22 research outputs found

    Analyzing supply response of fruit tree products in Tunisia: The case of peaches

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    In Tunisia, peaches have a significant place in the fruit tree sector. Planted areas have been expanding ever since the eighties as a result of irrigation water extension and the use of better yielding varieties. These factors resulted in high production levels and fruit exports thereof. However, important seasonal and annual variation of fruit supplies continues to characterize prices at both wholesale and consumption levels. To study the response of peach production an econometric model was developed. Modelling was carried out in two stages. First area variation was explained through new plantings and removals and second yield variation was analyzed. The methodological approach followed takes into account the characteristics and specificities related to perennial crops. Weak response of supply to variations in expected prices was obtained. Supply price elasticity was estimated about 0.13 suggesting a high degree of inelasticity.Supply response, modeling, price expectations, peaches, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Entrepreneurship and Sustainability: The Need for Innovative and Institutional Solutions

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    The role of innovation and institutional quality for achieving sustainability are important issues tackled by current sustainable development debates, particularly in developing countries. Using a modified environmental Kuznets curve model, the present study improves our understanding of the critical roles of innovation, institutional quality, and entrepreneurship in structural change toward a sustainable future for Africa. Our empirical results show that formal and informal entrepreneurship are conducive to reduced environmental quality and sustainability in 17 African countries however informal entrepreneurship contributes more than formal entrepreneurship to this environmental degradation. The relationship between entrepreneurship and sustainable development turns strongly positive in the presence of high levels of innovation and institutional quality. This study contributes to this emerging research strand by clarifying the conditions that allow African countries to move toward more sustainable economies. Our results highlight the important roles played by innovation and institutions for achieving sustainability in Africa

    Pigmented Lesion on the Cheek: A Quiz

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    International audienceQui

    Profitability of Manufactured Feed Pellets for Small-Scale Crop-Livestock Farmers in Tunisia

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    The aim of this R4D Initiatives is to explore the profitability of manufactured feed pellets for small-scale crop-livestock farmers in Tunisia. During the past few growing seasons, within several R4D initiatives and projects (the SWC@Scale as part of the global GIZ ProSol Program; the CRP-Livestock “feed and forages”, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) funded CLCA phase 2), ICARDA and its national partners have introduced imported feed pellet machines that were donated with a 10% financial contribution (to ensure strong ownership of the technology) to some pre-selected professional farmer organizations (FO) (SMSA and GDA5) and individual farmers including agri-preneurs, with the idea of developing small feed businesses using these machines and boosting the nutrition of local herds. After assessing the available feed resources for each region (Northern, Center, and Southern), the leading members of each FO, under the supervision of the project’s scientific teams, developed various feeding formulas. Other farmers have been developing their own formulas based on consultation with local extension agents. Some of the formulas used by farmers are still under experimentation and will be the subject of this brief, aiming at validating their economic viabilities

    Faisabilité technico-économique des bouchons alimentaires fabriqués pour les petits éleveurs en Tunisie

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    Les bouchons alimentaires représentent une technologie prometteuse pour l’alimentation du bétail en Tunisie. Cette Technologie offre des multiples intérêts économiques, financiers, et techniques pour les petits agriculteurs et éleveurs dans les systèmes mixtes "Culture-Elevage". Cette fiche démontre la faisabilité technico-économique des bouchons alimentaires fabriqués pour les petits éleveurs en Tunisie

    الجدوى التقنية والإقتصادية للمكعبات الغذائية المصنعة لدى صغار المزارعين في البلاد التونسية

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    تناقش هذه الجذاذة الفنية تقنية المكعبات الغذائية للحيوانات، مبرزة مزاياها في تغذية الماشية. كما تبين حدود هذه التقنية، و العوامل التي تؤثر على جودة المكعبات الغذائية للحيوانات. وفي النهاية، تقترح البطاقة الفنية نموذج أعمال للإنتاج المحلي للمكعبات الغذائية للحيوانات، مع التركيز على الجوانب الاقتصادية والمالية لهذه النشاط، بالإضافة إلى الاستنتاجات والآفاق المتعلقة بالاستدام

    Analyse de la Reponse de l'offre des Pommes en Tunisie : Une Approche Econometrique

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    In Tunisia, the apples occupy a significant place on the sector of perennial crops. This crop covered expanded areas during the eighties following an extensive use of efficient water equipments. However, significant seasonal and annual variation of fruit supplies in the domestic market were frequently encountered affecting prices at both wholesale and consumption levels. To study the supply response of apples we carried out an econometric estimate of the model of supply response. Modelling was carried out in two stages: determination of the variation of the surfaces, on the basis of equation of news plantations and the equation of removals, and the variation of yields. The methodological approach that we followed takes account of the characteristics and specificities related to the perennial crops. Weak response of the supply to variations in the expected prices is obtained. Price elasticity obtained is about 0.13

    Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Goals: The Need for Innovative and Institutional Solutions

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    International audienceThe relationship between entrepreneurship and sustainable development has received considerable attention from academics and policymakers, as society searches for solutions leading to sustainability. The role of innovation and institutional quality in reaching sustainability goals is one of the key areas tackled by the current sustainable development debate, particularly in developing countries. Using a modified environmental Kuznets curve model, this study attempts to better improve our understanding of the critical roles of innovation, institutional quality, and entrepreneurship in the structural change toward a sustainable future in Africa. The empirical results show that both formal and informal entrepreneurship are conducive to less environmental quality and sustainability in 17 African countries where the contribution of informal entrepreneurship is much higher compared to the formal one. However, the relationship between entrepreneurship and sustainable development becomes strongly positive when the levels of innovation and institutional quality are higher. This research makes a contribution to this important emerging research area in that it clarifies conditions through which countries and firms in Africa can move toward more sustainable products and services. Formalizing the informal sector can lead to the improvement of the environmental and economic performance

    Analyse de la Reponse de l'offre des Pommes en Tunisie : Une Approche Econometrique

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    In Tunisia, the apples occupy a significant place on the sector of perennial crops. This crop covered expanded areas during the eighties following an extensive use of efficient water equipments. However, significant seasonal and annual variation of fruit supplies in the domestic market were frequently encountered affecting prices at both wholesale and consumption levels. To study the supply response of apples we carried out an econometric estimate of the model of supply response. Modelling was carried out in two stages: determination of the variation of the surfaces, on the basis of equation of news plantations and the equation of removals, and the variation of yields. The methodological approach that we followed takes account of the characteristics and specificities related to the perennial crops. Weak response of the supply to variations in the expected prices is obtained. Price elasticity obtained is about 0.13.Supply response, modelling, expected prices, apples, Demand and Price Analysis,