164 research outputs found


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    The construction of early school leaving as a political concept under the lenses of sociology of education

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    Además de formar parte de las estadísticas, el abandono escolar temprano (ESL según sus siglas en inglés) es un concepto político que requiere reflexión y discusión. Este artículo se basa en un proyecto de investigación sobre el abandono escolar temprano en 9 países de la Unión Europea para centrar el problema portugués, donde el tema de la deserción escolar y su contexto social, económico y político toma dimensiones particularmente graves. Haciendo un análisis diacrónico entre 2000 y 2014, este artículo define y explica las características de tres subperiodos, vinculados a los diferentes modos de gobierno de la educación. Centrándose en particular en el periodo actual, empezando en 2011, este trabajo recoge diferentes perspectivas sobre el problema y analiza las políticas y condiciones que lo rodean. El objetivo es contribuir con una mirada de la sociología de la educación a la comprensión de la construcción del abandono escolar temprano como concepto político y el análisis de las prácticas políticas para confrontarlo, teniendo en cuenta los impactos de los cambios educativos en la equidad educativa y los derechos pedagógicos. Sostenemos que dada la actual tendencia a la segregación de algunos grupos dentro del sistema educativo y la prevalencia de la lógica competitiva en detrimento de la búsqueda de la inclusión social, que amenazan el logro de los derechos pedagógicos en particular para los grupos con mayor vulnerabilidad social, se acentúa la necesidad de medidas educativas de gran alcance que tengan en cuenta y den valor a los puntos de vista e intereses de los intervinientes en los diferentes niveles de fabricación del espacio educativo europeo.Para além de uma construção estatística, o abandono escolar precoce (ESL) é um conceito político que exige reflexão e questionamento. Este artigo baseia-se num projeto de pesquisa sobre ‘abandono escolar precoce’, em 9 países da União Europeia, e centra-se no caso português, onde o abandono da escola assume dimensões particularmente graves. Este artigo define e explicita as características de três sub períodos, entre 2000 e 2015, ligados a diferentes modos da governação da educação, focando-se, em particular, no período que decorre de 2011 até ao presente, relacionando com perspetivas de atores envolvidos. Pretende contribuir com um olhar da sociologia da educação para a compreensão da construção do ‘abandono escolar precoce’ como conceito político e para a análise de políticas para o confrontar, tendo em conta os impactos das mudanças educativas na equidade educacional e nos direitos pedagógicos. Argumentamos que face à tendência atual para a segregação de alguns grupos no interior do sistema educativo e à prevalência da lógica de competitividade em detrimento da busca de inclusão social, que põem em risco a realização dos direitos pedagógicos particularmente para as pessoas de grupos com maior vulnerabilidade social, se acentua a necessidade de medidas educativas poderosas que tenham em conta e que atribuam valor às visões e interesses de atores distintos, nos diferentes níveis da fabricação do espaço Europeu de educação.Beyond the statistical construction, early school leaving (ESL) is a political concept that requires reflection and questioning. This article is based on a research project on early school leaving in 9 countries of the European Union to center the Portuguese problem, where the issue of early school leaving and its social economic and political context assumes particularly serious dimensions. The article defines and explains the features of three sub-periods, between 2000 and 2015, linked to different modes of education governance. Focusing in particular on the current period, running from 2011, this work captures different perspectives on the problem and analyzes the policies and conditions that surround it. The goal is to contribute with the lenses of sociology of education to understand the construction of early school leaving as a political concept and to the analysis of political practices to confront it, while taking into account the impacts of educational changes in educational equity and the democratic pedagogic rights. We argue that the current trend to segregate some groups within the education system and the prevalence of the logics of competitiveness to the detriment of the search for social inclusion, which threaten the achievement of pedagogic rights particularly for those groups with greater social vulnerability, gives evidence to the need for powerful educational measures that take into account and assign value to the views and interests of diverse actors at different levels of the fabrication of the European education space.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización EscolarGrupo FORCE (HUM-386)Este trabajo está financiado (parcialmente) por Fondos Nacionales a través de la FCT–Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología dentro del ámbito del proyecto estratégico del CIIE, con la referencia “PEst-OE/CED/UI0167/2014”

    Anthropometrical measurements and maternal visceral fat during first half of pregnancy : a cross-sectional survey

