65 research outputs found

    Self-Reported Mental Health Problems Among Adults Born Preterm : A Meta-analysis

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    CONTEXT: Preterm birth increases the risk for mental disorders in adulthood, yet findings on abstract self-reported or subclinical mental health problems are mixed. OBJECTIVE: To study self-reported mental health problems among adults born preterm at very low birth weight (VLBW; DATA SOURCES: Adults Born Preterm International Collaboration. STUDY SELECTION: Studies that compared self-reported mental health problems using the Achenbach Young Adult Self Report or Adult Self Report between adults born preterm at VLBW (n = 747) and at term (n = 1512). DATA EXTRACTION: We obtained individual participant data from 6 study cohorts and compared preterm and control groups by mixed random coefficient linear and Tobit regression. RESULTS: Adults born preterm reported more internalizing (pooled beta =.06; 95% confidence interval.01 to.11) and avoidant personality problems (.11;.05 to.17), and less externalizing (-.10;-. 15 to-. 06), rule breaking (-.10;-. 15 to-. 05), intrusive behavior (-.14;-. 19 to-.09), and antisocial personality problems (-.09;-. 14 to-.04) than controls. Group differences did not systematically vary by sex, intrauterine growth pattern, neurosensory impairments, or study cohort. LIMITATIONS: Exclusively self-reported data are not confirmed by alternative data sources. CONCLUSIONS: Self-reports of adults born preterm at VLBW reveal a heightened risk for internalizing problems and socially avoidant personality traits together with a lowered risk for externalizing problem types. Our findings support the view that preterm birth constitutes an early vulnerability factor with long-term consequences on the individual into adulthood.Peer reviewe

    Treatment of Inborn Errors of Urea Synthesis — Activation of Alternative Pathways of Waste Nitrogen Synthesis and Excretion

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    Abstract Children with inborn errors of urea synthesis accumulate ammonium and other nitrogenous precursors of urea, leading to episodic coma and a high mortality rate. We used alternative pathways for the excretion of waste nitrogen as substitutes for the defective ureagenic pathways in 26 infants. These pathways involve synthesis and excretion of hippurate after sodium benzoate administration, and of citrulline and argininosuccinate after arginine supplementation. The children were treated for seven to 62 months; 22 survived. The mean plasma level of ammonium (±S.E.) was 36±2 μmol per liter, and that of benzoate was 1.5±1.0 mg per deciliter. Alternative pathways accounted for between 28 and 59 per cent of the total effective excretion of waste nitrogen. Nineteen infants had normal height, weight, and head circumference, and 13 had normal intellectual development. Activation of alternative pathways of waste nitrogen excretion can prolong survival and improve clinical outcome in children with inborn errors of urea synthesis. (N Engl J Med. 1982; 306:1387–92.

    Neurocognitive function and associations with mental health in adults born preterm with very low birthweight or small for gestational age at term

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    ObjectivesTo assess neurocognitive function in adults born with low birthweight compared with controls and to explore associations between neurocognitive function and psychopathology in these groups.MethodsIn this prospective cohort study, one group born preterm with very low birthweight (VLBW: birthweight <1,500 g, n = 53), one group born small for gestational age at term (SGA: birthweight <10th percentile, n = 63) and one term-born control group (birthweight ≥10th percentile, n = 81) were assessed with neurocognitive tests, diagnostic interviews, and self-report questionnaires at 26 years of age.ResultsThe VLBW group scored significantly below the control group on several neurocognitive measures, including IQ measures, psychomotor speed, verbal fluency, aspects of visual learning and memory, attention, social cognition, working memory and fine motor speed. The SGA group consistently scored at an intermediate level between the VLBW and the control group and had significantly lower scores than controls on Performance IQ and psychomotor speed, including switching. In the VLBW group, associations were found between lower spatial working memory and the presence of anxiety disorders, internalizing and attention problems, and autistic traits. Furthermore, lower Full scale IQ was associated with attention problems when adjusting for sex and parental socioeconomic status.ConclusionAdults born preterm with VLBW or born term SGA displayed neurocognitive difficulties. Spatial working memory was associated with difficulties with attention, anxiety, and social function of VLBW adults. The finding and its clinical applicability should be further explored

    Neuron-astrocyte interactions, pyruvate carboxylation and the pentose phosphate pathway in the neonatal rat brain

