2 research outputs found

    Visible-light metallaphotoredox strategies for organic transformations through the cleavage of Csp3-Cl bonds

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    Recentment, la generaci贸 de radicals actius mitjan莽ant metodologies fotocatal铆tiques amb llum visible ha perm猫s la construcci贸 d鈥檜na gran varietat d鈥檈nlla莽os CC. La in猫rcia dels cloroalcans ha impedit el seu 煤s com a socis d'acoblament predominants tant en reaccions d'acoblament creuat convencionals com fotocatal铆tiques. De fet, s鈥檋an desenvolupat escassos exemples que utilitzin clorurs d鈥檃lquil inactivats com a fragments de s铆ntesi, els quals presenten limitacions a l鈥檋ora d鈥檃plicar-se de manera general. En aquesta direcci贸, aquesta tesi descriu el desenvolupament d鈥檜na nova fam铆lia de complexos tetradentats de Co i Ni capa莽os d鈥檃ctivar diferents clorurs d鈥檃lquil. La disponibilitat, versatilitat i modelatge d鈥檃quests lligands ens permet la modificaci贸 controlada de la primera esfera de coordinaci贸 del metall a partir del canvi de les propietats electr貌niques i estructurals del lligand. La col.lecci贸 de divuit nous complexos de Co i Ni significa un nou escenari per al desenvolupament de metodologies sint猫tiques.Recientemente, la generaci贸n de radicales activos mediante metodolog铆as fotocatal铆ticas con luz visible ha permitido la construcci贸n de una gran variedad de enlaces CC. La inercia de los cloroalcanos ha impedido su uso como socios de ensamblaje predominantes tanto en reacciones de ensamblaje cruzado convencionales como fotocatal铆ticas. De hecho, se han desarrollado escasos ejemplos que utilicen cloruros de alquilo inactivados como fragmentos de s铆ntesis, que presentan limitaciones a la hora de aplicarse de forma general. En esta direcci贸n, esta tesis describe el desarrollo de una nueva familia de complejos tetradentados de Co i Ni capaces de activar diferentes cloruros de alquil. La disponibilidad, versatilidad y modelado de estos ligandos permite la modificaci贸n controlada de la primera esfera de coordinaci贸n del metal a partir del cambio de las propiedades electr贸nicas y estructurales del ligando. La colecci贸n de dieciocho nuevos complejos de Co i Ni significa un nuevo escenario para el desarrollo de metodolog铆as sint茅ticas.Recent photocatalytic methods based on the visible-light-induced generation of reactive radicals have allowed the construction of a large variety of CC bonds. The inertness of chloroalkanes has precluded them as prevailing coupling partners in both conventional and photocatalytic cross-coupling reactions. In fact, few examples of using unactivated alkyl chlorides as building blocks have been developed, presenting limitations in their applicability for a general methodology. In this line, this thesis describes the development of a new familiy of tetradentate aminopyridine Co and Ni complexes able to activate different chloroalkanes. The ligand availability, modularity and versatility let us the tune the first coordination sphere of the metal by changing the electronic and structural features of the ligand. A collection of eighteen new Co and Ni complexes have been studied presenting a playground for synthetic methodology development

    Influ猫ncia dels electr貌lits i el pH en el comportament f脿sic de les mescles aquoses de gelatina/maltodextrina, per obtenir emulsions del tipus aigua-en-aigua

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Qu铆mica, Facultat de Qu铆mica, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2016, Tutors: Maria Sarret Pons, Jordi Esquena Moret i Yoran Beldengr眉nThe main objective of this work is to study the effect of different electrolytes and pH on the spontaneous formation of water-in-water emulsions. Water-in-water (W/W) emulsions are a less known group of emulsions which are based on the immiscibility of two compounds which are soluble in water. Although they are thermodynamically unstable, W/W emulsions could be kept for some time due to its kinetic metastability, without any surfactant. Subsequently, obtaining microgels from these emulsions could offer a new type of encapsulation with delayed release of active ingredients or drugs. In this work, aqueous mixtures of gelatin and maltodextrin have been studied from its phase diagrams. Initially, the study of electrolytes has been made following the Hofmeister series, thereby, according to the capacity of hydration of ions, studying salts with different free energy of hydration (CsNO3 i LiCl). It was expected that salts had opposite effect on the phase separation of the system, but it was observed that the two salts favour the miscibility of polymers and the precipitation of a coacervate. Then, the effect of pH by adding acetic acid has been studied, observing an interesting result: acid medium favours the miscibility between the polymers, without precipitation. This phenomenon opens a new way: the neutralization of acid medium with sodium hydroxide could favour the spontaneous formation of emulsions. It has been verified that the addition of NaOH produces an instantaneous phase separation, however, obtaining emulsions from this phase separation has not been ensured. Due to the high system instability, many experimental factors could affect the formation of these emulsions. Future further work is required with more detailed studie