8,523 research outputs found

    Social disconnection, or popular racism

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    Identifying the Third Agers: An Analysis of British Retirees' Leisure Pursuits

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    Despite the recent theoretical focus on the emergence of the Third Age as a period of fulfilment and an ongoing engagement with an active leisure lifestyle, there is a dearth of quantitative studies on how older people spend their time. Few studies of later life capitalise on time-use surveys, which constitute the most widely employed and accurate methodology for collecting data on everyday life. This article analyses data from the 2000 UK Time Use Survey in order to operationalise the concept of the Third Age and test theoretical propositions regarding the irrelevance of social divisions in the formation of an active leisure lifestyle after retirement. The analysis focuses on a subsample of 1615 people over the age of 64. An index of active leisure activities is constructed in order to estimate the proportion of third agers amongst British retirees. Logistic regression models are specified to examine the relative influence of socio-demographic characteristics on the probability of a person being a third ager. Strong effects of structural factors and health are found, which do not support arguments suggesting a minor influence of social context in lifestyle choices after retirement. 'Active' ageing appears to be the province of those who are culturally and materially advantaged, and it is the healthy, educated, upper-class and middle-class men that are more likely to engage in a Third Age leisure lifestyle.Active Leisure; Retirement; Time-Use Research; Third Age; Successful Ageing; UK

    Damping of vertical coronal loop kink oscillations through wave tunneling

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    The decay rate of vertical kink waves in a curved flux tube is modeled numerically. The full MHD equations are solved for a curved equilibrium flux tube in an arcade geometry and the decay of ψ, the integral over the flux tube of the modulus of the velocity perpendicular to the local magnetic field, is measured. These simulations are 2D and are thus restricted to kink oscillations in the loop plane. The decay rate is found to increase with increasing wavelength, increasing β and decreasing density contrast ratio. The wave tunneling effect is shown to be a possible mechanism for the high decay rate of the recent observed kink oscillation reported by Wang & Solanki (2004)

    The emergence of magnetic flux through a partially ionised solar atmosphere

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    We present results from 2.5D numerical simulations of the emergence of magnetic flux from the upper convection zone through the photosphere and chromosphere into the corona. Certain regions of the solar atmosphere are at sufficiently low temperatures to be only partially ionised, in particular the lower chromosphere. This leads to Cowling resistivities orders of magnitude larger than the Coulomb values, and thus to anisotropic dissipation in Ohm’s law. This also leads to localised low magnetic Reynolds numbers (R m < 1). We find that the rates of emergence of magnetic field are greatly increased by the partially ionised regions of the model atmosphere, and the resultant magnetic field is more diffuse. More importantly, the only currents associated with the magnetic field to emerge into the corona are aligned with the field, and thus the newly formed coronal field is force-free

    A developed stage of Alfven wave phase mixing

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    Alfven wave phase mixing is an extensively studied mechanism for dissipating wave energy in an inhomogeneous medium. It is common in the vast majority of phase mixing papers to assume that even though short scale lengths and steep gradients develop as a result of phase mixing, nonlinear wave coupling does not occur. However, weakly nonlinear studies have shown that phase mixing generates magnetoacoustic modes. Numerical results are presented which show the nonlinear generation of magnetosonic waves by Alfven wave phase mixing. The efficiency of the effect is determined by the wave amplitude, the frequency of the Alfven waves and the gradient in the background Alfven speed. Weakly nonlinear theory has shown that the amplitude of the fast magnetosonic wave grows linearly in time. The simulations presented in this paper extend this result to later times and show saturation of the fast magnetosonic component at amplitudes much lower than that of the Alfven wave. For the case where Alfven waves are driven at the boundary, simulating photospheric footpoint motion, a clear modulation of the saturated amplitude is observed. All the results in this paper are for a low amplitude (<=0.1), single frequency Alfven wave and a uniform background magnetic field in a two dimensional domain. For this simplified geometry, and with a monochromatic driver, we concluded that the nonlinear generation of fast modes has little effect on classical phase mixing

