21 research outputs found

    Relación entre la vida aérea superior y el sindrome de apneas-hipopneas del sueño en mujeres obesas morbidas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Dpto. de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 17 de Diciembre de 2009

    Aspects of Industrial Design and Their Implications for Society. Case Studies on the Influence of Packaging Design and Placement at the Point of Sale

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    [EN] This work aims to demonstrate that product design and packaging must be aligned with the point of sale and its social purpose. Manufacturing engineering is responsible for the design, development and improvement of production systems that convert raw materials into finished products. Each product is designed to be sold to numerous potential consumers, so the importance of the stimuli surrounding the product in packaging, and at the point of sale, cannot be underestimated. The environmental, social, and ethical commitments of industrial design (and their implications in manufacturing) are establishing universal principles in a common effort to foster a more harmonious and sustainable society. This work aims to analyse, through eye tracking biometric techniques, the level of saturation of information generated by the concentration of stimuli in packaging and the retail channel, possibly creating a lower level of attention towards the product itself. This research confirms that every product associated with a manufacturing process seeks to respond to a need, so the associated responsibility is significant. This would suggest that designers incorporate knowledge from multiple fields, including marketing strategies, design, research and development, basic knowledge related to production, integration management and communication skills. More than 50% of consumer attention is dedicated to other elements/items that accompany the product, so it is important to consider this in the design phase. The results can be used to improve efficiency in both generating product attention, and stimulus design for the purchasing process.Juárez Varón, D.; Mengual Recuerda, A.; Ferrándiz Bou, S.; Alarcón Valero, F. (2021). Aspects of Industrial Design and Their Implications for Society. Case Studies on the Influence of Packaging Design and Placement at the Point of Sale. Applied Sciences. 11(2):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11020517S11611

    TGA Analysis forn Thermal Characterization of Polymer Blends for Injection

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    [EN] TGA analysis (thermogravimetric analysis) allows obtaining thermal information from polymers’ blends that have been studied in this work. SEBS blends were made using two commercial grades of transparent SEBS with extreme hardness. The specific thermal property determined in the SEBS blends was the evaluation of the degradation process (TGA). It is important to highlight the good resistance to degradation by both commercial grades of virgin SEBS with extreme hardness, and the blends obtained with these materials.[ES] TGA analysis (thermogravimetric analysis) allows obtaining thermal information from polymers’ blends that have been studied in this work. SEBS blends were made using two commercial grades of transparent SEBS with extreme hardness. The specific thermal property determined in the SEBS blends was the evaluation of the degradation process (TGA). It is important to highlight the good resistance to degradation by both commercial grades of virgin SEBS with extreme hardness, and the blends obtained with these materials.Juárez Varón, D.; Ferrándiz Bou, S.; Peydro, MA.; Mengual Recuerda, A. (2014). Análisis TGA para la caracterización térmica de mezclas de polímeros para inyección. 3C Tecnología. 3(3):152-161. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/77690S1521613

    A review of concurrent engineering

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    This paper attempts to explain and disaggregate different focuses of concurrent engineering, analyzing their application to product development and highlighting the improvements involved in their enforcement. Improvements can be observed in projects (quality), in scheduling (reducing the duration) and the cost of implementation (savings), basic achievements of concurrent engineering. Companies that already apply concurrent engineering are often multinationals, being the majority group in use. Its implementation in medium and small businesses is a very useful and achievable goal, in a field that has not developed the methodology. The entire organization (human group) is involved in the implementation of concurrent engineering, with an effort aimed at multifunctional integration and development of both product and process concurrently.Juárez Varón, D.; Peydro, MA.; Mengual Recuerda, A.; Ferrándiz Bou, S. (2015). A review of concurrent engineering. Annals of The University of Oradea. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering. (3):94-97. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65944S9497

    Information and communication technologies applied to programming flexible manufacturing systems.

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    [EN] The quantitative analysis of flexible manufacturing systems can be obtained using different techniques from mathematical modeling. This way a reconfiguration of the cell is tried, cradle in the continuous improvement of the same one. These models can be divided in three categories: static and determinist models, queuing models and simulation by computer. The discreet simulation of events in flexible manufacturing systems allows reconstructing with great detail complex operations, incorporating characteristic as plant distribution, transports and planning of production, allowing the redesign and continuous improvement of the system, non possible with the static models or queuing models.[ES] El análisis cuantitativo de sistemas de fabricación flexible puede ser logrado utilizando diferentes técnicas de modelado matemático. De esta manera se pretende una reconfiguración de la célula, basada en la mejora continua de la misma. Estos modelos pueden ser divididos en tres categorías: modelos estáticos y deterministas, modelos de colas y simulación por ordenador. La simulación discreta de eventos en sistemas de fabricación flexible permite reconstruir con gran detalle operaciones complejas, incorporando características como distribución en planta, transportes y planificación de producción, permitiendo el rediseño y mejora continua del sistema, no posible con los modelos estáticos o de colas.Juárez Varón, D.; Peydro, MA.; Ferrándiz Bou, S.; Mengual Recuerda, A. (2012). Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación aplicadas a la programación de sistemas de fabricación flexible. 3c Tic. (3):6-13. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/34373S613

