe machine doall LT13 with total have six units. this machine Used to support education and to produce spare parts. Doall LT13 lathes have been used for 22 years, during that period there may be deviation of machine geometry, deviations that occur can lead to decreased quality of the resulting workpiece. This study aims to determine the feasibility of the machine by measuring the roundness of the spicemen of the process of turning, the roundness of the specimen is analyzed by using the minimum circle method. From the roundness testing performed on the doall lt 13 the resultďż˝ that can be achieved as follows 0,082 mm at lathe number 8, 0,073 mm at lathe number 5, 0,057 mm at lathe number 7, 0,051 mm at latheďż˝ number 2, 0,048 mm at lathe number 6 and 0,046 mm at lathe number 3

    Risk Factors for Cognitive Impairment after Ischemic Stroke

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    A fall can be defined as ’an event that results in a person coming to rest inadvertently on the ground or floor or other lower level (Matarese & Ivziku, 2016). Falls can be caused by many factors. Millions of patient falls in hospitals are recorded (Lynn et al., 2014). Patient falls impact either the patients or the hospitals. It is a challenge for healthcare organization to reduce negative impact of patient falls. This article aims to describe tools used by hospitals to prevent patient falls, by reviewing systematically the literatures found in ProQuest and SCOPUS database. This systematic review refers to the protocol of PRISMA. Literatures were gathered from ‘ProQuest’ and ‘SCOPUS’ electronic databases. Prevention of patient falls can, generally, be divided in twomain sections; while the first section is early detection, the second is interventions (Smith et al., 2016). The early detection of patient falls is further divided into two sections, fall-risk screening and fall-risk assessment (Matarese & Ivziku, 2016). Various screening tools have been developed to identify patients at risk of falls inhospitals. The following falls risk-screening tools are frequently used: the St Thomas risk assessment tool in falling elderly inpatients (STRATIFY); the Conley scale; the Morse Fall scale; the Falls Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT); and the NPSA scale (Matarese & Ivziku, 2016). There are several paediatric screening tools, such as General Risk Assessment for Paediatric Inpatient Falls (Graf-PIF), CHAMPS, Cummings scale, Children’s National Medical Center (CNMC) scale, and the Humpty Dumpty Fall Scale (Murray et al., 2016). The NICE guideline recommends including the following factors in the hospital’s multifactorial falls risk-assessment tool: cognitive and visual impairment, continence problems, a history of falls, mobility problems, medications, balance andpostural problems, health problems, and syncope syndrome (Matarese & Ivziku, 2016). In addition to screening and assessment tools, there are many intervention tools used by hospitals to prevent patient falls, such as using remote video monitoring in hospitals for reducing falls (Votruba et al., 2016), using certain footwears, andusing fall-reduction projects, consider measuring effect on nursing staff time, staffing ratios on budget, or changes in patient mobility as a result of the initiative (Cumbler et al., 2013). Falls are unintended accidents to the patients in hospital that happen frequently. It is a challenge for healthcare organizations to reduce negativeimpacts of patient falls. There are some tools used by hospitals to prevent patient falls. Keywords: patient falls prevention, STRATIFY, Conley, Morse, FRAT, NPSA, Graf-PIF, CHAMPS, Cumming, CNMC, Humpty Dumpty, NIC

    Design Company In Sales Computerized Mds Kain Batik Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    This writing explains the computerized system at the company's sales "Cain BatikMDS" which during the process is still done manually, so much the possibility oferror and is considered less effective and inefficient. Therefore, the authors provide abetter alternative to create a computerized sales system with a simple batik usingVisual Basic 6.0 programming language, which will be proposed by the authors toassist with the inputting of data processing goods through the production and salesprocess, which will then be automatically stored in a database and will exit thedisplay output to be received by the customer or purchaser as the invoice or receiptand to come to the view sales reports required by employers proficiency level in thesebatik cloth
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