3,286 research outputs found

    The Galaxy Populations of X-Ray Detected, Poor Groups

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    (Abridged) We determine the quantitative morphology and star formation properties of galaxies in six nearby X-ray detected, poor groups using multi-object spectroscopy and wide-field R imaging. We measure structural parameters for each galaxy by fitting a PSF-convolved, two component model to their surface brightness profiles. To compare directly the samples, we fade, smooth, and rebin each galaxy image so that we effectively observe each galaxy at the same redshift (9000 km/s) and physical resolution (0.87h^(-1) kpc). We compare results for the groups to a sample of field galaxies. We find that: 1) Galaxies spanning a wide range in morphological type and luminosity are well-fit by a de Vaucouleurs bulge with exponential disk profile. 2) Morphologically classifying these nearby group galaxies by their bulge fraction (B/T) is fairly robust on average, even when their redshift has increased by up to a factor of four and the effective resolution of the images is degraded by up to a factor of five. 3) The fraction of bulge-dominated systems in these groups is higher than in the field (~50% vs. ~20%). 4) The fraction of bulge-dominated systems in groups decreases with increasing radius, similar to the morphology-radius (~density) relation observed in galaxy clusters. 5) Current star formation in group galaxies is correlated with significant morphological asymmetry for disk-dominated systems (B/T<0.4). 6) The group galaxies that are most disk-dominated (B/T<0.2) are less star forming and asymmetric on average than their counterparts in the field.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (26 pages + 12 figures); Figs 1 & 2 also available at http://www.ucolick.org/~vy/astronomy/groups_figs.tar.g

    Increased traffic exposure and negative birth outcomes: a prospective cohort in Australia

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    Background: Pregnant women exposed to traffic pollution have an increased risk of negative birth outcomes. We aimed to investigate the size of this risk using a prospective cohort of 970 mothers and newborns in Logan, Queensland. ----- ----- Methods: We examined two measures of traffic: distance to nearest road and number of roads around the home. To examine the effect of distance we used the number of roads around the home in radii from 50 to 500 metres. We examined three road types: freeways, highways and main roads.----- ----- Results: There were no associations with distance to road. A greater number of freeways and main roads around the home were associated with a shorter gestation time. There were no negative impacts on birth weight, birth length or head circumference after adjusting for gestation. The negative effects on gestation were largely due to main roads within 400 metres of the home. For every 10 extra main roads within 400 metres of the home, gestation time was reduced by 1.1% (95% CI: -1.7, -0.5; p-value = 0.001).----- ----- Conclusions: Our results add weight to the association between exposure to traffic and reduced gestation time. This effect may be due to the chemical toxins in traffic pollutants, or because of disturbed sleep due to traffic noise

    {BOAO Photometric Survey of Galactic Open Clusters. II. Physical Parameters of 12 Open Clusters

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    We have initiated a long-term project, the BOAO photometric survey of open clusters, to enlarge our understanding of galactic structure using UBVI CCD photometry of open clusters which have been little studied before. This is the second paper of the project in which we present the photometry of 12 open clusters. We have determined the cluster parameters by fitting the Padova isochrones to the color-magnitude diagrams of the clusters. All the clusters except for Be 0 and NGC 1348 are found to be intermediate-age to old (0.2 - 4.0 Gyrs) open clusters with a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] = 0.0.Comment: 11 page

    A Wide Field Survey of Satellite Galaxies around the Spiral Galaxy M106

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    We present a wide field survey of satellite galaxies in M106 (NGC 4258) covering a 1.7\degr \times 2\degr field around M106 using Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope/MegaCam. We find 16 satellite galaxy candidates of M106. Eight of these galaxies are found to be dwarf galaxies that are much smaller and fainter than the remaining galaxies. Four of these galaxies are new findings. Surface brightness profiles of 15 out of 16 satellite galaxies can be represented well by an exponential disk profile with varying scale length. We derive the surface number density distribution of these satellite galaxies. The central number density profile (d <100<100 kpc) is well fitted by a power-law with a power index of −2.1±0.5-2.1\pm0.5, similar to the expected power index of isothermal distribution. The luminosity function of these satellites is represented well by the Schechter function with a faint end slope of −1.19−0.06+0.03-1.19^{+0.03}_{-0.06}. Integrated photometric properties (total luminosity, total colour, and disk scale length) and the spatial distribution of these satellite galaxies are found to be roughly similar to those of the Milky Way and M31.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Long-Term Column Leaching of Phase II Mercury Control Technology By-Products

