65 research outputs found

    Information Asymmetry and Share Prices: Analysis of the Use of Social Networks in the Brazilian and U.S. Capital Markets

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    A crescente globalização faz com que a internet se torne, cada vez mais, parte da rotina das pessoas ao redor do mundo. Com a evolução dainternet, surgiram as redes sociais com o objetivo de facilitar a comunicação entre pessoas, comunidades e, até mesmo, entre corporações. As redes sociais oferecem às companhias uma forma de divulgação de suas informações de modo instantâneo, possibilitando aos usuários destas informações maior agilidade na busca de notícias sobre as companhias nas quais estejam aplicados seus investimentos ou em que desejam investir. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar o modo pelo qual as redes sociais (Facebook, Twitter e Youtube) afetam o nível de assimetria informacional e a precificação das ações das companhias abertas, tanto brasileiras como estadunidenses, durante o período de 2012. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi utilizada a estrutura conceitual do Modelo de Ohlson (1995) a fim de verificar se as informações postadas nas redes sociais afetam a precificação das ações, e como proxy para assimetria informacional utilizou-se da volatilidade dos preços das ações. A amostra compreendeu 170 empresas brasileiras listadas na BM&FBOVESPA e 100 empresas listadas no mercado acionário norte-americano, no ano de 2012. Os resultados apontam que as redes sociais podem afetar o nível de assimetria informacional nesses mercados, mas apenas o Facebook "não oficial" afeta a precificação das ações nas empresas do mercado acionário brasileiro, porém, a análise da sensibilidade indicou que os grupos dos que usam ou não oFacebook não apresentam retornos médios diferentes. Sendo assim, os investidores não devem utilizar essa informação para traçar estratégias que gerem melhores retornos.Increasing globalization has meant the internet becoming ever more part of the routine of people around the world. With the evolution of the internet, social networks have emerged in order to facilitate communication between people, communities and even between corporations. Social networks offer companies a way of instantly releasing information, allowing those who use this information greater flexibility when searching for news about the companies in which they have invested or wish to invest. In this context, the objective of this study was to analyze how social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Youtube) affect levels of information asymmetry and the pricing of shares for Brazilian and U.S. public companies during 2012. To achieve the proposed goal, the conceptual framework of the Ohlson model (1995) was used to verify whether the information posted on social networks affects the pricing of shares, and share price volatility was used as a proxy for information asymmetry. The sample included 170 Brazilian companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA and 100 companies listed on the U.S. stock market in 2012. The results show that social networks can affect levels of information asymmetry in these markets, but only "unofficial" Facebook affects the pricing of shares for companies in the Brazilian stock market, although sensitivity analysis indicated that the groups that use and those that do not use Facebook do not exhibit different average returns. Thus, investors should not use this information to devise strategies to generate better returns

    The human endosalpinx : anatomical three-dimensional study and reconstruction using confocal microtomography

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    Purpose: To evaluate in three dimensions (3D) the human endosalpinx and reconstruct its surface along its different anatomical segments, without the injection or insertion of luminal contrasts, using confocal microtomography (micro-CT). Material and methods: 15 fallopian tubes (FT) from 14 women in reproductive age from procedures for benign disease or sterilization were selected. The specimens were fixed in formalin and stained with Lugol solution. Micro-CT studies were conducted on the specimens using protocols adapted from biological studies, to acquire images to reconstruct in 3D the endosalpinx surface. Results: From these specimens, 6 presented the intra-mural segment, 14 presented the isthmus and 15 presented the ampulla and fimbria segment of the FT. The specimen presented tissue definition, and contrast sufficient for FT endosalpinx morphological analysis and lumen definition. The intramural portion presented initially a mucosal projection toward the lumen, bending on its own axis, and increased numbers of projections towards the isthmic portion, where the projections become longer more numerous. The endosalpinx becomes more tortuous, the lumen diameter increases and the mucosal projections become more bulky in the ampullary portion, with the projections less present on the antimesenteric side. The infundibular portion is marked with the organized and predictable endosalpinx, the abdominal ostium is cleared demonstrated, with the reduction of the endosalpinx volume. The fimbria demonstrated a small relation between fringes and intratubal endosalpinx. Conclusions: Microscopic anatomy of different segments of the human FT mucosa can be analyzed and reconstructed in 3D with histological correlation using micro-CT

    (Des)Caminhos na Formação e Ação Docente: Reflexões sobre a ERER no PIBID/Química/UFS/Itabaiana

