288 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Alih Fungsi Lahan Sawah terhadap Produksi Padi di Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi-selatan

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    There are uncertain pattern in the development of rice field function alteration tonon-rice field, where the alteration absolutely depends on various factors, such asthe development of office building (both public and privat), housing, roadway, etc.,in any sub-district at Kabupaten Gowa. The wide of field significantly affects on thetotal of rice production, but the in the level of 5%, the influence of function alterationof rice field to non-rice field statistically was not significant

    Melihat Tingkat Efisiensi Bus di Indonesia dengan Metode DEA

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    Tingkat efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) dan BankUmum Konvensional (BUK) di Indonesia dengan mengambil studikasus 5 BUS dan 5 BUK di Indonesia dengan total sampel 10 bank.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Multi StageDEA. Tahap pertama mengukur tingkat efisiensi BUS dan BUKdengan menggunakan DEA. Tahap kedua membandingkan tingkatefisiensi BUS dengan BUK.Hasil penghitungan DEA menunjukkan, efisiensi Variable Returnto Scale (VRS) efisiensi BUS mencapai 100%, sementara dariConstant Return to Scale (CRS) dan skala mengalami fluktuasi.Sementara BUK juga memiliki nilai rata-rata efisiensi yangfluktuatif selama periode amatan dari tiga bentuk efisiensi. Darihasil penelitian ini efisiensi BUS relatif lebih baik secara CRSmaupun VRS, tetapi secara skala BUK lebih stabil dan lebih efisiendibanding BUS

    Posisi Pegadaian Syariah di Indonesia Berdasarkan Fatwa Dsn-mui Nomor 25 dan 26 Tahun 2002

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    The following article is a research on fatwa National Shariah Council - MUI No. 25 and No. 26 of 2002 as the operational basis of Sharia in Indonesia. From pawnshops this study found that the Fatwa Council of the National Shariah-MUI No. 25 and No. 26 technical bedasarkan determination formulated a fatwa that has been set by the MUI, the review conducted by the Executive Board of the National Shariah Council (BPH-DSN), the result is revealed that fatwa draft form, and then taken in a plenary session of the National Shariah Governing Council to then decide National Fatwa Council to Shariah. Economic realities of conducted by the Executive Board of the National Shariah Council (BPH-DSN), the result is revealed that fatwa draft form, and then taken in a plenary session of the National Shariah Governing Council to then decide National Fatwa Council to Shariah. Economic realities of society in such a way that demands a lot of different choices of economic services from conventional economic services; community hoping there is certainty of Sharia-based services, particularly in society in such a way that demands a lot of different choices of economic services from conventional economic services; community hoping there is certainty of Sharia-based services, particularly in terms of mortgage, and also a request to the Council of Indonesian Ulama Fatwa by conventional terms of mortgage, and also a request to the Council of Indonesian Ulama Fatwa by conventional economic institutions on economic services that embraces the principles of Sharia. economic institutions on economic services that embraces the principles of Sharia

    Bom Bunuh Diri Menurut Hukum Islam

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    This study aims to determine suicide bombings according to Islamic law. What are the opinions, arguments, analyses and assessments of scholars regarding the suicide bombing law. The purpose of this study is to find out what are the motives of suicide bombers, whether the suicide bombing is included in the terrorism activities or can be categorized as jihad fi sabilillah, and what conditions cause the ability to carry out suicide bombings. This research method is library research, namely by examining or reviewing books or literature and writings related to the problem being studied with a descriptive and comparative approach (presenting data or opinions of scholars and comparing the data obtained then conclusions are drawn looking for similarities, differences and opinions which are most considered strong). The result of this study is that suicide bombings are justified by Islam where in the area there is a war between Muslims and infidels who try to occupy Islamic territory and drive its inhabitants from their land and homes. Suicide bombings under these circumstances are acts of resistance and fall into the category of jihad, because Muslims carry out these actions in order to protect the religion and soul that Allah is obliged to guard it

    Peningkatan Peran Posyandu Partisipatif melalui Pendampingan dan Pelatihan Upaya Pemantauan Pertumbuhan dan Masalah Gizi Balita di Bone, Sulawesi Selatan

