2,828 research outputs found

    Altered mental status in “Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome” –a noteworthy clinical clue

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    Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome (GBS) is widely regarded as a “pure” peripheral nervous system disorder. However, this simplistic interpretation belies the fact that central nervous system involvement, often manifesting as derangements in mental status can occur as a complication of the “pure” form of the disorder, as part of GBS variants, as well as in a number of mimic disorders. Despite being common in clinical practice, there is no guidance in the literature as to how to approach such scenarios. Herein, we detail our approach to these cases

    Neurological complications of acute multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy

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    Acute multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (AMPPE) is an autoimmune chorioretinal disease that can be complicated by neurological involvement. There is limited information on this potentially treatable condition in the neurological literature. The objective of this patient series is to describe the neurological complications of AMPPE. We retrospectively identified patients with neurological complications of AMPPE seen at Auckland Hospital between 2008 and 2013 and summarised cases in the literature between 1976 and 2013. We identified five patients with neurological complications of AMPPE at Auckland Hospital and 47 reported patients. These patients demonstrated a spectrum of neurological involvement including isolated headache, stroke or transient ischaemic attack, seizures, venous sinus thrombosis, optic neuritis, sensorineural hearing loss and peripheral vestibular disorder. We propose criteria to define AMPPE with neurological complications. A cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lymphocytosis in a patient with isolated headache may predict the development of cerebrovascular complications of AMPPE. Patients with cerebrovascular complications of AMPPE have a poor prognosis with high rates of death and neurological disability among survivors. Predictors of poor outcome in those who develop neurological complications of AMPPE are a relapsing course, generalised seizures and multifocal infarction on MRI. All patients with neurological complications of AMPPE, including headache alone, should be investigated with an MRI brain and CSF examination. Patients with focal neurological symptoms should receive intravenous (IV) methylprednisolone followed by a tapering course of oral steroids for at least 3months. Patients with AMPPE and an isolated headache with a CSF pleocytosis should be treated with oral steroids

    Causes of Post-Colonoscopy Colorectal Cancers Based on World Endoscopy Organization System of Analysis

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    Background & Aims Postcolonoscopy colorectal cancer (PCCRC) is CRC diagnosed after a colonoscopy in which no cancer was found. A consensus article from the World Endoscopy Organization (WEO) proposed an approach for investigating and categorizing PCCRCs detected within 4 years of a colonoscopy. We aimed to identify cases of PCCRC and the factors that cause them, test the WEO system of categorization, quantify the proportion of avoidable PCCRCs, and propose a target rate for PCCRCs detected within 3 years of a colonoscopy that did not detect CRC. Methods We performed a retrospective analysis of 107 PCCRCs identified at a single medical center in England from January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2017 using coding and endoscopy data. For each case, we reviewed clinical, pathology, radiology, and endoscopy findings. Using the WEO recommendations, we performed a root-cause analysis of each case, categorizing lesions as follows: possible missed lesion, prior examination adequate; possible missed lesion, prior examination inadequate; detected lesion, not resected; or likely incomplete resection of previously identified lesion. We determined whether PCCRCs could be attributed to the colonoscopist for technical or decision-making reasons, and whether the PCCRC was avoidable or unavoidable, based on the WEO categorization and size of tumor. The endoscopy reporting system provided performance data for individual endoscopists. Results Of the PCCRCs identified, 43% were in high-risk patients (those with inflammatory bowel disease, previous CRC, previous multiple large polyps, or hereditary cancer syndromes) and 66% were located distal to the hepatic flexure. There was no correlation between postcolonoscopy colorectal tumor size and time to diagnosis after index colonoscopy. Bowel preparation was poor in 19% of index colonoscopies, and only 36% of complete colonoscopies had adequate photodocumentation of completion. Development of 73% of PCCRCs was determined to be affected by technical endoscopic factors, 17% of PCCRCs by administrative factors (follow-up procedures delayed/not booked by administrative staff), and 27% of PCCRCs by decision-making factors. Twenty-seven percent of PCCRCs were categorized as possible missed lesion, prior examination adequate; 58% as possible missed lesion, prior examination inadequate; 8% as detected lesion, not resected; and 7% as incomplete resection of previously observed lesion; 89% were deemed to be avoidable. Conclusions In a retrospective analysis of PCCRCs, using the WEO system of categorization, we found 43% to occur in high-risk patients; this might be reduced with more vigilant surveillance. Measures are needed to reduce technical, decision-making, and administrative factors. We found that 89% of PCCRCs may be avoidable. If half of avoidable PCCRCs could be prevented, the target rate of 2% for the PCCRC-3y (cancer diagnosed between 6 and 36 months after index colonoscopy) benchmark would be achievable

