201 research outputs found

    Investigating the Dimensions of Military Defense Strategy (Security Approach) of Islamic Community from the Qur'an and Hadith Perspective

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    One of the most important issues in the Holy Quran and hadiths is the issue of jihad and defense. War is, in fact, a traumatic and violent phenomenon that is perpetrated by enemies in different dimensions; in fact, Islam, which is a religion of security and peace, considers war a kind of situation; This is why Islam is for the sake of security in society He commands jihad. The purpose of this study was to investigate and explain the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of military defense strategy with a security approach (in the direction of security stability) in the Holy Quran and Islamic narrations. This is one of the most important causes of the endurance and stability of the Islamic state. The present study is a theoretical one and has been done by descriptive-analytical method. The results of the study show that Islam is not a religion of indifference and holds itself accountable to all sections of society. The religion of Islam never accepts oppression, corruption, injustice and discrimination, and advocates jihad for the liberation of man, the fight against oppression, the elimination of corruption, the establishment of justice, and the various aspects of his military defense strategy. The present study also shows with a qualitative and quantitative approach that Muslims must think in different military dimensions and defend their lives, property, honor and land by developing and producing scientific knowledge in these dimensions

    A Comparative Study of the "Tasrif" Verses in the Holy Quran in Al-Mizan and Majma Al-Bayan Commentaries

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    The Holy Qur'an, the last divine book, has conveyed meaning in various ways. One of the Qur'anic modes of conveying meaning is the "Tasrif" method. In fact, "Tasrif" is the expression and transmission of a meaning in different ways. It is meant that Allah Almighty expresses a meaning in different ways. Understanding the method of these expressions has a great impact on a better and clearer understanding of the Holy Quran. The present study is a comparative-descriptive-analytical study that examines the verses of "Tasrif" in the Holy Quran from the perspective of two great commentary ie: Al-Mizan and Majma Al-Bayan. Ten verses of the Holy Qur'an refer to the "Tasrif" method. Including: (Al-An'am/ 46; Al-An'am/ 65; Al-An'am/ 105; Al-A'raf/ 58; Al-Isra/ 41; Al-Isra/ 89; Al-Kahf/ 54; Taha/ 113; Al-Furqan/ 50; Al-Ahqaf/ 27). By relying on these verses you can see that "tasrif" is of two kinds; in the nature (divine creature) and in the divine book. "Tasrif" in divine book is of two kindes: the etymological "tasrif" and the semantic "tasrif". These two scholars have suggested benefits for the "tasrif" style. Including: Learn from the meaning of the verses of the Qur'an, No excuse for people, To avoid false thoughts, To think, To understand the truth, To avoid sin, Thanks to divine blessings, And most importantly they worship God And finally return from disbelief

    Lightweight Rubberized Concrete Slabs for Sustainable Road Pavements Serving Non-Auto Traffic

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    Non-auto transportation infrastructure, such as bicycle lanes and sidewalks, serves as an efficient means of public mobility. Improving the sustainable design and construction of the concrete slabs that compose such roads promotes environmental and economic benefits, spanning the usage of green sources of materials and reduced maintenance costs. In this study, an investigation into the application of recycled tires, also known as tire-derived aggregate (TDA), combined with rotary-kiln produced expanded clay (EC) as coarse aggregates in concrete, as well as their life-cycle cost assessment, are presented. The mechanical properties of concrete specimens with three different mix designs, i.e.,100% EC (MIX A or control mix), a mixture of 20% EC – 80% TDA (MIX B), and 100% TDA (MIX C) as coarse aggregates, were first derived through experimental tests. Impact-fatigue tests were then conducted on concrete slabs of MIX A, B, and C to evaluate their sustainability under several cycles of bicycle loads. The results showed that the TDA concrete has lower compressive and flexural strength, but it is more ductile than concrete with zero rubber content. Also, the results of impact-fatigue tests combined with a life-cycle cost analysis indicated the long-term benefits of constructing green and durable infrastructure using TDA on future investments in transportation

    Spatial Hierarchy in Iranian Mosques (Case Study: Jame Mosque of Yazd)

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    The principle of hierarchy is one of the fundamental principles that dominate the universe. This principle is considered in the Muslims architecture and this point to the principle status in Islamic thought. In this research, we first explain the position of hierarchy in Islamic art in order to find out its importance and necessity clearly. Afterwards, study the various hierarchies as the space hierarchy through sample analysis of Iranian mosques (Jame mosque Yazd). The main research question is to understand how the hierarchy of space is understood in the field of architecture? And how was this meaning manifested in Iranian mosques architecture? The research process is based on descriptive-analytical techniques and the required data is collected through library and field studies. The research and inference process is based on a case study analysis, and the extraction of qualitative and quantitative data. The research results show that "proportions" and "shape and form" are the most important factors in creating the spatial hierarchy in the architecture of the Jame mosque in Yazd and to create a spiritual preparedness to enter the building and to understand the correct conduct from one space to another space in architecture

    A review of the current state of natural biomaterials in wound healing applications