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    The existence of posyandu (integrated health post) in supporting health program, particularly in mother and child health, has not been as expected due to low community participation in planning, managing, and implementingposyandu programs. The present research is aimed at improving community participation in posyandu programs, especially in monitoring children growth and development as well as nutrition problems through assistantship and learning organization (LO) training. A quasi experimental method (prepost test treatment-control design) was employed to compare the assisted and trained posyandu with the control (unassisted and untrained) posyandu using Chi Square and McNemar tests. The results show that assistantship and LO training influenced the posyandu, particularly to the health volunteers performance. However, the number of health volunteers listed in the posyandu, children\u27s mother, and immunization service were not influenced. It is concluded that participative posyandu significantly support the children growth and development surveillance

    Pemilihan Model Regresi Linier Multivariat Terbaik Dengan Kriteria Mean Square Error

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    Regresi linier multivariat merupakan salah satu metode analisis regresi yang melibatkan lebih dari satu variabel respon, dengan model regresinya adalah . Penggunaan banyak variabel dalam analisis regresi linier multivariat dapat menjadi hal yang menyulitkan untuk menentukan besarnya pengaruh variabel prediktor terhadap variabel respon. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penyeleksian variabel guna mendapatkan model regresi terbaik. Prosedur seleksi variabel dengan kriteria Mean Square Error (MSE) merupakan suatu metode untuk mendapatkan model terbaik dengan cara mencari model yang memiliki nilai MSE terkecil dari seluruh model yang mungki

    Konsep dan Isu Gender dalam Islam

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep dan isu gender dalam islam, dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif penulis akan mendeskripsikan perbincangan dalam konsep gender yang terdapat dua isu utama. Isu yang pertama tentang ketimpangan gender dan isu yang kedua tentang kesetaraan gender. Penyebab terjadinya ketimpangan dan diskriminasi terhadap wanita ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor antara lain: bahwa konsep ini dianggap doktrin ajaran keagamaan, faktor budaya patriarki, amalan budaya masyarakat dan faktor hegemoni negara. Namun islam sebagai Rahmatan lil „alamin telah membawa kaum wanita kepada tempat yang sangat mulia sehingga wanita sama dalam bentuk ketaqwaan dan nilai ibadah di sisi Allah, walaupun terdapat beberapa perbedaan diantara laki-laki dan perempuan bukanlah atas faktor diskriminaisi akan tetapi suatu kemuliaan dan bersifat adil yang bermaksud menempatkan sesuatu pada tempatnya

    Revolusi Pendidikan SMP di Kota Makassar

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan kinerja SMP tentang revolusi pendidikan. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan data deskriftif serta data kualitatif dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan ke responden. Data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui angket dengan skala likern. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja sekolah menegah pertama di Kota Makassar rerata 2,92. Ini menunjukkan masih kategori cuku smart. Secara kualitatif ditemukan beberapa indikator dari 18 revolusi pendidikan yang sudah bagus dan sebagian dikategorikan masih kurang. Dengan demikian, diharapkan yang masih kurang dapat mendapatkan perhatian khusus agr program revolusi pendidikan di Kota Makassar dapat terlaksana secara komprehensif. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, dikaji dan dikembangkan 18 standar penilaian dengan skala sangat smart, smart, kurang smart, dan tidak smart terhadap program revolusi pendidikan. Model penilaian tersebut menjadi acuan untuk mengimplementasikan program tersebut secara efektif dan efiesen

    Studi Tentang Kesesuaian antara Asupan dengan Kebutuhan Zat Gizi Makro Warga Binaan Wanita di Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas I Makassar

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    One of the activity in Rumah Tahanan is food serving which is basic and main daily needs of its residents that is important to be given at certain quality and quantity in order to ensure good nutrition as well as good health. The food menu problem of Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas I Makassar shows that food served is not enough of energy consumptions needs and the other nutrients. The purpose of this study is to identify the condsumptions and nutrients needs of women residents in Rumah Ta-hanan Negara Klas I Makassar. The type of this research is descriptive type. The population of this research are registered women residents of Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas I Makassar. Research samples are 72 people through total sampling. Instruments used are patient identity formula and 24 hours Recall formula. All data are being ma-nipulated using Menu A programme and Nutri Survey and also SPSS programme for Version 15.0 Windows. This research conclude that intake which less than require-ment of energi 55 people (76,4%), protein 68 people (94,4%), fat 39 people (54,2%), and carbohydrate 52 people (72,2%). In this case, most consumptions are not ideal to macro nutrients needs. So,it is suggested to Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas I Makassar that to be more focusing on variable and nutritious food menu to reach ideal nutrition status of each resident. Key Words : Macro-nutrient Intake, Nutritional Status, The Resident Female Targe
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