3,185 research outputs found

    Energetic Consequences for a Northern, Range-Edge Lizard Population

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    Lizards at the northern, cool edge of their geographic range in the northern hemisphere should encounter environmental conditions that differ from those living near the core of their range. To better understand how modest climate differences affect lizard energetics, we compared daily feeding and metabolism rates of individual Sceloporus occidentalis in two populations during mid-summer. Chuckanut Beach (CB) was a cool, maritime climate in northern Washington State, and Sondino Ranch (SR) was a warmer, drier climate in southern, inland Washington. We found no difference between populations in daily energy expenditure (DEE), as calculated from doubly labeled water estimates. The CB population, however, had significantly higher prey availability and rate of daily energy intake (DEI) as estimated from fecal pellet masses. Consequently, CB lizards had higher size-adjusted body masses than lizards from SR. Within CB, during midsummer, DEE was similar to DEI. Within the SR population, DEE trended higher than DEI during midsummer, but was not significantly different. We found no population differences in lizard activity, active body temperature, or preferred body temperature. Hence, we infer the longer activity season for the SR population may compensate for the low food availability and high daily energy cost of midsummer. Moreover, for the CB population, we infer that cooler temperatures and higher food availability allow the lizards to compensate for the shorter activity. We also suggest the CB population may benefit from the predicted warmer temperatures associated with climate change given the similar activity-period body temperatures and DEE between these lizard populations assuming food availability is sufficient

    SHMT1 and SHMT2 Are Functionally Redundant in Nuclear De novo Thymidylate Biosynthesis

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    The three enzymes that constitute the de novo thymidylate synthesis pathway in mammals, cytoplasmic serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT1), thymidylate synthase (TYMS) and dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) undergo sumoylation and nuclear import during S-phase. In this study, we demonstrate that purified intact mouse liver nuclei convert dUMP to dTMP in the presence of NADPH and serine. Neither nuclear extracts nor intact nuclei exposed to aminomethylphosphonate, a SHMT inhibitor, exhibit thymidylate synthesis activity. Nuclei isolated from Shmt1−/− mouse livers retained 25% of thymidylate synthesis activity exhibited by nuclei isolated from wild type mice. This residual activity was due to the presence of a cytoplasmic/nuclear isozyme of SHMT encoded by Shmt2. Shmt2 is shown to encode two transcripts, one which encodes a protein that localizes exclusively to the mitochondria (SHMT2), and a second transcript that lacks exon 1 and encodes a protein that localizes to the cytoplasm and nucleus during S-phase (SHMT2α). The ability of Shmt2 to encode a cytoplasmic isozyme of SHMT may account for the viability of Shmt1−/− mice and provide redundancy that permitted the expansion of the human SHMT1 L474F polymorphism that impairs SHMT1 sumoylation and nuclear translocation

    Quantitative response of Alexandrium catenella cyst dormancy to cold exposure

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Protist 169 (2018): 645-661, doi:10.1016/j.protis.2018.06.001.Many dinoflagellate cysts experience dormancy, a reversible state that prevents germination during unfavorable periods. Several of these species also cause harmful algal blooms (HABs), so a quantitative understanding of dormancy cycling is desired for better prediction and mitigation of bloom impacts. This study examines the effect of cold exposure on the duration of dormancy in Alexandrium catenella, a HAB dinoflagellate that causes paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Mature, dormant cysts from Nauset Marsh (Cape Cod, MA USA) were stored at low but above freezing temperatures for up to six months. Dormancy status was then determined at regular intervals using a germination assay. Dormancy timing was variable among temperatures and was shorter in colder treatments, but the differences collapse when temperature and duration of storage are scaled by chilling-units (CU), a common horticultural predictor of plant and insect development in response to weather. Cysts within Nauset meet a well-defined chilling requirement by late January, after which they are poised to germinate with the onset of favorable conditions in spring. Cysts thus modulate their dormancy cycles in response to their temperature history, enhancing the potential for new blooms and improving this species’ adaptability to both unseasonable weather and new habitats/climate regimes.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation [OCE-0430724, OCE-0911031]; the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences [1P50-ES01274201, 1P01ES021923]; the National Park Service Cooperative Agreement [H238015504]; and the Friends of Cape Cod National Seashore

    Microbial Decontamination and Weight of Carcass Beef as Affected by Automated Washing Pressure and Length of Time of Spray

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    Carcass beef has traditionally been washed by hand to remove foreign material such as hair, soil particles, and microbiological organisms that have contaminated the surfaces. These carcasses are inspected by the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS)to detect defects related to carcass cleanliness. Recent research and development of technology have emphasized automated machine washing. At pressures above that normally used, it is conceivable that water could penetrate tissue surfaces and be absorbed by the carcasses. Also, longer wash periods may enhance water uptake by carcasses. According to the ASH RAE Handbook and Product Directory, the average shrinkage of carcass beef using good current practices was 1.3% at 20 hr postmortem. USDA meat inspection regulations required that carcasses sustain no net increase in weight due to absorption of water during the washing process. There is no available literature on the effects of various automated washing techniques on carcass weights after a 20-hr chill. The objectives of the study reported presently were to determine the effects of nozzle pressure and length of time washed on the microflora and weights of carcass beef at 20 hr postmortem

    Casingless down-hole for sealing an ablation volume and obtaining a sample for analysis

