2,375 research outputs found


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    This research to describe the process of creating, feasibility and practicality of Google Slides Add-on Pear-Deck based presentation media on sequence and series SMA material. This research uses the 4-D development research method. The results of media validation by experts obtained an average of 93.3% with "good" criteria. The results of validation of the response questionnaire by experts were 90% with "good" criteria. Before the trial, the media was revised again according to comments and suggestions from the Validator. The test results obtained were an average of 80.178% with "good" criteria. Apart from that, this research also contains the flow of using presentation media based on the Google Slides Add-on Pear-Deck. The research results show that using the Google Slides Add-on Pear-Deck media is practical and feasible to use. The research results show that the Google Slides Add-on Pear-Deck media really helps students and teachers in learning both online and face-to-face. So, it can be concluded that "the Google Slides Add-on Pear-Deck media is very good and suitable for learning in the current digital era.

    Editorial: new challenges In theory and practice of corporate governance

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    The aim of international conference “New Challenges in Corporate Governance: Theory And Practice” is to move the field closer to a global theory by advancing our understanding of corporate governance, which combines insights from the literature on firm governance bundles with insights from the national governance systems literature, investigating new perspectives and challenges for corporate governance and outlining possible scenarios of its development

    Evaluation of the effect of irrigation on biometric growth, physiological response and essential oil of Mentha spicata (L.)

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    A field experiment was performed on spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) under different irrigation regimes in a hilly area of Southern Italy. Objectives of the study include evaluating the physiological and biometrical response of mint from plant establishment up to its complete maturation, as well as the yield composition in essential oil at two different dates. Increasing levels of water stress affected later developing leaves and plant’s water status and net photosynthesis (from the beginning of stress (DAT 63), while affecting negatively the biometric response very soon and significantly from 35 DAT. Photosynthesis limitation played a critical role from DAT 53 on, namely later, in the harvest period (DAT 35–70). Under severe water stress, crop restricted water losses by modulating stomatal closure and, at harvest, showing lowered mesophyll conductance. Irrigation treatments did not affect the concentration of organic compounds, while the yield of essential oils was negatively affected by water stress due to reduced crop growth, in terms of total and leaf biomass, leaf area index (LAI) and crop heightinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Letters: Outgoing (1990-1994): Correspondence 03

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    Landowner Liability Under CERCLA: Is Innocence a Defense?

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    Landowner Liability Under CERCLA: Is Innocence a Defense?

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    Retorika dakwah KH Syukron Djazilan pada pengajian rutin masjid Rahmat Kembang Kuning Surabaya

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    This paper describes the da'wah rhetoric delivered by KH Syukron Djazilan through regular recitations. By knowing the preaching rhetoric of KH Syukron Djazilan as a topic of discussion, an overview of his preaching rhetoric application is expected to got, especially in routine recitations. In addition, the da'wah rhetoric presented by KH Syukron Djazilan can be used as a comparison material to the da'wah development for novice preachers. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis based on the canon of rhetoric theory. The data collection techniques are conducted by observation and documentation through interviews. Observation by observing the preaching rhetoric of KH Syukron Djazilan in one of the themes presented in routine recitations at the Rahmat Kembang Kuning Mosque in Surabaya. The results of this research show that KH Syukron Djazilan has applied the canons of rhetoric in preaching (discovery, arrangement, style, delivery, and memory). However, KH Syukron Djazilan has prepared everything. He is also fluent in speaking and used it frequently, sometimes repeating his words when giving a religious lecture and it is fair-minded. This research have implicaiton that rhetoric in preaching is a must. It will be better includes unique public speaking skill (humorous) to gain the attention.***Tulisan ini menjelaskan retorika dakwah yang disampaikan oleh KH Syukron Djazilan melalui pengajian rutinan. Dengan mengetahui retorika dakwah KH Syukron Djazilan pada salah satu topik pembahasan, diharapkan akan memperoleh gambaran tentang penerapan retorika dakwah beliau khususnya pada pengajian rutinan. Di samping itu, retorika dakwah yang disajikan oleh KH Syukron Djazilan dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan perbandingan bagi pengembangan dakwah untuk para pendakwah pemula. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif berdasarkan teori kanon retorika. Adapun teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi dan dokumentasi serta wawancara. Observasi dengan cara mengamati retorika dakwah KH Syukron Djazilan dalam salah satu tema yang disampaikan dalam pengajian rutin di Masjid Rahmat Kembang Kuning Surabaya. Hasil riset ini menunjukkan bahwa KH Syukron Djazilan telah menerapkan kanon retorika dalam berdakwah yaitu (penemuan, pengaturan, gaya, penyampaian, dan ingatan). Namun demikian, KH Syukron Djazilan sudah menyiapkan segala sesuatunya, dan juga sudah lancar berbicara dan terbiasa, ada kalanya mengulangi ucapan ketika berceramah, dan hal tersebut merupakan yang wajar saja. Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi bahwa retorika dakwah itu perlu, akan lebih baik ketika disertai keahlian berbicara di depan umum yang unik (humoris) untuk menarik perhatian
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