24,837 research outputs found

    Book Review: \u3ci\u3eHindu Theology and Biology. The Bhāgavata Purāṇa and Contemporary Theory.\u3c/i\u3e

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    Book review of, Hindu Theology and Biology. The Bhāgavata Purāṇa and Contemporary Theory by Jonathan B. Edelmann

    Displacement Derived Energy Levels for Harvard Miniature Compaction

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    Previously, the amount of energy provided by the Harvard Miniature tamper was adjusted by changing the number of blows per lift or the number of lifts or was not adjusted at all. However, this research was conducted to investigate the effect of adjusting the displacement of the spring (increased or decreased) to change the potential energy of the spring and therefore change the compacive effort with a specific type of soil. Thus, the objective was to match the compaction energies using the Harvard miniature method with the compaction energies obtained using the Proctor method. Specifically, the goal was to show that a change in the resistance of the spring could imitate Proctor compaction at reduced, standard, and modified compactive efforts

    Identification of members in the central and outer regions of galaxy clusters

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    The caustic technique measures the mass of galaxy clusters in both their virial and infall regions and, as a byproduct, yields the list of cluster galaxy members. Here we use 100 galaxy clusters with mass M200>=1E14 Msun/h extracted from a cosmological N-body simulation of a LambdaCDM universe to test the ability of the caustic technique to identify the cluster galaxy members. We identify the true three-dimensional members as the gravitationally bound galaxies. The caustic technique uses the caustic location in the redshift diagram to separate the cluster members from the interlopers. We apply the technique to mock catalogues containing 1000 galaxies in the field of view of 12 Mpc/h on a side at the cluster location. On average, this sample size roughly corresponds to 180 real galaxy members within 3r200, similar to recent redshift surveys of cluster regions. The caustic technique yields a completeness, the fraction of identified true members, fc=0.95 (+- 0.03) within 3r200. The contamination increases from fi=0.020 (+0.046;-0.015) at r200 to fi=0.08 (+0.11;-0.05) at 3r200. No other technique for the identification of the members of a galaxy cluster provides such large completeness and small contamination at these large radii. The caustic technique assumes spherical symmetry and the asphericity of the cluster is responsible for most of the spread of the completeness and the contamination. By applying the technique to an approximately spherical system obtained by stacking the individual clusters, the spreads decrease by at least a factor of two. We finally estimate the cluster mass within 3r200 after removing the interlopers: for individual clusters, the mass estimated with the virial theorem is unbiased and within 30 per cent of the actual mass; this spread decreases to less than 10 per cent for the spherically symmetric stacked cluster.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, published on Ap

    The real estate investments and the financial crisis in Romania

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    This paper is based on a wide range of researches and statistics data, regarding the enormous stock real estate boom that started around 1982 and picked up incredible speed after 1995. First of all, many economists argue that this boom represents a speculative bubble, because it is not grounded in sensible economic fundamentals. Secondly, this boom must be placed it in the context of financial crisis starting in 2007. In fact, the global financial crisis has begun with the north-American subprime mortgage debacle in 2007. Thirdly, should monitor the dangerous situation that occurs after a significant increase in real estate markets, and at one time the market drops significantly or long stays. The problems of the real estate sector are placed in the financial crisis and these are explained by following chain - first, the substantial increase in the rate of personal bankruptcies, which could lead to a secondary string of bankruptcies of financial institutions as well. The main long-run consequence could be a decline in consumer and local business confidence, and another, possibly worldwide, recession. In Romania, all these evolutions are very important for the policy options and actions that should be taken.real estate investments, financial crisis, subprime mortgage

    Financial instability threatens the investments for environmental protection in Romania

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    The environmental sustainability depends on the correct identifying of the investment needs as well as on the creation of financing possibilities of these investment projects. The integrated Europe underlines the fact that the environmental investment projects should be subscribed to the cohesion policy with a lot of objectives established by the Lisbon Strategy, on March 2000. First of all, in Romania, the main idea is that the environmental sustainability must be integrated into core development work, maximizing the synergies. Secondly, the environmental investments need the financing funds and the good ability to access these funds. Thirdly, the financial instability threatens the investment for the important environment projects but in these conditions, should be done more minor projects, promoted by the small business sector.instability, investments, environmental protection, cohesion policy

    International investments prospects for the period 2007-2009. Possible effects on the Romanian economy

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    This paper is focused on the main underlinings from the prospects survey of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) for the period 2007-2009 . These findings refer to the global trends in foreign direct investments (FDI) and determinants of future FDI flows; the prospective trends by host regions and countries; the FDI patterns by activities, home countries, modes of entry and the respective roles of globalization and regional integration. Particularly, this research has analyzed how the Romanian developing and transition economy should be affected by the inflows of world investments. UNCTAD has a controversy attitude about the FDI related prospects into South-East Europe and the CIS and it offers a mixed prospect for the period 2007-2009.globalization, foreign direct investment, emerging countries, regional integration

    A cultura humana e necessidades ecossistémicas como fundamentação da inovação no design de casas de banho

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    ABSTRACT: Proposed paper is a part of the ongoing PhD research in design with focus on the research of existing environmental and social requirements for the sustainable innovation within urban sanita_on, focused on toilet design. Main questions of the research are aiming the Portuguese environment, where we are characterizing aspects of water and sanita_on through the five dimensions - culture, technology, government, economy, and environment. In this paper the main objective is to determine systemic characteristics of the socio-cultural dimension of water and sanitation, which will be later incorporated in writien final guidelines – directives raised from the research results which shall serve as operational knowledge for the ones involved in the implementation of the sustainable toilet innovation. The paper as well serves as theoretical orientation for the practical applications of the research.O trabalho proposto faz parte da pesquisa de doutorado em andamento em design, com foco na pesquisa de requisitos ambientais e sociais existentes para a inovação sustentável no saneamento urbano, focada no design de banheiros. As principais questões da pesquisa estão voltadas para o ambiente português, onde caracterizamos aspectos de água e saneamento através das cinco dimensões - cultura, tecnologia, governo, economia e meio ambiente. Neste artigo, o objetivo principal é determinar características sistêmicas da dimensão sociocultural da água e saneamento, que serão incorporadas posteriormente às diretrizes finais escritas - diretrizes levantadas a partir dos resultados da pesquisa que servirão como conhecimento operacional para os envolvidos na implementação da inovação sustentável do banheiro. O artigo também serve como orientação teórica para as aplicações práticas da pesquisa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análisis de la imagen pública del candidato a la presidencia de México 2012-2018, Enrique Peña Nieto

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    El desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación se delimitó bajo la hipótesis: qué a través de los estudios de imagología, y coaching se determinan los elementos claves en el éxito que tuvo la imagen del candidato a la presidencia de México 2012-2018 Enrique Peña Nieto, proyectando una imagen de confianza, y 6 cercanía con la sociedad, generando empatía y persuasión ante el electorado. Enrique Peña Nieto ha sido un candidato que durante su campaña supo manejar cuidadosamente un equilibrio entre una imagen, tanto física, institucional y discursiva, considerándolo el candidato con mayor estructura y el más coherente entre mensaje, voz y cuerpo