10 research outputs found

    Karakteristik pengeringan pisang kepok berdasarkan ketebalan irisan dan proses bolak balik pada pembuatan pisang sale

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    One of processed bananas that has a long shelf life is banana fritter. Banana fritter is made by slicing bananas in various thicknesses and then drying them. Drying intends to reduce or eliminate the water content in bananas. This study aims to determine the drying characteristics of kepok bananas based on the thickness of the slices and the back and forth process in making banana fritter. The design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) with two types of thickness, namely 1 cm (K1) and 1.5 cm (K2) cm and there were once (B1) and twice (B2) alternating process treatments respectively in a day. Research data were analyzed using SPSS. The results showed that the degree of thickness (K) significantly affected the mass change of bananas during drying (P value = 0.0001), and the alternating process of bananas (B) did not affect the mass change of bananas during drying (P value = 0.532), while the combination between treatment B and K did not have a significant effect (P value = 0.385). From the results of this study it can be concluded that the thickness of the dried kepok banana slices greatly affects the characteristics of the resulting banana fritter. The drying rate and MR value are directly proportional to the amount of moisture in the banana during drying which is shown at a thickness level of 1.5 cm, so it is advisable to carry out further research mechanically with a thickness level of 1.5 cm kepok banana slices.lah satu olahan pisang yang memiliki masa simpan yang lama yaitu pisang sale. Pisang sale dibuat dengan cara buah pisang diiris dengan bebagai ketebalan kemudian dikeringkan. Pengeringan bermaksud untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan kandungan air pada pisang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pengeringan pisang kepok berdasarkan ketebalan irisan dan proses bolak balik pada pembuatan pisang sale. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan dua jenis ketebalan yaitu 1 cm (K1) dan 1.5 cm (K2) cm dan masing-masing ada perlakuan proses bolak balik sekali (B1) dan dua kali (B2) dalam sehari. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis mnggunakan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketebalan (K) mempengaruhi perubahan massa pisang selama pengeringan secara signifikan (P value= 0.0001), dan proses bolak balik pisang (B) tidak mempengaruhi perubahan massa pisang selama pengeringan (P value= 0.532), Sedangkan kombinasi antara perlakuan B dan K tidak memberikan pengaruh secara siginifkan (P value=0.385). Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat ketebalan irisan pisang kepok yang dikeringkan sangat mempengaruhi karakteristik pisang sale yang dihasilkan. Laju pengeringan dan nilai MR berbanding lurus dengan banyaknya uap air pada pisang selama pengeringan yang ditunjukkan pada tingkat ketebalan 1.5 cm, sehingga disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian selanjutnya secara mekanis dengan tingkat ketebalan irisan pisang kepok 1.5 cm

    The exploration of indigenous plant-based coagulant for sumbawanese cheese production as probiotic source

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    Sumbawa cow's milk processing is still limited even though it has the potential to be developed. Therefore, a diversification product like cheese as a source of probiotic is required. Cheese derived from milk that is coagulated using rennet which is expensive and has high halal critical point. Thus, an alternative coagulant that is affordable with low halal critical point such as local plant-based material is needed. This study used Sumbawa local cow’s milk to produce cheese which coagulated using pineapple and gooseberry and the addition of Lactobacillus lactis as the lactic acid bacteria. Observed parameters were clotting time, yield, hardness, protein, total fat, total lactic acid bacteria, and sensory quality. This experiment showed that the cheese yielded using pineapple was higher than that of gooseberry, while the cheese coagulated using gooseberry (26714 N/m2) was having firmer texture. Meanwhile, clotting time, protein content and total fat content of the cheese coagulated using both coagulants were the same. The total lactic acid bacteria of the cheese coagulated using pineapple and gooseberry was similar 10.80 Log CFU/mg and 10.84 Log CFU/mg, respectively. Sensory evaluation using quantitative descriptive analysis showed that the cheese coagulated using pineapple extract has higher aftertaste and bitter taste. Meanwhile, the cheese coagulated using gooseberry extract was dry, grainy, yellowish, and its overall acceptance was higher than that of pineapple

    Determination of the added value of kades coffee agroindustry product using the hayami method (case study of MSME’s Agal Deta, Sumbawa Besar District)

