44 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Active Control of Booming Noise Inside a Vehicle Caused by the Engine and the Driveline

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    This study presents comprehensive active cancellation of booming noise caused by the engine and the driveline inside a passenger car. In modern noise control systems for vehicles, booming noise caused by engine harmonics could be effectively suppressed by employing active noise control. However, practical attempts or studies for the active suppression of driveline booming noise are scarce. One of the reasons may be that since the booming noise caused by the driveline is not harmonic with the engine speed, reference signals cannot be generated conventionally. Thus, passive approaches are generally employed to improve the driveline noise. To address this limitation, we propose a method for generating reference signals from engine revolution speed to suppress the driveline noise, such as propeller shaft and tire noise. Reference signals for driveline noise suppression were generated using the information from the torque converter, gear ratio, and final drive ratio. A practical active noise control system was implemented in a six-cylindered large sedan to validate the proposed method. The experimental results showed that the engine firing order was suppressed by 8.0 dB. Moreover, the first order of the propeller shaft and the second and third orders of the tires were suppressed by 5.5 dB, 3.9 dB, and 2.3 dB for entire seat positions. Furthermore, the results presented in this study were considered effective for improving annoyance perception through subjective evaluation

    A Complementary Effect in Active Control of Powertrain and Road Noise in the Vehicle Interior

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    This study shows that a concurrent active noise control strategy for engine harmonics and road noise has a complementary effect. In particular, we found that engine booming noise is additionally attenuated when road noise control is concurrently used with engine harmonics control; an additional attenuation of 2.08 dB and 1.25 dB for the C1.5 and C2.0 orders, respectively, was achieved. A parallel multichannel feedforward controller for non-stationary narrowband engine harmonics and broadband road noise was designed and implemented to reduce noise in all four seats. Two control signals were considered independent because the reference signals, engine revolution speed for the engine harmonic controller, and acceleration signal for the road noise controller are uncorrelated. However, if the reference sensor for the road noise controller is installed along the overlapping transfer path between the engine noise and road noise, the engine noise may also be suppressed by the control signal for the road noise attenuation. Based on transfer path analyses for both engine harmonics and road noise, the optimal positions for the reference sensors were selected. In addition, we identified several overlapping transfer paths between the engine booming noise and road noise. A practical active noise control system combined with a remote microphone technique was implemented for a large six-cylinder sedan using a vehicle audio system to evaluate the noise attenuation performance. The experiments showed that the interior noise from the engine and road excitation was effectively suppressed by the proposed concurrent control strategy.

    Graphene-based wearable temperature sensors: A review

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    The paper presents a comprehensive review of the use of graphene to develop wearable temperature sensors. The detection of temperature over a wide range has been a growing interest in multidisciplinary sectors in the sensing world. Different kinds of flexible temperature sensors have been fabricated with a range of polymers and nanomaterials. With the additional attribute of wearable nature, these temperature sensors are used ubiquitously to determine the effect of physiochemical variations happening in the environment of the chosen biomedical and industrial applications. Graphene, owing to its exceptional electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties, has been extensively used for the development of wearable temperature sensors. The prototypes have been deployed with certain wireless communication protocols to transfer the experimental data obtained under both controlled environments and real-time scenarios. This paper underlines some of the significant works done on the use of graphene to fabricate and implement wearable temperature sensors, along with the possible remedial steps that can be considered to deal with the challenges existing in the current literature

    The Evaluation of Conventional, Electric and Hybrid Electric Passenger Car Pass-By Noise Annoyance Using Psychoacoustical Properties

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    Road traffic noise is one of the most prominent sources of urban noise pollution. Recently, as a result of the electrification of vehicles, lower noise levels are expected in urban areas at speeds below 50 km/h. The commonly used physical descriptor, the A-weighted sound pressure level, does not sufficiently characterize the perceived annoyance of either combustion engine or electric passenger car pass-by noises. Psychoacoustical descriptors are advantageous for characterization purposes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perceived annoyance caused by the noise from internal combustion engine, electric, and hybrid passenger cars using psychoacoustical properties. To achieve this objective, the following steps were conducted. First, the binaurally recorded sounds of 40 cars from different brands with different motorization were presented to the subjects who indicated the intensity of their perceived annoyance on a quasi-continuous scale. Second, the signal and psychoacoustical properties of the recorded sounds were analyzed. Third, a new annoyance index was developed, based on annoyance judgments and signal and psychoacoustical properties, to characterize the annoyance caused by pass-by noises. One of the novel aspects of this study is the consideration of not only the pass-by sounds of the internal combustion engine passenger cars, but also the pass-by sounds of hybrid and electric passenger cars. An acceleration from idle to a target speed of 50 km/h was selected as a traffic pass-by situation, which differs from those considered in previous studies. The results of the study show that psychoacoustical properties, such as loudness, tonality, roughness, and fluctuation strength, are very useful to characterize the annoyance perception, which is caused by single passenger car pass-by sounds in the above mentioned traffic situation. The developed index, which is a weighted combination of chosen psychoacoustical properties, can be very useful for traffic planning and traffic noise prevention measures

    Influence of Seat Vibration Frequency on Total Annoyance and Interaction Effects Caused by Simultaneous Noise and Seat Vibrations in Commercial Vehicles

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    In vehicles, noise and seat vibrations can be perceived by the driver, depending on their signal properties, as annoying or unpleasant. Because perception is a complex process, it is necessary to consider both types of stimuli at the same time to assess annoyance in such situations. A perception experiment was carried out to investigate the interaction between simultaneous noise and seat vibrations, as well as the influence of seat vibration frequency in vehicle situations. For the experiment, acoustic and optical stimuli such as seat vibrations were recorded in a mini excavator and a refuse collection vehicle from the view of the driver. The recordings were prepared for plausible reproduction in a laboratory experiment. The participants of the experiment were presented with two different vehicle scenes with simultaneous noise, seat vibrations and visuals. The average total levels of vibration and noise, as well as the vibration frequency ranges of the various vehicle scenes, were varied. The results suggest that an interaction effect between noise and vibration should be accounted for when assessing total annoyance in such situations. Models for the prediction of the relative total annoyance causes of variations in noise and vibration levels were developed

    Frequency Masking Effects for Vertical Whole-Body Vibration for Seated Subjects

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    Masking occurs when the perception of a stimulus is affected or covered by the presence of another signal in close proximity either in time or frequency. This study investigated frequency masking effects across a wide frequency range for whole-body vibration (WBV). The hypothesis that masking effects for WBV might be caused by sub-channels within the Pacinian channel was explored in two experiments. One experiment explored the masking effects of narrow band noise (NBN) on the perception threshold of sinusoidal vibrations; another explored the effect of different widths of NBN on the shift of the perception threshold for vertical vibration of seated subjects. The results show distinct masking effects for WBV based on frequency, albeit they do not support the existence of sub-channels within the Pacinian channel. Neither the typical masking effects associated with critical bands nor threshold shifts dependent on the bandwidth of the narrow band noise can be shown. Thus, the hypothesis does not appear to hold for WBV, but frequency masking must be considered for future studies and tactile applications