57 research outputs found

    KARAKTERISASI RASA GURIH PADA BEBERAPA PRODUK PANGAN (Characterisation of ‘Gurih’ Taste of Several Food Products)

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    The aim of this research was to find the sensory characteristic of ‘gurih’ taste of some food models. Several steps were used to determine: (1) People perception of ‘gurih’, (2) Food ingredients which influence ‘gurih’ taste intensity, and (3) The difference between ‘gurih’ and umami taste. From 1500, 908 questionnaires were returned with complete answer by the participants. Meat, peanut and cheese were chosen as being ‘gurih’ food by 97% of participants. They also perceived that ‘gurih’ taste present in food actually by the contribution of several food ingredients mainly protein, fat, and salt. Use of oil was preferred by 100% of the participants as a type of cooking which could build ‘gurih’ taste in food. Based on participants choice of ‘gurih’ food, meat, peanut and cheese were used as food models. Meat model was made by using hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP), chicken fat, and chicken flavor (22.0 : 6.2 : 0.5), peanut model was made by using HVP, peanut oil, corn starch, and carboxy methyl cellulose  (27.5 : 42.5 : 20.0 : 2.8); and cheese model was made by using skim milk, milk fat, salt, and cheese flavor (27.5 : 18.0 : 3.2 : 0.5). Using Omission Test for each compound of food model ingredient and t-test to compare the ‘gurih’ level of meat or peanut model, it was found that omitting  HVP, salt and chicken fat or peanut oil gave significant lower level of ‘gurih’ of the models than the complete one (p < 0.01). The same result was also found in cheese model, where omitting skim milk, milk fat or salt gave significant lower level of ‘gurih’ of the model than the complete one.  It was also found that the omission of protein-rich ingredient (HVP or skim milk) and salt gave significantly lower level of ‘gurih’ taste than the omission of chicken fat, milk fat or peanut oil (p < 0.01). Using the concentration which give 10% stimulus, the intensity of ‘gurih’ taste of food models (0.5% w/v for meat, 0.1% w/v for peanut, and 1% w/v for cheese) was significantly higher than umamis’ models (0.06% w/v for MSG, 0.03 : 0.17 w/v for MSG + salt, 0.03 : 0.17 : 0.11 w/v) (p < 0.01) and was the same with umamis’ models MSG + salt + oil or fat. This finding indicates that the addition of fat was importance to make ‘gurih’ taste to the both model. Meanwhile, there were no research was found that tells the influence of fat on umami taste. In conclusion, ‘gurih’ taste could be found mainly in meat, peanut, and cheese. ‘Gurih’ taste intensity was influenced by several food ingredients. The presence of ‘gurih’ taste was easy to be recognized in food models and the addition of fat in the model make ‘gurih’ taste probably has different taste  from umami

    Identification of Compounds in the Essential Oil of Nutmeg Seeds (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) That Inhibit Locomotor Activity in Mice

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    The present study was designed to evaluate the inhibitory effect of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) seed essential oil on the locomotor activity of mice in a wheel cage. Active compounds in the essential oil were identified by off-line solid phase extraction (SPE-C18) and GC/MS analysis. The essential oil was administered by inhalation at doses of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 mL/cage. The results showed that inhalation of nutmeg seed essential oil at a dose of 0.5 mL/cage decreased locomotion by 68.62%; and inhalation of 0.1 and 0.3 mL/cage inhibited locomotion by 62.81% and 65.33%, respectively. Generally, larger doses and longer administrations of nutmeg seed essential oil exhibited greater locomotor inhibition. Subsequently, the plasma concentrations of essential oil compounds were measured. The most concentrated compound in the plasma was myristicin. Half an hour after the addition of 1 mL/cage of nutmeg seed oil, the plasma concentration of myristicin was 3.7 μg/mL; one and two hours after the addition, the blood levels of myristicin were 5.2 μg/mL and 7.1 μg/mL, respectively. Other essential oil compounds identified in plasma were safrole (two-hour inhalation: 1.28 μg/mL), 4-terpineol (half-hour inhalation: 1.49 μg/mL, one-hour inhalation: 2.95 μg/mL, two-hour inhalation: 6.28 μg/mL) and fatty esters. The concentrations of the essential oil compounds in the blood plasma were relatively low (μg/mL or ppm). In conclusion, the volatile compounds of nutmeg seed essential oil identified in the blood plasma may correlate with the locomotor-inhibiting properties of the oil when administered by inhalation

    Pedoman produksi pangan halal

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    98 hal. : 21 c

    Pembangunan Pertanian di indonesia tahun 2004-2009

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    48p; ills. ills.;18 c

    Makanan & Minuman

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    Halalkah?: umat bertanya pak Anton menjawab

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    Isu tentang halal dan haram menjadi isu yang sangat sensitif di negara yang mayoritas penduduknya muslim. Namun sayang tingkat partisipasi produsen untuk mengikuti sertifikasi halal bagi produknya masih sangat rendah, sehingga konsumen harus memahami sendiri hukum halal haram dari produk yang mereka konsumsi. Buku ini memaparkan tentang regulasi dalam sertifikasi halal, penjelasan hukum hala haram dari aneka makanan, minuman, obat serta kosmetik.100 hlm, ill.; 21 cm

    Kebijakan, Pendidikan dan hasil penelitian pertanian

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    Kiat memilih pangan halal

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    43 hal. : Ilus. ; 21 c

    Pembangunan Pertanian Di Indonesia Tahun 2004-2009

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    Booklet ini disusun dalam rangka menggunakan pemikiran dan rencana aksi secara lebih komprehensif dalam rangka Pembangunan Pertanian di Indonesia. Secara garis besar booklet ini akan memuat kondisi riil dan permasalahan pembangunan pertanian Indonesia hingga saat ini, ruh/visi/misi pembangunan pertanian, kristalisasi solusi terhadap berbagai permasalahan pembangunan pertanian, serta program-program pembangunan pertanian baik jangka pendek maupun panjang.48 hlm; 15x21 c
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