97 research outputs found

    Parathyroid hormone and phosphate homeostasis in patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome: an international cross-sectional study

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    Bartter syndrome; Parathyroid hormone; PhosphateSíndrome de Bartter; Hormona paratiroidea; FosfatoSíndrome de Bartter; Hormona paratiroïdal; FosfatBackground Small cohort studies have reported high parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in patients with Bartter syndrome and lower serum phosphate levels have anecdotally been reported in patients with Gitelman syndrome. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed PTH and phosphate homeostasis in a large cohort of patients with salt-losing tubulopathies. Methods Clinical and laboratory data of 589 patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome were provided by members of the European Rare Kidney Diseases Reference Network (ERKNet) and the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN). Results A total of 285 patients with Bartter syndrome and 304 patients with Gitelman syndrome were included for analysis. Patients with Bartter syndrome type I and II had the highest median PTH level (7.5 pmol/L) and 56% had hyperparathyroidism (PTH >7.0 pmol/L). Serum calcium was slightly lower in Bartter syndrome type I and II patients with hyperparathyroidism (2.42 versus 2.49 mmol/L; P = .038) compared to those with normal PTH levels and correlated inversely with PTH (rs −0.253; P = .009). Serum phosphate and urinary phosphate excretion did not correlate with PTH. Overall, 22% of patients had low serum phosphate levels (phosphate—standard deviation score < −2), with the highest prevalence in patients with Bartter syndrome type III (32%). Serum phosphate correlated with tubular maximum reabsorption of phosphate/glomerular filtration rate (TmP/GFR) (rs 0.699; P < .001), suggesting renal phosphate wasting. Conclusions Hyperparathyroidism is frequent in patients with Bartter syndrome type I and II. Low serum phosphate is observed in a significant number of patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome and appears associated with renal phosphate wasting.This project has been supported by the European Reference Network for Rare Kidney Diseases (ERKNet), which is partly co-funded by the European Union within the framework of the Third Health Programme ‘ERN-2016-Framework Partnership Agreement 2017–2021’. This work is generated within the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology working group on inherited renal disorders. This work was supported by an Innovation Grant 19OI06 from the Dutch Kidney Foundation (to T.N.)

    PHYOX2: a pivotal randomized study of nedosiran in primary hyperoxaluria type 1 or 2

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    Chronic kidney disease; Pediatric nephrology; UrologyMalaltia renal crònica; Nefrologia pediàtrica; UrologiaEnfermedad renal crónica; Nefrología pediátrica; UrologíaNedosiran is an investigational RNA interference agent designed to inhibit expression of hepatic lactate dehydrogenase, the enzyme thought responsible for the terminal step of oxalate synthesis. Oxalate overproduction is the hallmark of all genetic subtypes of primary hyperoxaluria (PH). In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, we randomly assigned (2:1) 35 participants with PH1 (n = 29) or PH2 (n = 6) with eGFR ≥30 mL/min/1.73 m2 to subcutaneous nedosiran or placebo once monthly for 6 months. The area under the curve (AUC) of percent reduction from baseline in 24-hour urinary oxalate (Uox) excretion (primary endpoint), between day 90–180, was significantly greater with nedosiran vs placebo (least squares mean [SE], +3507 [788] vs −1664 [1190], respectively; difference, 5172; 95% CI 2929–7414; P < 0.001). A greater proportion of participants receiving nedosiran vs placebo achieved normal or near-normal (<0.60 mmol/24 hours; <1.3 × ULN) Uox excretion on ≥2 consecutive visits starting at day 90 (50% vs 0; P = 0.002); this effect was mirrored in the nedosiran-treated PH1 subgroup (64.7% vs 0; P < 0.001). The PH1 subgroup maintained a sustained Uox reduction while on nedosiran, whereas no consistent effect was seen in the PH2 subgroup. Nedosiran-treated participants with PH1 also showed a significant reduction in plasma oxalate versus placebo (P = 0.017). Nedosiran was generally safe and well tolerated. In the nedosiran arm, the incidence of injection-site reactions was 9% (all mild and self-limiting). In conclusion, participants with PH1 receiving nedosiran had clinically meaningful reductions in Uox, the mediator of kidney damage in PH

    Assessment of the clinical utility of four NGS panels in myeloid malignancies. Suggestions for NGS panel choice or design

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    The diagnosis of myeloid neoplasms (MN) has significantly evolved through the last few decades. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is gradually becoming an essential tool to help clinicians with disease management. To this end, most specialized genetic laboratories have implemented NGS panels targeting a number of different genes relevant to MN. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the performance of four different targeted NGS gene panels based on their technical features and clinical utility. A total of 32 patient bone marrow samples were accrued and sequenced with 3 commercially available panels and 1 custom panel. Variants were classified by two geneticists based on their clinical relevance in MN. There was a difference in panel¿s depth of coverage. We found 11 discordant clinically relevant variants between panels, with a trend to miss long insertions. Our data show that there is a high risk of finding different mutations depending on the panel of choice, due both to the panel design and the data analysis method. Of note, CEBPA, CALR and FLT3 genes, remains challenging the use of NGS for diagnosis of MN in compliance with current guidelines. Therefore, conventional molecular testing might need to be kept in place for the correct diagnosis of MN for now

