583 research outputs found

    Silicone elastomers filled with rare earth oxides

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    Silicones which possess, amongst others, remarkable mechanical properties, thermal stability over a wide range of temperatures and processability, and rare earth oxides(REO), known for their unique optic, magnetic and catalytic properties can be coupled into multifunctional composite materials(SREOs). In addition, the intrinsic hydrophobicity of REO and polysiloxanes makes them easily compatible without the need for surface treatments of the former. Thus, europium oxide (Eu2O3), gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) and dysprosium oxide (Dy2O3)in amounts of 20 pph are incorporated as fillers into silicone matrices, followed by processing mixture as thin films and crosslinking at room temperature. The analysis of the obtained films reveals the changes induced by these fillers in the thermal, mechanical, dielectric and optical properties, as well as the hydrophobicity of the silicones. The luminescence properties of S-REO composites were investigated by fluorescence spectra and lifetime - resolved measurements with a multiemission peaks from blue to greenish register. The thermogravimetrical analysis indicates an increasing of thermal stability of the composites that contain REO, compared to pure silicone. As expected, the dielectric permittivity significantly increased due to nature of the fillers, while the dielectric loss values are relatively low for all samples, indicating a minimal conversion of electrical energy in the form of heat within bulk composites. The presence of rare earth oxides into the silicone matrix facilitates the motions of long-range charge carriers through the network resulting in higher values of conductivity of the composite films. The stress-strain measurements revealed the reinforcing effect of the rare earth metal oxides on a silicone matrix, leading to a significant increase of Young modulus. The known hydrophobicity of silicones is further enhanced by the presence of REO

    The study of the action of physical and chemical factors on microorganisms

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    To research the influence of: the irradiation with ultraviolet (UV), the above- and over limit moderate temperatures, the environment’s pH, as well as the combination of the above-mentioned factors on microorganisms, aiming the detection of the factor with the highest capacity of disinfection. We have collected air samples and isolated microorganisms from them. Then we’ve grown the microorganisms on Petri boxes. These Petri boxes were distributed in groups and subjected to different growing conditions (ultraviolet irradiation, action of different types of environment’s pH, above- and over limit temperatures). After the incubation period, we have calculated the number and the percent of survived colonies as well as the disinfection capacity of each factor. This study showed that all the above mentioned factors, in some measure, affect the growth and development of microorganisms. UV radiation has a high capacity of disinfection. Even a short time influence (5 minutes) causes a significant decrease (28%) of the microorganisms number. Increasing the duration to 10 minutes, we didn’t obtain meaningful results (efficiency increased by only 8%). In case we use UV irradiation for 15 minutes, we get an efficiency of about 64%. Above- and over limit moderate temperatures don’t visibly affect the number of microorganisms (7% for low temperatures and 29% for high temperatures). Environmental acidity is a factor with a noticeable influence on the number of microorganisms. Both strong acidic pH (pH = 2), as well as the strong basic pH (pH = 12) cause an obvious decrease of the microorganisms number (equal to 54% and 66% respectively). Combining the high temperatures, the acid environment and ultraviolet irradiation for 15 minutes, we get an 85% result. Combining ultraviolet irradiation for 15 minutes, basic pH and low temperatures, the disinfection capacity decreases up to 64%. The method with the lowest efficiency is the action of over limit moderate temperatures. The best results on the disinfection capacity were obtained by combining physical and chemical factors. Each factor separately taken is unable to achieve such results

    The surveillance study of antibiotic resistance level for the Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes strains.

