40 research outputs found

    The sence of balance and videonistragmography

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    Osjet ravnoteže u sisavaca reguliran je vestibularnim sustavom u kojem se nalaze polukružni kanali ispunjeni tekućinom. Iako je potpun mehanizam održavanja ravnoteže nepotpuno objaÅ”njen, jasno je da se temelji na fizikalnim načelima. Bolje razumijevanje vestibularnog sustava nužno je kako bi se pomoglo osobama s poremećajima u ravnoteži. U tu svrhu će se u diplomskom radu opisati fizikalno načelo vestibularnog sustava i izraditi uređaj za videonistagmografiju, Å”to je serija testova koje se provode u medicini i s kojima se procjenjuje funkcionalnost sustava za ravnotežu. Uz izradu uređaja i programskog rjeÅ”enja, napravit će se detaljna dokumentacija svih testova, te mogućih medicinskih simptoma poremećaja ravnoteže i ishoda koje bi pružilo testiranje uređajem.The sense of balance in mammals is regulated by the vestibular system which contains semi-circular canals filled with liquid. Although the entire mechanism of regulating balance is not yet completely explained, it is obviously based on physical principles. A better understanding of the vestibular system is necessary to help people with balance disorders. In this master thesis, we will describe the physical principle behind the vestibular system and build a videonystagmography device, which is used in medicine to evaluate the functionality of a patientā€™s balance system. Along with the device and programming solution, we will further document all of the tests, symptoms and illnesses connected to the system of balance

    The sence of balance and videonistragmography

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    Osjet ravnoteže u sisavaca reguliran je vestibularnim sustavom u kojem se nalaze polukružni kanali ispunjeni tekućinom. Iako je potpun mehanizam održavanja ravnoteže nepotpuno objaÅ”njen, jasno je da se temelji na fizikalnim načelima. Bolje razumijevanje vestibularnog sustava nužno je kako bi se pomoglo osobama s poremećajima u ravnoteži. U tu svrhu će se u diplomskom radu opisati fizikalno načelo vestibularnog sustava i izraditi uređaj za videonistagmografiju, Å”to je serija testova koje se provode u medicini i s kojima se procjenjuje funkcionalnost sustava za ravnotežu. Uz izradu uređaja i programskog rjeÅ”enja, napravit će se detaljna dokumentacija svih testova, te mogućih medicinskih simptoma poremećaja ravnoteže i ishoda koje bi pružilo testiranje uređajem.The sense of balance in mammals is regulated by the vestibular system which contains semi-circular canals filled with liquid. Although the entire mechanism of regulating balance is not yet completely explained, it is obviously based on physical principles. A better understanding of the vestibular system is necessary to help people with balance disorders. In this master thesis, we will describe the physical principle behind the vestibular system and build a videonystagmography device, which is used in medicine to evaluate the functionality of a patientā€™s balance system. Along with the device and programming solution, we will further document all of the tests, symptoms and illnesses connected to the system of balance

    Analiza predkomisijskih pokusa kukuruza i germplazme razvijene u oplemenjivačkoj stanici u Altınovi od 2015. do 2018. godine