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    A casing-less down hole sampling system for acquiring a subsurface sample for analysis using an inductively coupled plasma system is disclosed. The system includes a probe which is pushed into the formation to be analyzed using a hydraulic ram system. The probe includes a detachable tip member which has a soil point mad a barb, with the soil point aiding the penetration of the earth, and the barb causing the tip member to disengage from the probe and remain in the formation when the probe is pulled up. The probe is forced into the formation to be tested, and then pulled up slightly, to disengage the tip member and expose a column of the subsurface formation to be tested. An instrumentation tube mounted in the probe is then extended outward from the probe to longitudinally extend into the exposed column. A balloon seal mounted on the end of the instrumentation tube allows the bottom of the column to be sealed. A source of laser radiation is emitted from the instrumentation tube to ablate a sample from the exposed column. The instrumentation tube can be rotated in the probe to sweep the laser source across the surface of the exposed column. An aerosol transport system carries the ablated sample from the probe to the surface for testing in an inductively coupled plasma system. By testing at various levels in the down-hole as the probe is extracted from the soil, a profile of the subsurface formation may be obtained

    Marine biotoxins and harmful algae : a national plan

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    Marine biotoxins and harmful algae represent a significant and expanding threat to human health and fisheries resources throughout the U.S. This problem takes many forms, ranging from massive "red tides" or blooms of cells that discolor the water to dilute, inconspicuous concentrations of cells noticed only because of the harm caused by the highly potent toxins those cells contain. Impacts include mass mortalities of wild and farmed fish, human intoxications and death from contaminated shellfish or fish, alterations of marine trophic structure, and death of marine mammals, seabirds, and other animals. The nature of the problem has changed considerably over the last two decades in the U.S. Where formerly a few regions were affected, now virtally every coastal state is threatened, in many cases over large geographic areas and by more than one harmful species. The U.S. research, monitoring, and regulatory infrastructure is not adequately prepared to meet this expanding threat. In an effort to surmount these problems, a workshop was convened to formulate a National Plan for the prediction, control, and mitigation of the effects of harmful algal blooms on the U.S. marine biota. This report summarizes the status of U.S. research knowledge and capabilties, and identifies areas where research funds should be directed for maximum benefit.Funding was provided by National Marine Fisheries Servce Saltonstall-Kennedy grant No. NA27FD0092-01, National Marine Fisheries Servce Charleston Laboratory and by the NOAA Coastal Oceans Program

    Mthfs is an Essential Gene in Mice and a Component of the Purinosome

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    Tetrahydrofolates (THF) are a family of cofactors that function as one-carbon donors in folate-dependent one-carbon metabolism, a metabolic network required for the de novo synthesis of purines, thymidylate, and for the remethylation of homocysteine to methionine in the cytoplasm. 5-FormylTHF is not a cofactor in one-carbon metabolism, but serves as a storage form of THF cofactors. 5-formylTHF is mobilized back into the THF cofactor pool by methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (MTHFS), which catalyzes the irreversible and ATP-dependent conversion 5-formyltetrahydrofolate to 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate. Mthfs is not an essential gene in Arabidopsis, but MTHFS expression is elevated in animal tumors, enhances de novo purine synthesis, confers partial resistance to antifolate purine synthesis inhibitors and increases rates of folate catabolism in mammalian cell cultures. However, the mechanisms underlying these effects of MTHFS expression have yet to be established. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role and essentiality of MTHFS in mice. Mthfs was disrupted through the insertion of a gene trap vector between exons 1 and 2. Mthfsgt/+ mice were fertile and viable. No Mthfsgt/gt embryos were recovered from Mthfsgt/+ intercrosses, indicating Mthfs is an essential gene in mice. Tissue MTHFS protein levels are decreased in both Mthfsgt/+ and Mthfs+/+ mice placed on a folate and choline deficient diet, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts from Mthfsgt/+ embryos exhibit decreased capacity for de novo purine synthesis without impairment in de novo thymidylate synthesis. MTHFS was shown to co-localize with two enzymes of the de novo purine synthesis pathway in HeLa cells in a cell cycle-dependent manner, and to be modified by the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) protein. Mutation of the consensus SUMO modification sites on MTHFS eliminated co-localization of MTHFS with the de novo purine biosynthesis pathway under purine-deficient conditions. The results from this study indicate that MTHFS enhances purine biosynthesis by delivering 10-formylTHF to the purinosome in a SUMO-dependent fashion

    Product differentiation in audit firms

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    Simulation of RCC Crack Growth Due to Carbon Oxidation in High-Temperature Gas Environments

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    The carbon wall oxidation technique coupled with a CFD technique was employed to study the flow in the expanding crack channel caused by the oxidation of the channel carbon walls. The recessing 3D surface morphing procedure was developed and tested in comparison with the arcjet experimental results. The multi-block structured adaptive meshing was used to model the computational domain changes due to the wall recession. Wall regression rates for a reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) samples, that were tested in a high enthalpy arcjet environment, were computationally obtained and used to assess the channel expansion. The test geometry and flow conditions render the flow regime as the transitional to continuum, therefore Navier-Stokes gas dynamic approach with the temperature jump and velocity slip correction to the boundary conditions was used. The modeled mechanism for wall material loss was atomic oxygen reaction with bare carbon. The predicted channel growth was found to agree with arcjet observations. Local gas flow field results were found to affect the oxidation rate in a manner that cannot be predicted by previous mass loss correlations. The method holds promise for future modeling of materials gas-dynamic interactions for hypersonic flight