15 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas model pembelajaran guided discovery setting pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Pair Share (TPS) untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan toleransi siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini adalah Classroom Action Research (CAR) dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X MIPA 5 MAN Yogyakarta III, DIY dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terjadi peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa secara signifikan setelah diterapkannya pembelajaran menggunakan model guided discovery setting pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS, (2) terjadi peningkatan toleransi siswa dalam pembelajaran setelah diterapkannya model pembelajaran guided discovery setting pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran guided discovery setting pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS efektif untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan toleransi siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika.Kata kunci: Guided Discovery, Prestasi Belajar, Think Pair Share, Tolerans


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    This explorative-descriptive study set out to examine the equivalence among Test of English Proficiency (TOEP) forms, developed by the Indonesian Testing Service Centre (ITSC) and co-founded by The Association for The Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN) and The Association of Psychology in Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach, the researchers collected the data through documenting the responses of those taking TOEP in 2016 and 2017, involving six TOEP forms in 2016 and four TOEP forms in 2017. All the forms were developed using the same test grid and construct to measure the listening and reading skills. The equality among the six forms was tested using the equating technique, which involved (1) the estimation of the item parameter using the Rasch model, (2) examination of the test characteristics curve for each form, and (3) interpretation of results. The results showed that all the TOEP forms used in 2016 and 2017 were equal with one another. It can be concluded then that the developed TOEP forms have the same level of difficulty and ensure justice for all test takers


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    This study discusses the Internalization of religious moderation to build quality culture in higher education. Religious moderation has a net meaning with a very deep influence, as formulated from Quran, and As-Sunnah. Religious moderation can positive perceptions. Its special value is the tawhid (unity) which is spiritual and material unity, the unity of world and hereafter, and the unity of thought and action. Because individuals have different concepts of what is right, it is necessary to develop religious moderation for the organization. One of the successful indicators of educational organizations in universities is the creation of a quality culture. The findings of this research are: First, the quality culture in higher education is strongly influenced by value that are socialized and internalized in all components continuously. Second, disseminate the value to be understood, and internalized by all components education. Third, improving quality of human resources to support new ideas, vision and mission of education. Fourth, provide the facilities needed by personal effectively. Fifth, apply values; and Sixth, controlling behavior.Keywords: Higher Education, Quality Culture, and Religious Moderatio

    The effect of scoring correction and model fit on the estimation of ability parameter and person fit on polytomous item response theory

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    Scoring quality has been recognized as one of the important aspects that should be of concern to both test developers and users. This study aimed to investigate the effect of scoring correction and model fit on the estimation of ability parameters and person fit in the polytomous item response theory. The result of 165 students in the Statistics course (SATS4410) test at one of the universities in Indonesia was used to answer the problems in this study. The polytomous data obtained from scoring the test results were analyzed using the Item Response Theory (IRT) approach with the Partial Credit Model (PCM), Graded Response Model (GRM), and Generalized Partial Credit Model (GPCM). The effect of scoring correction and model fit on the estimation of ability and person fit was tested using multivariate analysis. Among the three models used, GRM showed the best fit based on p-value and RSMEA. The results of the analysis also showed that there was no significant effect of scoring correction and model fit on the estimation of the test taker’s ability and person fit. From the results of this study, we recommend the importance of evaluating the levels or categories used in scoring student work on a test

