42 research outputs found

    Effects of Low-Level Artificial Light at Night on Kentucky Bluegrass and Introduced Herbivore

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    Increasing evidence suggests that artificial light at night (ALAN) can negatively impact organisms. However, most studies examine the impacts of ALAN on a single species or under high levels of artificial light that are infrequent or unrealistic in urban environments. We currently have little information on how low levels of artificial light emanating from urban skyglow affect plants and their interactions with herbivores. We examined how low levels of ALAN affect grass and insects, including growth rate, photosynthesis, and stomatal conductance in grass, and foraging behavior and survival in crickets. We compared growth and leaf-level gas exchange of Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis) under low-levels of ALAN (0.3 lux) and starlight conditions (night light at 0.001 lux). Furthermore, each light treatment was divided into treatments with and without house crickets (Acheta domesticus). Without crickets present, bluegrass grown under artificial light at night for three weeks grew taller than plants grown under natural night light levels. Once crickets were introduced at the end of week three, grass height decreased resulting in no measurable effects of light treatment. There were no measurable differences in grass physiology among treatments. Our results indicate that low levels of light resulting from skyglow affect plant growth initially. However, with herbivory, ALAN effects on grass may be inconsequential. Gaining an understanding of how ALAN affects plant-insect interactions is critical to predicting ecological and evolutionary consequences of anthropogenic disturbance

    Anthropogenic noise events perturb acoustic communication networks

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    Anthropogenic noise sources impact ecological processes by altering wildlife behavior and interactions with cascading impacts on community structure. The distribution and magnitude of such noise has grown exponentially over the past century, and now inundates even remote areas. Here we investigate biological responses to prolific, anthropogenic noise sources associated with the physical presence of the source (vehicle noise and human voices) and disconnected from it (aircraft overflight). Bioacoustic responses to these noise sources were documented at 103 sites in 40 U. S. National Park units. The presence of bird sounds was noted in 10-s audio samples every 2 min, for 8 days at each site and related to the presence of human voices, vehicle noise, and aircraft noise in the same and preceding samples. Generalized additive models were used to fit smoothing splines to weight the influence of noise in past samples on the probability of detecting bird sounds in the present sample. We found that the probability of hearing birds increased immediately following noise events, and decreased about 2 h after the event. The negative effects were persistent more than 3 h after a noise event. The persistence of these responses – especially for noise from jets that were many kilometers distant – raises questions about the functional significance and ecological consequences of this altered activity, particularly in light of the widespread and diverse habitats in this study and ubiquity of the noise sources evaluated

    Landscape and anthropogenic features influence the use of auditory vigilance by mule deer

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    While visual forms of vigilance behavior and their relationship with predation risk have been broadly examined, animals also employ other vigilance modalities such as auditory vigilance by listening for the acoustic cues of predators. Similar to the tradeoffs associated with visual vigilance, auditory behavior potentially structures the energy budgets and behavior of animals. The cryptic nature of auditory vigilance makes it difficult to study, but on-animal acoustical monitoring has rapidly advanced our ability to investigate behaviors and conditions related to sound. We utilized this technique to investigate the ways external stimuli in an active natural gas development field affect periodic pausing by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) within bouts of rumination-based mastication. To better understand the ecological properties that structure this behavior, we investigate spatial and temporal factors related to these pauses to determine if results are consistent with our hypothesis that pausing is used for auditory vigilance. We found that deer paused more when in forested cover and at night, where visual vigilance was likely to be less effective. Additionally, deer paused more in areas of moderate background sound levels, though responses to anthropogenic features were less clear. Our results suggest that pauses during rumination represent a form of auditory vigilance that is responsive to landscape variables. Further exploration of this behavior can facilitate a more holistic understanding of risk perception and the costs associated with vigilance behavior

    Landscape features influence postrelease predation on endangered black-footed ferrets

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    Predation can be a critical factor influencing recovery of endangered species. In most recovery efforts lethal and nonlethal influences of predators are not sufficiently understood to allow prediction of predation risk, despite its importance. We investigated whether landscape features could be used to model predation risk from coyotes (Canis latrans) and great horned owls (Bubo virginianus) on the endangered black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes). We used location data of reintroduced ferrets from 3 sites in South Dakota to determine whether exposure to landscape features typically associated with predators affected survival of ferrets, and whether ferrets considered predation risk when choosing habitat near perches potentially used by owls or near linear features predicted to be used by coyotes. Exposure to areas near likely owl perches reduced ferret survival, but landscape features potentially associated with coyote movements had no appreciable effect on survival. Ferrets were located within 90 m of perches more than expected in 2 study sites that also had higher ferret mortality due to owl predation. Densities of potential coyote travel routes near ferret locations were no different than expected in all 3 sites. Repatriated ferrets might have selected resources based on factors other than predator avoidance. Considering an easily quantified landscape feature (i.e., owl perches) can enhance success of reintroduction efforts for ferrets. Nonetheless, development of predictive models of predation risk and management strategies to mitigate that risk is not necessarily straightforward for more generalist predators such as coyotes