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    Introduction: The antibiotic resistance, currently, is one of the most pressing health care problems. On April 7,2011 WHO held The World Health Day, spent under the title “Antibiotic resistance: No action today - no cure tomorrow.” As prevention and control measures in Europe, The European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (EARSS) is running, which investigates and takes out the level of resistant strains of dangerous pathogens. Aim: In our study, we conducted a research by the EARSS model for 2 pathogens most often involved in respiratory infections in Moldova: Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes. Methods: The researches have been performed at the National Centre for Public Health, Epidemiology Centre for extremely dangerous diseases, Respiratory diseases department. The results of approximately 400 antibiograms, for the 2009-2010 years, were processed. Results: The incidence of pneumococcal and group A (3-hemolytic streptococci infections was estimated among the population of Moldova. The rate of resistant strains of these pathogens to seven antibiotics most commonly used to treat respiratory infections is the following: Str. pneumoniae: to amoxicillin - 11,82%; to cefuroxime - 21,43%; to ceftriaxone - 4,76%; to ciprofloxacin - 4,35%; to erythromycin - 13,95%; to clarithromycin - 9,52% and to azithromycin - 17,02%. Str. pyogenes: to amoxicillin - 11,49%; to cefuroxime - 5,26%; to ceftriaxone - 2,56%; to ciprofloxacin - 2,22%; to erythromycin - 16,46%; to clarithromycin - 17,95% and to azithromycin - 20,51%. Conclusions: It was updated the level of bacterial resistance for Str. pneumoniae and Str. pyogenes to the antibacterial drugs used in the respiratory infections therapy: amoxicillin, cefuroxime, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, clarithromycin and azithromycin

    Liposome formulations’ methods of analysis

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    Drugs Technolgy Department Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. The pharmaceutical nanotechnologies represent one of the most progressive and promising branches of pharmaceutical technology. They permit the modification and directing of the properties of active substances without the modification of chemical structure. For the new nano-drug formulations, exists the need of implementation of new methods of analysis that will take into account not only the chemical structure of the substance, but also the macro-molecular formulation and its parameters. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was the literature review of the existing methods for the analysis of liposome formulation and their application to a specific formulation with antibiotic substance. Materials and methods. A literature review of existing methods of analysis of liposomes was performed. The methods of analysis were classified in classes, depending of the studied formulation parameter. If possible, the method was applied for the study of the parameters of the formulated liposomes with antibacterial substances. Results. In order to establish the existing methods of analysis of for liposomes, a study review of 94 literature references was performed (basically from PubMed and Medline library). The methods of analysis were classified in 3 classes: optical, chemical and physico-chemical methods. Using some of these methods, that were applicable to our study object, the parameters of a prepared liposomic formulation were established. The methods were tested for linearity, repeatability and reproducibility. Conclusions. The results have shown that a part of classical methods for analysis of a liposomic formulation sometimes are not enough to describe the studied preparation and to predict its efficiency. Also, different liposomic formulations have demonstrated different results at the application of the same method of analysis. This fact demonstrates the need of elaboration of specific technics of analysis for each individual liposomic formulation

    Application methods in evaluation of economic analysis based drugs omeprazole, famotidine, and ceftriaxone

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    Catedra Economie, management şi psihopedagogie în medicină„Farm economic study of some drugs based on omeprazole, famotidine and ceftriaxone”. Currently there is a real explosion in pharmacy. More medicines appear increasingly, each pharmaceutical company strives to produce as much as possible, even if those medicines are already on the market. This creates situations, when the price for the same drug, or drugs based on the same active substance, varies essentially from manufacturer to manufacturer. In this case, to make an economically correct choice, a cost minimization analysis should be done at least, which is shown in the study below. 3 medicinal substances were analyzed, each with 3 pharmaceutical medicines imported on the national market. Actualmente se produce o adevărată explozie în domeniul farmaciei. Apar noi şi noi preparate, fiecare companie farmaceutică se străduie să producă cît mai mult, chiar dacă medicamentele în cauză sunt deja prezente pe piaţă. Se crează situaţii cînd preţul pentru acelaşi medicament, sau pentru medicamente bazate pe aceeaşi substanţă activă, variază esenţial de la producător la producător. În acest caz, pentru a face o alegere corectă din punct de vedere economic, trebuie de efectuat cel puţin o analiză de minimizare a costului, fapt elucidat în studiul de mai jos. Au fost analizate 3 substanţe medicamentoase, fiecare cu cîte 3 preparate farmaceutice de import pe piaţă naţională

