66 research outputs found

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    The influence of online learning environment, lecturers’ assessment practice, and students’ writing skills on students’ plagiarism practices

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    Higher education in Indonesia encourages university students to publish their work as part of lecturers’ assessments to inculcate an academic writing culture. Lack of students’ knowledge about plagiarism indicates a need for more studies on the effect of plagiarism on Online Learning Environment (OLE), Lecturers’ Assessment Practice (LAP), and Students’ Writing Skills (SWS). Lack of plagiarism awareness and prevention measures as well as lecturers’ feedback on student writing seems to exacerbate plagiarism practice. Therefore, this study assessed the influence of OLE, LAP, and SWS on Student Plagiarism Practices (SPP). In this study, OLE refers to twelve subcontracts, including relevance, reflection, interaction, collaboration, tutor support, peer support, making sense, instructor support, authentic learning, active learning, student autonomy, computer competence, and material environment. LAP refers to language assessment and written work assessment. Meanwhile, SWS refers to sub constructs such as organization, content, grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, vocabulary, referencing, citing, paraphrasing, summarizing, quotation, synthesizing, and novelty. Finally, SPP refers to attitudes toward plagiarism and norms toward plagiarism. A multi-stage clustered sampling technique was used to select 155 lecturers teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) on Sulawesi Island as respondents. This study used a concurrent mixed method research design. A set of questionnaires was used to measure lecturers’ perceptions on OLE, LAP, SWS, and SPP. An interview protocol was used to reveal EFL lecturers’ perceptions on student learning experiences for OLE, LAP, SWS, and SPP. The mean difference in lecturers’ perception on OLE, LAP, SWS, and SPP based on gender and academic qualification was also examined. The relationship between OLE and SPP; LAP and SPP; and SWS and SPP were investigated using simple linear regression. The influence of OLE, LAP, and SWS on SPP was measured using multiple regression. This study showed that EFL lecturers’ perceptions on OLE were mostly at the expected level, whereas LAP and SPP were at the expected level while SWS mostly showed the difficult level. The results of the t-test showed that there was no significant mean difference in lecturers’ perception on OLE, LAP, and SWS based on gender and academic qualification. Simple linear regression showed that there was a significant relationship between OLE and SPP; and between LAP and SPP. Multiple regression results indicated that LAP had the most influence on SPP. Students’ learning experiences as reported by EFL lecturers in the interview results showed that reflection was dominant in OLE, and language assessment was dominant for LAP influence on SPP, especially for norms towards plagiarism. This study revealed that LAP has important implications for increasing students’ awareness on the importance of avoiding plagiarism, besides supporting the Ministry of Research and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia’s policy to prevent plagiarism

    Avoiding plagiarism using Mendeley in Indonesian higher education setting

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    People who plagiarize have a complex problem. Plagiarism could be by accident, by mistake, or on purpose. This research aims at exploring the reasons for plagiarizing and the significance of citing and referencing using Mendeley to avoid plagiarism. Four Indonesian Mendeley Advisors were interviewed online using convenient sampling technique. This study revealed that reasons for plagiarizing are time restriction, laziness, and busy. The significance of citing and referencing using Mendeley to avoid plagiarism are (1) confirm, justify, and claim the issue conveyed in scientific work; (2) highlight a particular idea; (3) criticize or approve the premise of others, and (4) build argument. Mendeley usage acquaintance for scientific writing is expected to be practical tools for avoiding plagiarism and promote academic honesty in the setting of higher education. However, the role of supervisor is crucial to provide useful feedback for their students’ writing to help students avoid plagiarism. Besides, university should create comfortable academic environment by providing free seminar and workshop on academic writing to educate students avoid plagiarism

    Improving content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics using Movie Trailer Media

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    Writing implicates conveying or communicating ideas or thoughts obliges the media either in conventional (paper and pen) or digital material (computer). This research applied a pre-experimental approach with one group pretest and post-test design. The independent variable is movie trailers as teaching media. The dependent variable is students' writing skills consist of content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. This research indicated a significant difference in writing skills before and after the treatment using movie trailers with narrative text. There were 30 writing class students participated in this research; hence, they are homogeneous. Students seemed to be more encouraged to learn more about writing skills with enjoyable and relaxing strategies. This research signposted significant impact on the movie trailer's usage of writing skills’ improvement. Movie trailers could be used as one of the learning media to foster students' resolution in telling stories in writing based on the imagination that comes after watching. Therefore, this research recommends using a movie trailer as one strategy to improve the students' writing ability

    Exploring Mendeley-based thesis supervision model to avoid plagiarism

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    This study explored Mendeley-based thesis supervision models to avoid plagiarism. The focus of this study was four issues: i) Selecting the topic and deciding the thesis title; ii) Browsing and managing references; iii) Validating references; and iv) Matching ideas between the students’ arguments and citing other authors’ statements. This study employed a qualitative method with a case study design to explore an in-depth understanding of the Mendeley-based thesis supervision model to avoid plagiarism. Researchers posted a call for an interview in social media group for an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) lecturer in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. There were 15 EFL lecturers applied, but only four met the criteria. The criteria for choosing the participant are based on the Mendeley presentation experience, full-time teaching career, and willingness to participate in virtual interview sessions. There were two participants from a public university, one was from a private university, and the other was from a state Islamic university. A semi-structured interview technique was applied in this study. This study employed thematic analysis to explore participants' responses. This study reported that supervisors experienced different cases from the four items identified in this study. They are: i) Selecting the topic and deciding the thesis title, ii) Browsing and managing references; iii) Validating references; and vi) Matching ideas between the students' arguments and citing other authors’ statements

    The Quest for Teachers’ perception and Implementation of Discovery Learning in Indonesian Senior High Schools

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    Abstract Central to the implementation of educational change are the teachers, regardless of their position in the implementation policy, either as policymakers or as implementers. They may choose to implement or not to implement the policy in their classrooms since they do this behind closed doors. Their perceptions on the innovation are vital, and ultimately affect the successor the failure of the innovation. This study aimed at investigating Senior High School English teachers' perceptions on the Discovery Learning (DL) as a recommended teaching model of English in Indonesian 2013 curriculum, and to what extent they implemented this model in their classrooms. Adopting qualitative inquiry, this study employed an ethnographic interview. It was evident that teachers perceived the DL model as an innovative model and in line with student-centered paradigm currently adopted in the 2013 curriculum. However, most teachers admitted they only occasionally used this model since it requires students to possess a number of cognitive skills and be intrinsically motivated to learn. Besides, this model requires high technology in which their schools still got difficulties providing technology-based tools to facilitate students' learnin

    Avoiding plagiarism using Mendeley in Indonesian higher education setting

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    Abstract People who plagiarize have a complex problem. Plagiarism could be by accident, by mistake, or on purpose. This research aims at exploring the reasons for plagiarizing and the significance of citing and referencing using Mendeley to avoid plagiarism. Four Indonesian Mendeley Advisors were interviewed online using convenient sampling technique. This study revealed that reasons for plagiarizing are time restriction, laziness, and busy. The significance of citing and referencing using Mendeley to avoid plagiarism are (1) confirm, justify, and claim the issue conveyed in scientific work; (2) highlight a particular idea; (3) criticize or approve the premise of others, and (4) build argument. Mendeley usage acquaintance for scientific writing is expected to be practical tools for avoiding plagiarism and promote academic honesty in the setting of higher education. However, the role of supervisor is crucial to provide useful feedback for their students’ writing to help students avoid plagiarism. Besides, university should create comfortable academic environment by providing free seminar and workshop on academic writing to educate students avoid plagiarism
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