    Multiple mating, paternity, and body size in a simultaneous hermaphrodite, Aplysia californica

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    Sperm displacement and sperm competition prove difficult to measure, but are crucial elements in predicting sex allocation strategies of sperm-storing hermaphrodites. Body size is predicted to affect sex allocation so that within a population, large animals invest a greater proportion of resources in female function than do small animals. These mating strategies depend on sperm displacement abilities and lead to similar levels of paternity across body sizes despite differences in resource level. The present study investigated mating patterns, multiple paternity, and sperm competition in a field population of a simultaneously hermaphroditic sea slug, Aplysia californica (California sea hare). Animals mating in the female role were larger than the mean for the population, indirectly supporting theoretical predictions for increased investment in female function with body size. However, contrary to predictions, animals mating in the male role were not different in size from the population mean or the animals they inseminated. Individual tagging revealed that sea slugs are capable of moving across distances that allow for the sampling of many potential mates, and that they mate repeatedly in both sexual roles. Microsatellite paternity analysis demonstrated that multiple mating in the field leads to multiple paternity, and last-sperm donors achieve high levels of paternity. There was no effect of body size on paternity. Further paternity studies are needed to reveal the mechanisms of sperm precedence patterns in A. californica. Copyright 2003.multiple paternity; opisthobranch; sea hare; sex allocation; sperm competition

    Use of on-animal acoustical recording devices for studying animal behavior, The

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 2037).Audio recordings made from free-ranging animals can be used to investigate aspects of physiology, behavior, and ecology through acoustic signal processing. On-animal acoustical monitoring applications allow continuous remote data collection, and can serve to address questions across temporal and spatial scales. We report on the design of an inexpensive collar-mounted recording device and present data on the activity budget of wild mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) derived from these devices applied for a 2-week period. Over 3300 h of acoustical recordings were collected from 10 deer on their winter range in a natural gas extraction field in northwestern Colorado. Analysis of a subset of the data indicated deer spent approximately 33.5% of their time browsing, 20.8% of their time processing food through mastication, and nearly 38.3% of their time digesting through rumination, with marked differences in diel patterning of these activities. Systematic auditory vigilance was a salient activity when masticating, and these data offer options for quantifying wildlife responses to varying listening conditions and predation risk. These results (validated using direct observation) demonstrate that acoustical monitoring is a viable and accurate method for characterizing individual time budgets and behaviors of ungulates, and may provide new insight into the ways external forces affect wildlife behavior.Published with support from the Colorado State University Libraries Open Access Research and Scholarship Fund

    The evolutionary consequences of human–wildlife conflict in cities

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    Human–wildlife interactions, including human–wildlife conflict, are increasingly common as expanding urbanization worldwide creates more opportunities for people to encounter wildlife. Wildlife–vehicle collisions, zoonotic disease transmission, property damage, and physical attacks to people or their pets have negative consequences for both people and wildlife, underscoring the need for comprehensive strategies that mitigate and prevent conflict altogether. Management techniques often aim to deter, relocate, or remove individual organisms, all of which may present a significant selective force in both urban and nonurban systems. Managementinduced selection may significantly affect the adaptive or nonadaptive evolutionary processes of urban populations, yet few studies explicate the links among conflict, wildlife management, and urban evolution. Moreover, the intensity of conflict management can vary considerably by taxon, public perception, policy, religious and cultural beliefs, and geographic region, which underscores the complexity of developing flexible tools to reduce conflict. Here, we present a cross-disciplinary perspective that integrates human–wildlife conflict, wildlife management, and urban evolution to address how social–ecological processes drive wildlife adaptation in cities. We emphasize that variance in implemented management actions shapes the strength and rate of phenotypic and evolutionary change. We also consider how specific management strategies either promote genetic or plastic changes, and how leveraging those biological inferences could help optimize management actions while minimizing conflict. Investigating human–wildlife conflict as an evolutionary phenomenon may provide insights into how conflict arises and how management plays a critical role in shaping urban wildlife phenotypes