1,557 research outputs found


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    Currently Film becomes a medium of promotional strategy of a product or called Product Skateboard that is in great demand by advertiser manufacturers. Because watching a movie can attract high attention and involve activities so that the audience is interested in buying the product. Natural placements also make viewers less distracted than ads that appear too much and have a long duration. But not necessarily Product Skateboard is able to run smoothly, but there is also a Product Skateboard where advertiser producers are more concerned about how the product can be seen in the film related to the interests of producers to advertise and the interests of producers to obtain financial support for the filming process. This can create blurring of the boundaries between entertainment and commercial element 2, as well as disrupting the script due to product type mismatches with the scene that existed when the product appeared. Product skateboard marketing that looks at the discrepancy of the year marketed products with a time setting is in one of the films titled "Habibie &Ainun", The existence of products that have discrepancies in the year marketed products with a time setting on the scene, certainly affects the credibility of the film "Habibie and Ainun" as a biographical film, which in the poster of the film is also seen to include the phrase "based on true story"


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    The goal of the current study is to examine the differential mediating and moderating effects of social support on depression after experiencing child maltreatment. The differential effects of social support will be examined by source and type of social support. Differences across gender will also be examined.It is expected that experiencing child maltreatment will increase the probability of depression, but social support in general is expected to mediate and moderate the relationship between maltreatment and depression. Emotional social support, especially from family, is expected to have the largest mediating effect on mental health outcomes among maltreatment victims compared (Cohen & Willis, 1985; Thoits, 1995). To investigate these relationships, data are used from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health). Structural equation modeling will be used to analyze the hypotheses. Directions for future research and policy implications will be discussed


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    xiABSTRAKVINA ANDIA RATNA PERSEPSI PEMERINTAH KOTA BANDA2017 ACEH TERHADAP PERAN PENGAWASAN OMBUDSMAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA PERWAKILAN ACEH(Kajian Terhadap Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga dan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Banda Aceh)Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu PolitikUniversitas Syiah Kuala (xi, 56), pp., bibl., app.Dr. H. Taqwaddin Husin, S.H., S.E., M.S.Ombudsman merupakan lembaga negara yang berfungsi mengawasi penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik. Kehadiran Ombudsman di Aceh ini sangat dibutuhkan. Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh sebagai salah satu pemerintah kota yang wajib memberikan pelayanan Publik yang maksimal kepada masyarakat. Namun, kondisi pelayanan publik Kota Banda Aceh masih mengecewakan . Kota Banda Aceh menjadi daerah yang terbanyak laporan atas kasus maladministrasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh terhadap peran pengawasan Ombudsman Perwakilan Aceh dan pengaruh dari pengawasan Ombudsman Perwakilan Aceh terhadap kinerja Pemerintah Kota Banda Ace h. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan dan kepustakaan. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan informan, sedangkan data kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara membaca buku, skripsi, jurnal dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan peneltian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengawasan Ombudsman menjadi aspek penting untuk menjaga fungsi pemerintahan berjalan dengan semestinya. Pengawasan dari Ombudsman membawa pengaruh yang besar dalam pemerintahan. Namun, dalam melakukan perubahan sebagaimana yang disarankan oleh Ombudsman masih belum dilakukan dengan maksimal, dibuktikan dengan banyaknya kasus yang dilaporkan ke lembaga Ombudsman. Diharapkan Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh dapatbekerja lebih keras dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanannya, sehingga masyarakat puas dalam menerima pelayanan. Kata Kunci : Persepsi, Ombudsma

    Adolescent Sexual Victimization: The Role of Social Support and Risky Lifestyle

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    Although about half of all rape victims are adolescents, the bulk of the research on sexual victimization is focused on college or community samples of adult women. As such, little is known about adolescent risk of sexual victimization. Adolescence is an important developmental phase in life, in which an individual undergoes major social and biological changes. These changes may make them more susceptible to environmental characteristics, such as family climate, compared to adults. Environmental factors may influence risk taking among adolescents, which may increase the risk of sexual victimization. The theory of social support can be useful in understanding why some young individuals are sexually victimized and others are not. Data for the analysis is derived from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). The current study uses the in-home interviews from Wave I, Wave II, and Wave IV of Add Health. The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between social support, risky behavior, and sexual victimization. Specifically, whether risky behavior mediates the relationship between adolescent sexual victimization and social support will be examined

