25 research outputs found

    Correlation Between the Fluid Structure Interaction Method and Experimental Analysis of Bending Stress of a Variable Capacity Compressor Suction Valve

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    The valves are responsible for controlling the systems of suction and discharge of reciprocating compressors, for this reason they are considered the principal components of the manifold subsystem. Although usually the valves present a simple geometry, these components are difficult to design, because they involve a nonlinear analysis, and stochastic events need to be considered to succeed in your project. Among other care that the engineer should take, the bending stress levels developed during operation of the compressor have very importance. The purpose of this paper is to show the correlation between the application of the numerical method known as FSI (fluid structure interaction) and the experimental strain gage method, for the bending stresses analysis in the suction valve of a reciprocate compressor with variable capacity . During the experimental phase the conditions that reproduce the compressor application are mapped by varying the pressure in the suction and the discharge line. Thus the bending stresses in the suction valve are registred. The same pressure variations are imposed on the FSI numerical model and then the results for bending stress are compared with the experimental method

    Investigação experimental da transferência de calor no filtro acústico de sucção de um compressor recíproco de velocidade variável

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2014.A eficiência de compressores recíprocos de refrigeração doméstica é afetada diretamente pelo aquecimento do gás no filtro acústico de sucção. A presente dissertação consiste na investigação experimental da transferência de calor no filtro de sucção de um compressor recíproco de velocidade variável. O trabalho analisa os efeitos da velocidade de operação (1200, 2000 e 4000rpm) e da razão de pressão, dada por dois pares de temperaturas de evaporação e de condensação, (-15,0°C/40,0°C) e (-25,0°C/40,0°C), sobre a transferência de calor. Com a utilização de termopares e sensores de fluxo de calor obtêm-se medições de temperatura e de fluxo de calor nas diferentes condições de operação. Observou-se que a transferência de calor no filtro de sucção é fortemente afetada pela pressão de evaporação e pela velocidade do compressor. Com base nesses resultados, correlações de transferência de calor são propostas e comparadas com correlações disponíveis na literatura. Para o escoamento externo, a correlação de esfera apresentou resultados em boa concordância com os dados experimentais. No escoamento interno, a correlação de Dittus-Boelter e de Gnielinski forneceu resultados em concordância satisfatória para os tubos, mas o mesmo não acontecendo no interior dos volumes do filtro de sucção.Abstract : The efficiency of reciprocating compressors adopted for household refrigeration is directly affected by the refrigerant superheating along the suction muffler. This dissertation reports an experimental investigation of heat transfer in the suction muffler of a variable-speed compressor. The study analyzes the effects of compressor speed (1200, 2000 and 4000rpm) and pressure ratio, given by the evaporating/condensing temperatures of (15.0°C/40.0°C) and (-25.0°C/40.0°C), on the heat transfer. Thermocouples and heat flux sensors allowed measurements of temperature and heat flux for different operating conditions. The results showed that heat transfer in the suction muffler is strongly affected by the evaporating pressure and compressor speed. Based on the measurements, heat transfer correlations are proposed and compared with correlations available in the literature. Correlations developed for spheres provided results in good agreement with experimental data for the external surface. On the other hand, the correlation of Dittus-Boelter and Gnielinski provided satisfactory agreement with measurements for the flow through tubes, but the same not happening inside the volumes of the suction filter

    Experimental Determination of Correlations for Heat Transfer Coefficients in the Suction Muffler of a Hermetic Reciprocating Compressor

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    The efficiency and reliability of hermetic reciprocating compressors adopted for household refrigeration are affected by the temperature distribution of their components. Simulation models developed to assist the thermal design of compressors require heat transfer coefficients in different components, usually estimated from correlations available for simplified geometries. However, the geometries of some components are complex and require more representative heat transfer coefficients. This paper presents experimental results for heat transfer coefficients obtained from measurements of heat flux and temperature in different regions of the suction muffler of a small reciprocating compressor under different operating conditions. A least square method was employed to obtain correlations for local heat transfer coefficients, which were then compared with estimates given by correlations available in the literature for simplified geometries


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    Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o tema de Educação Ambiental e oconhecimento dos alunos sobre o assunto. O objetivo central é conscientizar os alunossobre a importância de manter as praias limpas, gerando um novo comportamento apartir da educação ambiental. Foi realizada no Instituto Federal Catarinense CampusSão Francisco do Sul, uma pesquisa entre os alunos para avaliar o conhecimentodeles a respeito da Educação Ambiental. A maioria dos resultados foram positivos,mas nem todos os alunos têm total conhecimento sobre o assunto, o que épreocupante e precisa ser revertido a partir de mais abordagens sobre o tema nasescolas