109 research outputs found

    GEOS-C orbit determination with satellite to satellite tracking

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    The feasibility of employing satellite to satellite tracking in lieu of ground based tracking to satisfy the orbit determination requirements of the GEOS-C mission was studied. It is shown that with proper estimation procedures it is possible to obtain from S.S.T. data a GEOS-C orbit whose altitude error averages about 1 meter. The usefulness of this type for geopotential recovery is also indicated

    Adaptive filtering with correlated state noise

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    An adaptive filter which uses a minimum variance criteria to estimate state noise covariance is presented. It is not necessary to assume white state noise in order to implement the filter. Simulation results are given which demonstrate that the filter tracks a satellite in the presence of modeling errors better than a conventional minimum variance filter with state noise. It is also shown that the propagated convariance matrix of the filter is an accurate indicator of the filter's performance

    On estimating the Venus spin vector from data obtained during the planetary explorer mission

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    Venus spin vector estimation using planetary Explorer spacecraft dat

    An automated approach to the design of decision tree classifiers

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    The classification of large dimensional data sets arising from the merging of remote sensing data with more traditional forms of ancillary data is considered. Decision tree classification, a popular approach to the problem, is characterized by the property that samples are subjected to a sequence of decision rules before they are assigned to a unique class. An automated technique for effective decision tree design which relies only on apriori statistics is presented. This procedure utilizes a set of two dimensional canonical transforms and Bayes table look-up decision rules. An optimal design at each node is derived based on the associated decision table. A procedure for computing the global probability of correct classfication is also provided. An example is given in which class statistics obtained from an actual LANDSAT scene are used as input to the program. The resulting decision tree design has an associated probability of correct classification of .76 compared to the theoretically optimum .79 probability of correct classification associated with a full dimensional Bayes classifier. Recommendations for future research are included

    On estimating gravity anomalies: A comparison of least squares collocation with least squares techniques

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    The least squares collocation algorithm for estimating gravity anomalies from geodetic data is shown to be an application of the well known regression equations which provide the mean and covariance of a random vector (gravity anomalies) given a realization of a correlated random vector (geodetic data). It is also shown that the collocation solution for gravity anomalies is equivalent to the conventional least-squares-Stokes' function solution when the conventional solution utilizes properly weighted zero a priori estimates. The mathematical and physical assumptions underlying the least squares collocation estimator are described, and its numerical properties are compared with the numerical properties of the conventional least squares estimator

    Applications of satellite technology to gravity field determination

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    Various techniques for using satellite technology to determine the earth's gravity field are analyzed and compared. A high-low configuration satellite to satellite tracking mission is recommended for the determination of the long wavelength portion of the gravity field. Satellite altimetry and satellite gradiometry experiments are recommended for determination of the short wavelength portion of the gravity field. The recently developed least squares collocation method for estimating the gravity field from satellite derived data is analyzed and its equivalence to conventional methods is demonstrated

    On estimating gravity anomalies from gradiometer data

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    The Gravsat-gradiometer mission involves flying a gradiometer on a gravity satellite (Gravsat) which is in a low, polar, and circular orbit. Results are presented of a numerical simulation of the mission which demonstrates that, if the satellite is in a 250-km orbit, 3- and 5-degree gravity anomalies may be estimated with accuracies of 0.03 and 0.01 mm/square second (3 and 1 mgal), respectively. At an altitude of 350 km, the results are 0.07 and 0.025 mm.square second (7 and 2.5 mgal), respectively. These results assume a rotating type gradiometer with a 0.1 -etvos unit accuracy. The results can readily be scaled to reflect another accuracy level

    A spacecraft-borne gradiometer mission analysis

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    Numerical simulations were performed to obtain the orbit- and attitude-determination requirements of a spacecraft-borne gradiometer mission. Results demonstrated that position determination of 300 meters in the along-track and cross-track directions and 50 meters in the radial direction are mission requirements. The optimal orientation of the gradiometer sensing plane is achieved when the spin vector elevation is 0 degrees. The attitude-determination requirements are 5 degrees resolution for spin-vector azimuth and 0.2 degree resolution for spin-vector elevation. When these requirements are met, 3-degree gravity anomalies can be recovered globally with an accuracy of 0.025/mm/sq s (2.5 mgals). The Appendix documents the mathematical procedures for estimating detailed gravity fields from gradiometer data

    Simulation of the Gravsat/Geopause mission

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    A simulation of the proposed low Gravsat and high Geopause satellite mission is presented. This mission promises fundamental improvements in the accuracy of low order geopotential coefficients by using satellite-to-satellite tracking technology coupled with a global sampling of the gravity field. Ten days of data from six stations are assumed. A drag compensation system for the low satellite is also postulated. The results show a one to two order of magnitude improvement in the accuracy of the low order coefficients through degree 8 and order 6. These results are easily adjusted to reflect a different data accuracy level and low satellite altitude

    Improved shock normals obtained from combined magnetic field and plasma data from a single spacecraft

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    Improved shock normals obtained from combined magnetic field and plasma data from spacecraf