    Increase of Excavating Sponges on Caribbean Coral Reefs: Reproduction, Dispersal, and Coral Deterioration

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    Coral reefs ecosystems are deteriorating and facing dramatic changes. These changes suggest a shift in dominance from corals to other benthic organisms. Particularly in the Caribbean Sea, with corals dying, sponges have become the leading habitat-forming benthic animals. However, little is known about what life-history traits allow organisms to proliferate in a marine system that is undergoing change. Thus, the objective of this dissertation was to try to understand the current increase of encrusting excavating sponges on deteriorating Caribbean coral reefs through the study of reproduction, recruitment and dispersal potential of the widely distributed and currently expanding species, Cliona delitrix. Different methodological approaches were used, such as histology, electron microscopy, quantification of sponges in the field, genetics, and mathematical modeling. Results are presented in four different chapters. It was found that Cliona delitrix has an extended reproductive cycle in Florida, USA, from April - May to around November - December depending on a \u3e25°C sea-water temperature threshold. C. delitrix gametogenesis is asynchronous and it has multiple spawning events. C. delitrix is recruiting abundantly on Caribbean coral reefs, preferentially on recent coral mortality than on old coral mortality. The increase in C. delitrix and other excavating sponges can be explained by the repeated spawning and by the coincidence in time and space of larval production with the availability of new dead coral, which tend to overlap during the warmest months of the year. Eggs or larvae of C. delitrix appear to survive enough to be transported by currents over larger distances. It was found that dispersal ranges for Cliona delitrix may reach as far as ~315 km in the Florida reef track, and over ~971 km in the South Caribbean Sea, between Belize and Panama. Thus, reproduction, dispersal, and recruitment patterns of C. delitrix along with oceanographic currents, and eddies that form at different periods of time, are sustaining the spread of this sponge on coral reefs. According to mathematical models carried out, C. delitrix increase on reefs fluctuates depending of coral mortality events and available space on old dead coral (colonized by algae and other invertebrates). However, under temperature anomalies, these sponges will 2 tend to increase and take over the reef system only if heat stress and coral mortality is moderate. Under massive mortality events both corals and sponges will tend to decline, although sponges at a slower rate than corals. In general, coral excavating sponges have been favored by coral mortality, especially during past few decades. However as bioeroders, their success is also limited by the success of calcifying corals. In a reef management context and based on this dissertation’s findings, it is suggested that excavating sponges, and especially Cliona delitrix, should be more formally included in reef monitoring programs. Their increase can be used to track coral mortality events on reefs (past and future), and also can be used as another major bioindicator of health on coral reefs

    Perceptions and Misperceptions of Early Palliative Care Interventions for Patients With Hematologic Malignancies Undergoing Bone Marrow Transplantation

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    Hematopoietic stem cell or bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is one of the most promising and potentially curative therapeutic options available for eligible patients with hematologic malignancies (HMs) or leukemias. However, the nature and clinical course of HMs, specifically for patients undergoing BMT, are associated with significant morbidity, symptomatology, healthcare service utilization, psychosocial and end of life issues, and overall decreased quality of life. Early palliative care (PC) consultations and utilization for patients with HMs have been shown to improve patient outcomes, satisfaction, and autonomy as well as caregiver burden, shared-decision making, and holistic care management. Despite the complexity of care and complications for patients with HM undergoing BMT, early PC interventions are systematically underutilized and understudied in this population compared to patients with solid tumors or non-HMs. Herein, the authors reviewed the current literature and knowledge to assess and report the perceptions and barriers to early PC utilization in the care of patients with HMs undergoing BMT. Clinical and cultural aspects of PC perceptions as well as current PC care models and potential directions for PC implementation were reviewed to inform future research studies and clinical practice guidelines necessary for the improvement of care and quality of life for HM patients undergoing BMT
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