    Determining Sex in Golden Eagle (AQUILA CHRYSAETOS) Nestling

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    Incorporating sex ratios of nestlings into population viability studies increases knowledge of overall health of endangered populations. Currently, a reliable non-invasive method to identify the sex of golden eagle nestlings is not available; however, claims are commonly made based on morphology. Ten biometric measurements from 43 Scottish golden eagles aged 2–7.5 weeks were assessed to see if sex could actually be determined using this non-invasive methodology. Sex was confirmed via molecular analysis of blood samples. Discrete and principal component analyses of the different biometrics could not correctly determine individual nestling sex. Therefore, despite being more invasive, molecular sexing remains the recommended tool of choice for accurate sex identification of Scottish golden eagle nestlings younger than 7.5 weeks of age. This has important implications for golden eagle field studies where empirical morphological measurements are frequently and typically taken, but we have shown are not reliable in determining the sex of such young nestlings

    Randomised controlled trial of mammographic screening in women from age 40: predicted mortality based on surrogate outcome measures

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    A trial in the UK to study the effect on mortality from breast cancer of invitation for annual mammography from the age of 40–41, has randomised a total of 160 921 women in the ratio 1 : 2 to the intervention and control arms. All breast cancers diagnosed in the two arms have been identified, and the histology reviewed. This paper presents the results of an interim analysis using surrogate outcome measures to compare predicted breast cancer mortality in the two arms based on 1287 cases diagnosed to 31.12.1999. Due to earlier diagnosis, there is currently an 8% excess of invasive breast cancers in the intervention arm. The ratio of predicted deaths at 10 years in the intervention arm relative to the control arm, adjusted for this excess diagnosis, ranges from 0.89 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.78–1.01) to 0.90 (95% CI 0.80–1.01). Screening from age 40 may result in a lower reduction in breast cancer mortality than that observed in other trials including women below age 50. This analysis based on surrogate outcome measures suggests that a reduction in breast cancer mortality may be observed in this trial. However, a number of assumptions have been necessary and firm conclusions must await the analysis of observed mortality from breast cancer

    Crude incidence in two-phase designs in the presence of competing risks.

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    BackgroundIn many studies, some information might not be available for the whole cohort, some covariates, or even the outcome, might be ascertained in selected subsamples. These studies are part of a broad category termed two-phase studies. Common examples include the nested case-control and the case-cohort designs. For two-phase studies, appropriate weighted survival estimates have been derived; however, no estimator of cumulative incidence accounting for competing events has been proposed. This is relevant in the presence of multiple types of events, where estimation of event type specific quantities are needed for evaluating outcome.MethodsWe develop a non parametric estimator of the cumulative incidence function of events accounting for possible competing events. It handles a general sampling design by weights derived from the sampling probabilities. The variance is derived from the influence function of the subdistribution hazard.ResultsThe proposed method shows good performance in simulations. It is applied to estimate the crude incidence of relapse in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in groups defined by a genotype not available for everyone in a cohort of nearly 2000 patients, where death due to toxicity acted as a competing event. In a second example the aim was to estimate engagement in care of a cohort of HIV patients in resource limited setting, where for some patients the outcome itself was missing due to lost to follow-up. A sampling based approach was used to identify outcome in a subsample of lost patients and to obtain a valid estimate of connection to care.ConclusionsA valid estimator for cumulative incidence of events accounting for competing risks under a general sampling design from an infinite target population is derived

    Stakeholder narratives on trypanosomiasis, their effect on policy and the scope for One Health

