56,462 research outputs found

    Fitting functions for dark matter density profiles

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    We present a unified parameterization of the fitting functions suitable for density profiles of dark matter haloes or elliptical galaxies. A notable feature is that the classical Einasto profile appears naturally as the continuous limiting case of the cored subfamily amongst the double power-law profiles of Zhao (1996). Based on this, we also argue that there is basically no qualitative difference between halo models well-fitted by the Einasto profile and the standard NFW model. This may even be the case quantitatively unless the resolutions of simulations and the precisions of fittings are sufficiently high to make meaningful distinction possible.Comment: 13 pages (6 pages main text + 5 pages appendices + 2 pages full tables) including 5 figures and 7 tables. submitted to MNRA

    Interference effects in second-harmonic generation within an optical cavity

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    An experiment is described that investigates certain interference effects for second-harmonic generation within a resonant cavity. By employing a noncollinear geometry, the phases of two fundamental beams from a frequency-stabilized dye laser can be controlled unrestricted by the boundary conditions imposed in an optical cavity containing a KDP crystal and resonant at the second harmonic. The fundamental beams are either traveling or standing waves and generate either one or two coherent sources of ultraviolet radiation within the cavity. The experiment demonstrates explicitly the dependence of second-harmonic phase on the fundamental phases and the dependence of coupling efficiency on the overlap of the harmonic polarization wave with the cavity-mode function. The measurements agree well with a simple theory

    Squeezed states of light from an optical parametric oscillator

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    Squeezed states of the electromagnetic field are generated by degenerate parametric downconversion in a subthreshold optical parametric oscillator. Reductions in photocurrent noise greater than 60% (-4 dB) below the limit set by the vacuum fluctuations of the field are observed in a balanced homodyne detector. A quantitative comparison with theory suggests that the observed noise reductions result from a field that in the absence of avoidable linear attenuation would be squeezed more than tenfold. A degree of squeezing of approximately fivefold is inferred for the actual field emitted through one mirror of the optical parametric oscillator. An explicit demonstration of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the electromagnetic field is made from the measurements, which show that the field state produced by the downconversion process is a state of minimum uncertainty

    Detection of amplitude modulation with squeezed light for sensitivity beyond the shot-noise limit

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    An improvement in precision beyond the limit set by the vacuum-state or zero-point fluctuations of the electromagnetic field is reported for the detection of amplitude modulation encoded on a weak signal beam. The improvement is achieved by employing the squeezed light from an optical parametric oscillator to reduce the level of fluctuations below the shot-noise limit. An increase in signal-to-noise ratio of 2.5 dB relative to the shot-noise limit is demonstrated

    Performance Analysis of a Dual-Hop Cooperative Relay Network with Co-Channel Interference

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    This paper analyzes the performance of a dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperative relay network in the presence of direct link between the source and destination and multiple co-channel interferences (CCIs) at the relay. Specifically, we derive the new analytical expressions for the moment generating function (MGF) of the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and the average symbol error rate (ASER) of the relay network. Computer simulations are given to confirm the validity of the analytical results and show the effects of direct link and interference on the considered AF relay network

    Environment-dependent dissipation in quantum Brownian motion

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    The dissipative dynamics of a quantum Brownian particle is studied for different types of environment. We derive analytic results for the time evolution of the mean energy of the system for Ohmic, sub-Ohmic and super-Ohmic environments, without performing the Markovian approximation. Our results allow to establish a direct link between the form of the environmental spectrum and the thermalization dynamics. This in turn leads to a natural explanation of the microscopic physical processes ruling the system time evolution both in the short-time non-Markovian region and in the long-time Markovian one. Our comparative study of thermalization for different environments sheds light on the physical contexts in which non-Markovian dissipation effects are dominant.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, v2: added new references and paragraph

    Vibrational Modes in LiBC: Theory Compared with Experiment

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    The search for other superconductors in the MgB2 class currently is focussed on Li{1-x}BC, which when hole-doped (concentration x) should be a metal with the potential to be a better superconductor than MgB2. Here we present the calculated phonon spectrum of the parent semiconductor LiBC. The calculated Raman-active modes are in excellent agreement with a recent observation, and comparison of calculated IR-active modes with a recent report provides a prediction of the LO--TO splitting for these four modes, which is small for the B-C bond stretching mode at ~1200 cm^{-1}, but large for clearly resolved modes at 540 cm^{-1} and 620 cm^{-1}.Comment: 4 pages, two embedded figures. Physica B (in press

    A Revised Effective Temperature Scale for the Kepler Input Catalog

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    We present a catalog of revised effective temperatures for stars observed in long-cadence mode in the Kepler Input Catalog (KIC). We use SDSS griz filters tied to the fundamental temperature scale. Polynomials for griz color-temperature relations are presented, along with correction terms for surface gravity effects, metallicity, and statistical corrections for binary companions or blending. We compare our temperature scale to the published infrared flux method (IRFM) scale for VJKs in both open clusters and the Kepler fields. We find good agreement overall, with some deviations between (J - Ks)-based temperatures from the IRFM and both SDSS filter and other diagnostic IRFM color-temperature relationships above 6000 K. For field dwarfs we find a mean shift towards hotter temperatures relative to the KIC, of order 215 K, in the regime where the IRFM scale is well-defined (4000 K to 6500 K). This change is of comparable magnitude in both color systems and in spectroscopy for stars with Teff below 6000 K. Systematic differences between temperature estimators appear for hotter stars, and we define corrections to put the SDSS temperatures on the IRFM scale for them. When the theoretical dependence on gravity is accounted for we find a similar temperature scale offset between the fundamental and KIC scales for giants. We demonstrate that statistical corrections to color-based temperatures from binaries are significant. Typical errors, mostly from uncertainties in extinction, are of order 100 K. Implications for other applications of the KIC are discussed.Comment: Corrected for sign flip errors in the gravity corrections. Erratum to this paper is attached in Appendix. Full version of revised Table 7 can be found at http://home.ewha.ac.kr/~deokkeun/kic/sdssteff_v2.dat.g

    Managed Bumblebees Outperform Honeybees in Increasing Peach Fruit Set in China: Different Limiting Processes with Different Pollinators

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    © 2015 Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ The file attached is the published version of the article