    GotEnzymes: an extensive database of enzyme parameter predictions

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    Enzyme parameters are essential for quantitatively understanding, modelling, and engineering cells. However, experimental measurements cover only a small fraction of known enzyme-compound pairs in model organisms, much less in other organisms. Artificial intelligence (Al) techniques have accelerated the pace of exploring enzyme properties by predicting these in a high-throughput manner. Here, we present GotEnzymes, an extensive database with enzyme parameter predictions by Al approaches, which is publicly available at https://metabolicatlas.org/gotenzymes for interactive web exploration and programmatic access. The first release of this data resource contains predicted turnover numbers of over 25.7 million enzyme-compound pairs across 8099 organisms. We believe that GotEnzymes, with the readily-predicted enzyme parameters, would bring a speed boost to biological research covering both experimental and computational fields that involve working with candidate enzymes

    Микрососудистая коронарная дисфункция: актуальные аспекты

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    Microvascular coronary disorder: summary of updated aspectsDisfuncția microvasculară coronariană este responsabilă pentru morbiditatea și mortalitatea în multe boli cardiovasculare diferite, inclusiv pentru ischemia miocardică în absența stenozei arteriale coronare semnificative hemodinamic. Până la 65% din pacienții supuși angiografiei coronariene diagnostice pe motiv de suspecție de leziuni arteriale coronariene obstructive, prezintă artere epicardice normale sau non-obstructive. Actualmente, disfuncția microvasculară coronariană nu mai este considerată a fi o afecțiune benignă, având rol în agravarea semnificativă a pronosticului cardiovascular, în apariția anginei pectorale microvasculare, sindromului coronarian acut, inclusiv a infarctului miocardic acut fără obstrucție coronariană epicardică, determinând imperativul unei considerații speciale pe plan diagnostic, clinic, terapeutic și gestionar. Articolul respectiv reprezintă o sinteză de anumite aspecte actualizate patofiziologice, clinice, diagnostice și terapeutice, asupra problemei disfuncției microcirculației coronariene.Микрососудистая коронарная дисфункция: актуальные аспект

    Biochemical interpretation of nitric oxide pluralism of action

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    Catedra Biochimie şi Biochimie Clinică USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Nitric oxide, synthesized in vascular endothelium, macrophages, neutrophils, adrenals, cerebellum and other tissues from endogenous L-arginine and oxygen by the nitric oxide synthase, has an important role in inter- and intracellular signaling. Nitric oxide possesses a broad spectrum of biological activities, which can be conventionally classified in regulating, protective and toxic. Although the second messenger role of nitric oxide has been shown already in 1980, the molecular mechanisms by which nitric oxide exerts its biological effects are far from completely understood. This paper is a summary of the literature on mechanisms of action, biological role and involvement of nitric oxide in pathological processes. Oxidul de azot, sintetizat în endoteliul vascular, macrofage, neutrofile, suprarenale, cerebel şi alte ţesuturi din L-arginina endogenă şi oxigen sub acţiunea nitricoxid-sintazelor, îndeplineşte un rol important în semnalizarea inter- şi intracelulară. Posedă un spectru larg de acţiuni biologice, care pot fi clasificate convenţional în reglatoare, protectoare şi toxice. Cu toate că rolul de mesager secund al oxidului de azot a fost menţionat încă din anul 1980, mecanismele moleculare prin intermediul cărora oxidul de azot îşi exercită efectele biologice sunt departe de a fi complet elucidate. Lucrarea reprezintă o sinteză a literaturii referitoare la mecanismele de acţiune, rolul biologic şi implicarea oxidului de azot în procesele patologice