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    Glucose and acetate metabolism and the synthesis of amino acid neurotransmitters, anaplerosis, glutamate-glutamine cycling and the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) have been extensively investigated in the adult, but not the neonatal rat brain. To do this, 7 day postnatal (P7) rats were injected with [1-(13)C]glucose and [1,2-(13)C]acetate and sacrificed 5, 10, 15, 30 and 45 min later. Adult rats were injected and sacrificed after 15 min. To analyse pyruvate carboxylation and PPP activity during development, P7 rats received [1,2-(13)C]glucose and were sacrificed 30 min later. Brain extracts were analysed using (1)H- and (13)C-NMR spectroscopy. Numerous differences in metabolism were found between the neonatal and adult brain. The neonatal brain contained lower levels of glutamate, aspartate and N-acetylaspartate but similar levels of GABA and glutamine per mg tissue. Metabolism of [1-(13)C]glucose at the acetyl CoA stage was reduced much more than that of [1,2-(13)C]acetate. The transfer of glutamate from neurons to astrocytes was much lower while transfer of glutamine from astrocytes to glutamatergic neurons was relatively higher. However, transport of glutamine from astrocytes to GABAergic neurons was lower. Using [1,2-(13)C]glucose it could be shown that despite much lower pyruvate carboxylation, relatively more pyruvate from glycolysis was directed towards anaplerosis than pyruvate dehydrogenation in astrocytes. Moreover, the ratio of PPP/glucose-metabolism was higher. These findings indicate that only the part of the glutamate-glutamine cycle that transfers glutamine from astrocytes to neurons is operating in the neonatal brain and that compared to adults, relatively more glucose is prioritised to PPP and pyruvate carboxylation. Our results may have implications for the capacity to protect the neonatal brain against excitotoxicity and oxidative stress

    Resultater fra forskningsprosjektet Psykisk helse hos barn og unge i barneverninstitusjoner.

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    Det foreligger svært lite norsk forskning om psykisk helse hos ungdommer i barneverninstitusjoner. For å bøte på denne kunnskapsmangelen ble forskningsprosjektet «Psykisk helse hos barn og unge i barneverninstitusjoner» igangsatt. Prosjektet startet i 2010 og datainnsamlingen ble avsluttet sommeren 2014. Det var til sammen 400 ungdommer fra hele landet som deltok i studien, og analysene som presenteres i denne rapporten er basert på informasjon fra disse ungdommene, deres hovedkontakter/særkontakter og lederne på barneverninstitusjonene ungdommene er plassert i. Samlet sett har vi et rikt datamateriale som vil gi mye nyttig informasjon for praksis, både i denne rapporten og i fremtidig forskning. Denne studien er den første i norsk sammenheng som foretar en grundig kartlegging av psykiatriske lidelser med et standardisert diagnostisk intervju, og er også en av få internasjonale studier som er gjort på området. Våre resultater viser at det er høy forekomst på 76 % av psykiske lidelser innen de 3 siste måneder blant unge i barneverninstitusjoner, og kun 38 % oppgir at de har fått noen form for psykiatrisk hjelp fra spesialisthelsetjenesten for disse lidelsene i løpet av denne perioden. Ungdommene har i tillegg en høy grad av komorbiditet (samsykelighet) mellom angst, depresjon og alvorlige atferdsforstyrrelser. Dette tegner et bilde av ungdommer som har store og komplekse utfordringer, spesielt for de som er plassert på bakgrunn av barnevernparagrafer uten eget eller foreldre/foresattes samtykke. Jentene har en historikk med flere flyttinger enn det guttene har, og de har også høyere forekomst av internaliserende lidelser, som angst og depresjon. Samtidig viser resultatene våre at jentene oftere får hjelp for sine vansker enn det guttene får. Guttene har på sin side høyere forekomst av atferdsproblemer enn det jentene har. Ungdommene rapporterer også lav livskvalitet sammenlignet med ungdommer i den generelle befolkningen og pasienter i barne- og ungdomspsykiatrien. Dette er bekymringsfullt fordi annen forskning har vist at lav livskvalitet henger sammen med senere dårlig fysisk helse. Det er positivt at det sosiale miljøet på barneverninstitusjonene vurderes av ungdommene som greit, selv om ungdommene opplever det som dårligere enn lederne på institusjonen. Det er liten forskjell mellom statlige, private ideelle og private kommersielle barneverninstitusjoner i forhold til psykisk helse hos ungdommene og organisering av institusjonshverdagen

    Is there an association between full IQ score and mental health problems in young adults? A study with a convenience sample