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    Coffee is an agro-industrial product commodity that has the potential to be developed, because it can be processed into ground coffee products with various flavors and can last a long time. This study aims to analyze the added value of Kades Coffee Agro-industry products in the MSME’s of Agal Deta which located in Marente Village, Alas District, Sumbawa Besar Regency using the Hayami method. The variables used in this method include input output and prices, revenues and profits, and margins. The results of the analysis of the added value of Kades coffee on the output, input and price variables obtained a conversion factor value of 5 kg/production cycle and a labor efficiency of 0.32 HOK/kg. The revenue and profit variables obtain of added value ratio of 76%, a profit level of 83% and an added value of 95,000 IDR. The margin variable gains a profit of 79% with a margin value of 100,000 IDR. The added value of Kades coffee is included in the profitable business category because it gets a added value ratio of above 40%

    Analysis of macronutrient content macro nutrient content in organic fertiliser using fermented betel leaf extract

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    The use of organic fertilizers in Indonesia is increasing, this is due to the scarcity of synthetic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers have their own challenges in terms of the concentration they contain. In addition, some organic materials that exist today are very abundant, so it needs to be used as organic fertilizer, one of which is betel leaf. However, betel leaf itself is an additional ingredient that can increase the existing nutrient content. In this study, analysis of the macro elements in organic fertilizers was carried out by adding variations in the amount of betel leaf raw material. The research was conducted using variations of betel leaf extract 2%, 4%, and 6%. The test analysis in this study was in the form of N, P, and K levels. The results showed that the highest N content was in the 4% betel leaf variation, which was 0.1%, the highest P content was in the 2% variation, which was 0.04%, and the highest K content was at 2% variation, namely 0.066%. From these results, it can be said that there was no significant effect of the addition of betel leaf extract on the macro-nutrient content of liquid organic fertilizer.


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    Propolis merupakan salah satu produk potensial yang dapat dihasilkan dari olahan sarang lebah madu hutan. Selama ini, petani madu di Desa Batu Dulang, Kabupaten Sumbawa hanya mengambil madu hutan dengan cara ditiriskan dan disaring langsung dari sarangnya. Setelah itu, sarang lebah tidak dimanfaatkan dengan optimal. Padahal, pada sarang lebah madu tersebut terdapat propolis yang kaya akan bioflavonoid.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan propolis dari sarang lebah madu hutan Sumbawa Apis dorsata dan mengidentifikasi senyawa bioflavonoid yang terkandung di dalamnya. Metode yang dilakukan adalah metode eksperimen yang terdiri atas dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah ekstraksi propolis dari sarang lebah madu Apis dorsata dengan menggunakan metode maserasi dan pemanasan gelombang mikro (microwave assisted extraction). Setelah ekstrak propolis diperoleh, tahap penelitian selanjutnya adalah mengidentifikasi senyawa bioflavonoid yang terkandung menggunakan metode spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis rendemen dan total bioflavonoid. Pada laporan kemajuan ini, propolis berhasil diekstrak dari sarang lebah madu hutan Apis dorsata, dari Desa Batu Dulang, Kabupaten Sumbawa. Rata-rata rendemen yang dihasilkan adalah 24.43% untuk perlakuan konsentrasi dan pemanasan microwave. Dari tiga konsentrasi pelarut propilen glikol yang digunakan, konsentrasi 20% merupakan konsentrasi pelarut yang optimal dalam menghasilkan rendemen propolis ekstrak pada penelitian ini, yaitu mencapai 30%. Senyawa bioflavonoid dari ketiga konsentrasi akan diuji pada tahap selanjutnya dari penelitian ini

