41 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Leadership Style and Policy Implementation at Distance Learning Program Unit of Universitas Terbuka of Tarakan - North Kalimantan Province

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    Distance Learning Program Unit of Universitas Terbuka (UPBJJ-UT), which is the frontline in providing services and assistance to students in the region, has a central and strategic role. The role is primarily determined by leadership and ability to implement UT’s policy by the head of UPBJJ-UT as the local authority in the area in managing and maintaining quality of learning and services. UPBJJ-UT Tarakan as one of the 40 UPBJJ-UT, which are spread throughout Indonesia, has functions and duties to implement policies that have been defined by the UT Center, from the process of socialization and promotion to public, students’ registration, up to the graduation ceremony. The problems and obstacles encountered by each UPBJJ-UT have its own diversity and uniqueness that require every head of UPBJJ-UT to have different leadership style in leading the unit. There are many challenges for the head of UPBJJ-UT Tarakan in managing services to learners and stakeholders in the province of North Kalimantan and the region of Sabah Federation, such as: various socio-cultural heterogeneity; partnership and competition with other universities; as well as underdeveloped, foremost, and outermost (border) area with heterogeneous geographical contours. There are two questions related to services management, i.e., how is the effectiveness of leadership style of the head of UPBJJ-UT in managing the services? And how is the accuracy of the head of UPBJJ-UT in implementing services policy

    Hybrid Government: Mixed and Hybrid Models of Public Service Delivery in Disadvantaged, Foremost and Outermost Regions

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    The realization of public services can be hampered by a lack of resources owned by local governments. In such cases, multi-actor governance or hybrid government has been identified as a critical alternative to improve governance solutions. Hybrid government is difficult to assess. In the market economy, hybrids play a role. We find that, depending on the hybrid government model, providing alternative services in the lagged, frontier and outermost areas can result in an increase or decrease in public services in terms of distribution, procedure and legality. This research examined different types of health services, including the Covid-19 vaccine, mass circumcision, cleft lip correction, and services for stunting. The three types of justice considered were: (1) distributive justice; (2) procedural justice; and (3) recognition justice. According to the findings, the implications of health-care policy for hybrid governments are: 1) transparent decision-making regarding the distribution of costs and benefits; 2) maintain public trust; and 3) use of experts combined with local community mutual assistance to identify the current and future environment. Keywords: hybrid government, public-private partnerships, hybrid delivery, public servic


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    The policy is a fundamental reference for the implementer, but policy implementation is the determinant of the policy is successful or fails. Act (Act) No. 14 of 2005, is one reference in the implementation of policy and academic qualification programs for teachers and lecturers to improve competence in the field. Government through the Ministry of National Education, and local government as a policy implementer on the ground that the 2015 target should be a qualified teacher Strata 1 (S1). Government District Education Office Belitung ups have targeted that by 2013 all primary school teachers (SD) have already qualified S1. Some constraints in the implementation of the program can not be avoided but these obstacles can be overcome through the distance education carried out in cooperation with the Unit of Distance Learning Courses Open University (UPBJJ-UT) Pangkalpinang. &nbsp

    Discusion-Making Techniques In Managing Universitas Terbuka Regional Offices In Indonesia

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    Universitas Terbuka (UT) is a university with the largest management of student services which spread throughout Indonesia as well as Indonesian citizens living abroad with a total number of 320,700 students during 2019.1 registration period. Student service satisfaction is largely determined by the accuracy of the policy and the effectiveness of its implementation as set out in UT's strategic plan. The implementation of this policy is realized in the operationalization of the annual work program. There is a strategic power to operationalize the UT work program in the field, namely the role and presence of 40 regional offices (ROs) as UT's leading service sectors that must be supported by the leadership effectiveness capabilities and accuracy of operational decision making. The existence of UT ROs institutionally has been standardized in accordance with UT policy, but operationally every leadership of UT ROs will certainly face challenges, even problems related to the diversity of characteristics of its management area which are much influenced by social aspects (homogeneous and heterogeneous), culture (constructive and destructive), economy (income), geography (easy and difficult services), internal resources (governance and human resources), and national policies (implementation). The ability of a leader in applying decision-making techniques determines the success or failure in managing UT ROs

    Implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 Dalam Peningkatan Kualifikasi Akademik Guru SD Melalui Pendidikan Tinggi Jarak Jauh Di Wilayah Kabupaten Belitung