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika SMA Kelas X Semester Genap Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving Berorientasi pada Higher Order Thinking Skills Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan karakteristik perangkat pembelajaran matematika menggunakan model creative problem solving berorientasi pada higher order thinking skills siswa, dan (2) menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika kelas X semester genap menggunakan model creative problem solving berorientasi pada higher order thinking skills siswa yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model pengembangan Plomp dengan tahapan meliputi: (1) penelitian pendahuluan mencakup analisis kebutuhan dan situasi; (2) tahap pengembangan mencakup desain dan pembuatan produk; dan (3) fase penilaian mencakup validasi ahli dan uji coba produk. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari lembar validasi, lembar penilaian kepraktisan oleh guru dan siswa, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, dan instrumen tes HOTS. Subjek uji coba adalah guru dan siswa kelas X MIPA 1 MAN Yogyakarta 3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran matematika menggunakan model creative problem solving berorientasi pada higher order thinking skills siswa memiliki karakteristik: (1) kegiatan pembelajaran terdiri dari penemuan tujuan, penemuan fakta, penemuan masalah, penemuan ide, penemuan solusi, dan penemuan penerimaan; (2) menggunakan masalah kreatif yaitu masalah yang memiliki banyak cara penyelesaian dan atau banyak solusi yang benar; dan (3) menggunakan instrumen evaluasi berupa tes HOTS. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan valid ditunjukkan dengan hasil penilaian RPP berada pada kategori “sangat baik”, hasil penilaian LKS berada pada kategori “sangat baik”, dan indeks Aiken (V) instrumen tes HOTS yaitu berada pada kategori “tinggi”. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan praktis ditunjukkan dengan hasil penilaian kepraktisan oleh guru berada pada kategori “sangat baik”, hasil penilaian kepraktisan oleh siswa yaitu berada pada kategori “sangat baik”, dan rerata persentase keterlaksanaan pembelajaran kegiatan guru dan siswa di atas 90%. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan efektif ditinjau dari HOTS siswa dengan persentase ketuntasan belajar mencapai 74,07%

    The Equating of Battery Test Packages of Mathematics National Examination 2013-2016

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    When a test implements several test instruments, there is an assurance that the test instruments that will be implemented are equal and this equality is an urgent matter. Therefore, this study aimed at confirming the equality of the test instruments that had been implemented in Mathematics National Examinations (MNE) 2013-2016. This study was conducted using quantitative approach. The data were gathered using students’ response documentation technique and MNE test instruments; the test instruments were drawn from the packages that had been administered to the national examinations for junior high school students in the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region. The data were analyzed by using the stages of item parameter estimation, designing the equating equation, equating through concordance model, drawing the test characteristics curve, and interpretation. The results of the analysis showed that the instruments that have been administered are almost equal, both from one package to another and from one year to another, with the standards of test instrument 2013

    Strategy and Implementation of Character Education in Senior High Schools and Vocational High Schools

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    Recently character education has been holding an important role for improving the human resources quality. This study aims to describe the strategy, the implementation and the results of character education in senior and vocational high schools in four provinces within the Java Island, Indonesia. The study was a phenomenology-type qualitative research. The data collection utilized a questionnaire and in-depth interviews. The participants in the study were 108 senior and vocational high school teachers from four provinces in Indonesia namely Yogyakarta Special Region, Central Java, West Java and Banten, Indonesia. The data analysis was conducted by implementing the Creswell’s steps. The results of the study showed that the strategy that the schools might implement in character education would be providing the character building facilities and designing good programs of character development. The schools implemented character education by providing role models, intervention, consistent habituation, and reinforcement. The results of the implementation yielded good results for the students’ character development. The obstacles that the schools had within character education were the students’ heterogeneity, the society’s paradigm which considered that the focus of the schools should be the cognitive development and limited facilities

    The Equating of Battery Test Packages of Mathematics National Examination 2013-2016

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    When a test implements several test instruments, there is an assurance that the test instruments that will be implemented are equal and this equality is an urgent matter. Therefore, this study aimed at confirming the equality of the test instruments that had been implemented in Mathematics National Examinations (MNE) 2013-2016. This study was conducted using quantitative approach. The data were gathered using students’ response documentation technique and MNE test instruments; the test instruments were drawn from the packages that had been administered to the national examinations for junior high school students in the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region. The data were analyzed by using the stages of item parameter estimation, designing the equating equation, equating through concordance model, drawing the test characteristics curve, and interpretation. The results of the analysis showed that the instruments that have been administered are almost equal, both from one package to another and from one year to another, with the standards of test instrument 2013

    Pengantar analisis meta

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