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar as ações desenvolvidas pelos(as) bolsistas do PIBID/QUI-UFS-Ita no Colégio Estadual Roque José de Souza (CERJS), em Campo do Brito/SE, as quais culminaram na contribuição para a realização do evento “Mostra Cultural Afro-brasileira” do CERJS, em 2017, explicitando as possibilidades e os desafios.  Constatou-se que a Educação para as Relações Étnico-Raciais (ERER) ainda não faz parte do currículo escolar de forma a promover a inserção como conteúdo das diversas áreas do conhecimento.  Contudo, bolsistas e estudantes do colégio relataram que a realização das atividades foi importante tanto para aprendizagem dos alunos quanto para os próprios docentes, pois esses precisam compreender o ambiente escolar como um espaço importante de combate ao racismo e todas as outras formas de discriminação. Houve uma participação significativa da comunidade escolar e de pessoas da cidade. Assim, a mostra anunciou possibilidades à medida em que pôde se constituir como um marco de culminância das atividades voltadas à educação antirracista nesse colégio. Possibilidades, também, porque os(as) bolsistas iniciaram seus primeiros estudos e atividades didáticas com foco na ERER.In this article, we present the activities that were developed by PIBID/Química during black consciousness day at the Roque José de Souza State College, which is located in the municipality of Campo do Brito - SE. This work is part of the actions related to the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations (ERER) and in Law No. 11,645/2008 developed in cerjs.  Thus, as the main objective to report the actions developed by the scholarship holders of Pibid/Capes/Quí/UFS in the event "Mostra Cultural Afro-Brazilian" of CERJS in 2017. Therefore, the scholars performed activities associated with the theme Black Beauty divided into three moments, namely: the first moment the elaboration of the didactic material; second moment the visit of the scholars to the school environment and the third moment was elaborated the didactic material for the exhibition of the theme (banner with images and the historical concept, maquetes and panels for the exhibition of utensils related to the themes of each group).  Five groups were formed, each with the theme of the ais: "Tree of Racial Equality"; "Corner of the Turban"; "African Body Paintings"; "Curly Hair" and "African Ornaments.

    Defoliation intensity and performance of soybean plants with different growth habits

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of the level of artificial defoliation, applied in stages V6 and R2, on the quality and yield components of soybean seeds. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in the municipality of Cascavel, Paraná State, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications, in a 5 x 2 x 2 factorial scheme (five levels of defoliation x two cultivars, two phenological stages (V6: fifth fully developed trifoliolate leaf and R2: full flowering), two growth habits). The analyzed variables were mass of 100 seeds, number of pods per plant, seed number per plant, seed number per pod, germination, dry matter of seedlings and length of shoot and roots of seedlings. Defoliation above 50% results in the reduction of the number of pods and seeds per plant to grow indeterminate growth and reduction in the mass of 100 seeds for cultivars of determined growth

    Unbalanced relationships: insights into the interaction between gut microbiota, geohelminths, and schistosomiasis

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    Hosts and their microbiota and parasites have co-evolved in an adaptative relationship since ancient times. The interaction between parasites and intestinal bacteria in terms of the hosts’ health is currently a subject of great research interest. Therapeutic interventions can include manipulations of the structure of the intestinal microbiota, which have immunological interactions important for modulating the host’s immune system and for reducing inflammation. Most helminths are intestinal parasites; the intestinal environment provides complex interactions with other microorganisms in which internal and external factors can influence the composition of the intestinal microbiota. Moreover, helminths and intestinal microorganisms can modulate the host’s immune system either beneficially or harmfully. The immune response can be reduced due to co-infection, and bacteria from the intestinal microbiota can translocate to other organs. In this way, the treatment can be compromised, which, together with drug resistance by the parasites makes healing even more difficult. Thus, this work aimed to understand interactions between the microbiota and parasitic diseases caused by the most important geohelminths and schistosomiasis and the consequences of these associations


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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Curative treatment for gastric cancer involves tumor resection, followed by transit reconstruction, with Roux-en-Y being the main technique employed. To permit food transit to the duodenum, which is absent in Roux-en-Y, double transit reconstruction has been used, whose theoretical advantages seem to surpass the previous technique. AIMS: To compare the clinical evolution of gastric cancer patients who underwent total gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y and double tract reconstruction. METHODS: A systematic review was carried out on Web of Science, Scopus, EmbasE, SciELO, Virtual Health Library, PubMed, Cochrane, and Google Scholar databases. Data were collected until June 11, 2022. Observational studies or clinical trials evaluating patients submitted to double tract (DT) and Roux-en-Y (RY) reconstructions were included. There was no temporal or language restriction. Review articles, case reports, case series, and incomplete texts were excluded. The risk of bias was calculated using the Cochrane tool designed for randomized clinical trials. RESULTS: Four studies of good methodological quality were included, encompassing 209 participants. In the RY group, there was a greater reduction in food intake. In the DT group, the decrease in body mass index was less pronounced compared to preoperative values. CONCLUSIONS: The double tract reconstruction had better outcomes concerning body mass index and the time until starting a light diet; however, it did not present any advantages in relation to nutritional deficits, quality of life, and post-surgical complications


