4 research outputs found

    Perubahan Pemanfaatan Lahan Perumahan Ke Perkantoran: Implikasinya Terhadap Pengendalian Pemanfaatan Ruang Kota (Studi Kasus: Wilayah Pengembangan Cibeunying Kota Bandung)

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    Change in urban land use is a phenomenon that often occurs along with the development of urban area. At the city center and fringe area, competition among urban activities has caused changes in land use from residential use to non-residential use (trade and services/commercial). The current trend is the development of office activities (government and private) that has reached residential area. The change in land use is often inconsistent with the city spatial plan and has caused negative impacts physical, environment, and social. On one side, this problem reflects the weakness of land use control in urban area in permit issuance, monitoring, and law and order. On the other side, the formulation of the spatial plan may not sensitive to the rapid development of urban economics activitie

    TROPIC-D21 Scenario and Requirements

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    This deliverable defines general framework for consequent technical workpackages in TROPIC. First, scenarios from the business point of view are defined and further transformed to more technical representation. Then, abstraction models are introduced for both communication and computation parts of femto-cloud concept. Furthermore, requirements need to be met to ensure efficient and feasible utilization of the femto-cloud are presented. To enable prove of the femto-cloud concept and to compare the developed techniques and algorithms a set of performance indicators to be considered in all technical workpackages are listed and defined. To that end, the models and simulation settings are defied in the last section of the documen

    TROPIC-D21 Scenario and Requirements

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    This deliverable defines general framework for consequent technical workpackages in TROPIC. First, scenarios from the business point of view are defined and further transformed to more technical representation. Then, abstraction models are introduced for both communication and computation parts of femto-cloud concept. Furthermore, requirements need to be met to ensure efficient and feasible utilization of the femto-cloud are presented. To enable prove of the femto-cloud concept and to compare the developed techniques and algorithms a set of performance indicators to be considered in all technical workpackages are listed and defined. To that end, the models and simulation settings are defied in the last section of the documentPreprin

    TROPIC-D21 Scenario and Requirements

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    This deliverable defines general framework for consequent technical workpackages in TROPIC. First, scenarios from the business point of view are defined and further transformed to more technical representation. Then, abstraction models are introduced for both communication and computation parts of femto-cloud concept. Furthermore, requirements need to be met to ensure efficient and feasible utilization of the femto-cloud are presented. To enable prove of the femto-cloud concept and to compare the developed techniques and algorithms a set of performance indicators to be considered in all technical workpackages are listed and defined. To that end, the models and simulation settings are defied in the last section of the documen