    Refining Kidney Survival in 383 Genetically Characterized Patients With Nephronophthisis

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    Introduction: Nephronophthisis (NPH) comprises a group of rare disorders accounting for up to 10% of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) in children. Prediction of kidney prognosis poses a major challenge. We assessed differences in kidney survival, impact of variant type, and the association of clinical characteristics with declining kidney function. Methods: Data was obtained from 3 independent sources, namely the network for early onset cystic kidney diseases clinical registry (n = 105), an online survey sent out to the European Reference Network for Rare Kidney Diseases (n = 60), and a literature search (n = 218). Results: A total of 383 individuals were available for analysis: 116 NPHP1, 101 NPHP3, 81 NPHP4 and 85 NPHP11/TMEM67 patients. Kidney survival differed between the 4 cohorts with a highly variable median age at onset of ESKD as follows: NPHP3, 4.0 years (interquartile range 0.3–12.0); NPHP1, 13.5 years (interquartile range 10.5–16.5); NPHP4, 16.0 years (interquartile range 11.0–25.0); and NPHP11/TMEM67, 19.0 years (interquartile range 8.7–28.0). Kidney survival was significantly associated with the underlying variant type for NPHP1, NPHP3, and NPHP4. Multivariate analysis for the NPHP1 cohort revealed growth retardation (hazard ratio 3.5) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) treatment (hazard ratio 2.8) as 2 independent factors associated with an earlier onset of ESKD, whereas arterial hypertension was linked to an accelerated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decline. Conclusion: The presented data will enable clinicians to better estimate kidney prognosis of distinct patients with NPH and thereby allow personalized counseling

    Utilidad de cinco tejidos para discriminar variantes somáticas y germinales en neoplasias mieloides

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    CO-091 Introducción: Los síndromes hereditarios están adquiriendo una gran importancia en el panorama de las hemopatías malignas. De hecho, la revisión de 2016 de la OMS ha incluido una sección sobre predisposición germinal a neoplasias mieloides (NM). Distinguir entre una neoplasia mieloide de predisposición hereditaria (NMPH) de una NM esporádica es crucial por su impacto en el seguimiento de estos pacientes, así como en el de sus familiares sanos. La generalización de técnicas como la NGS en el estudio inicial de pacientes con NM ha puesto de manifiesto que un porcentaje no desdeñable de pacientes podrían tener variantes de origen germinal. Sin embargo, para su diagnóstico, se precisa de la confirmación de la naturaleza de la variante en un tejido no hematopoyético, sin que exista un consenso sobre el tejido a utilizar. Métodos: Nos propusimos evaluar cinco tejidos (fibroblastos de médula ósea, fibroblastos de piel, folículos pilosos, frotis bucal y células CD3+) en cuanto a su capacidad de discriminar si las variantes sospechosas eran de origen somático o germinal. El estudio se realizó en una cohorte de 299 pacientes a los que en algún momento del curso de la enfermedad se les hizo un panel de NGS Pan-Mieloide (PMP, 48 genes), que incluye 22 genes descritos en la literatura como relacionados con NMPH, incluyendo los recomendados por la OMS (ANKRD26, CEBPA, DDX41, ETV6, GATA2, RUNX1). De los 299 pacientes, 100 portaban variantes en algunos de esos 22 genes, que presentaban una frecuencia alélica (VAF) ~ 50%. Recolectamos un total de 21 muestras de tejidos ..

    Adult Height in Patients with Advanced CKD Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy during Childhood.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Growth and final height are of major concern in children with ESRD. This study sought to describe the distribution of adult height of patients who started renal replacement therapy (RRT) during childhood and to identify determinants of final height in a large cohort of RRT children. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: A total of 1612 patients from 20 European countries who started RRT before 19 years of age and reached final height between 1990 and 2011 were included. Linear regression analyses were performed to calculate adjusted mean final height SD score (SDS) and to investigate its potential determinants. RESULTS: The median final height SDS was -1.65 (median of 168 cm in boys and 155 cm in girls). Fifty-five percent of patients attained an adult height within the normal range. Adjusted for age at start of RRT and primary renal diseases, final height increased significantly over time from -2.06 SDS in children who reached adulthood in 1990-1995 to -1.33 SDS among those reaching adulthood in 2006-2011. Older age at start of RRT, more recent period of start of RRT, cumulative percentage time on a functioning graft, and greater height SDS at initiation of RRT were independently associated with a higher final height SDS. Patients with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract and metabolic disorders had a lower final height than those with other primary renal diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Although final height remains suboptimal in children with ESRD, it has consistently improved over time