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    Rabies is an infectious disease, caused by a virus from the Rhabdoviridae family, Lyssavirus genus, whose infection occurs through contact with secretions contaminated by the virus, and presents with several important symptoms, mainly affecting the Central Nervous System, and with lethality of 100%. This is an epidemiological study between 2007 and 2021, using the DATASUS database, evaluating cases reported by SINAN. It was possible to verify that, in the period analyzed, there were 46 cases, with the northeast region being the most affected, followed by the south and southeast regions, with males being the most affected. The most affected age group was between 20 and 39 years old, followed by groups 1 to 4; 5 to 9 and 10 to 14, which can be explained by greater exposure to domestic animals. Therefore, more studies are needed indicating ways to prevent the main risk factors, in addition to encouraging post-exposure prophylaxis to avoid the disease.La rabia es una enfermedad infecciosa, causada por un virus de la familia Rhabdoviridae, género Lyssavirus, cuya infección se produce por contacto con secreciones contaminadas por el virus, y se presenta con varios síntomas importantes, afectando principalmente al Sistema Nervioso Central, y con una letalidad del 100%. . Se trata de un estudio epidemiológico entre 2007 y 2021, utilizando la base de datos DATASUS, evaluando los casos reportados por el SINAN. Se pudo verificar que, en el período analizado, hubo 46 casos, siendo la región noreste la más afectada, seguida por las regiones sur y sureste, siendo los hombres los más afectados. El grupo etario más afectado fue el de 20 a 39 años, seguido del grupo 1 al 4; 5 a 9 y 10 a 14, lo que puede explicarse por una mayor exposición a animales domésticos. Por tanto, se necesitan más estudios que indiquen formas de prevenir los principales factores de riesgo, además de fomentar la profilaxis post exposición para evitar la enfermedad.A raiva é uma doença infecciosa, causada por um vírus da família Rhabdoviridae, gênero Lyssavirus, cuja infecção ocorre através do contato com secreções contaminadas pelo vírus, e cursa com diversos sintomas importantes, acometendo, principalmente, o Sistema Nervoso Central, e tendo letalidade de 100%. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico entre 2007 a 2021, utilizando a base de dados do DATASUS, avaliando os casos notificados pelo SINAN. Foi possível verificar que, no período analisado, ocorreram 46 casos, sendo a região nordeste a mais acometida, seguida das regiões sul e sudeste, tendo o sexo masculino como o mais afetado. Já a faixa etária mais acometida foi entre 20 a 39 anos, seguida pelas faixas 1 a 4; 5 a 9 e 10 a 14, o que pode ser explicado pela maior exposição a animais domésticos. Assim, são necessários mais estudos apontando maneiras de prevenção quanto aos principais fatores de risco, além de incentivar a profilaxia pós-exposição para evitar a doença


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    Introduction: Hypothalamic sclerosis is a rare condition characterized by progressive degeneration of the hypothalamus, a crucial region of the brain responsible for several neuroendocrine and autonomic functions. This integrative review aims to better understand the clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Objective: To investigate the current scientific literature on hypothalamic sclerosis, seeking to understand its causes, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods and available therapeutic options. Methodology: An integrative review of the literature was carried out, using medical databases, the descriptors in health sciences (DeCs): “Hypothalamic Sclerosis”, “Psychiatric Care”, “Surgery”, “Integration of Care”, combined with each other by the Boolean operators AND and OR.  Studies that addressed hypothalamic sclerosis in humans, published in the last ten years, were included. Results: Analysis of the selected studies revealed that hypothalamic sclerosis can present a wide variety of symptoms, including endocrine disorders, changes in body weight, sleep disorders and autonomic dysfunctions. Early diagnosis is challenging due to the rarity of the condition and the diversity of clinical presentations. Treatment is mainly symptomatic and multidisciplinary, focused on managing symptoms and improving patients' quality of life. Conclusion: Hypothalamic sclerosis is a complex and challenging condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach for proper diagnosis and management. More research is needed to better elucidate the underlying mechanisms, develop more accurate diagnostic methods, and identify new therapeutic strategies.Introdução: A esclerose hipotalâmica é uma condição rara caracterizada pela degeneração progressiva do hipotálamo, uma região crucial do cérebro responsável por diversas funções neuroendócrinas e autonômicas. Esta revisão integrativa tem como objetivo compreender melhor os aspectos clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento dessa doença. Objetivo: Investigar a literatura científica atual sobre esclerose hipotalâmica, buscando compreender suas causas, manifestações clínicas, métodos de diagnóstico e opções terapêuticas disponíveis. Metodologia: Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura, utilizando bases de dados médicas, os descritores em ciências da saúde (DeCs): “Esclerose Hipotalâmica”, “Cuidados Psiquiátricos”, “Cirurgia”, “Integração de Cuidados”, combinados entre si pelos operadores booleanos AND e OR.  Foram incluídos estudos que abordassem a esclerose hipotalâmica em humanos, publicados nos últimos dez anos. Resultados: A análise dos estudos selecionados revelou que a esclerose hipotalâmica pode apresentar uma ampla variedade de sintomas, incluindo distúrbios endócrinos, alterações no peso corporal, distúrbios do sono e disfunções autonômicas. O diagnóstico precoce é desafiador devido à raridade da condição e à diversidade de apresentações clínicas. O tratamento é principalmente sintomático e multidisciplinar, focado na gestão dos sintomas e na melhoria da qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Conclusão: A esclerose hipotalâmica é uma condição complexa e desafiadora, que requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar para diagnóstico e manejo adequados. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para elucidar melhor os mecanismos subjacentes, desenvolver métodos de diagnóstico mais precisos e identificar novas estratégias terapêuticas