11 research outputs found

    Situational analysis of the subjective well-being of university software developers in Puebla

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    Integral well-being is vital for the optimal functioning of people. The requirements for a software developer in the performance of their professional activity are varied and complex. These requirements range from working in multidisciplinary and multilingual teams, going through the challenge of technological advances of the discipline to commit to quality and innovation. To face these demands, it is essential that the developers have an optimal functioning, where the experience emotional and satisfaction with life play an important role. The objective of this article is to analyze the subjective well-being of university software developers in Puebla. The research is a quantitative cross-correlation study to identify statistically significant relationships between the different welfare variables. The study involved 47 university software developers from the city of Puebla. We use Pearson's multivariate correlation to validate the instruments and find relationships between variables, and Chi-squared statistics to calculate the dependency between them. The results reveal that the university software developers experience with higher incidence and intensity, the positive affections over the negatives. The affective balance (Net Affect), calculated as the difference of the weighted averages by duration between positive affective states and negative, was positive (mean = 1.31). "Concentrated" is the positive affective state with the highest incidence and with the highest reported intensity. "Tired" is the most experienced negative affect and highest in intensity. Developers spend 40% of their time experiencing negative affective states (U-index) and are moderately satisfied with their lives in general

    "Bioadsorption of silver ions by calcareous chitin, chitin and chitosan"

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    "Context: Calcareous chitin, chitin, chitosan, and their modifications are used as bioadsorbents of metals and dyes that cause environmental pollution, endocrine disruption, and human diseases. Aims: To evaluate the selective bioadsorption of silver ions (Ag+ ) by calcareous chitin, chitin, and chitosan. Methods: Experimental and prospective study. The presence of functional groups of the bioadsorbents was identified by Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), 1H-NMR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Langmuir, Freundlich, and Elovich models were applied to describe the adsorption capacity of bioadsorbents according to granule size (20-40, 40-60, 60-80 meshes) and temperature (10, 20, and 30°C). Results: The FT-IR spectrum of calcareous chitin indicates the presence of carbonate (CO3 = 1420 cm-1 ), amide III (1313 cm-1 ), –OH groups (3441.90 cm-1 ), and pyranose structure (952.83 cm-1 ); chitin has –OH groups (3441.90 cm-1 ), NH (3268 cm-1 ), amide I (1654 cm-1 ) and II (1559 cm-1 ); chitosan has –OH groups (3419.90 cm-1 ), –NH (3200 cm-1 ), amide I (1712.18 cm-1 ), –NH2 (1654.46 cm-1 ), amide III (1317.11 cm-1 ) and pyranose structure (1070.12 cm-1 and 1031 cm-1 ). The Langmuir model indicates greater bioadsorption of Ag+ ions at smaller particle sizes (60-80 = 0.25-0.18 mm) and at a temperature of 20-30°C. Conclusions: The bioadsorption of silver ions (Ag+ ) by chitosan is greater with respect to calcareous chitin and chitin; the Langmuir model fits for the Ag+ isotherm and suggests that the process is controlled by physisorption.

    Aportes de los marcadores bioquímicos para el establecimiento de los protocolos en el diagnóstico de sepsis neonatal en el sistema hospitalario docente de la Universidad de Guayaquil