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    Background Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with the environment. Previous studies have shown that individuals with intellectual disability, IQ < 70, have increased risk of being diagnosed with one or more mental disorders. We wanted to investigate if this also applies to individuals with IQ between 70 and 85. Methods In this study, data was abstracted from a longitudinal follow-up study of individuals with low birth weight and a control group. In the present study, mental health of participants with borderline IQ, defined as a full IQ score 70–84, were compared with mental health of a reference group with full IQ scores ≥85. Mental health at age 19 was assessed using the Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-age Children Present and Lifetime (K-SADS P/L) whereby scores meeting the diagnostic criteria for a mental disorder were defined as having mental health problems. In addition the participants completed the ADHD-rating scale and the Autism Spectrum Quotient form (AQ). Logistic regression analyses were used to calculate odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for high scores on the K-SADS. Results Thirty participants with borderline IQ and 146 controls were included. Sixteen (53%) of the participants with borderline IQ met the diagnostic criteria on the K-SADS for any diagnosis compared with 18 (12%) in the reference group (OR: 6.2; CI: 2.6–14.9). In particular the participants with borderline IQ had excess risk of ADHD and anxiety. These associations were slightly attenuated when adjusted for birth weight and parents’ socioeconomic status. Conclusions 53% of the participants with borderline IQ had increased risk for a research assessed psychiatric diagnosis compared to about one in ten in the reference group. The group with borderline IQ also had higher total scores and higher scores on some sub-scores included in the Autism Spectrum Quotient form. Our results points towards an increased vulnerability for mental illness in individuals with borderline low IQ

    Do visual impairments affect risk of motor problems in preterm and term low birth weight adolescents?

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    Increased prevalence of motor and visual problems has been reported in low birth weight populations, but the association between them is less studied

    Mental health, quality of life and social relations in young adults born with low birth weight

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    Background: Being born with low birth weight may have an impact on different aspects of mental health, psychosocial functioning and well-being; however results from studies in young adulthood have so far yielded mixed findings. The aim of this study was to assess the long-term impact in young adulthood on self-reported mental health, health-related quality of life, self-esteem and social relations by investigating differences between two low birth weight groups and a control group. Methods: In a follow-up at 20 years of age, 43 preterm VLBW (birth weight ≤ 1500 g), 55 term SGA (birth weight < 10th percentile) and 74 control subjects completed the Adult Self-Report (ASR) of the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment, the Adult Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), the Short Form 36 Health Survey, the Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents-Revised, and the Wechsler Adult Intelligent Scale III assessment. Results: The VLBW and SGA groups reported significantly more mental health problems than controls. The VLBW group predominantly had internalizing problems, and the non-significant association with ASR Total score was reduced by the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). The SGA group had increased scores on both internalizing and externalizing problems, and the association with ASR Total score remained significant after adjusting for IQ in this group. Both low birth weight groups reported less interaction with friends and lower quality of life related to mental health domains than controls. Self-esteem scores were lower than in the control group for athletic competence (VLBW) and social acceptance (SGA). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that self-reported mental health and well-being in young adulthood may be adversely affected by low birth weight, irrespective of whether this is the result of premature birth or being born SGA at term

    Early metabolite changes after melatonin treatment in neonatal rats with hypoxic-ischemic brain injury studied by in-vivo 1H MR spectroscopy

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    Melatonin is a promising neuroprotective agent after perinatal hypoxic-ischemic (HI) brain injury. We used in-vivo 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy to investigate effects of melatonin treatment on brain metabolism after HI. Postnatal day 7 Sprague-Dawley rats with unilateral HI brain injury were treated with either melatonin 10 mg/kg dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with 5% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or vehicle (5% DMSO and/or PBS) directly and at 6 hours after HI. 1H MR spectra from the thalamus in the ipsilateral and contralateral hemisphere were acquired 1 day after HI. Our results showed that injured animals had a distinct metabolic profile in the ipsilateral thalamus compared to sham with low concentrations of total creatine, choline, N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), and high concentrations of lipids. A majority of the melatonin-treated animals had a metabolic profile characterized by higher total creatine, choline, NAA and lower lipid levels than other HI animals. When comparing absolute concentrations, melatonin treatment resulted in higher glutamine levels and lower lipid concentrations compared to DMSO treatment as well as higher macromolecule levels compared to PBS treatment day 1 after HI. DMSO treated animals had lower concentrations of glucose, creatine, phosphocholine and macromolecules compared to sham animals. In conclusion, the neuroprotective effects of melatonin were reflected in a more favorable metabolic profile including reduced lipid levels that likely represents reduced cell injury. Neuroprotective effects may also be related to the influence of melatonin on glutamate/glutamine metabolism. The modulatory effects of the solvent DMSO on cerebral energy metabolism might have masked additional beneficial effects of melatonin
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