494 research outputs found

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    Kearifan Lokal Malangan dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Aloer-Aloer Merah Karya Ardi Wina Saputra

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan kearifan lokal Malangan yang terdapat pada kumpulan cerpen Aloer-Aloer Merah karya Ardi Wina Saputra. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan konsep kearifan lokal melalui pendekatan antropologi sastra. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan bentuk deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara membaca keseluruhan kumpulan cerpen. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara sebagai berikut: 1) membaca keseluruhan kumpulan cerpen, 2) mengidentifikasi data, 3) mengklasifikasi data, 4) menganalisis dalam bentuk deskriptif dengan menggunakan penafsiran peneliti, 5) menyimpulkan hasil temuan, 6) menulis laporan hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam Ardi Wina Saputra menghadirkan cerita tentang kearifan lokal dalam aspek bahasa, aspek aktivitas atau mata pencaharian, dan aspek religi

    Analisis Pengaruh Panjang Kupasan Dan Perubahan Suhu Terhadap Pancaran Intensitas Pada Serat Ooptik Plastik Multimode Tipe FD-620-10

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai analisis pengaruh pemberiankupasan jacket dan cladding pada serat optik plastik mode jamaktipe FD-620-10 terhadap Perubahan suhu dengan menggunakandetektor silikon dan BF5R-D1-N. Penelitian dilakukan dengantujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kenaikan suhu terhadap losspada serat optik plastik dan mengetahui kemampuan detektorsilikon dan BF5R-D1-N dalam pengukuran tegangan dan intensitaspada variasi panjang kupasan. Variasi panjang kupasan yangdigunakan adalah 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, dan 80 mm. Pengukurandilakukan pada range suhu 30ºC - 75ºC dengan pengambilan datasetiap kenaikan 1ºC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakintinngi suhu di daerah sensing, semakin besar loss yang terjadiakibat adanya pemuaian termal di daerah sensing yangmenyebabkan penurunan indeks bias core. Detektor silikonmampu mendeteksi Perubahan intensitas cahaya dan bekerjaoptimal pada serat optik dengan panjang kupasan 80 mm BF5RD1-N dapat merespon Perubahan intensitas cahaya dan bekerjaoptimal pada serat optik dengan panjang kupasan 30 mm

    Implementation of Fuzzy Inference System with Tsukamoto Method for Study Programme Selection

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    Deciding study programme is crucial because any fault in making the decision will affect students' learning motivation, length of study period which exceeds the standard, and the students' failure. With a methodical selection of study programme, each student is expected to focus on his interest and capability more. Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) with Tsukamoto method can be applied to support the settlement. In the method, output is obtained with four stages, namely the formation of fuzzy sets, the establishment of rules, the application of implicated functions, and defuzzification. The purpose of this study is to apply FIS with Tsukamoto method to the decision of study programme which fits prospective students' interest and capability. Moreover, the input variables involve Interview Scores, Scores of Informatics Engineering, Scores of Information Systems and Scores of Written Tests. Output variables are the students' interest either in the Department of Informatics Engeenering or the Department of Information Syste

    Persepsi Auditor Terhadap Penghentian Prematur (Premature Sign Off) Atas Prosedur Audit Yang Dikaitkan Dengan TIME Budget Pressure (Studi Pada Auditor Pemerintah Di Kota Banda Aceh)

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    This study is aimed to knowing the sequence of audit procedure which most often signed off in time pressure condition. Samples were selected by using random sampling method. From 119 questionnaires that have been distributed, there were 61 questionnaires returned and these were used as the research samples. This study was analyzed by using Friedman test to determinated the priority of discontinued audit procedures. The result of this research indicates that there are priority sequence of discontinued audit prosedure in time pressure condition by governmental auditor in Banda Aceh. The most audit prosedure which often to be left is understanding business's client. Then the following of sequence audit prosedure are control prosedure on on-line transaction aplication system, Confirmation, Reduced in samples, Internal auditor judgement, Subtantive test, Client internal control judgment, analitical prosedures, using management representative and audit prosedure which seldom to be left is physical examination. The sugest of next research is to study at difference location and the classification of auditor based on how long time they have been work as auditor, so we can compare the auditor behavior between senior and junior auditor

    Pengaruh Jenis Industri, Kepemilikan Manajerial, Operating Profit Margin Dan Dividend Payout Ratio Terhadap Perataan Laba Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Dibursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2012-2014

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    The objectives of this research are to examine (1) the effect of industrial type, managerial ownership, operating profit margin, and dividend payout ratio simultaneously on income smoothing, and (2) the effect of industrial type, managerial ownership, operating profit margin, and dividend payout ratio partially on income smoothing.The method used in this research is purposive sampling method. The sample of this research is company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2012-2014. The analysis method used in the research is logistic regression.The result of this research are (1) industrial type, managerial ownership, operating profit margin, and dividend payout ratio simultaneously have an effect on the income smoothing, (2) managerial ownership, operating profit margin, dividend payout ratio partially have affect the income smoothing and, (3) industrial type have not an effect on the income smoothing

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Desa Mandiri Pangan Di Desa Margosari Kecamatan Limbangan Kabupaten Kendal

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    Kendal Regency is the one of the regencies in Central Java with high poverty levels. One of the efforts to reduce poverty, issued The Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2011 on Poverty Reduction in Kendal Regency and poverty reduction programs. Based on that Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2011, the main priority of poverty reduction in Kendal Regency is regarding food needs. So, the community empowerment program initiated by the Food Resilience Village programs that aimed for handling of regional food insecurity and poverty. This research focuses on the implementation of the Food Resilience Village programs in Margosari Village, Limbangan Subdistrict, Kendal Regency.The type of research is qualitative analytical descriptive. Data was obtained from the primary and secondary data source, using purposive sampling technique for selecting informants. Data collection techniques used were observation, indepth interviews, and literature / documents.The results showed that the implementation of the community empowerment program based on the Food Resilience Village programs in Margosari Village, Limbangan Subdistrict, Kendal Regency was successful and has entered the stage of independently. This is due to the support and the role of community and village government were pretty good. Although, there are several obstacles factors in the implementation of Food Resilience Village activities, such as lack of human resources, administrative problems, the level of public awareness, and the problems that occur in cattle.The writer gives some advice to District of Kendal's Government and the society of Margosari Village as beneficiaries Food Resilience Village programs. For local governments in order to further reinforce efforts to reduce poverty and overcome problems that occurred during the implementation of the program. As for the villagers, they have to improve their human resources and skills possessed by, therefore can overcome obstacles in the implementation of the activities, especially the problem of administration

    Kombinasi Tepung Tapioka dengan Pati Sagu terhadap Mutu Bakso Jantung Pisang dan Ikan Patin

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    The objective of this research was to get the best combination flour formula in making banana\u27s heart and fish meatball, while in terms of the benefits of this research are expected to improve the utilization of sago palm as a source of local food. The method used in the research was Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with four replications of five treatments and treatment consists of TS1 (cassava flour 100 : sago starch 0), TS2 (cassava flour 75 : sago starch 25), TS3 (cassava flour 50 : sago starch 50), TS4 (cassava flour 25 : sago starch 75), TS5 (cassava flour 0 : sago starch 100).The result of the research shows that the combination cassava flour with sago starch significantly effect to the moisture content, ash content, starch content, taste, texture and non significantly effect to the aroma, color, and overall. Based on the evaluation of organoleptic hedonic test of color, aroma, taste, texture and overall, the panelist gives the evaluation from like to between quite like and quite dislike to the banana\u27s heart and fish sausage meatball. The best treatment from the research was TS3
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