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    Main goal of the most breeding programs is to develop highly adaptive hybrids in various environments, and the most important limitation are complex interactions between genotype, environment and management. Every hybrid breeding program follows certain strategy for new hybrid development. One possible strategy is to develop hybrids with lower adaptability, achieving best performance in ā€œhigh inputā€ environments (breeding for ā€œrace-horsesā€). However, another approach is to breed for hybrids with higher adaptability and stable performance across a wide range of environments (breeding for ā€œwork-horsesā€). High stability needs to be accompanied by high yield performance to insure profits, so stability should be monitored along with performance in breeding trials. Aim of this research was to analyze the new germplasm developments and their performances in the pre-registration trials in Turkey by the means of BLUP and GGE models. Heritability estimates for grain yield ranged from 0.58 to 0.85, and relative stability of all hybrids and checks is detected across all years. Cause of the high estimates of GƗL interaction were crossovers of genotype performances across locations. The location Altinova was the least stable location across years. One hybrid was selected as a future check based on stability parameters across environments. As GƗE interaction remains the greatest challenge in modern maize breeding, more research is needed in this field. Therefore mixed-model based approach is a valuable tool for analysis of genotype performances in maize breeding trials.Glavni cilj komercijalnih oplemenjivačkih programa na kukuruzu je razviti hibride visoke prilagodljivosti u raznim okolinama, pri čemu glavno ograničenje predstavljaju kompleksne interakcije između genotipa, okoline i upravljanja. Svaki oplemenjivački program slijedi određenu strategiju za stvaranje hibrida. Jedna od strategija je stvaranje hibrida koji nemaju vrhunsku adaptabilnost, ali mogu postići najviÅ”e prinose u visokoprinosnim okolinama (ā€žtrkaći konjiā€œ), dok je druga strategija stvaranje hibrida visoke adaptabilnosti u raznim okolinama (ā€žradni konjiā€œ). Visoka stabilnost mora biti popraćena visokim prinosima kako bi se osugurao profit, stoga bi se u oplemenjivačkim pokusima stabilnost trebala pratiti zajedno s prinosom. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je analiza nove germplazme (inbred linija i hibrida) kroz predkomisijske pokuse na raznim lokacijama u Turskoj, koriÅ”tenjem BLUP i GGE metoda za predviđanje, odnosno stabilnost prinosa. Heritabilnost za prinos zrna iznosila je od 0.58 do 0.85, a relativna stabilnost svih hibrida i standarda je zabilježena u svim godinama. Uzrok visokih vrijednosti GƗL interakcije su različite vrijednosti genotipova kroz lokacije. Lokacija Altınova bila je najmanje stabilna kroz sve četiri godine. Jedan hybrid je izabran kao budući standard na osnovu stabilnosti u svim okolinama. Kako GƗE interakcija i dalje predstavlja najveći izazov u modernom oplemenjivanju kukuruza, potrebno je joÅ” istraživanja u tome području, a koriÅ”tenje mjeÅ”ovitih modela predstavlja vrijedan alat za analizu genotipova u oplemenjivačkim pokusima

    Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis of photosynthetic performance in seven maize inbred lines under water-limited conditions

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    Background and Purpose: Photosynthetic efficiency in crops can be associated with stress resistance and yield increase. In maize, photosynthetic efficiency is important in inbred lines during breeding process and in seed production, as well as in hybrids. Objective of this study is to determine differences in photosynthetic efficiency under the water-limited conditions between seven flint and dent maize inbred lines belonging to various heterotic groups. Moreover, this investigation will serve as a preliminary study for the QTL analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in order to understand the genetic and physiological background to drought stress tolerance in maize. Materials and Method: Photosynthetic efficiency was measured in maize field nursery in Osijek during silking by Hansatech Handy-PEA analyzer in the elite inbreds Os1767/99, Os1252/99, Os163_9, B73, Mo17, Os6_2 i B84. The data obtained were used to calculate two biophysical parameters that describe the photochemistry of PSII: maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and performance index on absorption basis (PIABS). Obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis applying least significant difference (LSD) and cluster analysis. Results and Conclusions: Differences in photosynthetic efficiency appeared to be higher within dent inbred lines than between dents and flints. Although investigated parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm and PIABS) revealed similar clustering of inbred lines, there was slight difference concerning the grouping of the line Os6_2. Therefore we recommend the combined use of these two main parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence when the investigation includes photosynthetic performance in stress challenged plants, such as water-limited conditions