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    The policy is a fundamental reference for the implementer, but policy implementation is the determinant of the policy is successful or fails. Ad (Ad) No. 14 of 2005, is one reference in the implementation of policy and academic qualification programs for teachers and led.urers to improve competence in the field. Government through the Ministry of National Education, and local government as a policy implementer on the ground that the 2015 target should be a qualified teacher Strata 1 (S1). Government District. Education Office Belitung ups have targeted that by 2013 all primary school teachers (SD) have already qualified S1. Some constraints in the implementation of the program can not be avoided but these obstacles can be overcome through the distance education carried out in cooperation with the Unit of Distance Leaming Courses Open University (UPBJJ-UT) Pangkalpinang

    Contributing Factors In The Implementation Of Online Registration System For Post-Graduate Of Indonesia Of Universitas Terbuka

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    the implementation of online registration system (ORS) at http://sro.pps.ut.ac.id/, is a service to fasilitate indonesia universitas terbuka new postgraduate students and fastening the service which are distributed throughout 34 provinces or 39 distance learning program unit of the UT in indonesia. several contributing factors affect the implementation main office and its UBJJ UT

    Analisis Kompetensi Birokrasi Dalam Undang-Undang Aparatur Sipil Negara

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    Reformasi adminitrasi atau birokrasi merupakan keharusan untuk menjawab bahwa administrasi adalah dinamik, sejalan dengan perkembangan dan kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin konplek dan berkembang. Permasalahan public ditak pernah berhenti dan terus berubah, reformasi merupakan salah satu langkah yang harus dilakukan pemerintah untuk menjalankan amanah yang diberikan pada birokrat. Permasalah kompetenti cukup mengemuka bagi birokrat public dengan dasar permasalahan budaya kerja bersifat KKN dan rendahnya kompetensi. Kompetensi pada Negara berkembang khususnya sanagat sulit untuk dimulai apalagi menyangkut kompetensi individu (internal birokrat), langkah awal melalui pemaksaan (kebijakan) akan membiasakan bekerja menjadi profesional dan berakar menjadi budaya birokrasi profesional

    Kebijakan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh

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    Dikotomi pendidikan jarak jauh dan kelas jauh cukup mengemuka sekarang ini, antara kebutuhan simbolik dan peningkatan kualitas menjadi kabur. Sepertinya pendidikan tinggi sudah masuk dalam ranah bisnis menjauh dari ranah nirlaba, masyarakat diimingi dengan kemudahan mendapat gelar pendidikan, masyarakat dibohongi oleh lembaga pendidikan tidak kredibel bahkan oleh oknum pendidik. Pemerintah yaitu Menteri Reset,Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi sebagai regulator berkewajiban untuk membenahi permasalahan tersebut terhadap pendidikan tinggi yang melakukan proses pendidikan diluar norma akademik dan kebijakan pemerintah. Universitas Terbuka sebagai salah satu implementator kebijakan dalam pendidikan tinggi, khususnya program pascasarjana mempunyai kewajiban untuk memberikan layanan kepada masyarakat yang ingin melanjutkan pada program magister. Pertanyaan dan sekaligus permasalahan yang harus dipahami penyelenggara pendidikan tinggi (pascasarjana), yaitu bagaimana proses penyelenggaran pendidikan berjalan sesuai dengan norma akademik dan berpegang pada kebijakan pemerintah yang sudah ditetapkan. Pemahaman dan konsistensi prinsip-prinsip pendidikan jarak jauh perlu menjadi acuan, pelaksanakan dan kontrol proses pembelajaran, profesionalisme manajemen pendidikan jarak, daya dukung teknologi dalam proses pendidikan dan administrasi akademik, dan meyakinkan kepada masyarakat bahwa hasil pendidikan ini dapat dipertanggungjawabkan

    Teknik-Teknik Kepemimpinan

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    Kumpulan dokumen hasil turnit in atas nama Sofjan Aripin

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    Daftar judul : 1. 2 Leading Agile Organization Can Indonesian Bereaucracy Become Agile 2. Peran Administrator Publik dalam Formulasi dan Implementasi Kebijakan (Analisis Kurikulum 2013) 3. Hak Cipta Karya Ilmiah: Implementation of The National Mental Revolution Movement Sub-District Carita, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Provinc