    Микрососудистая коронарная дисфункция: актуальные аспекты

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    Disfuncția microvasculară coronariană este responsabilă pentru morbiditatea și mortalitatea în multe boli car-diovasculare diferite, inclusiv pentru ischemia miocardică în absența stenozei arteriale coronare semnificative he-modinamic. Până la 65% din pacienții supuși angiografiei coronariene diagnostice pe motiv de suspecție de leziuni arteriale coronariene obstructive, prezintă artere epicardice normale sau non-obstructive. Actualmente, disfuncția microvasculară coronariană nu mai este considerată a fi o afecțiune benignă, având rol în agravarea semnificativă a pronosticului cardiovascular, în apariția anginei pectorale microvasculare, sindromului coronarian acut, inclusiv a infarctului miocardic acut fără obstrucție coronariană epicardică, determinând imperativul unei considerații speciale pe plan diagnostic, clinic, terapeutic și gestionar. Articolul respectiv reprezintă o sinteză de anumite aspecte actua-lizate patofiziologice, clinice, diagnostice și terapeutice, asupra problemei disfuncției microcirculației coronariene.Coronary microvascular dysfunction is responsible for the morbidity and mortality in many different cardio-vascular diseases, including the myocardial ischemia in the absence of hemodynamically significant coronary artery stenosis. Up to 65% of patients undergoing the diagnostic coronary angiography for the reason of suspected obstruc-tive coronary impairment, are with normal or non-obstructive epicardial arteries. Currently, coronary microvascular dysfunction is no longer considered being a benign condition, since playing role in significantly aggravating the cardiovascular prognosis, in the occurrence of microvascular angina, in acute coronary syndrome, including acute myocardial infarction without epicardial coronary obstruction, which determines the need for a special consider-ation on its diagnostic, clinical, therapeutic and managing issues. This article represents the synthesis of some up-dated pathophysiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of the coronary microcirculatory dysfunction.Микрососудистая коронарная дисфункция является ответственной за заболеваемость и смертность в различных сердечно-сосудистых патологиях, в том числе за ишемию миокарда в отсутствии гемодинамически значимого стеноза коронарных артерий. До 65% пациентов, перенесших диагностическую коронарную ангиографию по причине подозрения на обструктивные поражения коронарных артерий, обладают нормальными эпикардиальными артериями или их необструктивным поражением. В настоящее время, коронарная микроциркуляторная дисфункция более не считается клинически благоприятной формой, будучи вовлечен-ной в значительное ухудшение сердечно-сосудистого прогноза, в развитие микрососудистой стенокардии, острого коронарного синдрома, в том числе острого инфаркта миокарда без обструкции эпикардиальных артерий, определяя необходимость особого к себе внимания в плане диагностического, клинического и терапевтического менеджмента. В этой обзорной статье приведены некоторые обновленные патофизиологические, классификационные, клинические, диагностические и терапевтические аспекты коронарной микроциркуляторной дисфункции

    Развитие кардиологии в следующем десятилетии.

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    Cardiology development in the next decade.Bolile cardiovasculare reprezintă cauza principală responsabilă de morbiditatea și mortalitatea în lume. Direcțiile de dezvoltare, preconizate în medicina cardiovasculară pentru următorii ani, vor servi imperativului de a le reduce. În articol sunt elucidate câteva din domeniile de perspectivă. Progresele notorii în imagistica medicală, medicina de precizie, genomică și epigenetică, în tehnologiile de elaborare de medicamente noi, în medicina regenerativă, medicina de prevenție etc., au fost atinse într-o strânsă colaborare interdisciplinară și vor permite o dezvoltare oportună în domeniul cardiologiei. Va fi necesară acumularea în continuare de dovezi verosimile pentru a atinge niveluri noi, exacte și personalizate în stratificarea riscului, în diagnosticarea precoce, în optimizarea tratamentului, profilaxia bolilor CV și menținerea stării de sănătate CV.Развитие кардиологии в следующем десятилетии