    Modeling the level of integration of a manufacturing system regarding the concept of CIM. Part 1

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    El presente artículo trata de posicionar los sistemas de fabricación flexible y los sistemas de fabricación integrada por ordenador (CIM), analizando cada elemento que lo compone. Una vez identificadas las áreas clave, se propone un modelo de análisis del grado de integración, tanto a nivel relacional como informático.Juárez Varón, D.; Mengual Recuerda, A.; Peydró Rasero, MÁ.; Ferrándiz Bou, S. (2015). Modelización del grado de integración de un sistema de fabricación respecto al concepto de CIM. Parte 1. 3c Tic. 4(4):266-280. doi:10.17993/3ctic.2015.43.266-280S2662804

    Industrial applications of phase change materials

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    [EN] This study identifies the different industrial applications of phase change materials, in order to identify those thar are potentially viable for addition with thermoplastic materials.[ES] El presente estudio pretende identificar las diferentes aplicaciones industriales de materiales con cambio de fase, para identificar aquellos que son potencialmente viables para su adición en materiales termoplásticos.Juárez Varón, D.; Ferrándiz Bou, S.; Peydro, MA.; Mengual Recuerda, A. (2015). Aplicaciones industriales de los materiales con cambio de fase. 3C Tecnología. 4(1):32-41. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65311S32414

    Application of concurrent engineering in product and process design

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    Traditional methods applied to the development of new products are becoming obsolete, being necessary advanced methods based on a new approach that allows work cooperatively. This is called Concurrent Engineering and this paper intends to carry out a review of the integration of this discipline in the new ways of working. The main objective of the new forms of work is to systematize the design by interdisciplinary teams simultaneously working the products, the processes, getting the right design, with a corresponding reduction in costs and time. The introduction of CAPP systems (Computer Aided Process Planning) facilitates process design tools. Therefore, some previous work incorporating such systems are included.Juárez Varón, D.; Segui Llinares, VJ.; Mengual Recuerda, A.; Ferrándiz Bou, S. (2015). Application of concurrent engineering in product and process design. Annals of The University of Oradea. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering. (3):77-80. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65945S7780

    Concurrent engineering applied to key industrial sectors

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    The use of advanced techniques in work, such as concurrent engineering, on the development of projects implies that all areas involved participate from the start of the primary phases. Getting a correct product is the main target, with an estimated term and controlled and reduced costs. Working with a complex product within a context in design and manufacturing in a company in a highly competitive market, involves the problem domain as a key issue. In this paper, the development of concurrent engineering is discussed in various industrial sectors, complex sectors with high competence, that require tools and a vision aimed towards the optimization of design and development of the products that are carried out in these industrial sectors.Juárez Varón, D.; Segui Llinares, VJ.; Mengual Recuerda, A.; Ferrándiz Bou, S. (2015). Concurrent engineering applied to key industrial sectors. Annals of The University of Oradea. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering. (3):81-84. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/659468184

    Aspects of Industrial Design and Their Implications for Society. Case Studies on the Influence of Packaging Design and Placement at the Point of Sale

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    Manufacturing engineering is responsible for the design, development and improvement of production systems that convert raw materials into finished products. Each product is designed to be sold to numerous potential consumers, so the importance of the stimuli surrounding the product in packaging, and at the point of sale, cannot be underestimated. The environmental, social, and ethical commitments of industrial design (and their implications in manufacturing) are establishing universal principles in a common effort to foster a more harmonious and sustainable society. This work aims to analyse, through eye tracking biometric techniques, the level of saturation of information generated by the concentration of stimuli in packaging and the retail channel, possibly creating a lower level of attention towards the product itself. This research confirms that every product associated with a manufacturing process seeks to respond to a need, so the associated responsibility is significant. This would suggest that designers incorporate knowledge from multiple fields, including marketing strategies, design, research and development, basic knowledge related to production, integration management and communication skills. More than 50% of consumer attention is dedicated to other elements/items that accompany the product, so it is important to consider this in the design phase. The results can be used to improve efficiency in both generating product attention, and stimulus design for the purchasing process