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    Sepsis is a clinical syndrome that reflects an uncontrolled systemic inflammatory response to infection .Include the presence of an infectious agent and at least some of the signs of systemic inflammatory response, such as altered thermoregulation and changes in heart and respiratory rate are usually initially undetectable. When the systemic inflammatory response remains and worsens the patient developed multiple organ dysfunction, with varying degrees of shock, followed eventually by death. The issue of the application of biochemical markers in the laboratory in the detection of neonatal sepsis in the Neonatal Intensive Care hospital centers, is of great importance to the severe infection in which infants children are exposed to the first hours of life, because in some cases the death of these patients are not properly diagnosed, much less medicated by the specialist can come to occur. Which does not have a detailed, in order to face the bacteria that is causing the sepsis clinical analysis, research on bibliographic, descriptive , retrospective way , and transverse profiles laboratory results of neonatal patients who for various reasons are assisted in the intensive care unit of the Hospital System Professor of the University of Guayaquil, for that blood samples from different patients were obtained. The objective was to describe the methodology used for the diagnosis and management of this event , the steps of a suspected outbreak in these services , as rising infant morbidity and mortality were described. This method allowed the confirmation of the diagnosis and thus achieve a better quality of life , using methods of biochemical and hematological tests , with the help of reagents and laboratory equipment tips to get specific results with a high degree of sensitivity that allows provide security at the time of diagnosis by the specialist . The sample will consist of all infants cared for in the intensive care unit of the hospital, to carry out this process, a universe comprised of neonatal patients of male and female sexes, obtaining these data will be used the proposal will organize lab protocols hematological, bacteriological, and biochemical to maximize results that provide a quick and timely detection, the benefit of the infant who has severe maternal intra or extra- maternal infection , as well as nosocomial infection.Las enfermedades infecciosas son causas muy importantes de morbilidad y mortalidad en el período neonatal. La Sepsis, es considerada como una de las condiciones que amenazan la mayor parte de este período. La Sepsis es un síndrome clínico que refleja una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica descontrolada ante una infección. Incluye la presencia de un agente infeccioso y al menos algunos de los signos de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, como alteraciones de la regulación térmica y cambios en la frecuencia cardíaca y respiratoria que suelen ser inicialmente imperceptibles. Cuando la respuesta inflamatoria sistémica se mantiene y agrava el paciente desarrollará disfunción orgánica múltiple, con diferentes grados de shock, seguidos eventualmente por la muerte. La problemática de la aplicación de los marcadores bioquímicos en el laboratorio en la detección de la sepsis neonatal en la unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal de Centros Hospitalarios, es de gran importancia ante la severa infección en la que los neonatos niños y niñas, están expuestos en las primeras horas de vida, ya que en algunos casos puede llegar a producirse el deceso de dichos pacientes que no está debidamente diagnosticado, ni mucho menos medicado por parte del especialista. El cual no cuenta con un análisis clínico detallado, para poder enfrentar la bacteria que esté ocasionando la sepsis; la investigación realizada de manera bibliográfica, descriptiva, retrospectivo, y transversal, fichas de resultados de laboratorio, de los pacientes neonatos que por distintas causas son asistidos en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Sistema Hospitalario Docente de la Universidad de Guayaquil, para ello se obtendrán las muestras de sangre de los diferentes pacientes. El objetivo fue describir la metodología empleada para el diagnóstico y control de este evento, se describieron los pasos a seguir ante la sospecha de un brote en estos servicios, pues eleva la morbilidad y mortalidad infantil. Este método permitió la confirmación de los diagnósticos y con ello logren una mejor calidad de vida, utilizando métodos de ensayos bioquímicos y hematológicos, con la ayuda de reactivos y equipos de punta de laboratorio, para obtener resultados específicos con un alto grado de sensibilidad que permita brindar seguridad al momento de diagnosticar por parte del especialista. La muestra estará conformada por todos los neonatos asistidos en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del hospital, para llevar a cabo este proceso se utilizará una universo conformado por pacientes neonatos de los sexos masculinos y femeninos, de la obtención de estos datos se hará la propuesta de organizar los protocolos de laboratorio de pruebas hematológicas, bacteriológicas, y bioquímicas para maximizar los resultados que ofrezcan una detección rápida y oportuna, en beneficio del neonato que presenta una grave infección intramaterna o extramaterna, así como también infección nosocomial

    Evaluación de la contaminación físico-química y microbiológica de aguas del estero salado

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    El presente trabajo de investigación comprende de un estudio concreto de evaluación de los niveles de contaminación de las aguas del Estero Salado ubicados en el puente Gómez Rendón, cantón Guayaquil, provincia del Guayas, cuyo objetivo fue determinar la contaminación físico-química y microbiológica de las aguas del Estero Salado, sector Sur-Oeste, de la ciudad de Guayaquil-Ecuador, utilizando procedimientos instrumentales de laboratorios emprendiendo acciones de educación y prevención ambiental. Para llevar a cabo nuestra investigación muestreamos tres puntos localizados dentro del área del puente, para su análisis en el laboratorio, realizando un total de tres monitoreos en el periodo comprendido del mes de Junio al mes de Agosto del año 2017. Los resultados obtenidos mediante procedimientos instrumentales de laboratorio indicaron valores ligeramente por encima del límite máximo permitido por el TULSMA en algunos de los parámetros analizados, como la dureza, sólidos disueltos totales, conductividad, cloruros, sulfato, hierro, Coliformes totales, mientras que, para el pH, color, sabor y manganeso y otros, los valores estuvieron dentro de los estándares establecidos por esta norma. Y por lo tanto se concluye que las aguas del Estero Salado del sector analizadas no están gravemente contaminadas y por lo tanto son de aceptable calidad para la flora y fauna. Finalmente se determinó que el punto N° 3 correspondiente al extremo del puente es el que presentan ligera contaminación. Se recomienda a las autoridades competentes establecer y ejecutar campañas de saneamientos básicos, planes de monitoreos y remediación