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    Background This paper explores the framings of trypanosomiasis, a widespread and potentially fatal zoonotic disease transmitted by tsetse flies (Glossina species) affecting both humans and livestock. This is a country case study focusing on the political economy of knowledge in Zambia. It is a pertinent time to examine this issue as human population growth and other factors have led to migration into tsetse-inhabited areas with little historical influence from livestock. Disease transmission in new human-wildlife interfaces such as these is a greater risk, and opinions on the best way to manage this are deeply divided. Methods A qualitative case study method was used to examine the narratives on trypanosomiasis in the Zambian policy context through a series of key informant interviews. Interviewees included key actors from international organisations, research organisations and local activists from a variety of perspectives acknowledging the need to explore the relationships between the human, animal and environmental sectors. Principal Findings Diverse framings are held by key actors looking from, variously, the perspectives of wildlife and environmental protection, agricultural development, poverty alleviation, and veterinary and public health. From these viewpoints, four narratives about trypanosomiasis policy were identified, focused around four different beliefs: that trypanosomiasis is protecting the environment, is causing poverty, is not a major problem, and finally, that it is a Zambian rather than international issue to contend with. Within these narratives there are also conflicting views on the best control methods to use and different reasoning behind the pathways of response. These are based on apparently incompatible priorities of people, land, animals, the economy and the environment. The extent to which a One Health approach has been embraced and the potential usefulness of this as a way of reconciling the aims of these framings and narratives is considered throughout the paper. Conclusions/Significance While there has historically been a lack of One Health working in this context, the complex, interacting factors that impact the disease show the need for cross-sector, interdisciplinary decision making to stop rival narratives leading to competing actions. Additional recommendations include implementing: surveillance to assess under-reporting of disease and consequential under-estimation of disease risk; evidence-based decision making; increased and structurally managed funding across countries; and focus on interactions between disease drivers, disease incidence at the community level, and poverty and equity impacts

    The birth of airplane stability theory

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    Airplane stability theory was born at the end of the XIX century and matured around 100 years ago, when airplanes were hardly controllable yet. The success and safety of flights in the pioneer years depended upon largely unknown stability and control characteristics. Understanding the modes of airplane motion has been of paramount importance for the development of aviation. The contributions made by a few scientists in the decades preceding and following the first flight by the Wright brothers set the concepts and equations that, with minor notation aspects, have remained almost unchanged till present day.Magraner Rullan, JP.; Martinez-Val, R. (2014). The birth of airplane stability theory. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 228(9):1498-1506. doi:10.1177/0954410013494139S149815062289PERKINS, C. D. (1970). Development of airplane stability and control technology /1970 Von Karman Lecture/. Journal of Aircraft, 7(4), 290-301. doi:10.2514/3.44167Abzug, M. J., & Larrabee, E. E. (2002). Airplane Stability and Control, Second Edition. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511607141Graham, W. R. (1999). Asymptotic analysis of the classical aircraft stability equations. The Aeronautical Journal, 103(1020), 95-103. doi:10.1017/s0001924000027792Bryan, G. H., & Williams, W. E. (1904). The Longitudinal Stability of Aerial Gliders. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 73(488-496), 100-116. doi:10.1098/rspl.1904.0017Wegener, P. P. (1997). What Makes Airplanes Fly? doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-2254-5Pradeep, S., & Kamesh, S. (1999). Does the Phugoid Frequency Depend on Speed? Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 22(2), 372-373. doi:10.2514/2.4391Phillips, W. F. (2000). Phugoid Approximation for Conventional Airplanes. Journal of Aircraft, 37(1), 30-36. doi:10.2514/2.2586Pamadi, B. N. (2004). Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control of Airplanes, Second Edition. doi:10.2514/4.862274Ananthkrishnan, N., & Ramadevi, P. (2002). Consistent Approximations to Aircraft Longitudinal Modes. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 25(4), 820-824. doi:10.2514/2.4952McRuer, D. T., Graham, D., & Ashkenas, I. (1990). Aircraft Dynamics and Automatic Control. doi:10.1515/978140085598

    Breakdown of Fermi-liquid theory in a cuprate superconductor

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    The behaviour of electrons in solids is remarkably well described by Landau's Fermi-liquid theory, which says that even though electrons in a metal interact they can still be treated as well-defined fermions, called ``quasiparticles''. At low temperature, the ability of quasiparticles to transport heat is strictly given by their ability to transport charge, via a universal relation known as the Wiedemann-Franz law, which no material in nature has been known to violate. High-temperature superconductors have long been thought to fall outside the realm of Fermi-liquid theory, as suggested by several anomalous properties, but this has yet to be shown conclusively. Here we report on the first experimental test of the Wiedemann-Franz law in a cuprate superconductor, (Pr,Ce)2_2CuO4_4. Our study reveals a clear departure from the universal law and provides compelling evidence for the breakdown of Fermi-liquid theory in high-temperature superconductors.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