    Karakteristik briket ampas tebu (bagasse) dari bahan perekat tepung beras ketan

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    Energy requirements are increasing with the increased of human activities that use either fossil fuel or biofuel. Biomass can be utilised as an alternative energy source in the form of briquettes. This study aims to increase the utilization of bagasse through the manufacture of briquettes using glutinous rice flour as the adhesive. Research variables include moisture content, ash content, destruction index, burning time and calorific value. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with variations in the concentration of glutinous rice flour 20%, 30%, and 40%. The results showed that the water content ranged from 5.85% - 7.65%. Ash content ranged from 6.44 to 8.14%. The destruction index was 0.24 – 0.65%. the burning time was between 124.67 -155 minutes, and the calorific value produced from bagasse briquettes was 7069.8 – 9759.3 cal/gram. The calorific value tend to decreased as the concentration of the adhesive was increasedKebutuhan energi semakin meningkat seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya aktivitas manusia yang menggunakan bahan bakar terutama bahan bakar minyak yang diperoleh dari fosil tumbuhan maupun hewan. Salah satu energi alternatif yang bisa digunakan adalah energi biomassa seperti briket. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan limbah ampas tebu melalui pembuatan briket menggunakan perekat tepung beras ketan. Variabel penelitian meliputi kadar air, kadar abu, indeks kehancuran, lama pembakaran dan nilai kalor. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan variasi konsentrasi tepung ketan 20%, 30%, dan 40%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai kadar air berkisar antara 5,85% – 7,65%. Kadar abu berkisar antara 6,44 – 8,14%. Nilai indeks kehancuran yaitu 0,24 – 0,65%. lama pembakaran antara 155 – 124,67 menit, dan Nilai kalor yang dihasilkan dari briket ampas tebu sebesar 7069,8 – 9759,3 kal/gram. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi perekat yang digunakan menyebabkan Nilai kalor menurun

    Initial Characterization of Activated Charcoal from the Indigenous Ziziphus mauritiana Wood from Dryland of Sumbawa

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    Ziziphus mauritiana is widely found in Sumbawa arid and semi-arid area. It is a drought tolerant plant which grows in areas with extreme conditions. While information of the utilisation of Bidara seeds as activated carbon is available, there are limited resources that use Bidara woods. Therefore, this study aims to characterize the activated charcoal derived from Z. mauritiana wood which was activated using 25%, 30% and 35% of H2SO4 and NaOH. The moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon, and iodine absorption capacity were investigated and compared to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI. 06-3730-1995). The result showed that NaOH activated charcoal obtained higher quality compared to the H2SO4 activated charcoal. The best activated charcoal was obtained from 35% of NaOH which has 1.19% moisture content, 13.21% ash content, 1.42% volatile matter, 84.73% fixed carbon, and 1892.40 mg/g iodine number. This study concludes that the characteristics of Z. mauritiana activated charcoal (except the ash content) comply with Indonesian National Standard and potentially can be developed as an adsorbent.Ziziphus mauritiana is widely found in Sumbawa arid and semi-arid area. It is a drought tolerant plant which grows in areas with extreme conditions. While information of the utilisation of Bidara seeds as activated carbon is available, there are limited resources that use Bidara woods. Therefore, this study aims to characterize the activated charcoal derived from Z. mauritiana wood which was activated using 25%, 30% and 35% of H2SO4 and NaOH. The moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon, and iodine absorption capacity were investigated and compared to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI. 06-3730-1995). The result showed that NaOH activated charcoal obtained higher quality compared to the H2SO4 activated charcoal. The best activated charcoal was obtained from 35% of NaOH which has 1.19% moisture content, 13.21% ash content, 1.42% volatile matter, 84.73% fixed carbon, and 1892.40 mg/g iodine number. This study concludes that the characteristics of Z. mauritiana activated charcoal (except the ash content) comply with Indonesian National Standard and potentially can be developed as an adsorbent

    Identification of Total Bioflavonoid Compound of Propolis Extract from Wild Honey Bee Hives Apis dorsata in Sumbawa Region, Indonesia

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    Propolis is one of potential products derived from bee hives that contained chemical compounds such as flavonoids and polyphenols. This research aims to extract propolis from Sumbawa bee hives Apis dorsata and identify its total bioflavonoid compound. The method used in this research is experimental studies with two-steps extraction. First, propolis was extracted from the bee hives in maceration process with three different solvents of propylene glycol, which are 10, 20, and 30%. Second, the extraction was optimised using microwave-assisted extraction for 30 s. The Total Flavonoid Equivalent Quercetin (TFEQ) were then investigated using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results showed that the highest propolis yield was achieved in the propolis extracted in 20% of propylene glycol with microwave-assisted extraction. On the other hand, the highest Total Flavonoid Equivalent Quercetin (TFEQ) was resulted in the propolis extracted in 30% of propylene glycol continued by microwave-assisted extraction, which is 519.05 μg/mL

