Usporedba standardne perinealne herniorafije i transpozicije unutarnjega opturatornog mišića u liječenju perinealne hernije pasa.


Forty male dogs underwent 46 perineal herniorrhaphy procedures. In 22 dogs, herniorrhaphy was performed by standard perineal herniorrhaphy and in 18 dogs by internal obturator muscle transposition (six bilateral herniorrhaphies). Castration was performed in 13 (59%) dogs operated by standard perineal herniorrhaphy and in 14 (77%) dogs operated by transposition of the internal obturator muscle. Rectal disease was preoperatively observed in 22 (46%) cases. Recurrence was recorded in six (27%) dogs operated by standard perineal herniorrhaphy and in two (11%) dogs operated by internal obturator muscle transposition. Postoperative complications developed in 30 (65%) cases. The most common complications were wound complications (swelling, seroma, dehiscence and hematoma), lameness and tenesmus. Study results indicated the method of internal obturator muscle transposition to create a stronger perineal diaphragm with a lower incidence of recurrence compared to standard perineal herniorrhaphy.Operirano je 40 muških pasa u 46 operacijskih zahvata. Standardna perinealna herniorafija učinjena je u 22 psa, a transpozicija unutarnjega opturatornog mišića u 18 pasa (šest obostranih perinealnih hernija). Kastrirano je 13 (59%) pasa operiranih standardnom perinealnom herniorafijom te 14 (77%) pasa operiranih transpozicijom unutarnjega opturatornog mišića. Promjene na rektumu uočene su u 22 (48%) psa prije operacije. Šest (27%) pasa operiranih standardnom metodom imalo je recidiv, dok je isti uočen tek u dva (11%) psa operirana transpozicijom unutarnjega opturatornog mišića. Za vrijeme poslijeoperacijskog praćenja komplikacije su uočene u 30 (65%) pasa. Najčešće uočene komplikacije bile su komplikacije rane (oteklina, serom, dehiscencija i hematom), hromost i napinjanje. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da je metoda transpozicije unutarnjega opturatornog mišića bolja, jer dovodi do nastanka čvršće perinealne dijafragme s manjim postotkom recidiviranja

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