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    Background: Determining anthropometric measures that indicate different fat deposits can be useful to predict metabolic risk and set specific treatment goals, reducing negative consequences for maternal and fetal health. In cases where pre-gestational weight measure and subsequent body mass index (BMI) values cannot be determined, other anthropometric measurements may be ideal for measuring the nutritional status of pregnant women, especially in low- and middle-income countries. This study aims to identify which anthropometric measurements correlate better with the maternal fat deposits measured by ultrasound. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with pregnant women from the city of Porto Alegre (city), capital of Rio Grande do Sul (state), southern Brazil, from October 2016 until January 2018. Anthropometrical variables (weight, height, mid-upper arm circumference [MUAC], circumferences of calf and neck and triceps skinfolds [TSF] and subscapular skinfolds [SBSF]), and ultrasound variables (visceral adipose tissue [VAT] and total adipose tissue [TAT]) were collected. To verify the correlation of anthropometric and ultrasound measurements, a non-adjusted and adjusted Spearman correlation was used. The study was approved by the ethics committees. Results: The age median of the 149 pregnant women was 25 years [21–31], pre-pregnancy BMI was 26.22 kg/m² [22.16–31.21] and gestational age was 16.2 weeks [13.05–18.10]. The best measurements correlated with VAT and TAT were MUAC and SBSF, both of which showed a higher correlation than pre-pregnancy BMI. Conclusions: It is possible to provide a practical and reliable estimate of VAT and TAT from the anthropometric evaluation (MUAC or SBSF) that is low cost, efficient and replicable in an outpatient clinic environment, especially in low- and middle-income countries


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    The supervised internship is a formative component in the licentiate degree courses that allows the students to know the future field of professional activity and relate the theoretical and practical dimensions, which generate the praxis. The investigation aimed to understand the conceptions and challenges of students in the Mathematics degree course in supervised internship in the final years of elementary school carried out in the remote format. The basic theoretical-methodological framework used the studies of Anastasiou (2017), Freire (2001), Pimenta and Lima (2017), Sousa and Ferreira (2018), Tardif (2010), among others. As methodological indications, we adopted a qualitative approach, with the use of documentary data collection techniques carried out in internship reports prepared by future teachers. We highlight the relevance of preparing the reports based on the considerations of the interns, making it possible to know the importance of the internship, based on the revelations learned by students in the training of Mathematics teachers, establishing theoretical and practical links with basic education, mentioning the need for teachers to know the new technologies to aid in teaching.O Estágio supervisionado é um componente formativo nos cursos de licenciatura que possibilita aos licenciandos conhecer o futuro campo de atuação profissional e relacionar as dimensões teóricas e práticas, geradoras da práxis. A investigação objetivou compreender as concepções e desafios dos estudantes do curso de licenciatura em Matemática no estágio supervisionado nos anos finais do ensino fundamental realizado no formato remoto. Como indicações metodológicas adotamos a abordagem qualitativa, com a utilização das técnicas de coleta de dados documental realizada nos relatórios de estágio elaborados pelos futuros professores. Destacamos a relevância da elaboração dos relatórios de estágio mediante as considerações dos licenciandos, possibilitando conhecer a importância do estágio, a partir das revelações apreendidas pelos estudantes na formação de professores de Matemática, estabelecendo vínculos teóricos e práticos com a educação básica mencionando a necessidade dos professores conhecerem as tecnologias para auxiliarem no ensino e no atendimento educacional

    Zootechnical profile of the dairy farms in southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Minas Gerais State (MG) and especially its southern portion, plays an important role in milk production nationwide. This study characterized the livestock profile in 40 dairy herds in southern MG. Information obtained through interviews was used to construct a database and describe the variability present in the group, highlighting what is typical in this sample in order to reach conclusions. The farms evaluated have a median total area of 110 ha (interquartile range/DI = 223 ha), 82 total cows (DI = 98 animals) with 62 in milk (DI = 80 animals), mean daily milk production of 20 ± 7.4 L/cow and median production of the herd of 1350 L (DI = 1725 L). In most of the farms (60%) replacement animals are reared in semi-intensive systems; twice daily milked is most common (87.5%) using milking machinery with a pipeline 72.5%), and artificial insemination (AI) is practiced (65%). Regarding animal health, a significant proportion of the producers have not adopted a health management protocol including such practices as burying placentas (7.5%) and aborted fetuses (52.6%). These results indicate that there is great heterogeneity in milk production procedures used in southern MG and that most of the milk is supplied by small farms, based on family labor and use of technologies such as AI and mechanical milking