    Parathyroid hormone and phosphate homeostasis in patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome:an international cross-sectional study

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    Background:Small cohort studies have reported high parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in patients with Bartter syndrome and lower serum phosphate levels have anecdotally been reported in patients with Gitelman syndrome. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed PTH and phosphate homeostasis in a large cohort of patients with salt-losing tubulopathies. Methods:Clinical and laboratory data of 589 patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome were provided by members of the European Rare Kidney Diseases Reference Network (ERKNet) and the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN). Results:A total of 285 patients with Bartter syndrome and 304 patients with Gitelman syndrome were included for analysis. Patients with Bartter syndrome type I and II had the highest median PTH level (7.5 pmol/L) and 56% had hyperparathyroidism (PTH &gt;7.0 pmol/L). Serum calcium was slightly lower in Bartter syndrome type I and II patients with hyperparathyroidism (2.42 versus 2.49 mmol/L; P = .038) compared to those with normal PTH levels and correlated inversely with PTH (rs −0.253; P = .009). Serum phosphate and urinary phosphate excretion did not correlate with PTH. Overall, 22% of patients had low serum phosphate levels (phosphate—standard deviation score &lt; −2), with the highest prevalence in patients with Bartter syndrome type III (32%). Serum phosphate correlated with tubular maximum reabsorption of phosphate/glomerular filtration rate (TmP/GFR) (rs 0.699; P &lt; .001), suggesting renal phosphate wasting. Conclusions:Hyperparathyroidism is frequent in patients with Bartter syndrome type I and II. Low serum phosphate is observed in a significant number of patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome and appears associated with renal phosphate wasting.</p

    Parathyroid hormone and phosphate homeostasis in patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome:an international cross-sectional study

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    Background:Small cohort studies have reported high parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in patients with Bartter syndrome and lower serum phosphate levels have anecdotally been reported in patients with Gitelman syndrome. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed PTH and phosphate homeostasis in a large cohort of patients with salt-losing tubulopathies. Methods:Clinical and laboratory data of 589 patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome were provided by members of the European Rare Kidney Diseases Reference Network (ERKNet) and the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN). Results:A total of 285 patients with Bartter syndrome and 304 patients with Gitelman syndrome were included for analysis. Patients with Bartter syndrome type I and II had the highest median PTH level (7.5 pmol/L) and 56% had hyperparathyroidism (PTH &gt;7.0 pmol/L). Serum calcium was slightly lower in Bartter syndrome type I and II patients with hyperparathyroidism (2.42 versus 2.49 mmol/L; P = .038) compared to those with normal PTH levels and correlated inversely with PTH (rs −0.253; P = .009). Serum phosphate and urinary phosphate excretion did not correlate with PTH. Overall, 22% of patients had low serum phosphate levels (phosphate—standard deviation score &lt; −2), with the highest prevalence in patients with Bartter syndrome type III (32%). Serum phosphate correlated with tubular maximum reabsorption of phosphate/glomerular filtration rate (TmP/GFR) (rs 0.699; P &lt; .001), suggesting renal phosphate wasting. Conclusions:Hyperparathyroidism is frequent in patients with Bartter syndrome type I and II. Low serum phosphate is observed in a significant number of patients with Bartter and Gitelman syndrome and appears associated with renal phosphate wasting.</p

    Treatment and long-term outcome in primary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

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    Background: Primary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is a rare disorder and little is known about treatment practices and long-term outcome. Methods: Paediatric and adult nephrologists contacted through European professional organizations entered data in an online form. Results: Data were collected on 315 patients (22 countries, male 84%, adults 35%). Mutation testing had been performed in 270 (86%); pathogenic variants were identified in 258 (96%). The median (range) age at diagnosis was 0.6 (0.0–60) years and at last follow-up 14.0 (0.1–70) years. In adults, height was normal with a mean (standard deviation) score of −0.39 (±1.0), yet there was increased prevalence of obesity (body mass index >30 kg/m2; 41% versus 16% European average; P < 0.001). There was also increased prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stage ≥2 in children (32%) and adults (48%). Evidence of flow uropathy was present in 38%. A higher proportion of children than adults (85% versus 54%; P < 0.001) received medications to reduce urine output. Patients ≥25 years were less likely to have a university degree than the European average (21% versus 35%; P = 0.003) but full-time employment was similar. Mental health problems, predominantly attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (16%), were reported in 36% of patients. Conclusion: This large NDI cohort shows an overall favourable outcome with normal adult height and only mild to moderate CKD in most. Yet, while full-time employment was similar to the European average, educational achievement was lower, and more than half had urological and/or mental health problems
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