    Adaptive Control for Narrow Bandwidth Input and Output Disturbance Rejection for a Non-Isothermal CSTR System

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    This paper presents an adaptive control scheme to face the challenge of rejecting input and output disturbances. The research is put on a layer of the design and start-up of chemical plants. The emphasis is on handling disturbances appearing in a narrow band of frequencies, which illustrates standard forms of disturbances in the alluded kind of systems. The controller is made up of a central RS structure that stabilizes the closed-loop plant. A second layer boosts the control law performance by adding the Youla–Kucera (YK) filter or Q parametrization and taking advantage of the internal model principle (IMP). This practice aids in modeling unknown disturbances with online control adjustment. We probe the resultant compensator for three non-isothermal continuous stirred tank reactors connected in series. The plant should conduct a first-order exothermic reaction consuming reactant A, while an isothermal operation stays and the outlet concentration is close to its nominal value. The primary concerns are open-loop instability and steady-state multiplicity in the plant’s first unit. The control objective is to reject input and output disturbances in a band of frequencies of 0.0002Hz to 0.007Hz, whether there are variants or not in time. We test the controller with input signals depicting both variations in the auxiliary services and abrupt changes. We then compare the executions of the resultant control law with a model-based predictive control (MPC). We find comparable responses to multiple disturbances. However, the adaptive control offers an effortless control input. We also conclude that the adaptive controller responds well to reference changes, while the MPC fails due to input constraints

    Giant congenital facial hemangiopericytoma. Myofibromatosis variation

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    Hemangiopericytomas (HPCs) are rare soft-tissue tumors, their presence on the head is rare. We describe the treatment for this tumor with the intention of contributing to the knowledge of the pathology, which was resolved by surgery. This tumor was detected on the infant's temporomalar region in utero through ultrasonography of the a 38-year-old primigravida mother. Cesarean section was programmed for week 37, and the newborn was a single alive male, orotracheal intubation was performed. The physical examination revealed a 10 × 8x5 cm broad base tumor on the right side of his face. Histopathological findings indicated infantile facial hemangiopericytoma, myofibromatosis variant. A tracheostomy was performed, compressing the mass obstructing the airways, and ensuring ventilation. This pathology was resolved by surgery. Sixteen months after surgery, the child evolved adequately without tumor relapse data. In this research, we observed de following risk factor for the mother age, place of birth and UTI during the 6th month of pregnancy. These tumors rarely occur, and must be diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound. The treatment involved surgical excision which its important found cleavage plane, for complete resection. Although prognosis is relatively favorable in this type of infantile tumors, a painstaking follow-up is recommendable

    Optimized In Vitro Production of Plasmodium vivax Ookinetes

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    Previous reports have described obtaining mature Plasmodium vivax ookinetes in vitro using blood from infected patients using a simplified, field-based protocol. Here, we report protocols that produce improved P. vivax ookinete yields and morphological development. Optimal conditions included induction of gametogenesis using 10 mM Tris, 170 mM NaCl, 10 mM glucose, 25 mM NaHCO3, and 100 μM xanthurenic acid for 90 minutes at pH 8.0–8.2, followed by culture in RPMI-1640, 50 mg/mL hypoxanthine, 25 mM HEPES, 29 mM NaHCO3, 2 mM L-glutamine, and 20% fetal bovine serum at pH 8.4 for 36 hours. Ookinetes were produced in 86% (18/21) of optimized in vitro cultures; yields ranged from 6.5 × 104 to 2.8 × 106; percent gametocyte conversion ranged from 1.4% to 4.7%. This improved method is suitable for preparation of P. vivax ookinetes in quantities sufficient for biochemical, molecular, and cell biological analysis where basic laboratory facilities are in proximity to patients with vivax malaria

    Odanacatib for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis : Results of the LOFT multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial and LOFT Extension study