    Identifikasi Senyawa Bioflavonoid pada Propolis Hasil Ekstraksi dari Sarang Lebah Madu Hutan Sumbawa (Apis Dorsata)

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    Propolis merupakan salah satu produk potensial yang dapat dihasilkan dari olahan sarang lebah madu hutan. Selama ini, petani madu di Desa Batu Dulang, Kabupaten Sumbawa hanya mengambil madu hutan dengan cara ditiriskan dan disaring langsung dari sarangnya. Setelah itu, sarang lebah tidak dimanfaatkan dengan optimal. Padahal, pada sarang lebah madu tersebut terdapat propolis yang kaya akan bioflavonoid.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan propolis dari sarang lebah madu hutan Sumbawa Apis dorsata dan mengidentifikasi senyawa bioflavonoid yang terkandung di dalamnya. Metode yang dilakukan adalah metode eksperimen yang terdiri atas dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah ekstraksi propolis dari sarang lebah madu Apis dorsata dengan menggunakan metode maserasi dan pemanasan gelombang mikro (microwave assisted extraction). Setelah ekstrak propolis diperoleh, tahap penelitian selanjutnya adalah mengidentifikasi senyawa bioflavonoid yang terkandung menggunakan metode spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis rendemen dan total bioflavonoid. Pada laporan kemajuan ini, propolis berhasil diekstrak dari sarang lebah madu hutan Apis dorsata, dari Desa Batu Dulang, Kabupaten Sumbawa. Rata-rata rendemen yang dihasilkan adalah 24.43% untuk perlakuan konsentrasi dan pemanasan microwave. Dari tiga konsentrasi pelarut propilen glikol yang digunakan, konsentrasi 20% merupakan konsentrasi pelarut yang optimal dalam menghasilkan rendemen propolis ekstrak pada penelitian ini, yaitu mencapai 30%. Senyawa bioflavonoid dari ketiga konsentrasi akan diuji pada tahap selanjutnya dari penelitian ini


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    The skin is the outmost layer of human body which protect the body from microorganisms, UV light, and other chemicals. The healthiness of the skin can be maintained by the application of skin care product. Sumbawanese have been applying loto motong as a traditional skin care product for its hydrating agent and protecting the skin against UV light. This study aimed to add new alternative to the application of loto motong by Sumbawanese as a peel off mask to preserve local wisdom. This study measured the particle size, homogeneity, spreadability, stickiness, moisture content, pH, and vitamin E content of the loto motong peel off mask. This study shows that the mask formulation was homogenous, has 0.25 mm, 5.30 cm, 6.81 seconds, 9.33%, 6, and 53.89 ppm of particle size, spreadability, stickiness, moisture content, pH, and vitamin E, respectively. The parameter measured complies with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 164399–1996) which means this peel off mask can be safely used and potentially become the alternative method for loto motong application.Kulit pada tubuh manusia merupakan lapisan terluar yang melindungi tubuh dari mikroorganisme, sinar matahari, dan senyawa lainnya. Salah satu upaya untuk mempertahankan kesehatan kulit adalah dengan penggunaan skin care. Masyarakat sumbawa menggunakan loto motong sebagai skin care tradisional untuk menjaga kulit dari sengatan sinar matahari dan menjaga kelembaban kulit. Penelitian ini menguji ukuran partikel, homogenitas, daya sebar, daya lekat, kadar air, pH, dan kadar vitamin E masker loto motong peel off yang dicampur menggunakan gelatin. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menambah alternatif penggunaan masker loto motong oleh masyarakat guna mempertahankan budaya lokal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sediaan peel off loto motong homogen, memiliki ukuran partikel sebesar 0.25 mm, daya sebar 5.30 cm, daya lekat 6.81 detik, kadar air 9.33%, pH 6, dan vitamin E 53.89 ppm. Semua parameter yang diujikan telah memenuhi standar SNI 164399–1996 yang artinya produk layak digunakan dan berpotensi sebagai alternatif pengaplikasian masker tradisional Sumbawa