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    The in vivo haploid induction has been widely applied to the maize breeding in recent decades, but it has not been used in the breeding programs in the Republic of Croatia by now. This study\u27s objectives were to examine the haploid induction rates in the Croatian germplasm and to evaluate the properties of the D0 haploids, which are essential for a successful implementation of this method in breeding. The in vivo haploid induction was performed on 11 single-cross hybrids using the Zarodyshevy Marker Krasnodarsky (ZMK) inducer, and colchicine was used as a chromosome doubling agent. Emergence, misclassification rate, colchicine treatment survival, chromosome doubling rate and self-pollination success were examined in the D0 generation. The haploid induction rates ranged from 6.9 to 15.8%, which is consistent with the average induction rates characteristic of the ZMK inducer and the other modern ones. Significant differences were found among the populations of D0 haploids for all tested properties, except for self-pollination success. On average, the misclassification rates were lower, and the seedling survival rates were higher than those reported in other studies, indicating a possibility of a successful application of the doubled haploid method in maize breeding.Indukcija haploida in vivo posljednjih se desetljeća sve viÅ”e primjenjuje u oplemenjivanju kukuruza, ali se dosad nije koristila u oplemenjivačkim programima u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ciljevi ovoga istraživanja bili su utvrditi relativne frekvencije induciranih haploida kod germplazme koja se upotrebljava u domaćim oplemenjivačkim programima i ispitati svojstva haploida generacije D0 koja su važna za uspjeÅ”nu primjenu ove metode u oplemenjivanju. Indukcija haploida in vivo obavljena je na 11 jednostrukih hibrida pomoću induktora ZMK, a za udvostručenje kromosoma koriÅ”ten je kolhicin. U generaciji D0 ispitana su svojstva nicanja, pogreÅ”ne klasifikacije, preživljavanja tretmana kolhicinom, udvostručenja kromosoma i uspjeÅ”nosti izvođenja samooplodnje. Relativna frekvencija haploida kretala se od 6,9 do 15,8%, Å”to je usporedivo s prosječnim stopama indukcije specifičnim za induktor ZMK i druge moderne induktore. Statistički značajne razlike pronađene su između populacija haploida D0 za sva ispitana svojstva, osim za uspjeÅ”nost izvođenja samooplodnje. U prosjeku, stope pogreÅ”ne klasifikacije bile su niže, a stope preživljavanja tretmana kolhicinom viÅ”e u odnosu na one zabilježene u drugim istraživanjima, Å”to ukazuje na mogućnost uspjeÅ”ne primjene metode udvostručenih haploida u oplemenjivanju

    Usporedba standardne perinealne herniorafije i transpozicije unutarnjega opturatornog miÅ”ića u liječenju perinealne hernije pasa.

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    Forty male dogs underwent 46 perineal herniorrhaphy procedures. In 22 dogs, herniorrhaphy was performed by standard perineal herniorrhaphy and in 18 dogs by internal obturator muscle transposition (six bilateral herniorrhaphies). Castration was performed in 13 (59%) dogs operated by standard perineal herniorrhaphy and in 14 (77%) dogs operated by transposition of the internal obturator muscle. Rectal disease was preoperatively observed in 22 (46%) cases. Recurrence was recorded in six (27%) dogs operated by standard perineal herniorrhaphy and in two (11%) dogs operated by internal obturator muscle transposition. Postoperative complications developed in 30 (65%) cases. The most common complications were wound complications (swelling, seroma, dehiscence and hematoma), lameness and tenesmus. Study results indicated the method of internal obturator muscle transposition to create a stronger perineal diaphragm with a lower incidence of recurrence compared to standard perineal herniorrhaphy.Operirano je 40 muÅ”kih pasa u 46 operacijskih zahvata. Standardna perinealna herniorafija učinjena je u 22 psa, a transpozicija unutarnjega opturatornog miÅ”ića u 18 pasa (Å”est obostranih perinealnih hernija). Kastrirano je 13 (59%) pasa operiranih standardnom perinealnom herniorafijom te 14 (77%) pasa operiranih transpozicijom unutarnjega opturatornog miÅ”ića. Promjene na rektumu uočene su u 22 (48%) psa prije operacije. Å est (27%) pasa operiranih standardnom metodom imalo je recidiv, dok je isti uočen tek u dva (11%) psa operirana transpozicijom unutarnjega opturatornog miÅ”ića. Za vrijeme poslijeoperacijskog praćenja komplikacije su uočene u 30 (65%) pasa. NajčeŔće uočene komplikacije bile su komplikacije rane (oteklina, serom, dehiscencija i hematom), hromost i napinjanje. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da je metoda transpozicije unutarnjega opturatornog miÅ”ića bolja, jer dovodi do nastanka čvrŔće perinealne dijafragme s manjim postotkom recidiviranja


