3,858 research outputs found

    Transition in Rural Communities

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    This metasynthesis examines transition planning and services in rural communities, especially those in Alaska. It considers the barriers and challenges to transition implementation, the cultural responsiveness of rural educators, the developments in and suggestions for transition services, and approaches and strategies for transition planning. It illuminates the importance of building community relationships and tapping into human resources. Finally, the metasynthesis stresses the rural educator's need for cultural sensitivity in rural Alaska Native communities

    The Visible Spectrum

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    Today, the national environmental movement is entering a new phase, led by new players, just as the still young environmental protection movement is becoming more politically influential at the local level. The political power of the environmental justice and equity movement and its links with racial and social justice organizations makes its potential impact reach far beyond “NIMBY” (not-in-my-backyard) protests. NIMBY was the first wave of quasi-organized local environmental protests, usually rooted in a single issue. Environmental justice is the next wave, drawing in a broader range of concerns. The focus of this analysis is on how environmental issues are manifesting themselves in the Greenpoint/Williamsburg area of Brooklyn. The experience of West Harlem in opposing the operation of the North River Treatment Plant is also examined. In both instances the social class and ethnic identity of these grassroots environmentalists significantly differ from those of the environmental activists of previous generations

    Science-Technology Division

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    International Science and Technology Librarianship

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    Science-Technology Division

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    Students Who Experience Emotional Crises: How to Ensure that Learning Takes Place in the Classroom

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    Students Who Experience Emotional Crises: How to Ensure That Learning Takes Place in the Classroom The purpose of this project was to provide a resource for educators to use as a reference when a child in their classroom experiences crisis. After speaking with local teaching staff, this researcher concluded that: (a) many teachers are ill prepared to deal with students who have emotional crises, and (b) the majority of support for students comes from school psychiatrists or counselors. The crises chosen for this project were: (a) community violence, (b) separation/divorce, (c) death of a parent, (d) changing schools or moving, (e) parental incarceration, and (f) parental illness. A Power Point presentation and accompanying brochure were developed with the intent to be given as at a school inservice program. i

    Life and Death in Washington State After \u3cem\u3eCruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health\u3c/em\u3e

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    This Comment argues that the Washington legislature should amend Washington law to allow the removal of life-support measures, including artificial nutrition and hydration, from an incompetent patient in a persistent vegetative state. The Comment further argues that rather than following the ambiguous Informed Consent Law, the legislature should adopt the procedure outlined in the first, unmodified Grant decision. Part II of this Comment examines the Cruzan decision by the United States Supreme Court, including the facts of the case, holding of the court, aftermath of the decision, and long-term effects of the case. Part II also includes an extensive analysis and critique of Cruzan. Part III examines the status of Washington law both before and after Cruzan, including the Colyer, Hamlin, and Grant cases. In Part IV, this Comment compares Cruzan to the Washington cases, analyzing the two major impacts of Cruzan and pointing out why Washington State needs to clarify its law in light of Cruzan. Finally, this comment proposes that Washington adopt the original Grant procedure

    The Undercurrent of Music in the Burgeoning Spirituality of Etty Hillesum from 1941 to 1943

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    How is music described in the burgeoning spirituality of Etty Hillesum in her journals and correspondence from 1941 through 1943? I discuss the influence of music in her life, the number of references to musical terminology in the literature, and the undercurrent of music in her spirituality. This area of Hillesum’s writings has not been critically studied as of this project date. Explored are: the role music played in Hillesum’s social sphere, music as metaphor for Hillesum’s spirituality in her journals and correspondence, and the connection between music and spirituality, in general, and more specifically as it appears in her writings. Hillesum’s spirituality started as a personal quest to understand and describe her inner journey. As an aspiring writer, she used many metaphors for her journey. Music is one of those metaphors

    Increasing the Effectiveness of the Reading Aide: A Guide for Teachers

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    It is the purpose of this article to share ideas on supervisory techniques that teachers can implement to increase the effectiveness of another adult assisting them in the classroom. While this article focuses on the reading aide, these techniques are equally applicable when working with student teachers, parent volunteers, or any other adult whom the teacher might have in the classroom to provide help with the instructional program
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