581 research outputs found

    Reconnection of superfluid vortex bundles

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    Using the vortex filament model and the Gross Pitaevskii nonlinear Schroedinger equation, we show that bundles of quantised vortex lines in helium II are structurally robust and can reconnect with each other maintaining their identity. We discuss vortex stretching in superfluid turbulence and show that, during the bundle reconnection process, Kelvin waves of large amplitude are generated, in agreement with the finding that helicity is produced by nearly singular vortex interactions in classical Euler flows.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Stable isotope evidence for near-surface, low-temperature formation of Mg-(hydro)carbonates in highly altered Greek Mesozoic serpentinites

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    Authigenic magnesite, hydromagnesite and huntite associated with intensely altered and serpentinized ophiolitic rocks in Attica (mainland Greece) occur predominantly as veinlets and nodules within a totally weathered former-serpentinite groundmass. Carbonate Ī“18O values are consistent with post-geothermal fluid temperatures between 25-70 ĖšC, but mostly between 25-30 ĖšC, from a dominantly meteoric-sourced groundwater, indicating near-surface, low-temperature conditions. Despite the proximity of a volcanic centre with strong CO2 flux, 75% of the carbon isotope data imply little or no incorporation of this CO2 into the authigenic Mg-(hydro)carbonates. Indeed, many Ī“13C values are more negative than soil-zone calcrete values, and in this setting Mg-(hydro)carbonate Ī“13C below -6ā€° VPDB probably indicate disequilibrium effects in alkaline groundwaters. Geothermal fluids and groundwaters were mainly routed through structural conduits. Some of the low temperature hydromagnesite subsequently dehydrated to magnesite under near-surface conditions, while huntite is likely a diagenetic transformation of hydromagnesite, forming close to the volcanic centre where fluid Mg/Ca ratios were low. The isotopic signatures are distinct from previously published Balkan-East Mediterranean magnesite data arrays but are consistent with many other ultramafic-associated magnesium carbonates worldwide; their association with likely fluid compositions provide important context for Mg-(hydro)carbonate formation as geothermal conditions cool to near surface temperatures

    Modulation of torque evoked by wide-pulse, high-frequency neuromuscular electrical stimulation and the potential implications for rehabilitation and training

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    The effectiveness of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) for rehabilitation is proportional to the evoked torque. The progressive increase in torque (extra torque) that may develop in response to low intensity wide-pulse high-frequency (WPHF) NMES holds great promise for rehabilitation as it overcomes the main limitation of NMES, namely discomfort. WPHF NMES extra torque is thought to result from reflexively recruited motor units at the spinal level. However, whether WPHF NMES evoked force can be modulated is unknown. Therefore, we examined the effect of two interventions known to change the state of spinal circuitry in opposite ways on evoked torque and motor unit recruitment by WPHF NMES. The interventions were high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and anodal transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation (tsDCS). We show that TENS performed before a bout of WPHF NMES results in lower evoked torque (median change in torque time-integral: āˆ’ 56%) indicating that WPHF NMES-evoked torque might be modulated. In contrast, the anodal tsDCS protocol used had no effect on any measured parameter. Our results demonstrate that WPHF NMES extra torque can be modulated and although the TENS intervention blunted extra torque production, the finding that central contribution to WPHF NMES-evoked torques can be modulated opens new avenues for designing interventions to enhance WPHF NMES

    Dissipative dynamics of superfluid vortices at non-zero temperatures

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    We consider the evolution and dissipation of vortex rings in a condensate at non-zero temperature, in the context of the classical field approximation, based on the defocusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. The temperature in such a system is fully determined by the total number density and the number density of the condensate. A vortex ring is introduced into a condensate in a state of thermal equilibrium, and interacts with non-condensed particles. These interactions lead to a gradual decrease in the vortex line density, until the vortex ring completely disappears. We show that the square of the vortex line length changes linearly with time, and obtain the corresponding universal decay law. We relate this to mutual friction coefficients in the fundamental equation of vortex motion in superfluids.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Climate Change ā€“ Refining the Impacts for Ireland: STRIVE Report (2001-CD-C3-M1) ISBN: 978-1-84095-297-1

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    International Context: As a mid-latitude country Ireland can expect its future temperature changes to mirror quite closely those of the globe as a whole. Best estimates of global temperature change by the end of the present century are currently in the region 1.8ā€“4.0Ā°C1. Regional Context: Weighted Ensemble Downscaling from Global Climate Models Global climate models (GCMs) have greatly improved in reliability and resolution as computing power has increased and better inputs from earth observation have become available. Despite this, they remain too coarse in terms of their grid size to enable climate scenarios at the scale necessary for impact analysis to be achieved. This study employs a statistical downscaling approach to overcome these difficulties and also to provide new information on model uncertainty with a view to reducing uncertainty in key sectors such as water resource management, agriculture and biodiversity

    Epidemiological determinants of spread of causal agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong.