    Observational properties of a kink unstable coronal loop

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    Aims. Previous work on the dynamics of the kink instability has concentrated on the evolution of the magnetic field and associated current sheets. Here we aim to determine the observational consequences of the kink instability in short coronal loops, particularly what images TRACE would record of such an instability. This paper concentrates on the internal m = 1 mode where the kink structure of the instability may not be apparent from the global field shape. This is most relevant to the observation of active region brightenings and coronal bright points. Methods. An existing fluid code was modified to include the TRACE temperature response function in order to calculate temporally and spatially averaged, line of sight images in the 171, 195 and 284 Å band passes for straight, kink unstable flux tubes. Results. Two new fluid effects of the kink instability are discovered: the circular enhancement of the density at the foot points and the appearance of a low density band running across the flux tube. The second of these effects is shown to be imagable by TRACE and hence would be a good candidate observational signature for an internal m = 1 kink unstable loop

    The triggering of MHD instabilities through photospheric footpoint motions

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    The results of 3D numerical simulations modelling the twisting of a coronal loop due to photospheric vortex motions are presented. The simulations are carried out using an initial purely axial field and an initial equilibrium configuration with twist, . The non-linear and resistive evolutions of the instability are followed. The magnetic field is twisted by the boundary motions into a loop which initially has boundary layers near the photospheric boundaries as has been suggested by previous work. The boundary motions increase the twist in the loop until it becomes unstable. For both cases the boundary twisting triggers the kink instability. In both cases a helical current structure wraps itself around the kinked central current. This current scales linearly with grid resolution indicating current sheet formation. For the cases studied 35-40% of the free magnetic energy is released. This is sufficient to explain the energy released in a compact loop flare

    Leakage of waves from coronal loops by wave tunneling

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    To better understand the decay of vertically polarised fast kink modes of coronal loops by the mechanism of wave tunneling, simulations are performed of fast kink modes in straight flux slabs which have Alfvén speed profiles which include a tunneling region. The decay rates are found to be determined by the mode number of the trapped mode and the thickness of the tunneling region. Two analytical models are suggested to explain the observed decay. The first is a extension of the work of Roberts (1981, Sol. Phys., 69, 39) to include a finite thickness tunneling region, and the second is a simpler model which yields an analytical solution for the relationship between decay rate, period and the thickness of the tunneling region. The decay rates for these straight slabs are found to be slower than in observations and those found in a previous paper on the subject by Brady & Arber (2005, A&A, 438, 733) using curved flux slabs. It is found that the difference between the straight slabs used here and the curved slabs used in Brady & Arber (2005, A&A, 438, 733) can be represented as a geometric correction to the decay rate

    Genetic variation: molecular mechanisms and impact on microbial evolution

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    On the basis of established knowledge of microbial genetics one can distinguish three major natural strategies in the spontaneous generation of genetic variations in bacteria. These strategies are: (1) small local changes in the nucleotide sequence of the genome, (2) intragenomic reshuffling of segments of genomic sequences and (3) the acquisition of DNA sequences from another organism. The three general strategies differ in the quality of their contribution to microbial evolution. Besides a number of non-genetic factors, various specific gene products are involved in the generation of genetic variation and in the modulation of the frequency of genetic variation. The underlying genes are called evolution genes. They act for the benefit of the biological evolution of populations as opposed to the action of housekeeping genes and accessory genes which are for the benefit of individuals. Examples of evolution genes acting as variation generators are found in the transposition of mobile genetic elements and in so-called site-specific recombination systems. DNA repair systems and restriction-modification systems are examples of modulators of the frequency of genetic variation. The involvement of bacterial viruses and of plasmids in DNA reshuffling and in horizontal gene transfer is a hint for their evolutionary functions. Evolution genes are thought to undergo biological evolution themselves, but natural selection for their functions is indirect, at the level of populations, and is called second-order selection. In spite of an involvement of gene products in the generation of genetic variations, evolution genes do not programmatically direct evolution towards a specific goal. Rather, a steady interplay between natural selection and mixed populations of genetic variants gives microbial evolution its directio