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    Genomic prediction accuracy (r_MP) is affected by many factors, such as the trait heritability, training population size and structure, and the number of markers. This studyā€™s objective was to investigate the factors associated with r_MP for the ear height and the plant height in two planting densities in testcrosses of maize (Zea mays L.) IBM population. Genetic correlations between the training and validation populations were calculated. The high heritability estimates and correlations between the traits were observed. The non-zero estimates of r_MP for all trait-density combinations implied an efficiency of genomic selection. The lower than expected values of genetic correlations were observed between the training and validation populations. However, a strong correlation was observed between a genetic correlation of training and the validation population and r_MP in all three sizes of training populations assessed (20-40%, 40-60%, and 60-80%), suggesting that the size of the training population can be kept low by an appropriate selection while maintaining a high r_MP. Further studies of relationships between the training and validation populations with larger effective population sizes are suggested, as reducing the size of training population while maintaining a high r_MP can facilitate a more effective allocation of resources in a maize breeding program.Mnogi faktori, kao Å”to su heritabilnost svojstva, veličina i struktura radne populacije i broj markera, utječu na efikasnost genomskih predviđanja (r_MP). Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati faktore povezane s怖 r怗_MP za visinu klipa i visinu biljke u dvije gustoće sjetve kod test-križanaca IBM populacije kukuruza (Zea mays L.). Izračunane su genetske korelacije između radne i validacijske populacije. Dobivene su visoke procjene heritabilnosti i korelacije između svojstava. Procjene r_MP bile su različite od nule za sve kombinacije svojstvo -gustoća. Å”to ukazuje na efikasnost genomske selekcije. Vrijednosti genetskih korelacija između radne i validacijske populacije bile su niže od očekivanih. Međutim, jaka korelacija dobivena je između genetske korelacije radne i validacijske populacije i r_MP za sve tri veličine radne populacije (20-40%, 40-60% i 60-80%), Å”to ukazuje da se uz odgovarajuću selekciju veličina radne populacije može održati niskom zadržavajući visoku vrijednosti怖 r怗_MP-a . Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja odnosa između radne i validacijske populacije s većom efektivnom veličinom populacije jer smanjivanje veličine radne populacije, uz održavanje visoke vrijednosti怖 r怗_MP-a može omogućiti učinkovitiju alokaciju resursa u oplemenjivačkome programu kukuruza


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    Crna slavonska svinja, nekada vrlo cijenjena i gotovo jedina pasmina u Slavoniji, danas postoji u relativno maloj populaciji. Skromnih prohtjeva u hranidbi i smjeÅ”taju, namijenjena je uzgoju na otvorenom. Prasi 6-8 odojaka u leglu, i prema tome pripada u srednje plodne pasmine svinja. Odlikuje se visokom kvalitetom mesa, namjenjenom preradi u tradicijske suhomesnate proizvode. Zbog svojih kvaliteta predstavlja prioritet u proučavanju i očuvanju jedinstvenog genetskog potencijala. Cilj ovog preliminarnog istraživanja bio je izolirati DNA iz folikula dlake 15 krmača crne slavonske pasmine svinja, provesti genotipizaciju polimorfizma prolaktinskog receptora (PRLR-gena) te utvrditi eventualnu povezanost pojedinih genotipova sa reproduktivnim pokazateljima. Navedeno bi moglo pridonijeti unaprjeđenju selekcije plotkinja, koja se dosad zasnivala na fenotipskim pokazateljima. Nakon provedene izolacije DNA i umnažanja odsječaka PRLR, dobiveni PCR produkti podvrgnuti su djelovanju restrikcijskog enzima AluI, u svrhu utvrđivanja polimorfizma PRLR-gena. Dobivena je jednaka raspodjela AA (40%) i BB (40%) homozigota, dok su AB heterozigoti bili manje zastupljeni (20%). Najveći broj ukupno oprasenih kao i živooprasenih odojaka imale su krmače AB genotipa, dok je kod BB homozigota zabilježena veća varijabilnost u veličini legla. Unatoč utvrđenim razlikama u veličini legla pojedinog genotipa, one nisu bile statistički značajne.Population of Black Slavonian pig, once highly valued and almost the only breed in Slavonia, has significantly decreased over the years. With modest demands of nutrition and housing, they are intendend for the breeding in the open. This breed belongs in the middle fertile breed with 6-8 piglets per litter. It is characterized by high quality meat, meant for processing in traditional dried meat products. Research and preservation of this unique genetic potential are priority because of its quality. The aim of this preliminary study was to isolate DNA from hair follicle samples of 15 Black Slavonian sows, to genotype polymorphism of PRLR receptor and evaluate its possible connection with reproductive traits. This could contribute to improvement of selection which previously was based on phenotypic indicators. After DNA isolation and multiplication of PRLR sequence, obtained PCR products were subjected to restriction enzyme AluI in order to determine the polymorphism of PRLR-gene. The results have shown even distribution of AA (40%) and BB (40%) homozygotes, while AB heterozygote was less frequent (20%). The largest number of total born and live born piglets was in AB genotype, although the BB homozygotes observed greater variability in litter size. Despite the determined differences in litter size between genotypes they were not statistically significant