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    Skin, the largest biological organ, consists of three main parts: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. Wounds are abnormal wounds in various forms, such as lacerations, burns, chronic wounds, diabetic wounds, acute wounds, and fractures. The wound healing process is dynamic, complex, and lengthy in four stages involving cells, macrophages, and growth factors. Wound dressing refers to a substance that covers the surface of a wound to prevent infection and secondary damage. Biomaterials applied in wound management have advanced significantly. Natural biomaterials are increasingly used due to their advantages including biomimicry of ECM, convenient accessibility, and involvement in native wound healing. However, there are still limitations such as low mechanical properties and expensive extraction methods. Therefore, their combination with synthetic biomaterials and/or adding bioactive agents has become an option for researchers in this field. In the present study, the stages of natural wound healing and the effect of biomaterials on its direction, type, and level will be investigated. Then, different types of polysaccharides and proteins were selected as desirable natural biomaterials, polymers as synthetic biomaterials with variable and suitable properties, and bioactive agents as effective additives. In the following, the structure of selected biomaterials, their extraction and production methods, their participation in wound healing, and quality control techniques of biomaterials-based wound dressings will be discussed


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    In this work hydroxyapatite was precipitated from calcium hydroxide and phosphoric acid. Calcium hydroxide forms in addition to hydroxyapatite in samples with calcium to phosphorus ratio more than the stoichiometric one (Ca/P = 1.67). The effect of changing the pH of the precipitation solution was investigated. Changing the pH of solution had no effect on the amount of compounds formed in the structure. In contrast, an increase in Ca/P ratio increases the total amount of calcium hydroxide which is suitable for dental composite application

    Development and Characterization of 316 L Stainless Steel Coated by Melt-derived and Sol-gel derived 45S5 Bioglass for orthopedic applications

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    The 316L austenitic stainless steel (SS) was coated by 45S5 bioactive glass produced by melting and sol-gel techniques to increase the bioactivity and to provide a high mechanical strength for orthopedic and dental applications. The morphologies of coated specimens were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Then, the coated specimens were immersed in simulated body fluid (SBF) at 37°C for 14 days, and their microstructures after withdrawal were also investigated by SEM. All the specimens were analyzed by FTIR and XRD in order to survey the formation of hydroxyapatite layer

    Phylogenetic Groups of Escherichia coli Strains from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection in Iran Based on the New Clermont Phylotyping Method

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    Objectives.In2013,ClermontclassifiedE.colistrainsintoeightphylogeneticgroupsusinganewquadruplexPCRmethod.Theaims ofthisstudyweretoidentifythephylogeneticgroupsofE.colibasedonthismethodandtoassesstheirantibioticresistancepatterns inBushehr,Iran.Methods.Inthiscross-sectionalstudy,140E.coliisolatesweresubjectedtophylogenetictypingbyaquadruplex PCR method. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion method. Results. Phylogenetic group B2 was mostpredominant(39.3%),followedbyunknown(27.1%),E(9.3%),CandcladeI(each6.4%),B1(5%),FandD(each2.9%),and A(0.7%).Themostcommonantibioticresistancewasrelatedtoamoxicillin(82.1%)andtheleasttomeropenem(0.7%).82.14%of isolatesweremultipledrugresistant(MDR).AntibioticresistancewasmainlydetectedingroupB2(50%).Conclusions.Ourfindings showedthehighprevalenceofMDRE.coliisolateswithdominanceofgroupB2.About25%ofE.coliisolatesbelongtothenewly describedphylogroupsC,E,F,andcladeI.Suchstudiesneedtobedonealsoinotherregionstoprovidegreaterunderstandingof theantibioticresistancepatternandtheprevalencesofdifferentphylogeneticgroups

    Focus On Form Vs. Focus On Meaning Regarding Reading Skill: Effectiveness & Feasibility Quandary

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    As Norris & Ortega (2000) believe, explicit Focus on Form (FOF) methods are more effective than implicit Focus on Meaning (FOM) methods, the reason behind this belief is that in FOF instruction learners’ attention is drawn to linguistic form while FOM instruction involves learners' attention to communicate (Ellis, 2001). However, this study focused on both the effectiveness and feasibility study of FOF vs. FOM in reading classes. In this quasi- experimental study, 24 EFL learners ranging 20-28 years old of intermediate level were divided into two experimental groups which received two different types of instruction. During a 14-session treatment, the first group was provided with FOF instruction (Dictogloss task), while the second group was provided with FOM instruction (Discussion task). The results revealed a significant difference between two experimental groups. The FOF group scored significantly higher than the FOM group. Regarding the students and teachers’ perspectives towards feasibility of FOF in reading class, the students believed that FOF was feasible in reading classes, while the teachers were not unanimous in this regard, but towards feasibility of FOM both groups held positive attitudes. Generally, the data revealed that both FOF and FOM have feasibility in reading classes. In terms of Practicality, both methods are equally well- operational, but as to developing reading skill FOF proved a bit more effective than FOM
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