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    ABSTRACT An NETL research, development and demonstration program under DOE/Fossil Energy Innovations for Existing Plants is directed toward the improvement of the performance and economics of mercury control from coal-fired plants. The current Phase II of the RD&amp;D program emphasizes the evaluation of performance and cost of control technologies through slip-stream and full scale field testing while continuing the development of novel concepts. One of the concerns of the NETL program is the fate of the captured flue gas mercury which is transferred to the condensed phase by-product stream. The stability of mercury and any co-captured elements in the by-products could have a large economic impact if it reduced by-product sales or increasing their disposal costs. As part of a greater characterization effort of Phase II facility baseline and control technology sample pairs, NETL in-house laboratories have performed continuous leaching of a select subset of the available sample pairs using four leachants: water (pH=5.7), dilute sulfuric acid (pH=1.2), dilute acetic acid (pH=2.9), and sodium carbonate (pH=11.1). This report describes results obtained for mercury, arsenic, and selenium during the 5-month leaching experiments

    Cosmological Implications of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We provide a taxonomy of dynamical supersymmetry breaking theories, and discuss the cosmological implications of the various types of models. Models in which supersymmetry breaking is produced by chiral superfields which only have interactions of gravitational strength (\eg\ string theory moduli) are inconsistent with standard big bang nucleosynthesis unless the gravitino mass is greater than \CO(3) \times 10^4 GeV. This problem cannot be solved by inflation. Models in which supersymmetry is dynamically broken by renormalizable interactions in flat space have no such cosmological problems. Supersymmetry can be broken either in a hidden or the visible sector. However hidden sector models suffer from several naturalness problems and have difficulties in producing an acceptably large gluino mass.Comment: 24 pages (uses harvmac) UCSD/PTH 93-26, RU-3

    International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) - the propagation of knowledge in ultrasound for the improvement of OB/GYN care worldwide: experience of basic ultrasound training in Oman.

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to evaluate effectiveness of a new ISUOG (International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology) Outreach Teaching and Training Program delivered in Muscat, Oman. METHODS: Quantitative assessments to evaluate knowledge and practical skills were administered before and after an ultrasound course for sonologists attending the ISUOG Outreach Course, which took place in November, 2017, in Oman. Trainees were selected from each region of the country following a national vetting process conducted by the Oman Ministry of Health. Twenty-eight of the participants were included in the analysis. Pre- and post-training practical and theoretical scores were evaluated and compared. RESULTS: Participants achieved statistically significant improvements, on average by 47% (p < 0.001), in both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Specifically, the mean score in the theoretical knowledge test significantly increased from 55.6% (± 14.0%) to 81.6% (± 8.2%), while in the practical test, the mean score increased from 44.6% (± 19.5%) to 65.7% (± 23.0%) (p < 0.001). Performance was improved post-course among 27/28 participants (96.4%) in the theoretical test (range: 14 to 200%) and among 24/28 (85.7%) trainees in the practical skills test (range: 5 to 217%). CONCLUSION: Application of the ISUOG Basic Training Curriculum and Outreach Teaching and Training Course improved the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of local health personnel. Long-term re-evaluation is, however, considered imperative to ascertain and ensure knowledge retention

    Ventilation–perfusion heterogeneity measured by the multiple inert gas elimination technique is minimally affected by intermittent breathing of 100% O2

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    Proton magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to quantify regional ventilation–perfusion ((Formula presented.)) ratios combines specific ventilation imaging (SVI) and separate proton density and perfusion measures into a composite map. Specific ventilation imaging exploits the paramagnetic properties of O2, which alters the local MR signal intensity, in an FIO2-dependent manner. Specific ventilation imaging data are acquired during five wash-in/wash-out cycles of breathing 21% O2 alternating with 100% O2 over ~20 min. This technique assumes that alternating FIO2 does not affect (Formula presented.) heterogeneity, but this is unproven. We tested the hypothesis that alternating FIO2 exposure increases (Formula presented.) mismatch in nine patients with abnormal pulmonary gas exchange and increased (Formula presented.) mismatch using the multiple inert gas elimination technique (MIGET).The following data were acquired (a) breathing air (baseline), (b) breathing alternating air/100% O2 during an emulated-SVI protocol (eSVI), and (c) 20 min after ambient air breathing (recovery). MIGET heterogeneity indices of shunt, deadspace, ventilation versus (Formula presented.) ratio, LogSD (Formula presented.), and perfusion versus (Formula presented.) ratio, LogSD (Formula presented.) were calculated. LogSD (Formula presented.) was not different between eSVI and baseline (1.04 ± 0.39 baseline, 1.05 ± 0.38 eSVI, p =.84); but was reduced compared to baseline during recovery (0.97 ± 0.39, p =.04). There was no significant difference in LogSD (Formula presented.) across conditions (0.81 ± 0.30 baseline, 0.79 ± 0.15 eSVI, 0.79 ± 0.20 recovery; p =.54); Deadspace was not significantly different (p =.54) but shunt showed a borderline increase during eSVI (1.0% ± 1.0 baseline, 2.6% ± 2.9 eSVI; p =.052) likely from altered hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and/or absorption atelectasis. Intermittent breathing of 100% O2 does not substantially alter (Formula presented.) matching and if SVI measurements are made after perfusion measurements, any potential effects will be minimized
