242 research outputs found

    Does ECG and Arrhythmia Simulation Training in Adjunct to Didactics Improve Medical Students’ Clinical Skills Compared to Didactics Alone?

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    Medical Schools continue to face the challenge of bridging the gap between classroom education and its application in the clinical environment. Several studies have shown utility of incorporating simulation training into a variety of healthcare related topics. We hypothesize that incorporating ECG and arrhythmia simulation training in adjunction to ECG and arrhythmia didactics; it would improve Year-3 medical students’ preparedness for managing arrhythmias in the clinical setting

    Is Engagement Alone Sufficient to Ensure “Active Learning”?

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    “Active Learning” is commonly defined as any instructional method that engages students in the learning process. However, active learning encompasses a broad range of educational methods and its impact on learning outcomes has been variable. In 2015, our IM clerkship redesigned its half-day learning sessions from a largely passive didactic style of lecturing to more active learning approaches. We further revised the curriculum in 2016 to further convert the sessions to primarily case based learning led by a faculty or resident. The goal of our intervention was to increase the Self-Reported Engagement Measure (STOBE) of each didactic session and improve educational outcomes

    A Sounding Rocket Mission Concept to Acquire High-Resolution Radiometric Spectra Spanning the 9 nm - 31 nm Wavelength Range

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    When studying Solar Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) emissions, both single-wavelength, two- dimensional (2D) spectroheliograms and multi-wavelength, one-dimensional (1D) line spectra are important, especially for a thorough understanding of the complex processes in the solar magnetized plasma from the base of the chromosphere through the corona. 2D image data are required for a detailed study of spatial structures, whereas radiometric (i.e., spectral) data provide information on relevant atomic excitation/ionization state densities (and thus temperature). Using both imaging and radiometric techniques, several satellite missions presently study solar dynamics in the EUV, including the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), Hinode, and the Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). The EUV wavelengths of interest typically span 9 nm to 31 nm, with the shorter wavelengths being associated with the hottest features (e.g., intense flares and bright points) and the longer wavelengths associated with cooler features (e.g., coronal holes and filaments). Because the optical components of satellite instruments degrade over time, it is not uncommon to conduct sounding rocket underflights for calibration purposes. The authors have designed a radiometric sounding rocket payload that could serve as both a calibration underflight for and a complementary scientific mission to the upcoming Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) mission aboard the GOES-R satellite (scheduled for a 2015 launch). The challenge to provide quality radiometric line spectra over the 9-31 nm range covered by SUVI was driven by the multilayer coatings required to make the optical components, including mirrors and gratings, reflective over the entire range. Typically, these multilayers provide useful EUV reflectances over bandwidths of a few nm. Our solution to this problem was to employ a three-telescope system in which the optical components were coated with multilayers that spanned three wavelength ranges to cover the three pairs of SUVI bands. The complete system was designed to fit within the Black Brandt-IX 22.-diameter payload skin envelope. The basic optical path is that of a simple parabolic telescope in which EUV light is focused onto a slit and shutter assembly and imaged onto a normal-incidence diffraction grating, which then disperses the light onto a 2048 2048 CCD sensor. The CCD thus records 1D spatial information along one axis and spectral information along the other. The slit spans 40 arc-minutes in length, thus covering a solar diameter out to +/- 1.3 solar radii. Our operations concept includes imaging at three distinct positions: the north-south meridian, the northeast-southwest diagonal, and real-time pointing at an active region. Six 10-second images will be obtained at each position. Fine pointing is provided by the SPARCS-VII attitude control system typically employed on Black Brandt solar missions. Both before and after launch, all three telescopes will be calibrated with the EUV line emission source and monochromater system at NASA's Stray Light Facility at Marshall Spaceflight Center. Details of the payload design, operations concept, and data application will be presented

    “I Would Like to Live a Better Life:” How Young Mothers Experience Entrepreneurship Education in East Africa

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    This paper examines the capabilities, values, and constraints of young mothers participating in a youth entrepreneurship program in Tanzania and Uganda. Entrepreneurship education is an increasingly popular development strategy for vulnerable and out-of-school youth. The ultimate value of these programs rests in the ability of these youth to convert the knowledge and skills they acquire into valued livelihood opportunities. It is therefore important to understand the characteristics, experiences, and needs of the participants, as well as the socio-economic conditions that shape their abilities to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills. Findings from this study suggest young mothers enter the program with more dependents, greater economic vulnerability and more business skills than their peers, and require additional social supports in order to take full advantage of their training opportunities

    DARE: A Reflective Platform Designed to Enable Agile Data-Driven Research on the Cloud

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    The DARE platform has been designed to help research developers deliver user-facing applications and solutions over diverse underlying e-infrastructures, data and computational contexts. The platform is Cloud-ready, and relies on the exposure of APIs, which are suitable for raising the abstraction level and hiding complexity. At its core, the platform implements the cataloguing and execution of fine-grained and Python-based dispel4py workflows as services. Reflection is achieved via a logical knowledge base, comprising multiple internal catalogues, registries and semantics, while it supports persistent and pervasive data provenance. This paper presents design and implementation aspects of the DARE platform, as well as it provides directions for future development.PublishedSan Diego (CA, USA)3IT. Calcolo scientific

    Bodyweight Perceptions among Texas Women: The Effects of Religion, Race/Ethnicity, and Citizenship Status

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    Despite previous work exploring linkages between religious participation and health, little research has looked at the role of religion in affecting bodyweight perceptions. Using the theoretical model developed by Levin et al. (Sociol Q 36(1):157–173, 1995) on the multidimensionality of religious participation, we develop several hypotheses and test them by using data from the 2004 Survey of Texas Adults. We estimate multinomial logistic regression models to determine the relative risk of women perceiving themselves as overweight. Results indicate that religious attendance lowers risk of women perceiving themselves as very overweight. Citizenship status was an important factor for Latinas, with noncitizens being less likely to see themselves as overweight. We also test interaction effects between religion and race. Religious attendance and prayer have a moderating effect among Latina non-citizens so that among these women, attendance and prayer intensify perceptions of feeling less overweight when compared to their white counterparts. Among African American women, the effect of increased church attendance leads to perceptions of being overweight. Prayer is also a correlate of overweight perceptions but only among African American women. We close with a discussion that highlights key implications from our findings, note study limitations, and several promising avenues for future research
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