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    Background Odanacatib, a cathepsin K inhibitor, reduces bone resorption while maintaining bone formation. Previous work has shown that odanacatib increases bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with low bone mass. We aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of odanacatib to reduce fracture risk in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Methods The Long-term Odanacatib Fracture Trial (LOFT) was a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, event-driven study at 388 outpatient clinics in 40 countries. Eligible participants were women aged at least 65 years who were postmenopausal for 5 years or more, with a femoral neck or total hip bone mineral density T-score between −2·5 and −4·0 if no previous radiographic vertebral fracture, or between −1·5 and −4·0 with a previous vertebral fracture. Women with a previous hip fracture, more than one vertebral fracture, or a T-score of less than −4·0 at the total hip or femoral neck were not eligible unless they were unable or unwilling to use approved osteoporosis treatment. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1) to either oral odanacatib (50 mg once per week) or matching placebo. Randomisation was done using an interactive voice recognition system after stratification for previous radiographic vertebral fracture, and treatment was masked to study participants, investigators and their staff, and sponsor personnel. If the study completed before 5 years of double-blind treatment, consenting participants could enrol in a double-blind extension study (LOFT Extension), continuing their original treatment assignment for up to 5 years from randomisation. Primary endpoints were incidence of vertebral fractures as assessed using radiographs collected at baseline, 6 and 12 months, yearly, and at final study visit in participants for whom evaluable radiograph images were available at baseline and at least one other timepoint, and hip and non-vertebral fractures adjudicated as being a result of osteoporosis as assessed by clinical history and radiograph. Safety was assessed in participants who received at least one dose of study drug. The adjudicated cardiovascular safety endpoints were a composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke, and new-onset atrial fibrillation or flutter. Individual cardiovascular endpoints and death were also assessed. LOFT and LOFT Extension are registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (number NCT00529373) and the European Clinical Trials Database (EudraCT number 2007-002693-66). Findings Between Sept 14, 2007, and Nov 17, 2009, we randomly assigned 16 071 evaluable patients to treatment: 8043 to odanacatib and 8028 to placebo. After a median follow-up of 36·5 months (IQR 34·43–40·15) 4297 women assigned to odanacatib and 3960 assigned to placebo enrolled in LOFT Extension (total median follow-up 47·6 months, IQR 35·45–60·06). In LOFT, cumulative incidence of primary outcomes for odanacatib versus placebo were: radiographic vertebral fractures 3·7% (251/6770) versus 7·8% (542/6910), hazard ratio (HR) 0·46, 95% CI 0·40–0·53; hip fractures 0·8% (65/8043) versus 1·6% (125/8028), 0·53, 0·39–0·71; non-vertebral fractures 5·1% (412/8043) versus 6·7% (541/8028), 0·77, 0·68–0·87; all p<0·0001. Combined results from LOFT plus LOFT Extension for cumulative incidence of primary outcomes for odanacatib versus placebo were: radiographic vertebral fractures 4·9% (341/6909) versus 9·6% (675/7011), HR 0·48, 95% CI 0·42–0·55; hip fractures 1·1% (86/8043) versus 2·0% (162/8028), 0·52, 0·40–0·67; non-vertebral fractures 6·4% (512/8043) versus 8·4% (675/8028), 0·74, 0·66–0·83; all p<0·0001. In LOFT, the composite cardiovascular endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke occurred in 273 (3·4%) of 8043 patients in the odanacatib group versus 245 (3·1%) of 8028 in the placebo group (HR 1·12, 95% CI 0·95–1·34; p=0·18). New-onset atrial fibrillation or flutter occurred in 112 (1·4%) of 8043 patients in the odanacatib group versus 96 (1·2%) of 8028 in the placebo group (HR 1·18, 0·90–1·55; p=0·24). Odanacatib was associated with an increased risk of stroke (1·7% [136/8043] vs 1·3% [104/8028], HR 1·32, 1·02–1·70; p=0·034), but not myocardial infarction (0·7% [60/8043] vs 0·9% [74/8028], HR 0·82, 0·58–1·15; p=0·26). The HR for all-cause mortality was 1·13 (5·0% [401/8043] vs 4·4% [356/8028], 0·98–1·30; p=0·10). When data from LOFT Extension were included, the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke occurred in significantly more patients in the odanacatib group than in the placebo group (401 [5·0%] of 8043 vs 343 [4·3%] of 8028, HR 1·17, 1·02–1·36; p=0·029, as did stroke (2·3% [187/8043] vs 1·7% [137/8028], HR 1·37, 1·10–1·71; p=0·0051). Interpretation Odanacatib reduced the risk of fracture, but was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events, specifically stroke, in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Based on the overall balance between benefit and risk, the study's sponsor decided that they would no longer pursue development of odanacatib for treatment of osteoporosis