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    BACKGROUND: Health authorities worldwide, especially in the Asia Pacific region, are seeking effective public-health interventions in the continuing epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). We assessed the epidemiology of SARS in Hong Kong. METHODS: We included 1425 cases reported up to April 28, 2003. An integrated database was constructed from several sources containing information on epidemiological, demographic, and clinical variables. We estimated the key epidemiological distributions: infection to onset, onset to admission, admission to death, and admission to discharge. We measured associations between the estimated case fatality rate and patients' age and the time from onset to admission. FINDINGS: After the initial phase of exponential growth, the rate of confirmed cases fell to less than 20 per day by April 28. Public-health interventions included encouragement to report to hospital rapidly after the onset of clinical symptoms, contact tracing for confirmed and suspected cases, and quarantining, monitoring, and restricting the travel of contacts. The mean incubation period of the disease is estimated to be 6.4 days (95% CI 5.2-7.7). The mean time from onset of clinical symptoms to admission to hospital varied between 3 and 5 days, with longer times earlier in the epidemic. The estimated case fatality rate was 13.2% (9.8-16.8) for patients younger than 60 years and 43.3% (35.2-52.4) for patients aged 60 years or older assuming a parametric gamma distribution. A non-parametric method yielded estimates of 6.8% (4.0-9.6) and 55.0% (45.3-64.7), respectively. Case clusters have played an important part in the course of the epidemic. INTERPRETATION: Patients' age was strongly associated with outcome. The time between onset of symptoms and admission to hospital did not alter outcome, but shorter intervals will be important to the wider population by restricting the infectious period before patients are placed in quarantine

    Transmission dynamics of the etiological agent of SARS in Hong Kong: impact of public health interventions.

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    We present an analysis of the first 10 weeks of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic in Hong Kong. The epidemic to date has been characterized by two large clusters-initiated by two separate "super-spread" events (SSEs)-and by ongoing community transmission. By fitting a stochastic model to data on 1512 cases, including these clusters, we show that the etiological agent of SARS is moderately transmissible. Excluding SSEs, we estimate that 2.7 secondary infections were generated per case on average at the start of the epidemic, with a substantial contribution from hospital transmission. Transmission rates fell during the epidemic, primarily as a result of reductions in population contact rates and improved hospital infection control, but also because of more rapid hospital attendance by symptomatic individuals. As a result, the epidemic is now in decline, although continued vigilance is necessary for this to be maintained. Restrictions on longer range population movement are shown to be a potentially useful additional control measure in some contexts. We estimate that most currently infected persons are now hospitalized, which highlights the importance of control of nosocomial transmission

    Probing Nucleon Strangeness with Neutrinos: Nuclear Model Dependences

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    The extraction of the nucleon's strangeness axial charge, Delta_s, from inclusive, quasielastic neutral current neutrino cross sections is studied within the framework of the plane-wave impulse approximation. We find that the value of Delta_s can depend significantly on the choice of nuclear model used in analyzing the quasielastic cross section. This model-dependence may be reduced by one order of magnitude when Delta_s is extracted from the ratio of total proton to neutron yields. We apply this analysis to the interpretation of low-energy neutrino cross sections and arrive at a nuclear theory uncertainty of plus/minus 0.03 on the value of Delta_s expected to be determined from the ratio of proton and neutron yields measured by the LSND collaboration. This error compares favorably with estimates of the SU(3)-breaking uncertainty in the value of Delta_s extracted from inclusive, polarized deep-inelastic structure function measurements. We also point out several general features of the quasielastic neutral current neutrino cross section and compare them with the analogous features in inclusive, quasielastic electron scattering.Comment: 40 pages (including 11 postscript figures), uses REVTeX and epsfig.st

    ZnII(atsm) is protective in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis model mice via a copper delivery mechanism

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    AbstractMutations in the metalloprotein Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) cause approximately 20% of familial cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a fatal neurodegenerative disease for which effective therapeutics do not yet exist. Transgenic rodent models based on over-expression of mutant SOD1 have been developed and these have provided opportunity to test new therapeutic strategies and to study the mechanisms of mutant SOD1 toxicity. Although the mechanisms of mutant SOD1 toxicity are yet to be fully elucidated, incorrect or incomplete metallation of SOD1 confers abnormal folding, aggregation and biochemical properties, and improving the metallation state of SOD1 provides a viable therapeutic option. The therapeutic effects of delivering copper (Cu) to mutant SOD1 have been demonstrated recently. The aim of the current study was to determine if delivery of zinc (Zn) to SOD1 was also therapeutic. To investigate this, SOD1G37R mice were treated with the metal complex diacetyl-bis(4-methylthiosemicarbazonato)zincII [ZnII(atsm)]. Treatment resulted in an improvement in locomotor function and survival of the mice. However, biochemical analysis of spinal cord tissue collected from the mice revealed that the treatment did not increase overall Zn levels in the spinal cord nor the Zn content of SOD1. In contrast, overall levels of Cu in the spinal cord were elevated in the ZnII(atsm)-treated SOD1G37R mice and the Cu content of SOD1 was also elevated. Further experiments demonstrated transmetallation of ZnII(atsm) in the presence of Cu to form the Cu-analogue CuII(atsm), indicating that the observed therapeutic effects for ZnII(atsm) in SOD1G37R mice may in fact be due to in vivo transmetallation and subsequent delivery of Cu
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