1,356 research outputs found

    Quantum Thermodynamics

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    Quantum thermodynamics is an emerging research field aiming to extend standard thermodynamics and non-equilibrium statistical physics to ensembles of sizes well below the thermodynamic limit, in non-equilibrium situations, and with the full inclusion of quantum effects. Fuelled by experimental advances and the potential of future nanoscale applications this research effort is pursued by scientists with different backgrounds, including statistical physics, many-body theory, mesoscopic physics and quantum information theory, who bring various tools and methods to the field. A multitude of theoretical questions are being addressed ranging from issues of thermalisation of quantum systems and various definitions of "work", to the efficiency and power of quantum engines. This overview provides a perspective on a selection of these current trends accessible to postgraduate students and researchers alike.Comment: 48 pages, improved and expanded several sections. Comments welcom

    Coherence and measurement in quantum thermodynamics

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    Thermodynamics is a highly successful macroscopic theory widely used across the natural sciences and for the construction of everyday devices, from car engines and fridges to power plants and solar cells. With thermodynamics predating quantum theory, research now aims to uncover the thermodynamic laws that govern finite size systems which may in addition host quantum effects. Here we identify information processing tasks, the so-called "projections", that can only be formulated within the framework of quantum mechanics. We show that the physical realisation of such projections can come with a non-trivial thermodynamic work only for quantum states with coherences. This contrasts with information erasure, first investigated by Landauer, for which a thermodynamic work cost applies for classical and quantum erasure alike. Implications are far-reaching, adding a thermodynamic dimension to measurements performed in quantum thermodynamics experiments, and providing key input for the construction of a future quantum thermodynamic framework. Repercussions are discussed for quantum work fluctuation relations and thermodynamic single-shot approaches.Comment: 6 pages + appendix, 4 figures, v2: changed presentation, critically discuss interpretation as measurement, added new conclusions; previous title: "Quantum measurement and its role in thermodynamics

    Entanglement and separability of quantum harmonic oscillator systems at finite temperature

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    In the present paper we study the entanglement properties of thermal (a.k.a. Gibbs) states of quantum harmonic oscillator systems as functions of the Hamiltonian and the temperature. We prove the physical intuition that at sufficiently high temperatures the thermal state becomes fully separable and we deduce bounds on the critical temperature at which this happens. We show that the bound becomes tight for a wide class of Hamiltonians with sufficient translation symmetry. We find, that at the crossover the thermal energy is of the order of the energy of the strongest normal mode of the system and quantify the degree of entanglement below the critical temperature. Finally, we discuss the example of a ring topology in detail and compare our results with previous work in an entanglement-phase diagram.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Thermodynamics of discrete quantum processes

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    We define thermodynamic configurations and identify two primitives of discrete quantum processes between configurations for which heat and work can be defined in a natural way. This allows us to uncover a general second law for any discrete trajectory that consists of a sequence of these primitives, linking both equilibrium and non-equilibrium configurations. Moreover, in the limit of a discrete trajectory that passes through an infinite number of configurations, i.e. in the reversible limit, we recover the saturation of the second law. Finally, we show that for a discrete Carnot cycle operating between four configurations one recovers Carnot's thermal efficiency.Comment: 14pages, 9 figure

    Leggett-Garg inequalities for quantum fluctuating work

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    The Leggett-Garg inequalities serve to test whether or not quantum correlations in time can be explained within a classical macrorealistic framework. We apply this test to thermodynamics and derive a set of Leggett- Garg inequalities for the statistics of fluctuating work done on a quantum system unitarily driven in time. It is shown that these inequalities can be violated in a driven two-level system, thereby demonstrating that there exists no general macrorealistic description of quantum work. These violations are shown to emerge within the standard Two-Projective-Measurement scheme as well as for alternative definitions of fluctuating work that are based on weak measurement. Our results elucidate the influences of temporal correlations on work extraction in the quantum regime and highlight a key difference between quantum and classical thermodynamics.Comment: v2, 1 figure, accepted version to appear in Entropy (Special Issue on "Quantum Thermodynamics II"

    Entropy production and time-asymmetry in the presence of strong interactions

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    It is known that the equilibrium properties of open classical systems that are strongly coupled to a heat bath are described by a set of thermodynamic potentials related to the system's Hamiltonian of mean force. By adapting this framework to a more general class of non-equilibrium states, we show that the equilibrium properties of the bath can be well-defined, even when the system is arbitrarily far from equilibrium and correlated with the bath. These states, which retain a notion of temperature, take the form of conditional equilibrium distributions. For out-of-equilibrium processes we show that the average entropy production quantifies the extent to which the system-bath state is driven away from the conditional equilibrium distribution. In addition, we show that the stochastic entropy production satisfies a generalised Crooks relation and can be used to quantify time-asymmetry of correlated non-equilibrium processes. These results naturally extend the familiar properties of entropy production in weakly-coupled systems to the strong coupling regime. Experimental measurements of the entropy production at strong coupling could be pursued using optomechanics or trapped ion systems, which allow strong coupling to be engineered.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, comments welcom

    Quantum correlation of light scattered by disordered media

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    We study theoretically how multiple scattering of light in a disordered medium can spontaneously generate quantum correlations. In particular we focus on the case where the input state is Gaussian and characterize the correlations between two arbitrary output modes. As there is not a single all-inclusive measure of correlation, we characterise the output correlations with three measures: intensity fluctuations, entanglement, and quantum discord. We found that, while a single mode coherent state input can not produce quantum correlations, any other Gaussian input will produce them in one form or another. This includes input states that are usually regarded as more classical than coherent ones, such as thermal states, which will produce a non zero quantum discord